// size of horizontal indent per level
var indentPixels = 10
// art files and sizes for three widget styles
// (all three widgets must have same height/width)
var collapsedWidget = "/catalog/plus.gif"
var expandedWidget = "/catalog/minus.gif"
var endpointWidget = "/catalog/end.gif"
var widgetWidth = 9
var widgetHeight = 9
// Target for documents loaded when user clicks on a link.
// Specify your target frame name here.
var displayTarget = "plocha"
// Create array object containing outline content and attributes.
// To adapt outline for your use, modify this table.
// Start the array with [1], and continue without gaps to your last item.
// The order of the five parameters:
// 1. Boolean (true or false) whether _next_ item is indented.
// 2. String to display in outline entry (including <FONT> or style tags).
// 3. URL of link for outline entry; Use empty string ("") for no link
// 4. Integer of indentation level (0 is leftmost margin level)
// 5. String for status line during onMouseOver (apostrophes require \\')
var db = new Array()
<%begindetail skupiny%>
db[<%CurrentRecord%>] = new dbRecord(<%if CurrentRecord<skupiny#-1%><%if ((uroven<skupiny[CurrentRecord+1].uroven) AND (NOT last))%>true<%else%>false<%endif%><%else%>false<%endif%>,"<%nazev_sk%>","<%wb_url%>/cenikmn.wbc?wbegin=0&jmeno=<%jmeno%>&heslo=<%heslo%>&objednavka=<%objednavka%>&cena=<%cena;-102%>&cenaDPH=<%cenaDPH;-102%>&w_nazev=&check_kod=<%kod_skupiny%>&id_cenik=-1&W_mnoz=0",<%uroven%>,"")
// add more records to complete your outline
// object constructor for each outline entry
function dbRecord(mother,display,URL,indent,statusMsg){
this.mother = mother // is this item a parent?
this.display = display // text to display
this.URL = URL // link tied to text; if empty string, item appears as straight text
this.indent = indent // how many levels nested?
this.statusMsg = statusMsg // descriptive text for status bar
return this
// pre-load all images into cache
var fillerImg = new Image(1,1)
fillerImg.src = "/catalog/filler.gif"
var collapsedImg = new Image(widgetWidth,widgetHeight)
collapsedImg.src = collapsedWidget
var expandedImg = new Image(widgetWidth,widgetHeight)
expandedImg.src = expandedWidget
var endpointImg = new Image(widgetWidth,widgetHeight)
endpointImg.src = endpointWidget
// ** functions that get and set persistent cookie data **