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- Awave Studio - Registration information
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- >This information should be valid at least until early Y2001<
- This program is distributed as Shareware. This means that you
- may use it for a short trial period, but you must register if
- you choose to use it for more than 30 days. Please, read the
- Terms of Use section of the program help file before agreeing
- to purchase a license for this product.
- There are currently two ways to register it:
- 1) The preferred method:
- Using a secure on-line registration service'; it's very easy!
- Simply visit www.fmjsoft.com, go to the Awave Studio page and
- follow the 'register' buttons!
- You can pay with all major credit cards, cheques, bank transfer
- and cash payments. If paying by credit card, you can submit
- your card number by secure http server, by fax, or by phone.
- or,
- 2) The slower method:
- If you have no internet access or email account... Then you
- can use the fall back method of sending the payment in *cash*,
- by post 'directly' to FMJ-Software. Fill in and post the order
- form included below. You will be sent a personal registration
- code either by e-mail or on a floppy disk. Floppy disks are
- sent by air mail - which usually takes a week or two.
- Note: If you can, use the on-line registration form instead!
- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---CUT HERE--- --- --- --- --- --- ---
- ===============================================================
- Awave Studio v7.0 registration form
- ===============================================================
- Send to:
- Markus J÷nsson Date: __________________
- H÷vdingagatan 5a
- S-126 52 HΣgersten
- From:
- Name: _______________________________________________
- [Company]: _______________________________________________
- [Title]: _______________________________________________
- Address: _______________________________________________
- City & code: _______________________________________________
- Country: ___________________ [Phone]: __________________
- [Email]: _______________________________________________
- ===============================================================
- (X) License and registration fee. USD 89.95 USD _89.95_
- Deliver my personal keycode...
- ( ) by 3.5" Floppy
- ( ) by Email (will get to you much faster)
- Only cash payment (i.e. real, old fashioned, paper money) is
- accepted for this registration method. If you want to pay with
- a credit card, money order coupon, cheque, or by wire transfer
- then you must use the online registration instead!
- Note: If you want to be on the safe side, send the money in an
- insured letter.
- * All internationally exchangeable currencies are accepted.
- When this was written, USD 1 (one US dollar) equaled approx.
- EUR 0.99, GBP 0.62, CAD 1.45, SEK 8.49, FIM 5.90
- As an example: USD 89.95 * 8.49 = SEK 760 (approximately)
- ===============================================================
- Do you use: ( ) Windows 95 ( ) Windows 98 ( ) Windows NT
- What kind(s) of PC sound card(s) do you use?
- Where did you find out about Awave Studio?
- What feature(s) would you like to see added to a future version?