106 All the contents of the CD-RW currently in the selected CD-Recorder will be erased !\nSelect OK to erase the CD, CANCEL to abort.
107 In progress...
108 Successful
109 Yes
110 No
111 All Files(*.*)|*.*||\n
112 %1 Bytes
113 %1 KB
114 %1 MB
115 Select test file
116 Testing the ability to read data and digital audio...
117 Counting the available CD drives
118 Checking drive %1:
119 Drive %1: supports digital audio extraction at %2KB/sec.
120 Drive %1: supports digital audio extraction.
121 Drive %1: does not support digital audio extraction.
122 Drive %1: digital audio extraction support not tested.
123 This drive cannot be used because it is already being used by %s.
124 Audio
125 Data
126 Not tested
127 The recorder attached to your system is not capable of performing a simulated recording.
128 The transfer rate test for the drive ""%1"" has not been conducted successfully.\n Please run the transfer rate test and then retry the recorder test.
129 Are you sure you want to cancel the test at the end of the current attempt?
130 Checking for a suitable speed.
131 System not fast enough
132 "Not supported"\n
133 Checking the media.
134 Successful
135 Failed
136 The test file ""%1"" could not be opened for reading. Would you like to select a new test file? If you choose ""No"" the test will be canceled.
137 Select a file of size greater than or equal to %1MB. This will be used as the test file for determining the safest recording speed for your recorder.
138 Track %02d through %02d
139 Simulating recording of data at %1 KB/sec - attempt %2
140 Simulating recording of audio at %1 KB/sec - attempt %2
141 This drive doesn't have enough space to perform transfer rate test.
142 Checking the data transfer rate from drive %1
143 Searching for test files...
144 Computing rate for large files with a %1 MB test file
145 The test file ""%1"" could not be opened for reading.\nThe test cannot proceed.
146 The transfer rate test for large files for the drive %1 could not be conducted as a test file of size %2MB could not be located. \n
147 An attempt to create a temporary test file failed. Please increase the amount of free space on the drive and retry the test.\n
148 Please copy a file of size greater than or equal to %1MB to the drive and retry the test.
149 Please insert a CD containing a file of size greater than or equal to %1MB into the drive and retry the test.\n
150 Computing rate for small files
151 The transfer rate test for small files for the drive ""%1"" could not be conducted as not enough test files could be located.
152 Please ensure that the drive contains a total of at least %1MB of files ranging in size from %2KB and retry the test.
153 \nPlease insert another CD containing a total of at least %1MB of files ranging in size from %2KB and retry the test.\n
154 An error has occurred while writing to the CD-Recorder. The test cannot proceed at this speed. Please view the log file for details about the error.
191 Checking drive %1: digital audio extraction speeds
192 Checking drive %1: digital audio extraction resync capability
193 Checking drive %1: fastest reliable digital audio extraction speed
194 Drive %1: can read data at %2KB/sec.
195 Drive %1: can read data
196 Drive %1: cannot read data
197 Drive %1: data read capability has not been tested
198 studio quality
199 WAV file (*.WAV)|*.WAV|
200 MPEG Layer-3 compressed Audio (*.MP3)|*.MP3|
201 All Files (*.*)|*.*||
202 CD quality
204 %lux (%lu KB/sec)
205 0.%lux (%lu KB/sec)
206 -- Generate File Names Automatically --
207 <Drive in use by "%s">
208 Scanning :
209 Reading :
210 Scanning CD Tracks
211 Please insert a blank CD into Drive %c:
212 Writing to file :
213 Re&ad Track
214 Extr&act Audio
215 Recordable
216 Non Recordable
217 Bad medium. Error reading CD information.
218 (Re-Writable)
219 Bad Medium
220 CD-DA
221 CD-DA or CD-ROM
223 CD-I
225 Blank
226 There was an error either in initializing the digital audio encoder used for the conversion or in converting the digital audio data to an audio format.
227 You are trying to erase a blank CD.\nDo you want to continue?
228 If you switch to Track-At-Once mode all previously set Audio Effects will be lost!\nDo you want to continue?
229 There was an error extracting audio from the CD.%s\nThis track will be skipped.\nDo you want to continue extracting the remaining tracks?
230 There was an error extracting audio from the CD.%s
231 The CD could not be erased.\nThe CD may be dirty or damaged. Clean the CD and try again.\nIn most cases, erasing the CD again works just fine.
232 There are no available supported CD-Recorders on this system.
233 There was an error reading data from the CD.%s\nThis track will be skipped.\nDo you want to continue reading the remaining tracks?
234 There was an error reading data from the CD.%s
1052 better CD quality
1053 Invalid request
1054 Invalid host adapter
1055 Device not installed
1056 Time-out during select phase
1057 Buffer underflow/overflow
1059 Illegal target phase
1060 No sense key
1061 Reservation conflict
1073 %1:
1074 I/O error %1 -
1075 good CD quality
1076 sense code %1
1077 Target is busy
1078 Unknown adapter error
1083 near CD quality
1084 File not found reading file %1
1085 Path not found reading file %1
1086 Too many open files reading file %1
1087 OS error code %1 reading file %2
1088 Access denied reading file %1
1089 Invalid file handle reading file %1
1090 Absorption control error at address %1
1092 FM radio quality
1093 modem quality
1094 Invalid object error
1095 Insufficient free memory error
1096 One or more of the files you are creating already exists.\nFor example: %s\nDo you want to replace the files?