2 Adaptec DirectCD Upgrade Wizard. Do you wish to continue?
3 You need to log in with Administrator privileges in order for the upgrade software to work properly. \n\nDo you wish to continue?
16 Thank you for using Adaptec DirectCD. This wizard upgrades your copy of DirectCD to version %s.
17 \nNo qualified copies of DirectCD can be found on your system.
18 \nThe Next Wave in Desktop Data Storage!
19 Version %s
20 Please select the language that you want to use for the DirectCD %s upgrade.
21 Please insert DirectCD's disk #1 in drive A or enter the location of disk1.
22 \nYour CD-RW drive's firmware revision is not up to date.
23 Click on "Exit" button to exit the upgrade program.
32 \n\nClick "Upgrade" button to begin.
33 \n\nUpgrade in process. Please wait...
34 \n\nUpgrade completed successfully!
35 \n\nUpgrade completed. Click "Reboot" button to restart\nyour system for the changes to take effect.
36 \nAn error occurred while upgrading DirectCD.\n%s\n\nThe error code is %03lX-%lX-%04lX-%08lX.
37 \nThe Upgrade Wizard did not detect DirectCD version 1.0x\n or 2.x on your system.\n\nClick on "Details" button to find out how to purchase Adaptec DirectCD.
38 The Upgrade Wizard detected an unlicensed version of DirectCD installed\non your system. This version of DirectCD is not eligible for upgrade.\n\nClick on "Details" button to find out how to purchase DirectCD.
41 Select a language and click "Upgrade" button to begin.
42 \nAdaptec does NOT provide firmware updates. Please contact your CD-RW drive(s) manufacture DIRECTLY for the updated firmware. Then run the upgrade program again.
43 The current version of DirectCD you have is an unlicensed version . \nThis version of DirectCD is not eligible for upgrade.\n\nClick on "Details" button to find out how to purchase DirectCD.
44 No CD-R/RW drive(s) supported by DirectCD 2.5d can be found on your system. Please visit Adaptec's Web Page at http:/www.adaptec.com/cdrec for the most updated list of supported drives.
48 The new changes will not take effect until you reboot.\nDo you wish to reboot your system now?
49 Are you sure you want to exit now?
64 &Details
65 &Reboot
66 &OK
67 &Next
68 &Upgrade
69 &Exit
80 \n\nThe current version of DirectCD on your system is already up to date!
82 The DirectCD upgrade utility has detected an older version of Windows NT. Both the upgrade utility and the files it installs are designed for Windows NT version 4.00 or later.
83 English
84 French (Franτais)
85 German (Deutsch)
86 Italian (Italiano)
87 Spanish (Espa±ol)
88 Dutch (Nederlands)
260 An attempt to create child process fail or it never return back.
2048 Unable to upgrade this version of DirectCD.
2049 The upgrade has been cancelled.
2050 An internal error has occurred.
2051 A copy of the install utility is already running.
2052 The upgrade utility cannot be run on this platform.
2053 The registry update file has been corrupted.
2054 There is not enough memory to complete the upgrade.
2055 Unable to create temp directory for installation.
2064 Windows cannot be restarted. Please reboot after closing this utility.
2065 An attempt to collect information on one or more files has failed.
2066 An attempt to copy one or more files for EFIGS has failed.
2067 An attempt to open one or more files has failed.
2068 The upgrade utility cannot access a registry INF file.
2069 An attempt to decompress one or more files has failed.
2070 An attempt to delete one or more files has failed.
2071 Windows cannot be restarted. Please reboot after closing this utility.
2072 The utility is unable to calculate the size of one or more files.
2073 An attempt at creating one or more temporary files has failed.
2074 The upgrade utility cannot access a registry INF file.
2075 An attempt at moving one or more files has failed.
2076 Windows cannot be restarted. Please reboot after closing this utility.
2077 An attempt at creating one or more registry keys has failed.
2078 An attempt at setting one or more registry values has failed.
2079 An attempt at adjusting one or more file attributes has failed.
2080 There is not enough disk space to complete the upgrade.
2083 \nThe Upgrade Wizard did not detect any version of DirectCD on your diskette. \n\nClick on "Details" button to find out how to purchase Adaptec DirectCD.
2086 Adaptec DirectCD %s is intended ONLY for specific CD-R/RW drives and firmware revisions. Please visit Adaptec's Web Page at http:/www.adaptec.com/cdrec for the most updated list of supported drives and supported firmware revisions.
2087 Upgrade failed! We recommend you to:\n - Uninstall DirectCD and remove all the files under that directory.\n - Reinstall DirectCD, then try this upgrade again.
2088 The Upgrade file is corupted. Please re-download the utility and try again.