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Pascal/Delphi Source File
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Most of the description was taken from the Microsoft Product Support
Services Application Note SS0288. The .OBJ files are binary files used
by compilers to link in precompiled code. They contain symbol and
relocation information necessary to link the data and code contained in
the files. The .OBJ files have no common header which makes a validation
or identification guesswork at best. The .OBJ files consist of at least
one record, each of the following type :
OFFSET Count TYPE Description
0000h 1 byte Record type (see below)
0001h 1 word Record length
0003h "LEN" byte Record data
0003h 1 byte Checksum or 0
+"LEN" (that much for validation)
The maximum size of the entire record (unless otherwise noted for
specific record types) is 1024 bytes.
For LINK386, the format is determined by the least-significant bit of
the Record Type field. An odd Record Type indicates that certain numeric
fields within the record contain 32-bit values; an even Record Type
indicates that those fields contain 16-bit values. The affected fields
are described with each record. Note that this principle does not govern
the Use32/Use16 segment attribute (which is set in the ACBP byte of
SEGDEF records); it simply specifies the size of certain numeric fields
within the record. It is possible to use 16-bit OMF records to generate
32-bit segments, or vice versa.
LINK ignores the value of the checksum byte, but some other utilities
may not. Microsoft's Quick languages write a 0 byte instead of computing
a checksum.
The contents of each record are determined by the record type, but
certain subfields appear frequently enough to be explained separately.
The format of such fields is below.
Names :
A name string is encoded as an 8-bit unsigned count followed by a string
of count characters. The character set is usually some ASCII subset. A
null name is specified by a single byte of 0 (indicating a string of
length 0).
Indexed References :
Certain items are ordered by occurrence and are referenced by index. The
first occurrence of the item has index number 1. Index fields may
contain 0 (indicating that they are not present) or values from 1
through 7FFF. The index number field in an object record can be either 1
or 2 bytes long. If the number is in the range 0-7FH, the high-order bit
(bit 7) is 0 and the low-order bits contain the index number, so the
field is only 1 byte long. If the index number is in the range 80-
7FFFH, the field is 2 bytes long. The
Type Indexes :
Type Index fields occupy 1 or 2 bytes and occur in PUBDEF, LPUBDEF,
COMDEF, LCOMDEF, EXTDEF, and LEXTDEF records. They are encoded as
described above for indexed references, but the interpretation of the
values stored is governed by whether the module has the "new" or "old"
object module format.
"Old" versions of the OMF (indicated by lack of a COMENT record with
comment class A1), have Type Index fields that contain indexes into
previously seen TYPDEF records. This format is no longer produced by
Microsoft products and is ignored by LINK if it is present. See the
section of this document on TYPDEF records for details on how this was
"New" versions of the OMF (indicated by the presence of a COMENT record
with comment class A1), have Type Index fields that contain proprietary
CodeView information. For more information on CodeView, see Appendix 1.
Ordered Collections :
Certain records and record groups are ordered so that the records may be
referred to with indexes (the format of indexes is described in the
"Indexed References" section of this document). The same format is used
whether an index refers to names, logical segments, or other items.
The overall ordering is obtained from the order of the records within
the file together with the ordering of repeated fields within these
records. Such ordered collections are referenced by index, counting from
1 (index 0 indicates unknown or not specified).
For example, there may be many LNAMES records within a module, and each
of those records may contain many names. The names are indexed starting
at 1 for the first name in the first LNAMES record encountered while
reading the file, 2 for the second name in the first record, and so
forth, with the highest index for the last name in the last LNAMES
record encountered.
The ordered collections are:
Names Ordered by occurrence of LNAMES records and
names within each. Referenced as a name
Logical Ordered by occurrence of SEGDEF records in
Segments file. Referenced as a segment index.
Groups Ordered by occurrence of GRPDEF records in
file. Referenced as a group index.
External Ordered by occurrence of EXTDEF, COMDEF,
Symbols LEXTDEF, and LCOMDEF records and symbols
within each. Referenced as an external name
index (in FIXUP subrecords).
Numeric 2- and 4-Byte Fields :
Certain records, notably SEGDEF, PUBDEF, LPUBDEF, LINNUM, LEDATA,
LIDATA, FIXUPP, and MODEND, contain size, offset, and displacement
values that may be 32-bit quantities for Use32 segments. The encoding is
as follows:
- When the least-significant bit of the record type byte is set (that
is, the record type is an odd number), the numeric fields are 4
- When the least-significant bit of the record type byte is clear,
the fields occupy 2 bytes. The values are zero-extended when
applied to Use32 segments.
NOTE: See the description of SEGDEF records in this document for an
explanation of Use16/Use32 segments.
The general record ordering is not mandatory, but should be (for link
speed) like this :
THEADR or LHEADR record :
Records Processed by LINK Pass 1 :
All records may occur in any order but must stand before the link pass
separator, if it is present.
COMENT records identifying object format and extensions
COMENT records other than Link Pass Separator comment
LNAMES or LLNAMES records providing ordered name list
SEGDEF records providing ordered list of program segments
GRPDEF records providing ordered list of logical segments
TYPDEF records (obsolete)
ALIAS records
PUBDEF records locating and naming public symbols
LPUBDEF records locating and naming private symbols
Link Pass Separator (Optional) :
COMENT class A2 record indicating that Pass 1 of the linker is complete.
When this record is encountered, LINK stops reading the object file in
Pass 1; no records after this comment are read in Pass 1. All the
records listed above must come before this COMENT record.
For greater linking speed, all LIDATA, LEDATA, FIXUPP, BAKPAT, INCDEF,
and LINNUM records should come after the A2 COMENT record, but this is
not required. In LINK, Pass 2 begins again at the start of the object
module, so these records are processed in Pass 2 no matter where they
are placed in the object module.
Records Ignored by LINK Pass 1 and Processed by LINK Pass 2 :
The following records may come before or after the Link Pass
LIDATA, LEDATA, or COMDAT records followed by applicable FIXUPP
FIXUPP records containing only THREAD subrecords
COMENT class A0, subrecord type 03 (INCDEF) records containing
incremental compilation information for FIXUPP and LINNUM records
LINNUM and LINSYM records providing line number and program code or
data association
Terminator :
MODEND record indicating end of module with optional start address
Details of each record (form and content) follow below. Conflicts
between various OMFs that overlap in their use of record types or fields
are marked.
Below is a combined list of record types defined by the Intel 8086 OMF
specification and record types added after that specification was
finished. Titles in square brackets ([]) indicate record types that have
been implemented and that are described in this document. Titles not in
square brackets indicate record types that have not been implemented and
are followed by a paragraph of description from the Intel specification.
For unimplemented record types, a subtle distinction is made between
records that LINK ignores and those for which LINK generates an "illegal
object format" error condition.
Records Currently Defined
6EH RHEADR R-Module Header Record
This record serves to identify a module that has
been processed (output) by LINK-86/LOCATE-86. It
also specifies the module attributes and gives
information on memory usage and need. This record
type is ignored by Microsoft LINK.
70H REGINT Register Initialization Record
This record provides information about the 8086
register/register-pairs: CS and IP, SS and SP, DS
and ES. The purpose of this information is for a
loader to set the necessary registers for
initiation of execution. This record type is
ignored by Microsoft LINK.
72H REDATA Relocatable Enumerated Data Record
This record provides contiguous data from which a
portion of an 8086 memory image may eventually be
constructed. The data may be loaded directly by
an 8086 loader, with perhaps some base fixups.
The record may also be called a Load-Time
Locatable (LTL) Enumerated Data Record. This
record type is ignored by Microsoft LINK.
74H RIDATA Relocatable Iterated Data Record
This record provides contiguous data from which a
portion of an 8086 memory image may eventually be
constructed. The data may be loaded directly by
an 8086 loader, but data bytes within the record
may require expansion. The record may also be
called a Load-Time Locatable (LTL) Iterated Data
Record. This record type is ignored by Microsoft
76H OVLDEF Overlay Definition Record
This record provides the overlay's name, its
location in the object file, and its attributes.
A loader may use this record to locate the data
records of the overlay in the object file. This
record type is ignored by Microsoft LINK.
78H ENDREC End Record
This record is used to denote the end of a set of
records, such as a block or an overlay. This
record type is ignored by Microsoft LINK.
7AH BLKDEF Block Definition Record
This record provides information about blocks
that were defined in the source program input to
the translator that produced the module. A BLKDEF
record will be generated for every procedure and
for every block that contains variables. This
information is used to aid debugging programs.
This record type is ignored by Microsoft LINK.
7CH BLKEND Block End Record
This record, together with the BLKDEF record,
provides information about the scope of variables
in the source program. Each BLKDEF record must be
followed by a BLKEND record. The order of the
BLKDEF, debug symbol records, and BLKEND records
should reflect the order of declaration in the
source module. This record type is ignored by
Microsoft LINK.
7EH DEBSYM Debug Symbols Record
This record provides information about all
local symbols, including stack and based symbols.
The purpose of this information is to aid debug-
ging programs. This record type is ignored by
Microsoft LINK.
[80H] [THEADR] [Translator Header Record]
[82H] [LHEADR] [Library Module Header Record]
84H PEDATA Physical Enumerated Data Record
This record provides contiguous data,
from which a portion of an 8086 memory
image may be constructed. The data
belongs to the "unnamed absolute segment"
in that it has been assigned absolute
8086 memory addresses and has been
divorced from all logical segment
information. This record type is ignored
by Microsoft LINK.
86H PIDATA Physical Iterated Data Record
This record provides contiguous data,
from which a portion of an 8086 memory
image may be constructed. It allows
initialization of data segments and
provides a mechanism to reduce the size
of object modules when there is repeated
data to be used to initialize a memory
image. The data belongs to the "unnamed
absolute segment." This record type is
ignored by Microsoft LINK.
[88H] [COMENT] [Comment Record]
[8AH/8BH] [MODEND] [Module End Record]
[8CH] [EXTDEF] [External Names Definition Record]
[8EH] [TYPDEF] [Type Definition Record]
[90H/91H] [PUBDEF] [Public Names Definition Record]
92H LOCSYM Local Symbols Record
This record provides information about
symbols that were used in the source
program input to the translator that
produced the module. This information is
used to aid debugging programs. This
record has a format identical to the
PUBDEF record. This record type is
ignored by Microsoft LINK.
[94H/95H] [LINNUM] [Line Numbers Record]
[96H] [LNAMES] [List of Names Record]
[98H/99H] [SEGDEF] [Segment Definition Record]
[9AH] [GRPDEF] [Group Definition Record]
[9CH/9DH] [FIXUPP] [Fixup Record]
9EH (none) Unnamed record
This record number was the only even
number not defined by the original Intel
specification. Apparently it was never
used. This record type is ignored by
Microsoft LINK.
[A0H/A1H] [LEDATA] [Logical Enumerated Data Record]
[A2H/A3H] [LIDATA] [Logical Iterated Data Record]
A4H LIBHED Library Header Record
This record is the first record in a library
file. It immediately precedes the modules
(if any) in the library. Following the
modules are three more records in the
following order: LIBNAM, LIBLOC, and LIBDIC.
This record type is ignored by Microsoft
A6H LIBNAM Library Module Names Record
This record lists the names of all the
modules in the library. The names are listed
in the same sequence as the modules appear
in the library. This record type is ignored
by Microsoft LINK.
A8H LIBLOC Library Module Locations Record
This record provides the relative location,
within the library file, of the first byte
of the first record (either a THEADR or
LHEADR or RHEADR record) of each module in
the library. The order of the locations
corresponds to the order of the modules in
the library. This record type is ignored by
Microsoft LINK.
AAH LIBDIC Library Dictionary Record
This record gives all the names of public
symbols within the library. The public names
are separated into groups; all names in the
nth group are defined in the nth module of
the library. This record type is ignored by
Microsoft LINK.
[B0H] [COMDEF] [Communal Names Definition Record]
[B2H/B3H] [BAKPAT] [Backpatch Record]
[B4H] [LEXTDEF] [Local External Names Definition Record]
[B6H/B7H] [LPUBDEF] [Local Public Names Definition Record]
[B8H] [LCOMDEF] [Local Communal Names Definition Record]
BAH/BBH COMFIX Communal Fixup Record
Microsoft doesn't support this never-
implemented IBM extension. This record type
generates an error when it is encountered by
Microsoft LINK.
BCH CEXTDEF COMDAT External Names Definition Record
C0H SELDEF Selector Definition Record
Microsoft doesn't support this never-
implemented IBM extension. This record type
generates an error when it is encountered by
Microsoft LINK.
[C2H/C3] [COMDAT] [Initialized Communal Data Record]
[C4H/C5H] [LINSYM] [Symbol Line Numbers Record]
[C6H] [ALIAS] [Alias Definition Record]
[C8H/C9H] [NBKPAT] [Named Backpatch Record]
[CAH] [LLNAMES] [Local Logical Names Definition Record]
[F0H] [Library Header Record]
Although this is not actually an OMF record
type, the presence of a record with F0H as
the first byte indicates that the module is
a Microsoft library. The format of a library
file is given in Appendix 2.
[F1H] [Library End Record]
The THEADR record contains the name of the object module. This name
identifies an object module within an object library or in messages
produced by the linker.
OFFSET Count TYPE Description
0000h 1 byte ID=80h
0001h 1 byte Record length
0002h "LEN" char Name
0002h 1 byte Checksum
This record is very similar to the THEADR record. It is used to indicate
the name of a module within a library file (which has an internal
organization different from that of an object module). This record type
was defined in the original Intel specification with the same format but
with a different purpose, so its use for libraries should be considered
a Microsoft extension.
OFFSET Count TYPE Description
0000h 1 byte ID=82h
0001h 1 byte Record length
0002h "LEN" char Name
0002h 1 byte Checksum