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Pascal/Delphi Source File
403 lines
Offset Lenght Description
000 004 "DMDL"; the four letters mark the mdl-format
004 001 version; the current version is 11h (=1.1)
005 ??? the different data-blocks are stored at this position
Some words to the format version-number:
- if the low-nibble increases, there are extensions in the format, but old
loaders should be able to load the new modules (or most of them...)
- if the high-nibble increases, there are changes in the format which make old
loaders unable to read the new songfiles
The MDL-songmodule-format is subdivided into the following blocks:
"IN" infoblock; contains most songparameters, like speed, length etc.
"ME" songmessage; contains the songinformation from the composer
"PA" c pattern; contains the length, names and tracklists for every pattern
"TR" tracks; contains all the tracks for the pattern
"II" n instruments; contains all information for the used instruments
"VE" n volume-envelopes; contains the construction of all used vol-envelopes
"PE" n panning-envelopes; the same for the used pan-envelopes
"FE" n1 frequency-envelopes; ...used frq-envelopes (LFO)
"IS" c sampleinfos; contains information for every used sample
"SA" samples; contains the sample-datas
[[ c = blockstructure changes from v0.0 to v1.0 ]]
[[ n = new in version 1.0 ]]
[[ n1 = new in version 1.1 ]]
The sequence of the blocks in a file is not fixed so they can be stored in any
way. Digitrakker uses the descripted sequence.
The structure for every block is the same:
Offset Lenght Description
000 002 "xx"; block-ID (example: "IN" for infoblock)
002 004 blocklength; this dword contains the length of the FOLLOWING
006 <blocklen> datas for this block...
The next block will be at offset (006 + <blocklength>).
│ The Song-Infoblock (IN) │
Offset Lenght Description
000 002 "IN"; infoblock-ID
002 004 blocklenght
006 032 songname; name of the songmodule (filled with spaces [32])
038 020 composername; name of the song-composer
058 002 songlength; Digitrakker supports up to 255 songpositions
060 002 songrepeat
062 001 mainvolume (001-255)
063 001 song-speed (001-255)
064 001 beats per minute (004-255)
065 032 channel-information: bit 0-6 - panposition (0=left,127=right)
bit 7 - 0=channel on, 1=channel off
[number of channels = last active channel]
097 <snglen> sequencer; contains the number of the pattern for every
??? <chnnam> the names for every channel (8 chars for one name).
<chnnam> = 8 * <number of channels>
│ The Songmessage (ME) │
Offset Lenght Description
000 002 "ME"; songmessage-ID
002 004 blocklenght
006 ??? songmessage; every line is closed with the CR-char (13). A
0-byte stands at the end of the whole text.
│ The Patterndatas (PA) │
Offset Lenght Description
000 002 "PA"; patterndata-ID
002 004 blocklenght
006 001 number of pattern; values from 1 to 255 are possible
007 <patlar> the datablocks for all saved pattern
The structure of one pattern-datablock:
000 001 number of used channels (0-32)
001 001 patternlength-1; the actual digitrakker-version only
supports patterns with 64 rows (always 63 in this byte)
002 016 pattern-name (filled with [32])
018 <trklar> tracksequencing-list
<trklar> = 2 * number of channels in this pattern
The tracksequencing-lists descripe which track is used as which voice in the
pattern. The first word in this list is the number of the track at voice 0.
The second is track for voice 1 and so on...
As every track is saved independend, it is possible to save some discspace by
this methode: If the song contains equal tracks at several positions in
the patterns, these double tracks will only saved one time.
Track 0 is not saved and represents an empty track.
│ The Trackdatas (TR) │
Offset Lenght Description
000 002 "TR"; trackdata-ID
002 004 blocklenght
006 002 number of tracks
008 ??? track-datablocks; every trackdatablock is stored in this way:
Ofs.000 Len.002 length of the trackdatas
002 <trackdatalen> datas for this track
Every track consists of 1-256 notepositions and every notposition contains
6 bytes:
byte 0 - note-value; 1 = C-0, 2 = C#0,..., 120 = B-9,
0 = nothing (---), 255 = key off (^^^)
byte 1 - sample-number; 1-255; 0 = nothing
byte 2 - volume; 1-255; 0 = no volume change
byte 3, low nibble - number of the first effect-command
byte 3, high nibble - number of the second effect-command (commands "g"-"l"
get the numbers 1-6)
byte 4 - databyte for the first effect-command
byte 5 - databyte for the second effect-command
Digitrakker stores the tracks in a packed way. The structure of this very
effective (!!!) packformat is the following:
bit 76543210
byte 0 - xxxxxxyy
if yy = 00 -> <xxxxxx>+1 is the number of the empty notepositions which are
if yy = 01 -> the last noteposition will be repeated <xxxxxx>+1 times.
if yy = 10 -> the noteslot from position <xxxxxx> is copied to the actual
if yy = 11 -> the following datas will be put in the actual noteslot:
bit 2 = 1 -> note
bit 3 = 1 -> sample
bit 4 = 1 -> volume
bit 5 = 1 -> effectcommand numbers
bit 6 = 1 -> databyte for effect 1
bit 7 = 1 -> databyte for effect 2
To find out the number of notepositions in a track you should decrease a
counter (startvalue: length of the packed trackdatas) while depacking.
Every depacked track has to be filled out with 0-values up to position 256.
When you copy the track into a pattern just take the number of positions you
need for the pattern (if the pattern has a length of 64 positions only take
the first 64 positions from the track).
│ The Instruments (II) │
Offset Lenght Description
000 002 "II"; intrument-ID
002 004 blocklenght
006 001 number of saved instruments; values from 0 to 255 are possible
007 <inslar> the datablocks for all used instruments
The structure of one instrument-datablock:
000 001 instrument-number; (1-255)
001 001 number of samples in instrument; (1-16)
001 032 instrument-name; the name of the instrument (filled with [32])
033 <is-len> this block contains the infos for all defined samples in the
instrument; every info consist of 14 bytes, so
<is-len> = 14 * number of defined samples
The structure of one instrument-sample datablock:
000 001 sample-number; (1-255)
001 001 playrange-end (0-119,0='c-0'); the last note for this sample;
a higher note uses one of the next samples
002 001 volume (1-255)
003 001 bit 0-5 -> volumeenvelope-number (0-63)
bit 6 -> flag, if volume is used
bit 7 -> flag, if volumeenvelope is used
004 001 panning (0-127)
005 001 bit 0-5 -> panningenvelope-number (0-63)
bit 6 -> flag, if panning is used
bit 7 -> flag, if panningenvelope is used
006 002 fadeout-speed (0-65535)
008 001 vibrator-speed (0-255)
009 001 vibrator-depth (0-255)
010 001 vibrator-sweep (0-255)
011 001 vibrator-form (0-2)
012 002 ** reserved ** (should be set to <0>)
│ The Volume-Envelopes (VE) │
Offset Lenght Description
000 002 "VE"; volume-envelope-ID
002 004 blocklenght
006 001 number of saved vol-envelopes (0-64)
007 <ve-lar> volume-envelope datas; a datablock contains 33 bytes, so
<ve-lar> = 33 * number of saved vol-envelopes;
The structure of one envelope-datablock:
000 001 envelope-number; (0-63)
001 030 the positions of the 15 points are stored here; the first
byte is the x-distance from the last point (1-255; 0 means,
that no more points are defined; take 1 for the first point),
the second byte is the y-position (0-63)
031 001 bit 0-3 -> sustain-point (0-14)
bit 4 -> flag, if sustain is on
bit 5 -> flag, if loop is on
bit 6-7 -> ** reserved ** (should be set to <0>)
032 001 bit 0-3 -> loop-start (0-14)
bit 4-7 -> loop-end (0-14)
│ The Panning-Envelopes (PE) │
Offset Lenght Description
000 002 "PE"; panning-envelope-ID
002 004 blocklenght
006 001 number of saved pan-envelopes (0-64)
007 <pe-lar> panning-envelope datas; a datablock contains 33 bytes, so
<pe-lar> = 33 * number of saved pan-envelopes
see at "VE" for the description of an envelope-datablock
│ The Frequency-Envelopes (FE) │
Offset Lenght Description
000 002 "FE"; frequency-envelope-ID
002 004 blocklenght
006 001 number of saved frq-envelopes (0-64)
007 <fe-lar> frequency-envelope datas; a datablock contains 33 bytes, so
<fe-lar> = 33 * number of saved frq-envelopes
see at "VE" for the description of an envelope-datablock
│ The Sample-Infoblocks (IS) │
Offset Lenght Description
000 002 "IS"; sampleinfo-ID
002 004 blocklenght
006 001 number of saved samples; values from 0 to 255 are possible
007 <samlar> sample-infoblocks; a infoblock for one sample contains 59
bytes, so <samlar> = 59 * number of saved samples
The structure of one sample-infoblock:
000 001 sample-number; (1-255)
001 032 sample-name; the name of the sample (filled with [32])
033 008 filename of the sample
041 004 C-4 sample-frequency in hz
045 004 sample-length
049 004 sample-repeatstart
053 004 sample-repeatlength; if this value is set to 0, the sample
will not loop
057 001 ** not used ** (this was the volume in old v0.0-modules)
058 001 infobyte:
bit 0 -> 0=8 bit sample, 1=16 bit sample
bit 1 -> 0=forward looping, 1=bidirectional looping
bit 2,3 -> packmethode (0=not packed, 1=8bit packing,
2=16bit packing, 3=not defined)
bit 4-7 -> ** reserved ** (should be set to <0>)
│ The Sampledatas (SA) │
Offset Lenght Description
000 002 "SA"; sampledata-ID
002 004 blocklenght
006 ??? sampledatas; samples are stored in numeric sequence
Unpacked samples are stored in signed form. Packmethode (1) is designed for
8 bit samples, Packmethode (2) for 16 bit samples. Methode (3) isn't defined
in this version.
A packed sample begins with a dword which contains the length of the
following datastream.
The description of the sample-packmethode (1) [8bit packing]:...
This methode is based on the huffman-algorithm. It's an easy form, but very
fast and effective on samples. The packed sample is a bit-datastream:
Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3
Bit 76543210 fedcba98 nmlkjihg ....rqpo
A packed byte is stored in the following form:
xxxx10..0s => byte = <xxxx> + (number of <0>-bits between s and 1) * 16 - 8 ;
if s=1 then byte = byte xor 255
If there are no <0>-bits between the first bit (sign) and the <1>-bit, you
have the following form:
xxx1s => byte = <xxx> ; if s=1 then byte = byte xor 255
To depack one byte, you have to use the following algorithm:
│ read bit │
│ sign = bit │
│ read bit │
│ if bit = 1 │
│ then read [3bits] │
│ byte = [3bits] │
│ goto next │
│ else byte = 8 │
│loop: read bit │
│ if bit = 0 │
│ then byte = byte + 16 │
│ goto loop │
│ else read [4bits] │
│ byte = byte + [4bits] │
│next: if sign = 1 │
│ then byte = byte xor 255 │
Two examples:
xxxx s
1001101 = ( 9 + 1 * 16 - 8 ) xor 255 = 238
xxx s
01010 = 2
Note that the depacked bytes are delta values. To convert them to real data
use this algorithm:
oldbyte = 0
for sampleposition = 1 to samplelength
newbyte = byte [sampleposition] + oldbyte
byte [sampleposition] = newbyte
oldbyte = newbyte
next sampleposition
The description of the sample-packmethode (2) [16bit packing]:...
This works as methode (1) but it only crunches every 2nd byte (the high-
bytes of 16 bit samples). So when you depack 16 bit samples, you have to
read 8 bits from the data-stream first. They present the lowbyte of the
sample-word. Then depack the highbyte in the descripted way (methode [1]).
Only the highbytes are delta-values. So take the lowbytes as they are.
Go on this way for the whole sample!
│ ** Differences to older formats ** │
Changes from v0.0 to v1.0:
- block "PN" (patternnames) doesn't exist in v1.0-modules (patternnames now
stored in block "PA")
the old v0.0 structure of the "PN"-block:
000 002 "PN"; patternnames-ID
002 004 blocklenght
006 <patnam> the names for every pattern (16 chars for one name).
<patnam> = 16 * <number of patterns>
- structure of block "PA" changes completely
the old v0.0 structure of the "PA"-block:
000 002 "PA"; patterndata-ID
002 004 blocklenght
006 001 number of pattern; values from 1 to 255 are possible
007 <patlar> tracksequencing-list for the used patterns;
<patlar> = 64 * number of patterns (32 words with the
tracknumbers for every pattern)
- new blocks in v1.0-modules: "II" (instruments), "VE" (volume-envelopes) and
"PE" (panning-envelopes)
- volumebyte (byte 57) in the sample-datablocks (block "IS") isn't used;
the C-4 sample-frequency increases from a word (2 bytes) to a dword (4
bytes), so one whole sample-infoblock has a length of 59 bytes
Extension from v1.0 to v1.1:
- new block: "FE" (frequency-envelopes)