3 No product is selected. Please select a product.
4 Copyright (c) 1995 Computer Associates International, Inc.
5 Software\ComputerAssociates
6 Environment
7 Do you want to delete all common files for Computer Associates products? WARNING! This could prevent un-registered Computer Associates applications from executing properly.
9 Remove Common Files
10 Uninstall Complete
11 Uninstall has been successfully completed.
101 Error opening a Registry key for deletion. You may not have rights to delete the key - check with your system administrator.
102 Can not delete files. Files may have been locked or specified as read-only.
103 Can not opening installation log file. Uninstall aborted.
104 Out of memory building installation log buffer. Uninstall aborted.
105 Can not delete directories. Files may have been locked or specified as read-only.
106 Error running pre-uninstall application.
107 Uninstall program can't communicate with Program Manager. Program items have not beed deleted.
108 Bad parameter passed to CA-Uninstall.
109 CA-Uninstall Information
110 Please remove the shortcut icon you created on the Desktop for this CA Software later.
111 Can not delete one or more Start Menu Program items.