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- Windows Help File Format / Annotation File Format / SHG and MRB File Format
- This documentation describes the file format parsed by HELPDECO, because
- Microsoft did not publish the file formats used by WinHelp and MultiMedia
- Viewers, and created by HC30, HC31, HCP, HCRTF, HCW, MVC, MMVC and WMVC.
- This way it is not an official reference, but the result of many weekends
- of work dumping 500+ help files and trying to understand what all the bytes
- may mean.
- I would like to thank Pete Davis, who first tried to describe 'The Windows
- Help File Format' in Dr. Dobbs Journal, Sep/Oct 1993, and Holger Haase, who
- did a lot of work on picture file formats and Bent Lynggaard for the infor-
- mation on free lists in help files and unused bytes in B+ trees.
- Revision 1: Fixed hash value calculation and |FONT, minor additions
- Revision 2: Transparent bitmaps, {button}, and {mci} commands
- Revision 3: Unknown in Paragraphinfo changed, minor additions
- Revision 4: CTXOMAP corrected, bitmap dimensions dpi - not PelsPerMeter
- Revision 5: MacroData in HotspotInfo added, Annotation file format added
- Revision 6: [MACROS] section / internal file |Rose added, MVB font structure
- Revision 7: [GROUPS] section *.GRP and [CHARTAB] section *.tbl file format
- Revision 8: free list, clarified TOPICPOS/TOPICOFFSET
- Revision 9: B+ tree unused bytes and what I found out about GID files
- A help file starts with a header, the only structure at a fixed place
- long Magic 0x00035F3F
- long DirectoryStart offset of FILEHEADER of internal directory
- long FirstFreeBlock offset of FREEHEADER or -1L if no free list
- long EntireFileSize size of entire help file in bytes
- ----
- char HelpFileContent[EntireFileSize-16] the remainder of the help file
- At offset DirectoryStart the FILEHEADER of the internal directory is located
- long ReservedSpace size reserved including FILEHEADER
- long UsedSpace size of internal file in bytes
- unsigned char FileFlags normally 4
- ----
- char FileContent[UsedSpace] the bytes contained in the internal file
- char FreeSpace[ReservedSpace-UsedSpace-9]
- The FILEHEADER of the internal directory is followed by UsedSpace bytes
- containing the internal directory which is used to associate FileNames and
- FileOffsets. The directory is structured as a B+ tree.
- A B+ tree is made from leaf-pages and index-pages of fixed size, one of which
- is the root-page. All entries are contained in leaf-pages. If more entries
- are required than fit into a single leaf-page, index-pages are used to locate
- the leaf-page which contains the required entry.
- A B+ tree starts with a BTREEHEADER telling you the size of the B+ tree pages,
- the root-page, the number of levels, and the number of all entries in this
- B+ tree. You must follow (NLevels-1) index-pages before you reach a leaf-page.
- unsigned short Magic 0x293B
- unsigned short Flags bit 0x0002 always 1, bit 0x0400 1 if directory
- unsigned short PageSize 0x0400=1k if directory, 0x0800=2k else, or 4k
- char Structure[16] string describing format of data
- 'L' = long (indexed)
- 'F' = NUL-terminated string (indexed)
- 'i' = NUL-terminated string (indexed)
- '2' = short
- '4' = long
- 'z' = NUL-terminated string
- '!' = long count value, count/8 * record
- long filenumber
- long TopicOffset
- short MustBeZero 0
- short PageSplits number of page splits B+ tree has suffered
- short RootPage page number of B+ tree root page
- short MustBeNegOne 0xFFFF
- short TotalPages number of B+ tree pages
- short NLevels number of levels of B+ tree
- long TotalBtreeEntries number of entries in B+ tree
- ----
- char Page[TotalPages][PageSize] the pages the B+ tree is made of
- If NLevel is greater than 1, RootPage is the page number of an index-page.
- Index-pages start with a BTREEINDEXHEADER and are followed by an array of
- BTREEINDEX structures, in case of the internal directory containing pairs
- of FileNames and PageNumbers.
- (STRINGZ is a NUL-terminated string, sizeof(STRINGZ) is strlen(string)+1).
- PageNumber gets you to the next page containing entries lexically starting
- at FileName, but less than the next FileName. PreviousPage gets you to the
- next page if the desired FileName is lexically before the first FileName.
- unsigned short Unused number of free bytes at end of this page
- short NEntries number of entries in this index-page
- short PreviousPage page number of previous page
- ----
- struct and this is the structure of directory index-pages
- {
- STRINGZ FileName varying length NUL-terminated string
- short PageNumber page number of page dealing with FileName and above
- }
- After NLevels-1 of index-pages you will reach a leaf-page starting with a
- BTREENODEHEADER followed by an array of BTREELEAF structures, in case of the
- internal directory containing pairs of FileNames and FileOffsets.
- You may follow the PreviousPage entry in all NLevels-1 index-pages to reach
- the first leaf-page, then iterate thru all entries and use NextPage to
- follow the double linked list of leaf-pages until NextPage is -1 to retrieve
- a sorted list of all TotalBtreeEntries entries contained in the B+ tree.
- unsigned short Unused number of free bytes at end of this page
- short NEntries number of entries in this leaf-page
- short PreviousPage page number of previous leaf-page or -1 if first
- short NextPage page number of next leaf-page or -1 if last
- ----
- struct and this is the structure of directory leaf-pages
- {
- STRINGZ FileName varying length NUL-terminated string
- long FileOffset offset of FILEHEADER of internal file FileName
- relative to beginning of help file
- }
- At offset FreeListBlock the first FREEHEADER is located. It contains
- long FreeSpace number of bytes unused, including this header
- long NextFreeBlock offset of next FREEHEADER or -1L if end of list
- ----
- char Unused[FreeSpace-8] unused bytes
- All unused portions of the help file are linked together using FREEHEADERs.
- Now that you are able to locate the position of an internal file in the
- help file, let's describe what they contain. Remember that each FileOffset
- first takes you to the FILEHEADER of the internal file. The structures
- described next are located just behind this FILEHEADER.
- The first one to start with is the |SYSTEM file. This is the SYSTEMHEADER,
- the structure of the first bytes of this internal file:
- short Magic 0x036C
- short Minor help file format version number
- 15 = HC30 Windows 3.0 help file
- 21 = HC31 Windows 3.1 help file
- 27 = WMVC/MMVC media view file
- 33 = MVC or HCW 4.00 Windows 95
- short Major 1
- time_t GenDate help file created seconds after 1.1.1980, or 0
- unsigned short Flags see below
- Use Minor and Flags to find out how the help file was compressed:
- Minor <= 16 not compressed, TopicBlockSize 2k
- Minor > 16 Flags=0: not compressed, TopicBlockSize 4k
- Flags=4: LZ77 compressed, TopicBlockSize 4k
- Flags=8: LZ77 compressed, TopicBlockSize 2k
- Additionally the help file may use phrase compression (oldstyle or Hall).
- If Minor is 16 or less, the help file title follows the SYSTEMHEADER:
- STRINGZ HelpFileTitle
- If Minor is above 16, one or more SYSTEMREC records follow instead up to the
- internal end of the |SYSTEM file:
- struct
- {
- unsigned short RecordType type of data in record
- unsigned short DataSize size of data
- ----
- char Data[DataSize] dependent on RecordType
- }
- There are different RecordTypes defined, each storing different Data.
- They mainly contain what was specified in the help project file.
- RecordType Data
- 1 TITLE STRINGZ Title help file title
- 2 COPYRIGHT STRINGZ Copyright copyright notice shown in AboutBox
- 3 CONTENTS TOPICOFFSET Contents topic offset of starting topic
- 4 CONFIG STRINGZ Macro all macros executed on opening
- 5 ICON Windows *.ICO file See WIN31WH on icon file format
- 6 WINDOW struct Windows defined in the HPJ-file
- {
- struct
- {
- unsigned short TypeIsValid:1
- unsigned short NameIsValid:1
- unsigned short CaptionIsValid:1
- unsigned short XIsValid:1
- unsigned short YIsValid:1
- unsigned short WithIsValid:1
- unsigned short HeigthIsValid:1
- unsigned short MaximizeWindow:1
- unsigned short RGBIsValid:1
- unsigned short RGBNSRIsValid:1
- unsigned short WindowsAlwaysOnTop:1
- unsigned short AutoSizeHeight:1
- }
- Flags
- char Type[10] type of window
- char Name[9] window name
- char Caption[51] caption of window
- short X x coordinate of window (0..1000)
- short Y y coordinate of window (0..1000)
- short Width width of window (0..1000)
- short Height height of window (0..1000)
- short Maximize maximize flag and window styles
- COLORREF Rgb color of scrollable region
- COLORREF RgbNsr color of non scrollable region
- }
- Window
- 6 WINDOW typedef struct Viewer 2.0 Windows defined in MVP-file
- {
- unsigned short Flags
- char Type[10] /* type of window */
- char Name[9] /* window name */
- char Caption[51] /* caption for window */
- unsigned char MoreFlags
- short X /* x coordinate of window (0..1000) */
- short Y /* y coordinate of window (0..1000) */
- short Width /* width of window (0..1000) */
- short Height /* height of window (0..1000) */
- short Maximize /* maximize flag and window styles */
- char Unknown
- short X2
- short Y2
- short Width2
- short Height2
- short X3
- short Y3
- }
- Window;
- 8 CITATION STRINGZ Citation the Citation printed
- 9 LCID short LCID[4] language ID, Windows 95 (HCW 4.00)
- 10 CNT STRINGZ ContentFileName CNT file name, Windows 95 (HCW 4.00)
- 11 CHARSET unsigned short Charset charset, Windows 95 (HCW 4.00)
- 12 DEFFONT struct default dialog font, Windows 95 (HCW 4.00)
- {
- unsigned char HeightInPoints
- unsigned char Charset
- STRINGZ FontName
- }
- DefFont
- 12 FTINDEX STRINGZ dtype Multimedia Help Files dtypes
- 13 GROUPS STRINGZ Group defined GROUPs, Multimedia Help File
- 14 INDEX_S. STRINGZ IndexSeparators separators, Windows 95 (HCW 4.00)
- 14 KEYINDEX struct Multimedia Help Files
- {
- char btreename[10]; btreename[1] is footnote character
- char mapname[10];
- char dataname[10];
- char title[80];
- }
- KeyIndex
- 18 LANGUAGE STRINGZ language defined language, Multimedia Help Files
- 19 DLLMAPS struct defined DLLMAPS, Multimedia Help Files
- {
- STRINGZ Win16RetailDLL
- STRINGZ Win32RetailDLL
- }
- DLLNames
- |Phrase
- If the help file is phrase compressed, it contains an internal file named
- |Phrases. Windows 3.0 help files generated with HC30 use the following
- uncompressed structure to store phrases. A phrase is not NUL-terminated,
- instead use the next PhraseOffset to locate the end of the phrase string
- (there is one more phrase offset stored than phrases are defined to allow
- for this).
- unsigned short NumPhrases number of phrases in table
- unsigned short OneHundred 0x0100
- unsigned short PhraseOffset[NumPhrases+1] PhraseOffset[0]==2*(NumPhrases+1)
- char Phrase[NumPhrases][PhraseOffset[PhraseNum+1]-PhraseOffset[PhraseNum]]
- Windows 3.1 help files generated using HC31 and later always LZ77 compress
- the Phrase character array. Read NumPhrases, OneHundred, DecompressedSize,
- and NumPhrases+1 PhraseOffset values. Allocate DecompressedSize bytes for
- the Phrase character array and decompress the UsedSpace-2*NumPhrases-10
- remaining bytes into the allocated space to retrieve the phrase strings.
- unsigned short NumPhrases number of phrases in table
- unsigned short OneHundred 0x0100
- long DecompressedSize
- unsigned short PhraseOffset[NumPhrases+1] PhraseOffset[0]==2*(NumPhrases+1)
- ---- the remaining part is LZ77 compressed
- char Phrase[NumPhrases][PhraseOffset[PhraseNum+1]-PhraseOffset[PhraseNum]]
- The LZ77 decompression algorithm can best be described like this:
- Take the next byte
- Start at the least significant bit
- If the bit is cleared
- Copy 1 byte from source to destination
- Else
- Get the next WORD into the struct { unsigned pos:12; unsigned len:4; }
- Copy len+3 bytes from destination-pos-1 to destination
- Loop until all bits are done
- Loop until all bytes are consumed
- See end of this file for a detailed algorithm.
- Some MVBs use a slightly different layout of internal |Phrases file:
- unsigned short EightHundred 0x0800
- unsigned short NumPhrases number of phrases in table
- unsigned short OneHundred 0x0100
- long DecompressedSize
- char unused[30]
- unsigned short PhraseOffset[NumPhrases+1] PhraseOffset[0]==2*(NumPhrases+1)
- ---- the remaining part is LZ77 compressed
- char Phrase[NumPhrases][PhraseOffset[PhraseNum+1]-PhraseOffset[PhraseNum]]
- |PhrIndex
- Windows 95 (HCW 4.00) may use Hall compression and the internal files
- |PhrIndex and |PhrImage to store phrases. Both must be used to build a
- table of phrases and PhraseOffsets. |PhrIndex starts with this header:
- long Magic 1L
- long NEntries
- long CompressedSize
- long PhrImageSize
- long PhrImageCompressedSize
- long Always0 0L
- unsigned short BitCount:4
- unsigned short UnknownBits:12
- unsigned short Always4A00 not really always
- The remaining data is bitcompressed. Use this algorithm to build a table
- of PhraseOffsets:
- short n,i; long mask=0,*ptr=(long *)(&always4A00+1);
- int GetBit(void)
- {
- ptr+=(mask<0);
- mask=mask*2+(mask<=0);
- return (*ptr&mask)!=0;
- }
- PhaseOffset[0]=0;
- for(i=0;i<NEntries;i++)
- {
- for(n=1;GetBit();n+=1<<BitCount) ;
- if(GetBit()) n+=1;
- if(BitCount>1) if(GetBit()) n+=2;
- if(BitCount>2) if(GetBit()) n+=4;
- if(BitCount>3) if(GetBit()) n+=8;
- if(BitCount>4) if(GetBit()) n+=16;
- PhraseOffset[i+1]=PhraseOffset[i]+n;
- }
- Just behind the bitcompressed phrase length information (on a 32-bit boundary,
- that's why GetBit consumed longs) follow NumPhrases bits (one bit for each
- phrase). It is assumed that this information is used for the full text search
- capability to exclude certain phrases.
- |PhrImage
- The |PhrImage file stores the phrases. A phrase is not NUL-terminated. Use
- PhraseOffset[NumPhrase] and PhraseOffset[NumPhrase+1] to locate beginning
- and end of the phrase string. We generated one more PhraseOffset to allow
- for this. |PhrImage is LZ77 compressed if PhrImageCompressedSize is not
- equal to PhrImageSize. Otherwise you may take it as stored.
- The next internal file described is the |FONT file, which uses this header:
- unsigned short NumFacenames number of face names
- unsigned short NumDescriptors number of font descriptors
- unsigned short FacenamesOffset start of array of face names
- relative to &NumFacenames
- unsigned short DescriptorsOffset start of array of font descriptors
- relative to &NumFacenames
- --- only if FacenamesOffset >= 12
- unsigned short NumStyles number of style descriptors
- unsigned short StyleOffset start of array of style descriptors
- relative to &NumFacenames
- --- only if FacenamesOffset >= 16
- unsigned short NumCharMapTables number of character mapping tables
- unsigned short CharMapTableOffset start of array of character mapping
- table names relative to &NumFacenames
- The face name array is located at FacenamesOffset and contains strings, which
- are Windows font names or in case of multimedia files a Windows font name
- concatenated with ',' and the character mapping table number. Short strings
- are NUL-terminated, but a string may use all bytes for characters.
- char FaceName[NumFacenames][(DescriptorsOffset-FacenamesOffset)/NumFacenames]
- At DescriptorsOffset is an array located describing all fonts used in the help
- file. If this kind of descriptor appears in a help file, any metric value is
- given in HalfPoints.
- struct oldfont
- {
- struct
- {
- unsigned char Bold:1
- unsigned char Italic:1
- unsigned char Underline:1
- unsigned char StrikeOut:1
- unsigned char DoubleUnderline:1
- unsigned char SmallCaps:1
- }
- Attributes
- unsigned char HalfPoints PointSize * 2
- unsigned char FontFamily font family. See values below
- unsigned short FacenameIndex index into FaceName array
- unsigned char FGRGB[3] RGB values of foreground
- unsigned char BGRGB[3] unused background RGB Values
- }
- FontDescriptor[NumDescriptors]
- #define FAM_MODERN 0x01 This is a different order than
- #define FAM_ROMAN 0x02 FF_ROMAN, FF_SWISS, etc. of
- #define FAM_SWISS 0x03 windows !
- #define FAM_TECH 0x03
- #define FAM_NIL 0x03
- #define FAM_SCRIPT 0x04
- #define FAM_DECOR 0x05
- Multimedia MVB files use different structures to store font descriptors.
- Assume this structure for descriptors if FacenamesOffset is at least 12.
- If this kind of descriptor is used, any metric is given in twips.
- struct newfont
- {
- unsigned char unknown1
- short FacenameIndex
- unsigned char FGRGB[3]
- unsigned char BGRGB[3]
- unsigned char unknown5
- unsigned char unknown6
- unsigned char unknown7
- unsigned char unknown8
- unsigned char unknown9
- long Height
- unsigned char mostlyzero[12]
- short Weight
- unsigned char unknown10
- unsigned char unknown11
- unsigned char Italic
- unsigned char Underline
- unsigned char StrikeOut
- unsigned char DoubleUnderline
- unsigned char SmallCaps
- unsigned char unknown17
- unsigned char unknown18
- unsigned char PitchAndFamily Same values as windows LOGFONT
- }
- FontDescriptor[NumDescriptors]
- Assume this structure for descriptors if FacenamesOffset is at least 16.
- If this kind of descriptor is used, any metric is given in twips.
- struct mvbfont
- {
- short FacenameIndex index into Facename array
- short StyleNumber 0 if not used
- unsigned char unknown3
- unsigned char unknown4
- unsigned char FGRGB[3]
- unsigned char BGRGB[3]
- long Height negative (incl. external leading)
- unsigned char mostlyzero[12]
- short Weight
- unsigned char unknown10
- unsigned char unknown11
- unsigned char Italic
- unsigned char Underline
- unsigned char StrikeOut
- unsigned char DoubleUnderline
- unsigned char SmallCaps
- unsigned char unknown17
- unsigned char unknown18
- unsigned char PitchAndFamily Same values as windows LOGFONT
- unsigned char unknown20
- unsigned char unknown21
- }
- FontDescriptor[NumDescriptors]
- If FacenamesOffset is at least 12, the |FONT file supports character styles.
- StyleNumber-1 of the FontDescriptor indexes into this array located at
- StyleOffset in |FONT.
- struct
- {
- short StyleNum
- short BasedOnStyleNum 0 if not used
- struct Font struct newfont or struct mvbfont
- char unknown[35]
- char StyleName[65]
- }
- Style[NumStyles]
- If FacenamesOffset is at least 16, the |FONT file supports character mapping
- tables.
- The array of character mapping table file names is located in |FONT at
- CharMapTableOffset and contains strings of the internal filename of the
- character mapping table concatenated with ',' and the character mapping table
- number. The entries are not sorted by character mapping table numbers. Short
- strings are NUL-terminated, but a string may use up all bytes.
- char CharMapTableName[NumCharMapTables][32]
- Windows 3.0 (HC30) uses topic numbers that start at 16 for the first topic
- to identify topics. To retrieve the location of the TOPICLINK for the TOPIC-
- HEADER of a certain topic (in |TOPIC explained later), use the |TOMAP file.
- It contains an array of topic positions. Index with TopicNumber (do not
- subtract 16). TopicPos[0] points to the topic specified as INDEX in the help
- project.
- TOPICPOS TopicPos[UsedSpace/4]
- Windows 3.1 (HC31) uses hash values of context names to identify topics.
- To get the location of the topic, search the B+ tree of the internal file
- Structure of |CONTEXT index-page entries:
- struct
- {
- long HashValue
- short PageNumber
- }
- Structure of |CONTEXT leaf-page entries:
- struct
- {
- long HashValue hash value of context id
- TOPICOFFSET TopicOffset position
- }
- To calculate the HashValue hash from a context id ptr do this:
- signed char table[256]=
- {
- '\x00', '\xD1', '\xD2', '\xD3', '\xD4', '\xD5', '\xD6', '\xD7',
- '\xD8', '\xD9', '\xDA', '\xDB', '\xDC', '\xDD', '\xDE', '\xDF',
- '\xE0', '\xE1', '\xE2', '\xE3', '\xE4', '\xE5', '\xE6', '\xE7',
- '\xE8', '\xE9', '\xEA', '\xEB', '\xEC', '\xED', '\xEE', '\xEF',
- '\xF0', '\x0B', '\xF2', '\xF3', '\xF4', '\xF5', '\xF6', '\xF7',
- '\xF8', '\xF9', '\xFA', '\xFB', '\xFC', '\xFD', '\x0C', '\xFF',
- '\x0A', '\x01', '\x02', '\x03', '\x04', '\x05', '\x06', '\x07',
- '\x08', '\x09', '\x0A', '\x0B', '\x0C', '\x0D', '\x0E', '\x0F',
- '\x10', '\x11', '\x12', '\x13', '\x14', '\x15', '\x16', '\x17',
- '\x18', '\x19', '\x1A', '\x1B', '\x1C', '\x1D', '\x1E', '\x1F',
- '\x20', '\x21', '\x22', '\x23', '\x24', '\x25', '\x26', '\x27',
- '\x28', '\x29', '\x2A', '\x0B', '\x0C', '\x0D', '\x0E', '\x0D',
- '\x10', '\x11', '\x12', '\x13', '\x14', '\x15', '\x16', '\x17',
- '\x18', '\x19', '\x1A', '\x1B', '\x1C', '\x1D', '\x1E', '\x1F',
- '\x20', '\x21', '\x22', '\x23', '\x24', '\x25', '\x26', '\x27',
- '\x28', '\x29', '\x2A', '\x2B', '\x2C', '\x2D', '\x2E', '\x2F',
- '\x50', '\x51', '\x52', '\x53', '\x54', '\x55', '\x56', '\x57',
- '\x58', '\x59', '\x5A', '\x5B', '\x5C', '\x5D', '\x5E', '\x5F',
- '\x60', '\x61', '\x62', '\x63', '\x64', '\x65', '\x66', '\x67',
- '\x68', '\x69', '\x6A', '\x6B', '\x6C', '\x6D', '\x6E', '\x6F',
- '\x70', '\x71', '\x72', '\x73', '\x74', '\x75', '\x76', '\x77',
- '\x78', '\x79', '\x7A', '\x7B', '\x7C', '\x7D', '\x7E', '\x7F',
- '\x80', '\x81', '\x82', '\x83', '\x0B', '\x85', '\x86', '\x87',
- '\x88', '\x89', '\x8A', '\x8B', '\x8C', '\x8D', '\x8E', '\x8F',
- '\x90', '\x91', '\x92', '\x93', '\x94', '\x95', '\x96', '\x97',
- '\x98', '\x99', '\x9A', '\x9B', '\x9C', '\x9D', '\x9E', '\x9F',
- '\xA0', '\xA1', '\xA2', '\xA3', '\xA4', '\xA5', '\xA6', '\xA7',
- '\xA8', '\xA9', '\xAA', '\xAB', '\xAC', '\xAD', '\xAE', '\xAF',
- '\xB0', '\xB1', '\xB2', '\xB3', '\xB4', '\xB5', '\xB6', '\xB7',
- '\xB8', '\xB9', '\xBA', '\xBB', '\xBC', '\xBD', '\xBE', '\xBF',
- '\xC0', '\xC1', '\xC2', '\xC3', '\xC4', '\xC5', '\xC6', '\xC7',
- '\xC8', '\xC9', '\xCA', '\xCB', '\xCC', '\xCD', '\xCE', '\xCF'
- }
- for(hash=0L;*ptr;ptr++) hash=(hash*43)+table[(unsigned char)*ptr];
- Remember that only 0-9, A-Z, a-z, _ and . are legal characters for context ids
- in Win 3.1 (HC31). Only Windows 95 (HCRTF) allows nearly all characters.
- The hash value for an empty string is 1.
- If your help project file had a [MAP] section, the internal file |CTXOMAP
- contains an array to assign map ids to topic offsets.
- short NEntries
- struct
- {
- long MapID
- }
- To locate a keyword assigned using a x-footnote (x may be A-Z, a-z), use the
- |xWDATA, |xWBTREE and |xWMAP internal files. |xWBTREE tells you how often a
- certain Keyword is defined in the help file.
- Structure of |xWBTREE index page entries:
- struct
- {
- STRINGZ Keyword
- short PageNumber
- }
- Structure of |xWBTREE leaf page entries:
- struct
- {
- STRINGZ Keyword
- short Count number of times keyword is referenced
- long KWDataOffset this is the offset into |xWDATA
- }
- KWBTREE files in WinHlp32 GID files are structured differently (they have
- a different description in the structure field of the BTREEHEADER) and pack
- former KWBTREE and KWDATA files into one:
- Structure of |xWBTREE leaf page entries in Win95 GID files:
- struct
- {
- STRINGZ Keyword
- long Size size of following record
- struct
- {
- long FileNumber ?
- long TopicOffset this is the offset into |xWDATA
- }
- record[Size/8]
- }
- The |xWDATA contains an array of topic offsets. The KWDataOffset from the
- |xWBTREE tells you where to seek to in the |xWDATA file to read Count topic
- offsets.
- TOPICOFFSET KeywordTopicOffset[UsedSpace/4]
- And the topic offset retrieved tells you which location the Keyword was
- assigned to. It is -1L if the Keyword is assigned to a macro using the [MACROS]
- section of HCRTF 4.0 (see description of |Rose file).
- The |xWMAP contains an array that tells you where to find the n-th keyword in
- the |xWBTREE. You don't need to use this file but it allows for faster
- scrolling lists of alphabetically ordered Keywords. (WinHelp search dialog).
- struct
- {
- long KeywordNumber number of first keyword on leaf-page
- unsigned short PageNum B+ tree page number
- }
- xWMAP[UsedSpace/6]
- Similarily |xKWBTREE B+ tree and |xKWDATA, |xKWMAP files (where x may be 0-9,
- A-Z, a-z) are built from K-x:footnotes and [KEYINDEX] declarations of multi
- media files.
- If you want to know the topic title assigned using the $-footnote, take a look
- into the |TTLBTREE internal file, which contains topic titles ordered by topic
- offsets in a B+ tree. (It is used by WinHelp to display the topic titles in
- the search dialog).
- Structure of |TTLBTREE index page entries:
- struct
- {
- short PageNumber
- }
- Structure of |TTLBTREE leaf page entries:
- struct
- {
- STRINGZ TopicTitle
- }
- |CFn
- The |CFn (where n is integer) internal file lists the macros defined in
- [CONFIG:n] sections of the help project file (HCW 4.00). The file contains as
- many macro strings as were specified one after another:
- STRINGZ Macro[]
- |Rose
- The |Rose internal file contains all definitions from the [MACROS] section of a
- Windows 95 (HCW 4.00) help project file. It is build using a B+ tree. Keywords
- only appear using hash values but are listed in the |KWBTREE with a TopicPos in
- the associated |KWDATA array of -1L.
- Structure of |Rose index page entries:
- struct
- {
- long KeywordHash
- short PageNumber
- }
- RoseINDEXENTRY[NEntries]
- Structure of |Rose leaf page entries:
- struct
- {
- long KeywordHash
- STRINGZ TopicTitle not a real topic title but the string
- displayed in the search dialog where
- normally topic titles are listed
- }
- RoseLEAFENTRY[NEntries]
- |TopicId
- The |TopicId internal file lists the ContextName assigned to a specific topic
- offset if the help file was created using the /a option of HCRTF and is build
- using a B+ tree.
- Structure of |TopicId index-page entries:
- struct
- {
- short PageNumber
- }
- TopicIdINDEXENTRY[NEntries]
- Structure of |TopicId leaf-page entries:
- struct
- {
- STRINGZ ContextName
- }
- TopicIdLEAFENTRY[NEntries]
- |Petra
- The |Petra internal file contains a B+ tree mentioning the names of the RTF
- source files the help file was build from for each topic if the help file was
- created using the /a option of HCRTF.
- Structure of |Petra index-page entries:
- struct
- {
- short PageNumber
- }
- PetraINDEXENTRY[NEntries]
- Structure of |Petra leaf-page entries:
- struct
- {
- STRINGZ RTFSourceFileName
- }
- PetraLEAFENTRY[NEntries]
- |Viola
- The |Viola internal file contains a B+ tree specifying the default Windows
- assigned to topics using the > footnote available in HCRTF 4.00.
- Structure of |VIOLA index-page entries:
- struct
- {
- short PageNumber
- }
- Structure of |VIOLA leaf-page entries:
- struct
- {
- long DefaultWindowNumber
- }
- *.GID
- I have not investigated GID files, as they are created by WinHlp32 and are not
- needed for help file reconstruction. But they are based on the same file format
- as Windows help files, so HELPDECO may be used to display their content. Notice
- the difference between |xWBTREE files stored in *.GID files and regular files.
- |WinPos
- This file has been seen in WinHlp32 GID files, but always contained an empty
- Btree (with an unknown 'a' in the BTREEHEADER structure).
- |Pete
- This file has been seen in WinHlp32 GID files but is currently not understood.
- |Flags
- This file has been seen in WinHlp32 GID files but is currently not understood.
- |CntJump
- This B+ tree stored in WinHlp32 GID files contains the jump references of
- the *.CNT file.
- |CntText
- This B+ tree stored in WinHlp32 GID files contains the topic titles of the
- jumps from the *.CNT file.
- *.GRP
- MediaView compilers create *.GRP internal files from group + footnotes
- assigned to topics. All *.GRP files follow this structure:
- struct
- {
- unsigned long Magic /* 0x000A3333 */
- unsigned long BitmapSize /* max. 64000 equalling 512000 topics */
- unsigned long LastTopic /* first topic in help file has topic number 0 */
- unsigned long FirstTopic /* first topic in help file has topic number 0 */
- unsigned long TopicsUsed /* in this group */
- unsigned long TopicCount /* in whole help file */
- unsigned long GroupType /* 1 or 2, see below */
- unsigned long Unknown[3]
- unsigned char Bitmap[BitmapSize] /* only if GroupType equals 2 */
- }
- Starting with the first topic of the help file using TopicNumber 0, a topic is
- included in a group if TopicNumber is in the range of FirstTopic to LastTopic.
- If GroupType equals 2 it is additionally required that the corresponding bit
- starting with lsb of Bitmap[0] is set in the Bitmap.
- (Bitmap[TopicNumber>>3]&(1<<(TopicNumber&7))!=0).
- *.tbl
- MediaView compilers store character mapping tables listed in the [CHARTAB]
- section in internal *.tbl files using the following binary structure:
- struct
- {
- unsigned short Magic /* 0x5555 */
- unsigned short Size
- unsigned short Unknown1[2]
- unsigned short Entries
- unsigned short Ligatures
- unsigned short LigLen
- unsigned short Unknown2[13]
- struct
- {
- unsigned short class
- unsigned short order
- unsigned char normal
- unsigned char clipboard
- unsigned char mac
- unsigned char macclipboard
- unsigned short unused
- }
- charentry[Entries]
- unsigned char Ligature[Ligatures][LigLen]
- }
- A character mapping table is assigned to a font by appending ,x (where x is a
- decimal number) to the font name and the same ,x to the character mapping table
- name (in the CHARMAP section of the internal |FONT file).
- And now to the interesting part, the internal file named |TOPIC. It's divided
- into blocks of TopicBlockSize bytes, each beginning with a TOPICBLOCKHEADER:
- TOPICPOS LastTopicLink points to last topic link in previous block or -1L
- TOPICPOS FirstTopicLink points to first topic link in this block
- TOPICPOS LastTopicHeader points to topic link of last topic header or 0L, -1L
- ----
- char PlainOrCompressedData[TopicBlockSize-12]
- Read the first 12 bytes into a TOPICBLOCKHEADER structure. The remaining
- TopicBlockSize-12 bytes of each topic block may be compressed using the LZ77
- algorithm described above.
- Decompress them into a buffer of DecompressSize bytes size if the Flags value
- contained in the internal |SYSTEM file is 4 or 8 and Minor is greater than 16
- (DecompressSize is 16k this way), else they are not compressed and you should
- copy them as delivered (DecompressSize=TopicBlockSize-12).
- Do not decompress to more than DecompressSize bytes. As this would cause
- ambiguos values for TOPICPOS, the help compilers will not compress more, but
- fill the remaining topic block with 0es. Data will continue in the next
- topic block.
- A TOPICPOS is used to locate the position of TOPICLINKs in |TOPIC and contains
- the TopicBlockNumber in it's higher bits and an offset into the decompression
- buffer in it's lower bits.
- How many bits are used for TopicBlockNumber and TopicBlockOffset depends on
- the compression method used and the TopicBlockSize:
- (TOPICPOS-sizeof(TOPICBLOCKHEADER))%DecompressSize = TopicBlockOffset
- (TOPICPOS-sizeof(TOPICBLOCKHEADER))/DecompressSize = TopicBlockNumber
- A TOPICPOS below sizeof(TOPICBLOCKHEADER) is invalid.
- A TOPICLINK (located inside the buffer after decompression, the first of it
- pointed to by TOPICBLOCKHEADERs FirstTopicLink field) looks like this:
- long BlockSize Size of TOPICLINK + LinkData1 + compressed LinkData2
- long DataLen2 length of decompressed LinkData2
- TOPICPOS PrevBlock Windows 3.0 (HC30): Number of bytes previous
- TOPICLINK is located before this TOPICLINC,
- including eventually skipped TOPICBLOCKHEADER and
- unused bytes.
- Windows 3.1 (HC31): TOPICPOS of previous TOPICLINK
- TOPICPOS NextBlock Windows 3.0 (HC30): Number of bytes next TOPICLINK
- is located behind this TOPICLINK, incl. eventually
- skipped TOPICBLOCKHEADER and unused bytes.
- Windows 3.1 (HC31): TOPICPOS of next TOPICLINK
- long DataLen1 includes size of TOPICLINK
- unsigned char RecordType See below
- ----
- char LinkData1[DataLen1-11]
- char LinkData2[BlockSize-DataLen1]
- LinkData2 may be compressed using Phrase compression. If you find
- DataLen2>BlockSize-DataLen1 use the following algorithm to decompress
- if your help file contains a |Phrases internal file:
- Take the next character. If it's value is 0 or above 15 emit it. Else
- multiply it with 256, subtract 256 and add the value of the next character.
- Divide by 2 to get the phrase number. Emit the phrase from the |Phrase file
- and append a space if the division had a remainder (the number was odd).
- If the help file doesn't contain a |Phrases file but instead a |PhrIndex
- and |PhrImage, it uses Hall compression and the decompression of LinkData2
- is a bit more difficult:
- Take the next character (ch). If ch is even emit the phrase number ch/2.
- Else if the least two bits are 01 multiply by 64, add 64 and the value of
- the next character. Emit the Phrase using this number. If the least three
- bits are 011 copy the next ch/8+1 characters. If the least four bits are
- 0111 emit ch/16+1 spaces. If the least four bits are 1111 emit ch/16+1 NUL's.
- If DataLen2<=BlockSize-DataLen1 the DataLen2 bytes of LinkData2 are stored
- uncompressed (makes a difference for Hall compression only).
- If DataLen2<BlockSize-DataLen1 the remaining BlockSize-DataLen1-DataLen2 bytes
- are unused, but must be read from the |TOPIC file (this can only happen in Hall
- compressed help files).
- Now that you know how to decompress the topic data, let's see what you get.
- If the TOPICLINK RecordType is 2 you got a topic header in LinkData1.
- In Windows 3.0 (HC30) the TOPICHEADER is structured like this:
- long BlockSize size of topic, including internal topic links
- long PrevTopicNumber -1L or 0xFFFF at the beginning of a browse sequence
- long NextTopicNumber -1L or 0xFFFF at the end of a browse sequence
- In Windows Version 3.1 (HC31) and later it looks like this:
- long BlockSize size of topic, including internal topic links
- TOPICOFFSET BrowseBck topic offset for prev topic in browse sequence
- TOPICOFFSET BrowseFor topic offset for next topic in browse sequence
- long TopicNum topic number
- TOPICPOS NonScroll start of non-scrolling region (topic offset) or -1L
- TOPICPOS Scroll start of scrolling region (topic offset)
- TOPICPOS NextTopic start of next type 2 record
- The LinkData2 of Topic RecordType 2 contains NUL terminated strings. The
- first string is the topic title, the next strings contain all macros to be
- executed on opening this topic (specified using the ! footnote).
- If the TOPICLINK RecordType is 1, you have a Windows 3.0 displayable text
- record, a RecordType of 0x20 is Windows 3.1 displayable text and 0x23 is
- a Windows 3.1 table record. A displayable text record may contain multiple
- paragraphs, but all have the same paragraph formatting. A table record
- stores all rows and columns of a table and may contain multiple paragraphs
- of different formatting.
- Data inside LinkData1 is sometimes stored as compressed shorts or longs:
- A compressed unsigned short is made of a single byte. Divide by two to get
- the value if it's even. Divide by two and add 128 times the value of the
- next byte if it's odd.
- A compressed signed short is made of a single byte. Divide by two and sub-
- tract 64 to get the value if it's even. Divide by two, add 128 times the
- value of the next byte and subtract 16384 if it's odd.
- A compressed unsigned long is made of a 2 byte value. Divide by two to get
- it's value if it's even. Divide by two and add 32768 times the value of the
- next 2 bytes if it's odd.
- A compressed signed long is made of a 2 byte value. Divide by two and sub-
- tract 16384 to get it's value if it's even. Divide by two, add 32768 times
- the value of the next 2 bytes and subtract 67108864 if it's odd.
- The structure of LinkData1 in RecordType 1, 0x20, and 0x23 is difficult to
- describe, as some values are only stored if a certain condition is met and
- is therefore of variable size. I try to describe them as a C-structure and
- note which fields are not present under certain circumstances. Don't
- declare this structure. Write a parser which reads a value only if it's
- condition is met.
- The metric used (GapWidth, LeftIndent, etc.) is dependend upon the Font-
- Descriptor used (See |FONT file). It may be HalfPoints or Twips.
- compressed long TopicSize
- struct only in records type 0x20 and 0x23
- {
- compressed unsigned short TopicLength
- struct only in records type 0x23
- {
- unsigned char NumberOfColumns
- unsigned char TableType 0,2=variable width, 1,3=normal
- struct only for TableType 0 and 2
- {
- short MinTableWidth
- }
- ForTableType0or2only
- struct
- {
- short GapWidth LeftMargin if first column
- short ColWidth relative in variable width tables
- Sum of all GapWidth/ColWidth values
- is 32767 in variable width tables
- }
- Column[NumberOfColumns]
- }
- RecordType0x23only
- }
- RecordType0x20or0x23only
- struct
- {
- struct only in RecordType 0x23
- {
- short column -1 if end of topic, don't continue
- short unknown
- char always0
- }
- RecordType0x23only
- unsigned char unknownUnsignedChar
- char unknownBiasedChar
- unsigned short id
- struct
- {
- unsigned short UnknownFollows:1
- unsigned short SpacingAboveFollows:1
- unsigned short SpacingBelowFollows:1
- unsigned short SpacingLinesFollows:1
- unsigned short LeftIndentFollows:1
- unsigned short RightIndentFollows:1
- unsigned short FirstlineIndentFollows:1
- unsigned short unused:1
- unsigned short BorderinfoFollows:1
- unsigned short TabinfoFollows:1
- unsigned short RightAlignedParagraph:1
- unsigned short CenterAlignedParagraph:1
- }
- bits
- compressed long Unknown only if UnknownFollows set
- compressed short SpacingAbove only if SpacingAboveFollows set
- compressed short SpacingBelow only if SpacingBelowFollows set
- compressed short SpacingLines only if SpacingLinesFollows set
- compressed short LeftIndent only if LeftIndentFollows set
- compressed short RightIndent only if RightIndentFollows set
- compressed short FirstlineIndent only if FirstlineIndentFollows set
- struct only if BorderinfoFollows set
- {
- unsigned char BorderBox:1
- unsigned char BorderTop:1
- unsigned char BorderLeft:1
- unsigned char BorderBottom:1
- unsigned char BorderRight:1
- unsigned char BorderThick:1
- unsigned char BorderDouble:1
- unsigned char BorderUnknown:1
- short BorderWidth
- }
- Borderinfo
- struct only if TabinfoFollows set
- {
- compressed short NumberOfTabStops
- struct
- {
- compressed unsigned short TabStop position is lower 14 bits
- struct only if TabStop bit 0x4000 set
- {
- compressed unsigned short TabType 1=right, 2=center
- }
- onlyIfTabStopBit0x4000set
- }
- Tab[NumberOfTabStops]
- }
- Tabinfo
- }
- Paragraphinfo
- Behind this structure LinkData1 contains character formatting information.
- Always output the next string (NUL terminated) from LinkData2 (use Phrase
- decompression if required), than read the next formatting command, set up
- the required font, color or position before displaying the next string.
- Sometimes the string is of zero length, as multiple formatting commands are
- required before output.
- 0xFF: end of character formatting. Proceed with next Paragraphinfo if
- RecordType is 0x23, else you are done.
- 0x20: long vfldNumber 0 = {vfld} n = {vfld n}
- 0x21: short dtypeNumber 0 = {dtype} n = {dtype n}
- 0x80: short FontNumber index into Descriptor array of internal |FONT file
- 0x81: line break no firstlineindent/spacingabove on next paragraph
- 0x82: end of paragraph next paragraph has same Paragraphinfo as this one
- 0x83: TAB jump to next tab stop
- 0x86: ewc or bmc or bmcwd or bmct or button or mci
- 0x87: ewl or bml or bmlwd or bmlt or button or mci_left
- 0x88: ewr or bmr or bmrwd or bmrt or button or mci_right
- unsigned char Type 5=embedded, 3 or 0x22=picture
- compressed long PictureSize size of union
- struct only if Type = 0x22
- {
- compressed word NumberOfHotspots Add to TopicPos if counting
- }
- OnlyIfTypeIs0x22
- union
- {
- struct
- {
- short PictureIsEmbedded 0=bmc/bmr/bml or 1=bmcwd/bmlwd/bmrwd
- short PictureNumber only if PictureIsEmbedded = 0
- char EmbeddedPicture[PictureSize-4]
- only if PictureIsEmbedded = 1
- See 'Format of Pictures' section
- }
- Type3or0x22
- struct
- {
- short unknown1
- short unknown2
- short unknown3
- STRINGZ Embedded Format of string depends on statement
- DLLName,WindowClass,Param if ewc/ewr/ewl
- !Label,Macro if button
- *n,m,[helpfilename+]filename if mci/mci_left/mci_right
- n=0x8400
- n+=2 if NOPLAYBAR specified
- n+=8 if NOMENU specified
- m=0
- m+=1 if PLAY specified
- n+=2 if REPEAT specified
- [helpfilename+] if not EXTERNAL
- }
- Type5only
- }
- PictureData size of union is PictureSize
- 0x89: end of hotspot switch back from underlined green
- 0x8B: non-break-space the blank does not appear in LinkData2
- 0x8C: non-break-hyphen the hyphen itself is stored in LinkData2
- 0xC8: macro start with underlined green
- 0xCC: macro without font change
- short Length
- char MacroString[Length-3]
- 0xE0: popup jump start with underlined green
- 0xE1: topic jump start with underlined green
- 0xE2: popup jump start with underlined green
- 0xE3: topic jump start with underlined green
- 0xE3: topic jump start with underlined green
- 0xE6: popup jump without font change
- 0xE7: topic jump without font change
- 0xEA: popup jump into external file start with underlined green
- 0xEB: popup jump into external file without font change
- 0xEE: topic jump into external file / secondary window start with underlined green
- 0xEF: topic jump into external file / secondary window without font change
- short SizeOfFollowingStruct
- struct
- {
- unsigned char Type 0, 1, 4 or 6
- unsigned char WindowNumber only if Type = 1
- STRINGZ NameOfExternalFile only if Type = 4 or 6
- STRINGZ WindowName only if Type = 6
- }
- Continue outputting strings from LinkData2 and parsing formatting commands
- from LinkData1 until the 'end of character formatting' command is found.
- A TOPICOFFSET is used since WinHelp 3.1 to locate a cursor-like position, even
- in the middle of a topic. The position must be unique for hotspots (tabbing).
- And it needs to be unique for every scrollable position (going 'Back' to a
- topic that was scrolled). And it needs to quickly give you the topic block
- to read from the help file.
- Like a TOPICPOS, a TOPICOFFSET is divided into a TopicBlockNumber in it's
- 17 higher bits (TOPICPOS/32768) and a CharacterCount in it's 15 lower bits
- (TOPICPOS%32768) counting all characters and the number of hotspots in
- pictures appearing in all TOPICLINKs in the topic block before this position.
- If you got a TopicOffset, seek to the TopicBlock in |TOPIC as told by the
- TopicBlockNumber, read in and decompress the whole block. Use FirstTopicLink
- to locate the first TOPICLINK in this decompressed block (CharacterCount is
- 0 at this place) and follow the list of TOPICLINKs up to the desired
- position, adding TopicLength of every RecordType 0x20 and 0x23 you come
- across, until adding TopicLength would exceed the desired CharacterPosition.
- Your position is located in this TL_DISPLAY or TL_TABLE TOPICLINK. Expand
- LinkData2 if phrase compressed and follow the formatting procedure described
- above incrementing CharacterCount on every character (and NUL-terminator)
- passed. Add the NumberOfHotspots if a picture is included.
- If a TOPICLINK crosses a topic block, this has no effect on the TopicBlock-
- Number for this TOPICLINK (i.e. a TOPICOFFSET pointing into the second part
- has the TopicBlockNumber of the beginning of the TOPICLINK).
- If you didn't come across a TOPICHEADER (TOPICLINK RecordType 2) in this
- process, the beginning of the topic is located in a previous block. The
- LastTopicHeader field of the TOPICBLOCKHEADER of the current block tells
- you where to find it.
- To follow all topics contained in the help file, set the current TOPICPOS
- to 12 (that's FirstTopicLink of the first TOPICBLOCKHEADER at offset 0 in
- |TOPIC) and load it's TopicBlock ((12-12)/DecompressSize = 0) and decompress.
- The TOPICLINK is located at TopicBlockOffset ((12-12)%DecompressSize = 0)
- in the decompression buffer. The first TOPICLINK contains the TOPICHEADER
- of the first topic.
- In Windows 3.0 (HC30) help files you move from one TOPICLINK to the next
- by adding NextBlock to the current TOPICPOS. If the next TOPICLINK is
- located in the next topic block, the value of NextBlock handles the jump
- over the intervening TOPICBLOCKHEADER and possibly unused bytes nicely.
- In Windows 3.1 (HC31) and later you move from one TOPICLINK to the next
- by setting the current position to NextBlock, which also handles the jump
- from one topic block to the other nicely.
- The last TOPICLINK has NextBlock set to 0 or -1L. The last TOPICLINK does
- not contain any usable data.
- Format of Pictures
- Inside help files Bitmaps and Metafiles are stored in lP- or lp-format. This
- is the format of SHG/MRB files that SHED/MRBC produce and may contain multiple
- pictures at different resolutions, each with optional additional hotspot data.
- Pictures may be embedded in LinkData2 of |TOPIC or appear as |bm<x> files
- (or bm<x> in case of Windows 3.0 HC30). Each picture starts with this header
- data. The PictureOffset tells you where to look for the desired picture.
- short Magic 0x506C (SHG,lP) or 0x706C (MRB,lp)
- short NumberOfPictures >1 if multi-resolution-bitmap
- long PictureOffset[NumberOfPictures] relative to &Magic
- You shouldn't depend on Magic lP/lp upon reading, as there are some MRBs
- flagged like SHG, but please write correct values.
- Seek to PictureOffset and you will find this:
- char PictureType 5=DDB 6=DIB 8=metafile
- char PackingMethod 0=uncompressed 1=RunLen 2=LZ77 3=both
- If PictureType is 5 or 6 the picture is a bitmap described by:
- compressed unsigned long Xdpi resolution in dpi, not PelsPerMeter
- compressed unsigned long Ydpi resolution in dpi, not PelsPerMeter
- compressed unsigned short Planes
- compressed unsigned short BitCount
- compressed unsigned long Width
- compressed unsigned long Height
- compressed unsigned long ColorsUsed
- compressed unsigned long ColorsImportant 1 if bitmap is transparent
- compressed unsigned long CompressedSize
- compressed unsigned long HotspotSize 0 if none are defined
- unsigned long CompressedOffset relative to &PictureType
- unsigned long HotspotOffset relative to &PictureType
- If PictureType is 6 a color palette follows immediatly
- COLORREF palette[ColorsUsed] or 1<<BitCount if ColorsUsed=0
- If PackingMethod is 0 copy CompressedSize bytes starting at CompressedOffset
- to retrieve the bitmap data. If PackingMethod is 1 seek to CompressedOffset,
- and decode CompressedSize bytes using the RunLen algorithm:
- n=getc(f); if(n&0x80) copy n&0x7F bytes, else copy next byte n times.
- If PackingMethod is 2 use the LZ77 algorithm described above and if Packing-
- Method is 3 first use LZ77, then RunLen to decompress.
- If PictureType is 8 the picture is a metafile described by:
- compressed unsigned short MappingMode
- unsigned short Width
- unsigned short Height
- compressed unsigned long DecompressedSize can be used to allocate buffer
- compressed unsigned long CompressedSize
- compressed unsigned long HotspotSize 0 if none are defined
- unsigned long CompressedOffset relative to &PictureType
- unsigned long HotspotOffset relative to &PictureType
- Seek to CompressedOffset and decompress CompressedSize bytes as described
- above to retrieve metafile data.
- If HotspotSize or HotspotOffset is 0, no hotspots are defined. Otherwise
- seek to HotspotOffset and retrieve HotspotSize bytes of hotspot definition
- as declared below. Each macro hotspot contributes data to MacroData in a
- way not fully understood at this moment.
- unsigned char Always1
- unsigned short NumberOfHotspots
- unsigned long SizeOfMacroData
- struct
- {
- unsigned char id0,id1,id2;
- unsigned short x,y,w,h;
- unsigned long hash;
- }
- Hotspot[NumberOfHotspots]
- char MacroData[SizeOfMacroData] if SizeOfMacroData>0 the first byte
- of MacroData is always 2.
- struct
- {
- STRINGZ HotspotName
- STRINGZ ContextNameOrMacro
- }
- StringData[NumberOfHotspots]
- Possible values of id0,id1,id2 are:
- 0xC8 0x00 0x00 macro visible
- 0xCC 0x04 0x00 macro invisible
- 0xE2 0x00 0x00 popup jump visible
- 0xE3 0x00 0x00 topic jump visible
- 0xE6 0x04 0x00 popup jump invisible
- 0xE7 0x04 0x00 topic jump invisible
- 0xEA 0x00 0x00 popup jump into external file visible
- 0xEB 0x00 0x00 topic jump into external file / secondary window visible
- 0xEE 0x04 0x00 popup jump into external file invisible
- 0xEF 0x04 0x00 topic jump into external file / secondary window invisible
- The hash field is only used if id0 = 0xE2, 0xE3, 0xE6, 0xE7. It is 1 if
- id0 = 0xC8 or 0xCC.
- The ContextNameOrMacro contains a macro if id0 = 0xC8 or 0xCC, otherwise
- it contains a ContextName (id0 = 0xE2, 0xE3, 0xE6, 0xE7) or the complete
- reference ContextName>Window@File (id0 = 0xEA, 0xEB, 0xEE, 0xEF) (@File
- may be missing if target is in same file).
- Annotation file format
- An annotation file created by WinHelp uses the same basic file format as
- a Windows help file. The first 16 bytes contain the same header as a help
- file, with same Magic. DirectoryStart points to a FILEHEADER of an internal
- directory formatted the same way as a help file internal directory. There
- are just internal files of different name and format used to collect the
- annotations.
- The first internal file described contains (after the usual FILEHEADER) 6
- bytes of version info:
- 0x08 0x62 0x6D 0x66 0x01 0x00 (I've never seen other values)
- The @LINK internal file contains (after the usual FILEHEADER) the number of
- annotations and the TOPICOFFSET of every annotation. The TopicOffset separates
- into a TopicBlockNumber in it's upper bits and TopicBlockOffset pointing into
- the decompression buffer in it's lower bits as explained above in the
- description of the |TOPIC format and points the the first TOPICLINK following
- the TOPICHEADER of the topic where the annotation belongs to.
- unsigned short NumberOfAnnotations
- struct
- {
- unsigned long TopicOffset
- unsigned long Unknown1 // always 0
- unsigned long Unknown2 // always 0
- }
- AnnotationTopicRef[NumberOfAnnotations]
- n!0
- For each annotation the ANN file also carrys an internal file with a name like
- 12345!0, where 12345 is the decimal representation of the TopicOffset (as
- listed in the @LINK array) where the annotation belongs to. These files
- contain the annotation text as unformatted, uncompressed plain ANSI characters,
- and are not NUL terminated.
- That's all what I've seen in an annotation file.
- *.CAC, *.AUX
- Multimedia files using extensions *.CAC or *.AUX are formatted like helpfiles,
- but contain only auxillary files, no |SYSTEM or |TOPIC.
- Investigate them yourself. HELPDECO may be used to display or extract files
- contained in them.
- LZ77
- You want to handle LZ77 compressed data in HLPs, MRBs, and SHGs yourself ?
- Here is an algorithm to do it:
- // LZ77 compression / decompression algorithm
- // this is the compression Microsoft used in Windows *.HLP and *.MRB files
- // so it works like Microsoft COMPRESS.EXE/EXPAND.EXE/LZEXPAND.DLL
- //#define MSEXPAND
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #define N 4096
- #define F 16
- #define THRESHOLD 3
- #define dad (node+1)
- #define lson (node+1+N)
- #define rson (node+1+N+N)
- #define root (node+1+N+N+N)
- #define NIL -1
- char *buffer;
- int *node;
- int pos;
- int insert(int i,int run)
- {
- int c,j,k,l,n,match;
- int *p;
- k=l=1;
- match=THRESHOLD-1;
- p=&root[(unsigned char)buffer[i]];
- lson[i]=rson[i]=NIL;
- while((j=*p)!=NIL)
- {
- for(n=min(k,l);n<run&&(c=(buffer[j+n]-buffer[i+n]))==0;n++) ;
- if(n>match)
- {
- match=n;
- pos=j;
- }
- if(c<0)
- {
- p=&lson[j];
- k=n;
- }
- else if(c>0)
- {
- p=&rson[j];
- l=n;
- }
- else
- {
- dad[j]=NIL;
- dad[lson[j]]=lson+i-node;
- dad[rson[j]]=rson+i-node;
- lson[i]=lson[j];
- rson[i]=rson[j];
- break;
- }
- }
- dad[i]=p-node;
- *p=i;
- return match;
- }
- void delete(int z)
- {
- int j;
- if(dad[z]!=NIL)
- {
- if(rson[z]==NIL)
- {
- j=lson[z];
- }
- else if(lson[z]==NIL)
- {
- j=rson[z];
- }
- else
- {
- j=lson[z];
- if(rson[j]!=NIL)
- {
- do
- {
- j=rson[j];
- }
- while(rson[j]!=NIL);
- node[dad[j]]=lson[j];
- dad[lson[j]]=dad[j];
- lson[j]=lson[z];
- dad[lson[z]]=lson+j-node;
- }
- rson[j]=rson[z];
- dad[rson[z]]=rson+j-node;
- }
- dad[j]=dad[z];
- node[dad[z]]=j;
- dad[z]=NIL;
- }
- }
- void compress(FILE *f,FILE *out)
- {
- int ch,i,run,len,match,size,mask;
- char buf[17];
- buffer=malloc(N+F+(N+1+N+N+256)*sizeof(int)); // 28.5 k !
- if(buffer)
- {
- #ifdef MSEXPAND
- struct { long magic, magic2; int magic3; long filesize; } header;
- header.magic=0x44445A53L; // SZDD
- header.magic2=0x3327F088L;
- header.magic3=0x0041;
- header.filesize=filelength(fileno(f));
- fwrite(&header,sizeof(header),1,out);
- #endif
- node=(int *)(buffer+N+F);
- for(i=0;i<256;i++) root[i]=NIL;
- for(i=NIL;i<N;i++) dad[i]=NIL;
- size=mask=1;
- buf[0]=0;
- i=N-F-F;
- for(len=0;len<F&&(ch=getc(f))!=-1;len++)
- {
- buffer[i+F]=ch;
- i=(i+1)&(N-1);
- }
- run=len;
- do
- {
- ch=getc(f);
- if(i>=N-F)
- {
- delete(i+F-N);
- buffer[i+F]=buffer[i+F-N]=ch;
- }
- else
- {
- delete(i+F);
- buffer[i+F]=ch;
- }
- match=insert(i,run);
- if(ch==-1)
- {
- run--;
- len--;
- }
- if(len++>=run)
- {
- if(match>=THRESHOLD)
- {
- #ifdef MSEXPAND
- buf[size++]=pos;
- buf[size++]=((pos>>4)&0xF0)+(match-3);
- #else
- buf[0]|=mask;
- *(int *)(buf+size)=((match-3)<<12)|((i-pos-1)&(N-1));
- size+=2;
- #endif
- len-=match;
- }
- else
- {
- #ifdef MSEXPAND
- buf[0]|=mask;
- #endif
- buf[size++]=buffer[i];
- len--;
- }
- if(!((mask+=mask)&0xFF))
- {
- fwrite(buf,size,1,out);
- size=mask=1;
- buf[0]=0;
- }
- }
- i=(i+1)&(N-1);
- }
- while(len>0);
- if(size>1) fwrite(buf,size,1,out);
- free(buffer);
- }
- }
- void expand(FILE *f,FILE *out)
- {
- int bits,ch,i,j,len,mask;
- char *buffer;
- #ifdef MSEXPAND
- struct { long magic, magic2; int magic3; long filesize; } header;
- i=fread(&header,1,sizeof(header),f);
- if(i!=sizeof(header)||header.magic!=0x44445A53L||header.magic2!=0x3327F088L||header.magic3!=0x0041)
- {
- fwrite(&header,1,i,out);
- while((ch=getc(f))!=-1) putc(ch,out);
- return;
- }
- #endif
- buffer=malloc(N);
- if(buffer)
- {
- i=N-F;
- while((bits=getc(f))!=-1)
- {
- for(mask=0x01;mask&0xFF;mask<<=1)
- {
- #ifdef MSEXPAND
- if(!(bits&mask))
- {
- j=getc(f);
- if(j==-1) break;
- len=getc(f);
- j+=(len&0xF0)<<4;
- len=(len&15)+3;
- #else
- if(bits&mask)
- {
- j=getw(f);
- len=((j>>12)&15)+3;
- j=(i-j-1)&(N-1);
- #endif
- while(len--)
- {
- putc(buffer[i]=buffer[j],out);
- j=(j+1)&(N-1);
- i=(i+1)&(N-1);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ch=getc(f);
- #ifndef MSEXPAND
- if(ch==-1) break;
- #endif
- putc(buffer[i]=ch,out);
- i=(i+1)&(N-1);
- }
- }
- }
- free(buffer);
- }
- }
- That's all I can tell you about the format of Windows 3.x/95 help files.
- If you found out more, please let me know.
- M. Winterhoff
- 100326.2776@compuserve.com