home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 4001 GUI Classes
- 4003 Invalid argument type.
- 4004 %V1s Cannot load library: %s
- 4005 Error
- 4006 Window_WindowCanvas
- 4007 Window_Caption
- 4008 Window_SizeBox
- 4009 Window_MinBox
- 4010 Window_MaxBox
- 4011 Window_SysMenuBox
- 4012 Window_Border
- 4013 Unknown
- 4014 Window_MenuBar
- 4015 Window_Close
- 4031 Unknown:
- 4032 Warning!
- 4033 Your changes will be discarded.
- 4034 %V1s Data Window: %s
- 4035 DataWindow: <untitled>
- 4036 <<< Unknown status >>>
- 4037 Unknown Status message
- 4038 Error :
- 4039 %V1s%V2s DataServer %s ( %s ) not open
- 4040 Delete Failed
- 4041 Changing view will discard your changes.
- 4042 Delete record failed - unknown reason
- 4043 >>> DELETED RECORD <<<
- 4044 Server Not Found
- 4045 Topic not found in the server
- 4046 Item not found in the server
- 4047 System is Out of Memory
- 4048 All Files (*.*)|*.*|
- 4049 System is Out of Disk Space
- 4050 %V1s Data Dialog: %s
- 4051 (Data Browser Object)
- 4052 Control creation failed
- 4053 Dialog creation from resource failed
- 4054 Visual Objects Application
- 4055 Visual Objects Data Browser
- 4056 Visual Objects Data Window
- 4057 YNyn
- 4058 TFYNtfyn
- 4059 This application does not include OLE support. OLE database fields are ignored.
- 4060 TextBox
- 4061 InfoBox
- 4062 CAPAINT.DLL could not be loaded
- 4064 New Sheet
- 4065 Open
- 4066 Close
- 4067 Save
- 4068 Print
- 4069 Preview
- 4070 Sum
- 4071 Bold
- 4072 Italic
- 4073 Underline
- 4074 Cross Out
- 4075 Size+
- 4076 Size-
- 4077 Superscript
- 4078 Subscript
- 4079 Currency
- 4080 Percent
- 4081 Comma
- 4082 Decimal+
- 4083 Decimal-
- 4084 Left
- 4085 Center
- 4086 Right
- 4087 Justify
- 4088 Add Text
- 4089 Center Text
- 4090 Table
- 4091 Border
- 4092 Edge
- 4093 Shading
- 4094 Copy
- 4095 Paste Format
- 4096 Paste Value
- 4097 Undo
- 4098 Repeat
- 4099 Zoom In
- 4100 Zoom Out
- 4101 Sort A-Z
- 4102 Sort Z-A
- 4103 Lock
- 4104 Outline
- 4105 Select Cell
- 4106 Scroll-
- 4107 Scroll+
- 4108 Button
- 4109 Picture
- 4110 Spell Check
- 4111 Calculate
- 4112 Area
- 4113 Bar
- 4114 Column
- 4115 Stack
- 4116 Line
- 4117 Pie
- 4118 Scatter
- 4119 3D Area
- 4120 3D Bar
- 4121 3D Column
- 4122 3D Col-Area
- 4123 3D Line
- 4124 3D Pie
- 4125 3D Surface
- 4126 Radar
- 4127 Col-Line
- 4128 Col-Stock
- 4129 Chart Format
- 4130 Edit Chart
- 4131 Line
- 4132 Arrow
- 4133 Freehand
- 4134 Rectangle
- 4135 Ellipse
- 4136 Arc
- 4137 Polygon
- 4138 Filled Rect
- 4139 Filled Ellipse
- 4140 Filled Arc
- 4141 Filled Polygon
- 4142 Select Object
- 4143 Edit Point
- 4144 Group
- 4145 Ungroup
- 4146 Front
- 4147 Back
- 4148 Color
- 4149 3D Frame
- 4150 New Macro
- 4151 Function
- 4152 CALC
- 4153 Go
- 4154 Step
- 4155 Trace Out
- 4156 Trace In
- 4157 Run
- 4158 Skip
- 4159 Reset
- 4160 Record
- 4161 Stop
- 4162 Pause
- 4163 New
- 4164 Cut
- 4165 Paste
- 4166 Number List
- 4167 Bullet List
- 4168 Unindent
- 4169 Indent
- 4170 Col Format
- 4171 Frame
- 4172 Object
- 4173 Graph
- 4174 Envelope
- 4175 Page Layout
- 4176 Page Normal
- 4177 Page Fit
- 4178 Left Tab
- 4179 Center Tab
- 4180 Right Tab
- 4181 Decimal Tab
- 4182 Paragraph
- 4183 Help
- 4184 Delete
- 4185 Time
- 4186 Mail
- 4187 Tutorial
- 4188 Disk I/O
- 4189 Find
- 4190 Previous
- 4191 Next
- 4192 Start
- 4193 End
- 4194 View Table
- 4195 View Form
- 4198 Creates new work sheet
- 4199 Opens an existing document
- 4200 Closes a document
- 4201 Saves changes made to active document
- 4202 Prints an active document
- 4203 Shows the page to be printed on screen
- 4204 Calculates summation
- 4205 Sets selected font style to bold
- 4206 Sets selected font style to italic
- 4207 Underlines selected text
- 4208 Crosses out selected text
- 4209 Increases font size of selected text
- 4210 Decreases font size of selected text
- 4211 Sets selected text to superscript style
- 4212 Sets selected text to subscript style
- 4213 Applies currency style to selected cells
- 4214 Applies percent style to selected cells
- 4215 Applies comma style to selected cells
- 4216 Adds one decimal place to number format
- 4217 Removes one decimal place to number format
- 4218 Left aligns text
- 4219 Centers text
- 4220 Right aligns text
- 4221 Justifies text
- 4222 Adds unattached text or a text box
- 4223 Centers text across selected columns
- 4224 Applies table format
- 4225 Adds border around cell edges
- 4226 Adds border at cell's lower edge
- 4227 Applies light shading
- 4228 Copies selection onto clipboard
- 4229 Pastes only formats from copied cell
- 4230 Pastes only values from copied cell
- 4231 Undoes last action or command
- 4232 Repeats last action or command
- 4233 Increases magnification of displayed document
- 4234 Decreases magnification of displayed document
- 4235 Sorts selected rows in ascending order
- 4236 Sorts selected rows in descending order
- 4237 Locks and unlocks selected cells and objects
- 4238 Shows and hides outline symbols
- 4239 Selects only visible cells in selection
- 4240 Promotes selected rows or columns
- 4241 Demotes selected rows or columns
- 4242 Draws a button for assigning a macro
- 4243 Pastes a picture of linked selection
- 4244 Starts spelling checker
- 4245 Calculates formulas for document
- 4246 Draws a simple area chart
- 4247 Draws a simple bar chart
- 4248 Draws a simple column chart
- 4249 Draws a stacked column chart
- 4250 Draws a simple line chart
- 4251 Draws a pie chart with percentage labels
- 4252 Draws a scatter(or XY) chart
- 4253 Draws a 3D area chart
- 4254 Draws a 3D bar chart
- 4255 Draws a 3D column chart
- 4256 Draws a 3D column chart with 3D plot area
- 4257 Draws a 3D line chart
- 4258 Draws a 3D pie chart with percentage labels
- 4259 Draws a 3D surface chart
- 4260 Draws a radar chart
- 4261 Draws a column chart overlaid by line chart
- 4262 Draws a column chart for stock prices
- 4263 Embedded chart in preferred format
- 4264 Create or edit a customized chart
- 4265 Draws a line
- 4266 Draws an arrow
- 4267 Draws freehand lines
- 4268 Draws a rectangle or square
- 4269 Draws an oval or circle
- 4270 Draws an arc or circle segment
- 4271 Draws a polygon
- 4272 Draws a filled rectangle
- 4273 Draws an filled oval or circle
- 4274 Draws an filled arc or circle segment
- 4275 Draws a filled polygon
- 4276 Selects graphic object
- 4277 Changes the shape of polygon
- 4278 Joins selected graphic objects in single object
- 4279 Separates a grouped object into single objects
- 4280 Places selected objects in front of others
- 4281 Places selected object behind other objects
- 4282 Changes cell or object foreground color
- 4283 Adds shadowed rectangle around cells or object
- 4284 Creates new macro sheet
- 4285 Inserts a function
- 4286 Re-calculate all values
- 4287 Plays a macro
- 4288 Steps through a selected macro
- 4289 Traces out through macro steps
- 4290 Traces in through macro steps
- 4291 Runs a macro
- 4292 Skips a macro step
- 4293 Resets a macro process
- 4294 Records actions to create a macro
- 4295 Stop macro recording
- 4296 Pauses a macro process
- 4297 Creates a new document
- 4298 Cuts the selection and puts it on the clipboard
- 4299 Inserts the clipboard contents at the insertion point
- 4300 Creates a numbered list based on the current defaults
- 4301 Creates a bullet list based on the current defaults
- 4302 Moves the left indent to the previous tab stop
- 4303 Moves the left indent to the next tab stop
- 4304 Changes the column format within the sections
- 4305 Inserts an empty frame or frames the selected text
- 4306 Inserts an object
- 4307 Inserts a chart/graph
- 4308 Creates an envelope that will print along with the current document
- 4309 Scales the editing view to see the whole page
- 4310 Scales the editing view to 100%
- 4311 Scales the editing view to see the width of the page
- 4312 Sets a left-aligned tab
- 4313 Sets a centered tab
- 4314 Sets a right-aligned tab
- 4315 Sets a tab at the decimal point
- 4316 Starts a new paragraph
- 4317 Activates help menu
- 4318 Deletes selected text
- 4319 Sets timer
- 4320 Sets a mail
- 4321 Starts tutorial processes
- 4322 Read/write file from/to diskette
- 4323 Searches a specified object or text string
- 4324 Go to the previous record
- 4325 Go to the next record
- 4326 Go to the first record
- 4327 Go to the last record
- 4328 Change to table view
- 4329 Change to form view
- 65001 aLookupTable must be dimensioned n by 2
- 65002 %V1s Arg: %s
- 65003 <Err Arg>
- 65004 %V1s ArgNum: %s
- 65005 Arguments:
- 65006 %V1s ArgType: %s
- 65007 %V1s legal ArgType: %s
- 65008 %V1s Called from: %s
- 65009 %V1s%V2s Choice: %s %s
- 65010 %V1s Command Line: %-23s
- 65011 %V1s in Conversion %s
- 65012 CurDir
- 65013 * Danger *:
- 65014 Disk
- 65015 free
- 65016 %V1s DOS Error: %s
- 65017 %V1s Entity: %s
- 65018 Error in Error
- 65019 %V1s %s. Error
- 65020 %V1s File: %s
- 65021 %V1s FileHandle: %s
- 65022 %V1s%V2s FuncPtr: %s %s
- 65023 %V1s Function: %s
- 65024 HND
- 65025 cur
- 65026 end
- 65027 %V1s IVars: %s
- 65028 %V1s Line: %s
- 65029 %V1s Max: %s
- 65030 %V1s Module: %s
- 65031 %V1s Object: %s
- 65032 %V1s Operation: %s
- 65033 %V1s SubCode: %s
- 65034 %V1s returns: %s
- 65035 %V1s SubSystem: %s
- 65036 %V1s to %s
- 65037 %V1s Tries: %s
- 65038 Warning:
- 65040 %V1s%V2s in Conversion %s Called from: %s
- 65041 %V1s%V2s in Conversion %s to %s
- 65043 %V1s%V2s in Function %s Called from: %s
- 65301 %V1s %s : assert failed
- 65302 Assertion failed
- 65303 Should pending reports be attempted?
- 65307 sCaption invalid
- 65308 Changing view will discard your changes.
- 65309 Your changes will be discarded.
- 65310 Closing will discard your changes.
- 65311 Closing will discard invalid changes.
- 65313 oCvID invalid
- 65314 %V1s Data Window: %s
- 65315 ( Data Browser Object)
- 65316 >>> DELETED RECORD <<<
- 65317 Delete Failed
- 65318 Delete record failed - unknown reason
- 65319 DataWindow: <untitled>
- 65320 Error!
- 65322 General CommonView Interface error
- 65323 %V1s Invalid arguments to Interface method in %s
- 65324 %V1s Invalid CAT value - Has Init() been called in %s ?
- 65325 %V1s Invalid RPC Call in %s
- 65326 Invalid value for sViewType
- 65327 Invalid Argument
- 65328 Invalid method argument
- 65329 No prompt
- 65330 %V1s %s not found
- 65331 oOwner invalid
- 65332 uParm invalid
- 65333 Should this application
- 65334 Type error in argument.
- 65336 Unknown:
- 65337 Unknown parameter
- 65338 <<< Unknown status >>>
- 65339 Unknown Status message
- 65340 Warning!
- 65341 Warning
- 65342 Warning...
- 65343 %V1s You have closed %s
- 65344 Error :
- 65345 Information!
- 65346 %V1s%V2s DataServer %s ( %s ) not open