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- <td width="402" height="35"><strong><p align="center"><font size="4">Business
- Opportunities in Czech Republic</font></strong></td>
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- <td width="402" height="30"><strong><p align="center">Central Europe</strong></td>
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- <td width="161" height="24"><p align="center">to come in and take</td>
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- <td width="52" height="66" rowspan="4"></td>
- <td width="450" height="21"><p align="center"><font face="default font" size="2">Bond
- marketing Ltd., Palackeho nam.89, CZ 684 01 Slavkov u Brna</font></td>
- <td width="90" height="66" rowspan="4"></td>
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- <td width="450" height="21"><font face="default font" size="2"><p align="center">Czech
- Republic - EUROPE</font></td>
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- <td width="450" height="21"><font face="default font" size="2"><p align="center">Phone:
- 0042 05 44220755-6, 1062, fax: 0042 05 44220755</font></td>
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- <td width="450" height="21"><font face="default font" size="2"><p align="center"><a href="mailto:bond@bond.cz">e-mail: bond@bond.cz</a></font></td>
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