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- ; HP Color LaserJet 4500 NT PCL 6 driver installation file for Windows
- ; Copyright Hewlett-Packard 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000
- ;
- ;
- [Version]
- Signature="$Windows NT$"
- Provider="Hewlett-Packard"
- ClassGUID={4D36E979-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
- Class=Printer
- CatalogFile=hp4500p6.cat
- DriverVer=03/21/2000,
- ;
- ; The Manufacturer section lists all of the manufacturers that we will
- ; display in the Dialog box
- ;
- [Manufacturer]
- "HP"
- ;
- ; Model sections. Each section here corresponds with an entry listed in the
- ; [Manufacturer] section, above. The models will be displayed in the order
- ; that they appear in the INF file.
- ;
- [HP]
- ;
- ; Installer Sections
- ;
- ; These sections control file installation, and reference all files that
- ; need to be copied. The section name will be assumed to be the driver
- ; file, unless there is an explicit DriverFile section listed.
- ;
- DriverFile=HPBLFF2.DLL
- ConfigFile=HPBLFF0.DLL
- LanguageMonitor=%HPDC_MONITOR%
- DataFile=HPBLFF18.PMD
- ; Copy Sections
- ;
- ; Lists of files that are actually copied. These sections are referenced
- ; from the installer sections, above. Only create a section if it contains
- ; two or more files (if we only copy a single file, identify it in the
- ; installer section, using the @filename notation) or if it's a color
- ; profile (since the DestinationDirs can only handle sections, and not
- ; individual files).
- ;
- HPBLFF18.PMD, hpbLFF18.pm_
- HPBLFF37.DLL, hpbLFF37.dl_
- HPBLFF38.DLL, hpbLFF38.dl_
- HPBLFF0.DLL, hpbLFF0.dl_
- HPBLFF1.DLL, hpbLFF1.dl_
- HPBLFF2.DLL, hpbLFF2.dl_
- HPBLFF3.DLL, hpbLFF3.dl_
- HPBLFFH.HLP, hpbLFFh.hl_
- hpbLFF7.dll, hpbLFF7.dl_
- hpbafd32.dll, hpbafd32.dl_
- hpbftm32.dll, hpbftm32.dl_
- HPDCMON.DLL, hpdcmon.dl_
- HPDCMON.DLL, hpdcmon.dl_
- [DestinationDirs]
- HPBLFF18_FILES=66000
- PMD18_FILES=66000
- DefaultDestDir=66000
- ;
- ; Localizable Strings
- ;
- [Strings]
- Printer="HP Color LaserJet 4500 PCL 6"
- HPDC_MONITOR="HP LaserJet 5 Language Monitor,HPDCMON.DLL"
- DiskID1="HP Color LaserJet 4500 PCL 6 Driver Disk"
- ;
- ; Call SetupSetDirectoryId with 66000 to set the target directory at runtime
- ; (depending on which environment drivers are getting installed)
- ;
- [SourceDisksNames]
- 1 = %DiskID1%,,,""
- [SourceDisksFiles]
- HPBLFF0.DL_ = 1
- HPBLFF1.DL_ = 1
- HPBLFF2.DL_ = 1
- HPBLFF3.DL_ = 1
- HPBLFF37.DL_ = 1
- HPBLFF38.DL_ = 1
- HPBLFF18.PM_ = 1
- hpdcmon.dl_ = 1
- hpbLFF7.dl_ = 1
- hpbafd32.dl_ = 1
- hpbftm32.dl_ = 1
- hpdcmon.dll = 1