The Apple Menu provides information about Euro Assistant Pro and lets you register your copy of Euro Assistant Pro. It also lists the items in the Apple Menu Items folder.
ΓÇó About Euro Assistant Pro...
Brings up the About Euro Assistant Pro dialog box providing general information about Euro Assistant Pro (version number, shareware fees, ... ) and contact information. Click the Register Online button to register Euro Assistant Pro online.
ΓÇó Register Euro Assistant Pro...
Brings up the Register Euro Assistant Pro dialog box. To register your copy of Euro Assistant Pro type in your serial number and user name exactly as they appear in the MaBaSoft Registration letter and click Register.
File Menu
The File Menu commands let you configure Euro Assistant Pro, update euro exchange rates, import values from text files and save, export or print the tape.
ΓÇó Add Currency
Lets you add a new display and currency in the Euro Assistant Pro window. Dimmed when 12 currencies are displayed in the Euro Assistant Pro window.
ΓÇó Switch Currency
Lets you switch to a different currency in the active display.
ΓÇó Remove Currency
Removes the active display and currency from the Euro Assistant Pro window. Dimmed when 2 currencies are displayed in the Euro Assistant Pro window.
ΓÇó Add Separator/Remove Separator
Adds or removes a horizontal separation line after the active display in the Euro Assistant Pro window.
ΓÇó Currencies...
Brings up the Currencies dialog box and lets you edit the Euro Assistant Pro predefined currencies and add, edit or delete custom currencies.
ΓÇó Base Currency submenu
Lets you switch to a different base currency or change the way exchange rates are displayed in the Rate button and in text clippings obtained by dragging and dropping ISO codes.
ΓÇó Update Rates...
Brings up the Update Rates dialog box and lets you update euro exchange rates of non-EMU currencies over the Internet.
ΓÇó Show Tape/Hide Tape
Shows or hides the Tape window.
ΓÇó Save Tape...
Lets you save the tape to a text file. Five different tape formats are available. Dimmed when the tape is hidden or empty.
ΓÇó Page Setup...
Brings up the Page Setup dialog box and lets you specify the printing format and quality.
ΓÇó Print Tape...
Lets you print the tape. Dimmed when the tape is hidden or empty.
ΓÇó Import...
Lets you specify one or more text files containing a series of amounts and an input currency. During importation amounts are automatically inserted in the input currency's display and converted. At the end of importation the Euro Assistant Pro window shows the last imported amount and the Tape window contains all calculated conversions.
ΓÇó Iconize/De-iconize
Lets you iconize or de-iconize the Euro Assistant Pro window.
ΓÇó Quit
Quits Euro Assistant Pro.
Edit Menu
The Edit Menu commands enable you to edit the active display's content, to undo the last performed action, to copy, clear and advance the tape and to edit the Euro Assistant Pro preferences.
ΓÇó Undo
Cancels the effect of the last performed action. Dimmed if the last action cannot be undone.
ΓÇó Cut
Copies the content of the active display in the Euro Assistant Pro window into the clipboard and zeroes all displays.
ΓÇó Copy
Copies the content of the active display in the Euro Assistant Pro window into the clipboard.
ΓÇó Paste
Copies the content of the clipboard into the active display in the Euro Assistant Pro window and calculates all other displayed currencies' equivalents.
If the clipboard's content is an algebraic expression (e.g. 32+55.5+18*2), Euro Assistant Pro pastes the expression's result (e.g. 123.5) into the active display.
If the clipboard's content is not suitable for being inserted into the active display, zero is pasted.
ΓÇó Clear
Zeroes all displays in the Euro Assistant Pro window.
ΓÇó Copy Special
Lets you copy the content of the active display into the clipboard including thousands separators and ISO code. It also lets you define and add custom Copy commands so that frequently used text strings including a display's content (with or without thousands separators and ISO code) can be copied to the clipboard.
ΓÇó Copy Tape
Copies the Tape window's content into the clipboard. Dimmed when the tape is hidden or empty.
ΓÇó Clear Tape
Clears the Tape window's content. Dimmed when the tape is hidden or empty.
ΓÇó Advance Tape
Adds a blank line at the end of in the tape's content.