ocr: mmunobralogy Booksheit EX Ee Eot Opions Fort Windon Hep Table D1 Corlenls ER 3-26-Transmembrane and s secreted fonus of Next Search Prev. Temm Nac tem Frav. ammumoglobnhn are generated from alternative leavy-chain transcmpts. TOC Dopy * 2 Fig. 3.33. Transiembrane aud secreted forins ofi Transmembrane IgM ImmilogioDums are derived from the sannt gene by alternauve RNA VDJ Cpl Cu2 C13 processig, Each ammmunoglobulu gene las two CXOIS HH (MC; yellow) that encode the transmembrane region and cytoplasmic tail of the transmembra form and aul SC sequence (orauge) encoding tl carboxy teminlus ofthie s ...