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Pascal/Delphi Source File
121 lines
The .XM files (Extended Module) are multichannel MOD files created by
Triton's FastTracker ][. They feature up to 32 channels and different
effects. FT 2 is a shareware program. After the initial .XM header
follows the pattern data, after the patterns follow the instruments.
OFFSET Count TYPE Description
0000h 17 char ID="Extended module: "
0011h 20 char Module name, padded with zeroes
0025h 1 char ID=01Ah
0026h 20 char Tracker name
003Ah 1 word Tracker revision number, hi-byte is major version
003Ch 1 dword Header size
0040h 1 word Song length in patterns
0042h 1 word Restart position
0044h 1 word Number of channels
0046h 1 word Number of patterns (< 256)
0048h 1 word Number of instruments (<128)
004Ah 1 word Flags :
0 - Linear frequency table / Amiga freq. table
004Ch 1 word Default tempo
004Eh 1 word Default BPM
0050h 256 byte Pattern order table
--- Pattern header
The patterns are stored as ordinary MOD patterns, except that each note is
stored as 5 bytes:
? 1 (byte) Note (0-71, 0 = C-0)
+1 1 (byte) Instrument (0-128)
+2 1 (byte) Volume column byte (see below)
+3 1 (byte) Effect type
+4 1 (byte) Effect parameter
A simle packing scheme is also adopted, so that the patterns do not
become TOO large: Since the MSB in the note value is never used, it is
used for the compression.If the bit is set, then the other bits are
interpreted as follows:
bit 0 set: Note byte ollows
1 set: Instrument byte follows
2 set: Volume column byte follows
3 set: Effect byte follows
4 set: Effect data byte follows
OFFSET Count TYPE Description
0000h 1 dword Length of pattern block/header ??
0004h 1 byte Pattern pack type
0005h 1 word Number of rows in pattern (1..256)
0007h 1 word Size of pattern data
"PSZ" byte Pattern data
--- Instrument header
Each instrument has one or more sample headers following it.
OFFSET Count TYPE Description
0000h 1 dword Instrument block/header size
0004h 22 char ASCII Instrument name, 0 padded ?
001Ah 1 byte Instrument type (always 0)
001Bh 1 word Number of samples in instrument
001Dh 1 dword Sample header size
0021h 96 byte Sample numbers for all notes
0081h 48 byte Points of volume envelope
00C1h 48 byte Points of panning envelope
0101h 1 byte Number of volume points
0102h 1 byte Number of panning points
0103h 1 byte Volume sustain point
0104h 1 byte Volume loop start point
0105h 1 byte Volume loop end point
0106h 1 byte Panning sustain point
0107h 1 byte Panning loop start point
0108h 1 byte Panning loop end point
0109h 1 byte Volume type, bitmapped
0 - Volume on
1 - Sustain on
2 - Loop on
010Ah 1 byte Panning type, bitmapped
0 - Panning on
1 - Sustain on
2 - Loop on
010Bh 1 byte Vibrato type
010Ch 1 byte Vibrato sweep
010Dh 1 byte Vibrato depth
010Eh 1 byte Vibrato rate
010Fh 1 word Volume fadeout
0111h 1 word Reserved
--- Sample headers
OFFSET Count TYPE Description
0000h 1 dword Sample length
0004h 1 dword Sample loop start
0008h 1 dword Sample loop length
000Ch 1 byte Volume
000Dh 1 byte Finetune for sample (-128..+127)
+-127 is one half tone
000Eh 1 byte Sample type, bitmapped
0,1 : Loop type :
0 - no loop
1 - forward loop
2 - ping-pong loop
3 - reserved
4?: sample is 16-bit
000Fh 1 byte Sample pan
0010h 1 byte Relative note number (signed byte)
(-96..+95), 0 -> C-4 sounds as C-4
0011h 1 byte Reserved
0012h 22 char ASCII name of sample, 0 padded
0013h "LEN" byte Sample data. The sample data is stored
as delta compressed data like the ProTracker.