ocr: BiblioMad extbook - Textbook of bostiocr.erology EDX Fle Edt Scarch View Bookmak Iiles Rep Tablece 2 - A Swe Print CoPs Contens Bock Sexch Prevous Net at Table of Contents PART) FOUR Taxbook of CHAPTER 117 Cosbcenkerologl Results Figure117-3 The paplaisreadly identifedby. expenenced endoscopists m ode Tables Casbcerkeroog AHOR of than 98% ofcases. Diticulties in finding the papilla: may arise: in cases oflarge papillary tanors, duodenal stenoas, o: edematous folds caused by acute pancreabtis or: ifthe papillaislocated inside a SAFRETESHTAA ealbook diverticulum ns pakents with a Biliroth gastro ...