home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- package ExtUtils::MM_OS2;
- #use Config;
- #use Cwd;
- #use File::Basename;
- require Exporter;
- Exporter::import('ExtUtils::MakeMaker',
- qw( $Verbose &neatvalue));
- unshift @MM::ISA, 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2';
- sub dlsyms {
- my($self,%attribs) = @_;
- my($funcs) = $attribs{DL_FUNCS} || $self->{DL_FUNCS} || {};
- my($vars) = $attribs{DL_VARS} || $self->{DL_VARS} || [];
- my($funclist) = $attribs{FUNCLIST} || $self->{FUNCLIST} || [];
- my($imports) = $attribs{IMPORTS} || $self->{IMPORTS} || {};
- my(@m);
- (my $boot = $self->{NAME}) =~ s/:/_/g;
- if (not $self->{SKIPHASH}{'dynamic'}) {
- push(@m,"
- $self->{BASEEXT}.def: Makefile.PL
- ",
- ' $(PERL) "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" -e \'use ExtUtils::Mksymlists; \\
- Mksymlists("NAME" => "$(NAME)", "DLBASE" => "$(DLBASE)", ',
- '"VERSION" => "$(VERSION)", "DISTNAME" => "$(DISTNAME)", ',
- '"DL_FUNCS" => ',neatvalue($funcs),
- ', "FUNCLIST" => ',neatvalue($funclist),
- ', "IMPORTS" => ',neatvalue($imports),
- ', "DL_VARS" => ', neatvalue($vars), ');\'
- ');
- }
- if (%{$self->{IMPORTS}}) {
- # Make import files (needed for static build)
- -d 'tmp_imp' or mkdir 'tmp_imp', 0777 or die "Can't mkdir tmp_imp";
- open IMP, '>tmpimp.imp' or die "Can't open tmpimp.imp";
- my ($name, $exp);
- while (($name, $exp)= each %{$self->{IMPORTS}}) {
- my ($lib, $id) = ($exp =~ /(.*)\.(.*)/) or die "Malformed IMPORT `$exp'";
- print IMP "$name $lib $id ?\n";
- }
- close IMP or die "Can't close tmpimp.imp";
- # print "emximp -o tmpimp$Config::Config{lib_ext} tmpimp.imp\n";
- system "emximp -o tmpimp$Config::Config{lib_ext} tmpimp.imp"
- and die "Cannot make import library: $!, \$?=$?";
- unlink <tmp_imp/*>;
- system "cd tmp_imp; $Config::Config{ar} x ../tmpimp$Config::Config{lib_ext}"
- and die "Cannot extract import objects: $!, \$?=$?";
- }
- join('',@m);
- }
- sub static_lib {
- my($self) = @_;
- my $old = $self->ExtUtils::MM_Unix::static_lib();
- return $old unless %{$self->{IMPORTS}};
- my @chunks = split /\n{2,}/, $old;
- shift @chunks unless length $chunks[0]; # Empty lines at the start
- $chunks[0] .= <<'EOC';
- $(AR) $(AR_STATIC_ARGS) $@ tmp_imp/* && $(RANLIB) $@
- return join "\n\n". '', @chunks;
- }
- sub replace_manpage_separator {
- my($self,$man) = @_;
- $man =~ s,/+,.,g;
- $man;
- }
- sub maybe_command {
- my($self,$file) = @_;
- $file =~ s,[/\\]+,/,g;
- return $file if -x $file && ! -d _;
- return "$file.exe" if -x "$file.exe" && ! -d _;
- return "$file.cmd" if -x "$file.cmd" && ! -d _;
- return;
- }
- sub file_name_is_absolute {
- my($self,$file) = @_;
- $file =~ m{^([a-z]:)?[\\/]}i ;
- }
- sub perl_archive
- {
- return "\$(PERL_INC)/libperl\$(LIB_EXT)";
- }
- sub export_list
- {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return "$self->{BASEEXT}.def";
- }
- 1;
- __END__
- =head1 NAME
- ExtUtils::MM_OS2 - methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use ExtUtils::MM_OS2; # Done internally by ExtUtils::MakeMaker if needed
- See ExtUtils::MM_Unix for a documentation of the methods provided
- there. This package overrides the implementation of these methods, not
- the semantics.