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| This VENDINFO Product Information File contains both readable text |
| and tools-accessible data about a product. See the last text |
| section, below, for more information about VENDINFO and its tools. |
VENDINFO standard v1.03, produced by VendEdit v1.22, 9-May-1995
===== Product Information ==============================
Product: PC-TRACK Satellite Tracking and Visualization
Version: 3.1
Version Date: 1-May-1995
Product Type: Software
Basic Distribution Policy (see License, below, for details):
Shareware, freely distributable by all channels
Product Description: PC-TRACK V 3.1 3D Satellite Tracking <ASP>
Track 300 satellites at a time. 3D and
mercator projections. VGA graphics. Show
footprints, altitude lines, lines of sight,
space & ground points, solar position.
Predict visible passes. Compute solar illum.,
doppler shift, phase, position, rangerate.
Import data from NORAD, AMSAT. Uses SGP4/SDP4
propagation. Capture graphics to PCX files.
Reason for version: New Features
Category: Home & hobby; Astronomy
Required Packages: PCTRK31.ZIP
This Package: PCTRK31.
Registration Fee: 45.00 (US DOLLARS)
Required Configuration
Processor Family: Intel 80x86 (minimum 80386)
Clock Speed: 25 MHz
Minimum OS: MS-DOS 5.0
Standard RAM: 580K
Extended Memory: 2000K
XMS Memory: 0K
Hard Drive Space: 5000K
Hard drive
Video Graphics Array (VGA)
Won't Work With:
Floppy only
Monochrome Display Adapter (MDA)
Hercules Graphics Card
Tandy Display Adapter
Color Graphic Adapter (CGA)
Enhanced Graphic Adapter (EGA)
Multi-Color Graphics Array (MCGA)
Multi-Color Graphics Array 256 (MCGA 256)
IBM 8514 Adapter
Postscript printer
Address: Johnson Scientific Intnl
9746 US Route 36
St. Paris, OH 43072
Phone: 1-513-663-0032
FAX: 1-513-663-0462
CompuServe: 71371,1257
Internet: 71371.1257@compuserve.com
Address: Johnson Scientific Internation
9746 US Route 36
St. Paris, OH 43072
Phone: 1-513-663-0032
FAX: 1-513-663-0462
CompuServe: 71371,1257
Internet: 71371.1257@compuserve.com
===== Information for Users ("READ-ME") ================
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Copyright (c) 1989-1995
Thomas C. Johnson
Johnson Scientific International
PC-TRACK is a simple but sophisticated means of tracking
earth orbiting satellites. PC-TRACK is capable of tracking up to
300 satellites simultaneously in 3D or on a flat mercator
PC-TRACK is useful to amateur radio and weather satellite users,
science teachers, experimenters, and serious satellite users.
Use it for demonstrating orbital mechanics, predicting
availability times, making presentations, performing satellite
constellation studies, and general orbital analyses. PC-TRACK
uses satellite data readily available from NASA and other
PC-TRACK offers the following features.
New For Version 3.1:
- Incorporates SGP4/SDP4 propagation algorithms
- Capture graphics screens to PCX files
- Visualize mutually visible passes in 3D
- Improved graphics controls
- Different colors for dark and illuminated satellites
- Can track up to 300 satellites simultaneously.
- Can store data for up to 300 objects and 300 observers.
Existing Features:
- Integrated Mutual Visibility Pass Scan capability.
- Runs in DOS protected mode, utilizing up to 16MB of memory.
- Can track in 3D on spherical world projections.
- Uses 640x480 VGA resolution.
- Text screen tracking for users with no VGA capability.
- Scan for visible passes
- Scan all satellites to find illuminated sats.
- Rapid graphics screen redraw.
- Informative satellite position display.
- All colors and parameters user definable.
- Capable of having separate parameter files for
different track/display scenarios.
- Quick start-up.
- Downlink frequency displays, showing doppler shift.
- Display orbital phase, based on current mean anomaly.
- Multiple maps of world and continents available.
- Can be configured to track using UTC time or LOCAL time
- Can be configured to display distances using metric or
english system.
- Full control of Date, Time, and Interval used to predict
object data.
- Site and Satellite data sorted by name.
- Includes import capability for NASA 2 line Orbital Elements or
AMSAT data files.
- Select from over 100 printer drivers.
In order to run properly, PC-TRACK needs...
■ any 80386SX, 80386, 80486 or Pentium processor based
(A math coprocessor SIGNIFICANTLY improves performance,
but is not necessary to run.)
■ 2 - 16 MB
■ at least 5MB of disk space.
■ MS-DOS or PC-DOS version 5.0 or greater.
■ VGA Color Video (Required for graphics use. Any lesser
standard will work using the TEXT track capability).
■ Printer (optional)
■ The operational files included on the Distribution Disk.
Known Problems With PC-Track 3.1
This application utilizes the DOS Protected Mode Interface (DPMI)
protocol. This means it runs in Protected mode, which is a CPU mode
that permits programs to access ALL available extended memory in your
computer, not just a portion of the 640K conventional memory like
most of the other programs you may be running.
This has caused problems on a handful of systems. For complete
information regarding this, see PROBLEMS.TXT.
See the file called PRODUCTS.TXT for information on other satellite
analysis and visualization products available from Johnson Scientific
Copyright (c) 1989-1995
Thomas C. Johnson
Johnson Scientific International
9746 US Route 36
St. Paris, OH. 43072
Voice: 513-663-0032
FAX: 513-663-0462
Compuserve Id:
===== Packing List =====================================
As released by the author or publisher, this package contained the
following files in addition to this VENDINFO.DIZ:
Filename Size Date Time CRC32
README. 6550 1-May-1995 03:10a A72C7367
MSATS.DAT 58026 1-May-1995 03:10a CDD401DC
MSITES.DAT 1593 1-May-1995 03:10a 0F697182
PRINTERS.DAT 41511 1-May-1995 03:10a 866D588B
COLORS.DEF 1431 1-May-1995 03:10a D1630A65
PRINTER.DEF 2370 1-May-1995 03:10a FBC95C6E
FILE_ID.DIZ 400 1-May-1995 03:10a 86C001A9
SGPLIB.DLL 47179 1-May-1995 03:10a 58EB41C6
PCT3.EXE 534016 1-May-1995 03:10a 8814F1F2
RTM.EXE 109022 1-May-1995 03:10a EA64534B
PCT3.HLP 169973 1-May-1995 03:10a 2A0469AF
PCTSYS.INI 37 1-May-1995 03:10a 27B3326E
WORLD.LGW 110814 1-May-1995 03:10a 4F3EA0EF
GLB1.MPL 110855 1-May-1995 03:10a 29BB63B4
GLB2.MPL 110855 1-May-1995 03:10a AB6B72B5
GLB3.MPL 110855 1-May-1995 03:10a 5369E0EB
GLB4.MPL 110855 1-May-1995 03:10a E653EF02
GLB5.MPL 110855 1-May-1995 03:10a 26D18EE5
GLB6.MPL 110855 1-May-1995 03:10a ECE06A33
GLB7.MPL 110855 1-May-1995 03:10a 25B65A20
GLB8.MPL 110855 1-May-1995 03:10a C7A6247B
GLB1.MPS 76775 1-May-1995 03:10a 2F31F81D
GLB2.MPS 76775 1-May-1995 03:10a 692DD0D0
GLB3.MPS 76775 1-May-1995 03:10a 8B8CB404
GLB4.MPS 76775 1-May-1995 03:10a 9CA4F477
GLB5.MPS 76775 1-May-1995 03:10a 310D4E2B
GLB6.MPS 76775 1-May-1995 03:10a A88E7D72
GLB7.MPS 76775 1-May-1995 03:10a DC823328
GLB8.MPS 76775 1-May-1995 03:10a 3A7A3AD0
GLB1.MSC 137069 1-May-1995 03:10a 17ABA963
GLB2.MSC 137069 1-May-1995 03:10a C48CD667
GLB3.MSC 137069 1-May-1995 03:10a E8C48D30
GLB4.MSC 137069 1-May-1995 03:10a E5CF90A2
GLB5.MSC 137069 1-May-1995 03:10a 8513BD82
GLB6.MSC 137069 1-May-1995 03:10a 7CC608BC
GLB7.MSC 137069 1-May-1995 03:10a E794D6DD
GLB8.MSC 137069 1-May-1995 03:10a 32E43048
DPMI16BI.OVL 50384 1-May-1995 03:10a 8FD794C7
AMATEUR.PRM 2365 1-May-1995 03:10a BC01CEF9
DEFAULT.PRM 2191 1-May-1995 03:10a E6D8BB46
GPS.PRM 2604 1-May-1995 03:10a ECDF1E5A
WEATHER.PRM 2146 1-May-1995 03:10a 81213CFA
WORLD.SCW 137028 1-May-1995 03:10a AF901E02
WORLD.SMW 76734 1-May-1995 03:10a ED3E29FF
AMSAT.TXT 30126 1-May-1995 03:10a C229227F
DESCRIBE.TXT 8403 1-May-1995 03:10a D90666AF
GETHELP.TXT 4445 1-May-1995 03:10a EF4E3BD0
OMBDSMAN.TXT 680 1-May-1995 03:10a 2183BB7F
PROBLEMS.TXT 3951 1-May-1995 03:10a 272C6F31
PRODUCTS.TXT 21676 1-May-1995 03:10a C1C0C82B
REGISTER.TXT 6853 1-May-1995 03:10a 439C4A19
REVIEW.TXT 3433 1-May-1995 03:10a 20C6B1B6
SYSINFO.TXT 1597 1-May-1995 03:10a D3AD3C4F
THEMAPS.TXT 1418 1-May-1995 03:10a 42D9027B
TLE.TXT 38387 1-May-1995 03:10a F655E574
USRGUIDE.TXT 50981 1-May-1995 03:10a 63230272
===== Installation =====================================
I N S T A L L A T I N G P C - T R A C K
PC-Track is distributed in a ZIPped file. You will need to unzip the
file using PKUNZIP 2.04g or later from PK-Ware, or other compatible
unzip program. Some sample instructions follow. These assume that you
will be using your C drive, with the distribution zip file (PCTRK31.ZIP)
on your A floppy drive.
1. Make sure you are on your hard disk:
C: <CR>
2. Make a directory on your hard disk:
MD \pct31 <CR>
3. Change to that directory.
CD \pct31 <CR>
4. Unzip the distribution file.
pkunzip A:PCTRK31.ZIP
You should now have all of the files necessary to run PC-Track in the
C:\PCT31 directory.
R U N N I N G P C - T R A C K
A] Review the USRGUIDE.TXT file for some tips for getting
familiar with the program quickly.
B] Start PC-TRACK by typing
C] Read the on-line help by pressing F1 anywhere in the program.
D] Read the additional documentation for the product.
Johnson Scientific International currently has these other satellite
tracking, prediction, and analysis tools available for a wide range of
PC-Track Professional
Provides the convenient features of PC-Track 3.1 for users
who need extended graphics capabilities.
The Satellite Visualization Tool (SVT)
Provides a package of satellite analysis and
visualization tools for satellite management
and analysis professionals.
The Satellite Prediction Tool (SPT)
Provides the analysis power of SVT, with the ability to be
automated with macros and command line calls. Intended for
those who need the compute power of SVT with the ability
of being automated, but without the graphics.
********* VISIT OUR WORLD WIDE WEB SITE ********
PC-TRACK Professional
Do you like the performance, organization, and capabilities of
PC-TRACK, but find that there are other things that you wish it were
capable of? Do you need:
* The ability to display graphics in higher resolution
(up to 1280x1024).
* The ability to define the 3D viewpoint "on the fly."
* The capability of defining and visualizing satellite and
site sensor areas of coverage. (separate from footprint).
* The abililty to define satellites sensors with either
conical or planar coverage.
* The ability to visualize orbit shapes and their relationships
to other orbits.
* The ability to visualize orbit propagation over time.
* The capability of computing and visualizing mutually visible
passes in 3D, on a mercator projection, or against a star
* The capability of tracking over 300 satellites at a time.
* The ability to compute the visibility between sites and
satellites based on sensor coverage.
If you need any of these capabilities, then you need PC-TRACK
Professional (PCTP) from Johnson Scientific International.
PCTP is a professional visualization tool capabable of all of
these things and more. The PCTP is excellent for:
* Demonstrating astrodynamic principals.
* Visualizing satellite constellations.
* Determining site sensor cabilities.
* Analyzing "see and be seen" scenarios.
* Computing areas of coverage of satellite sensors.
* Visualizing satellite sensor swaths.
* Making visual presentations.
* Analyzing constellation coverage.
* Previewing visible passes.
PCTP requires an IBM compatible computer based on the 80486DX CPU,
4-16 MB RAM, VESA graphics capablity, and 4 MB of disk space.
Current price: $95.00 USD + shipping and Ohio sales tax.
(Subject to change without notice, contact us for latest pricing.)
The Satellite Visualization Tool Release Two
The SVT is a powerful tool, utilizing the latest in object-oriented
technology and double-precision calculations for accurate predictions
and analysis. The SVT actually has three major tools integrated into
one powerful application:
This provides the capability to display satellite positions, sensor
coverage, solar illumination, target visibility, and other source-
target relationship information in an animated fashion. This
animation may be done in real time, or may be accelerated over time
to rapidly show positional and relationship changes.
Special site display windows are available to be used with a
specified ground site. These windows show both graphically and
numerically the current look angles, rise/set status and solar
illumination status for all visible satellites. For constellations of
more than 4 satellites, it will show Dilution Of Precision values for
the currently visible targets. This is useful for GPS users who need
positional reliability information for GPS geolocation data.
This provides the capability to visually analyze the orbits of single
or multiple satellites and their sensor coverages in an Earth
Centered Inertial view frame. It can also show the positions and
sensor coverage of single or multiple ground sites in either 3D Earth
Centered Fixed view frame or on selected mercator projection flat map
The orbit displays can show single orbits or up to 9 propagated
orbits for any number of revolutions up to 999999 past epoch. Each
orbit displayed can show the Node point, Mean Anomaly point, Apogee
point, Perigee point, and the Epoch point. Multiple satellite orbit
displays show the relationships of orbits in a constellation.
For single satellite displays, keplerian data for the first and last
revolution data can be displayed numerically on screen along with the
graphical view. Sensor coverage for the satellite can also be
displayed for any point along the orbit, and solar position/
terminator line can be displayed to show solar beta angle graphically.
The site displays can show in 3D the site position and the area in
space covered by the sensor. 11 different mercator projections maps
are available to display site locations. Also available for a site
display is a sky view, shown for a user selected date and time. This
display shows either the sun and moon for day or moon and stars for
night, along with the sensor coverage area, and a azimuth/elevation
This provides the most powerful analysis tool in the product. With
this tool, you can search for, display, visualize, print, and export
source/target relationships over a specified period of time using a
specifed search criteria.
An exclusive feature of SVT is the abilty to do time correlated
scans, which will find time segments in which ALL designated source/
target positions and relationships meet the search criteria. This is
powerful feature which permits analysis of sophisticated multiple
source/target scenarios.
For example, you can determine the times when ground site A can see
relay satellite B, and when relay satellite B can what elements of
satellite constellation C, containing multiple satellites, and when
ground site D can see relay satellite B.
Data can be displayed using a variety of coordinate systems, units of
measure, and display formats. Computed data and subsets thereof can
be selectively displayed and analyzed.
For any particular scan operation the following may be specified:
o Time period of the scan.
o Resolution of (time between) time points.
o Source and target objects (any number).
o Filter (search) criteria.
During a scan operation, the positions of and relationship between
each source/target pair are computed for each time point within the
time period. The time between each time point is specified by the
resolution. Each time point meeting the filter criteria is added to a
time segment, with statistics and summary information for that time
segment being automatically calculated.
With data collected during a scan, the following may be done:
o Display summary information for each time segment including:
o Source and Target names
o Duration of time segment.
o Increment (resolution)
o Time point data for the following statistical points:
o Start, Mid & Stop points
o Minimum Elevation point
o Maximum Elevation point
o Minimum Range point
o Maximum Range
o Minimum Range Rate point
o Maximum Range Rate point
o Select multiple time segment summaries to:
o Visualize in 3D or on mercator projections
o Compute and display Dilution of Precision
(DOP) values for GPS analysis
o Display a time correlation graph of time relationships
between segments.
o Print
o Export
o Select a single time segment summary to expand into component
time points which can be displayed, printed, exported, and
visualized against a sky view background. Time point data that
can be displayed consists of:
o Source/Target names
o Date of point
o Time of point
o Target visiblity flag
o Range Rate
o Source position
o Source velocity
o Source solar illumination status
o Target position
o Target velocity
o Target solar illumination status
Solar angle and percent sun values may be computed for any satellite
in the satellite database. This data can be presented for one week,
month, or year periods, at daily, weekly, or monthly increments. This
data can be printed or exported.
In addition to the above major tools offered in the SVT, it also has
built-in site and satellite data management tools which permit simple
user maintenance of the data. With these tools the user is capable of
adding, editing, deleting, and importing data elements. Data sets
managed by the SVT are:
o Satellite Vehicles
o Earth Sites
o Groups
o Target Objects
The SVT takes advantage of high resolution capabilities of VESA
compatible video displays (up to 1280x1024) to provide stunning
visual presentations. With any available mode The SVT is capable of
o Positions of any object.
o 3D representation of sensor coverage for sites or satellites.
o 3D visualization of orbit shapes of single or multiple satellites.
Visualize the relationships of satellites within a constellation.
Visualization can also be done while editing orbital elements to
see effects of parameter changes.
o 3D visualization of PROPAGATED orbit shapes of any of the
satellites. Visualization can be made of up to 9 orbits
propagated up to 999999 revolutions past the epoch revolution.
o Lines of sight from source objects to target objects.
o Altitude lines for all satellites.
o Visibility footprints for all active satellites in 2D or 3D.
o Satellite space position (with or without trail, and different
colors for points illuminated by the sun)
o Sub-satellite point position (with or without trail, and
different colors for points visible by source)
o Geographic features of the earth in 3 different detail levels.
o Any combination of coasts, islands, countries, states, rivers and
o Latitude and longitude lines.
o 11 different mercator projection flat maps.
o Earth Centered Fixed (ECF) 3D projections.
o Earth Centered Inertial (ECI) 3D projections.
o Ground Site viewing angles.
o Site and satellite names
o Runs in DOS Protected mode, which removes the 640K memory barrier.
Utilizes up to 16 MB of memory.
o Provides complete control over all display attributes, colors,
site and satellite selection to make displays as simple or
detailed as necessary.
o Simple update of orbital elements and site data through direct
import of data from:
o NASA/NORAD two-line element files
o AMSAT keplerian element files
o Site data files
o Multiple "personalities" through the use of user-defined parameter
files which define display attributes, colors, viewpoints, target
designations, etc.
o User friendly menu driven windowed interface.
o PCX file screen capture for all graphics displays at all resolutions.
o Choice of high-speed or high-accuracy propagation algorithms.
o Use of SGP4/SDP4 NORAD propagation algorigthms to provide
high-accuracy position predictions.
o Unique "group" feature which permits the collection of desired
objects into a group which can be selected for analysis just like
individual sites or satellites.
o 80486 or greater CPU
o 8 MB Memory
o 10 MB Disk Space
o VESA compatible video
$195.00 USD + Shipping and Handling
(Subject to change without notice, contact us for latest pricing.)
The Satellite Prediction Tool Release One
The Satellite Prediction Tool is a DOS-based application designed to
provide "compute engine" capabilities for the prediction, and analyis
of earth orbiting objects. With the SPT, you will have the ability to
pre-configure scenarios which can be run from the DOS prompt in an
automated fashion.
The SPT is automated through a new Macro feature. Macros provide the
capability of automating the operation of the SPT. Macros are
"recorded" keystrokes that are contained in a collection and used to
simulate the user typing keys on the computer keyboard. These
recorded keystrokes do exactly the same things that the original
keystrokes did. Macros can be saved to and loaded from files. They
can even be specified on the command line at startup so that certain
predetermined operations can be performed automatically. Parameter
files (those files which configure targets, display attributes, data
formats, scan times, etc.) may also be loaded from the command line,
providing further automation control.
This provides the most powerful analysis tool in the product. With
this tool, you can search for, display, print, and export
source/target relationships over a specified period of time using a
specifed search criteria.
An exclusive feature of SPT is the abilty to do time correlated
scans, which will find time segments in which ALL designated source/
target positions and relationships meet the search criteria. This is
powerful feature which permits analysis of sophisticated multiple
source/target scenarios.
For example, you can determine the times when ground site A can see
relay satellite B, and when relay satellite B can what elements of
satellite constellation C, containing multiple satellites, and when
ground site D can see relay satellite B.
Data can be displayed using a variety of coordinate systems, units of
measure, and display formats. Computed data and subsets thereof can
be selectively displayed and analyzed.
For any particular scan operation the following may be specified:
o Time period of the scan.
o Resolution of (time between) time points.
o Source and target objects (any number).
o Filter (search) criteria.
During a scan operation, the positions of and relationship between
each source/target pair are computed for each time point within the
time period. The time between each time point is specified by the
resolution. Each time point meeting the filter criteria is added to a
time segment, with statistics and summary information for that time
segment being automatically calculated.
With data collected during a scan, the following may be done:
o Display summary information for each time segment including:
o Source and Target names
o Duration of time segment.
o Increment (resolution)
o Time point data for the following statistical points:
o Start, Mid & Stop points
o Minimum Elevation point
o Maximum Elevation point
o Minimum Range point
o Maximum Range
o Minimum Range Rate point
o Maximum Range Rate point
o Select multiple time segment summaries to:
o Compute and display Dilution of Precision
(DOP) values for GPS analysis
o Display a time correlation graph of time relationships
between segments.
o Print
o Export
o Select a single time segment summary to expand into component
time points which can be displayed, printed and exported.
Time point data that can be displayed consists of:
o Source/Target names
o Date of point
o Time of point
o Target visiblity flag
o Range Rate
o Source position
o Source velocity
o Source solar illumination status
o Target position
o Target velocity
o Target solar illumination status
Solar angle and percent sun values may be computed for any satellite
in the satellite database. This data can be presented for one week,
month, or year periods, at daily, weekly, or monthly increments. This
data can be printed or exported.
In addition to the above major tools offered in the SPT, it also has
built-in site and satellite data management tools which permit simple
user maintenance of the data. With these tools the user is capable of
adding, editing, deleting, and importing data elements. Data sets
managed by the SPT are:
o Satellite Vehicles
o Earth Sites
o Groups
o Target Objects
o Provides automation capabilities through the use of macros.
o Runs in DOS Protected mode, which removes the 640K memory barrier.
Utilizes up to 16 MB of memory.
o Provides complete control over all display attributes,
site and satellite selection to make displays as simple or
detailed as necessary.
o Simple update of orbital elements and site data through direct
import of data from:
o NASA/NORAD two-line element files
o AMSAT keplerian element files
o Site data files
o Multiple "personalities" through the use of user-defined parameter
files which define display attributes, colors, viewpoints, target
designations, etc.
o User friendly menu driven windowed interface.
o PCX file screen capture for all graphics displays at all resolutions.
o Choice of high-speed or high-accuracy propagation algorithms.
o Use of SGP4/SDP4 NORAD propagation algorigthms to provide
high-accuracy position predictions.
o Unique "group" feature which permits the collection of desired
objects into a group which can be selected for analysis just like
individual sites or satellites.
o 80486 or greater CPU
o 8 MB Memory
o 10 MB Disk Space
o VESA compatible video
$145.00 USD + Shipping and Handling
(Subject to change without notice, contact us for latest pricing.)
===== Warranty =========================================
***************** IMPORTANT WARRANTY INFORMATION ****************
The Shareware evaluation (trial use) version is provided AS IS.
Thomas C. Johnson warrants the physical diskette(s) and physical
documentation provided with registered versions to be free of
defects in materials and workmanship for a period of ninety days
from the date of registration. If Thomas C. Johnson receives
notification within the warranty period of defects in materials
or workmanship, and such notification is determined by Thomas C.
Johnson to be correct, Thomas C. Johnson will replace the
defective diskette(s) or documentation.
The entire and exclusive liability and remedy for breach of this
Limited Warranty shall be limited to replacement of defective
diskette(s) or documentation and shall not include or extend to
any claim for or right to recover any other damages, including
but not limited to, loss of profit, data, or use of the software,
or special, incidental, or consequential damages or other similar
claims, even if Thomas C. Johnson has been specifically advised
of the possibility of such damages. In no event will Thomas C.
Johnson's liability for any damages to you or any other person
ever exceed the lower of suggested list price or actual price
paid for the license to use the software, regardless of any form
of the claim.
===== License for Use and Distribution =================
Last updated: APR 1995
This file contains important license information regarding the use of
PC-Track Version 3.1. This information applies to individual
users who wish to pass copies out to friends and associates.
PLEASE! Show your support for Shareware by registering the programs
you actually use. We depend upon your support to continue to improve
and support this product. Thank you!
The attached VENDINFO data record is hereby incorporated by reference.
Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed
in that data record is hereby authorized.
Trial Use License:
PC-Track is NOT a public domain program. It is
Copyright (c) 1989-1995 by Thomas C. Johnson and Johnson Scientific
International. All rights reserved.
This software and accompanying documentation are protected by United
States Copyright law and also by International Treaty provisions.
Any use of this software in violation of Copyright law or the terms
of this limited license will be prosecuted to the best of our
ability. The conditions under which you may copy this software and
documentation are clearly outlined below under "Distribution
We hereby grant you a limited license to use this software for
evaluation purposes for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days. If
you intend to continue using this software (and/or it's
documentation) after the sixty (60) day evaluation period, you MUST
make a registration payment to Thomas C. Johnson.
Using this software after the sixty (60) day evaluation period,
without registering the software is a violation of the terms of this
limited license.
The Licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify,
decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the
licensed program except as provided in this agreement. Any such
unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination
of this license.
All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Thomas C.
Individuals are hereby granted permission by Thomas C. Johnson to
copy the PC-Track distribution files/diskette(s) for their own use
(for evaluation purposes) or for other individuals to evaluate, ONLY
when the following conditions are met:
o The PC-Track package, including all related programs, and
documentation files, may not be distributed by anyone who
puts additional restrictions on the further distribution of
the package. In other words, one vendor distributing PC-TRACK
may not restrict the opportunity of another vendor to distribute
the package. Permission to distribute PC-TRACK can be restricted
only by Johnson Scientific International.
o Johnson Scientific International will not grant exclusive
distribution rights to any vendor.
o No price or other compensation may be charged for the
PC-TRACK package. A distribution cost may be
charged for the cost of the diskette, shipping and
handling, as long as the total (per disk) does not exceed
US$8.00 in the U.S. and Canada, or US$12.00
o The PC-Track Version 3.0 package CANNOT be sold as part of
some other inclusive package. Nor can it be included in any
commercial software packaging offer, without a written
agreement from Thomas C. Johnson.
o The PRINTED User's Guide may not be reproduced in whole or
in part, using any means, without the written permission
of Thomas C. Johnson. In other words, the disk-based
documentation may not be distributed in PRINTED (hardcopy)
form, nor may the printed documentation received by
registered users be distributed.
o The PC-Track Version 3.0 package cannot be "rented" or
"leased" to others.
o Licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify,
decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or
transfer the licensed program except as provided in this
agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in
immediate and automatic termination of this license.
o U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or
disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software
and documentation in this package shall be subject to the
restricted rights applicable to commercial computer
software as set forth in the Federal Acquisition Regulations,
and any applicable FAR supplements.
The Contractor/manufacturer is
Johnson Scientific International
Thomas C. Johnson
9746 US Route 36
St. Paris, OH. 43072
All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Thomas C. Johnson.
===== About VENDINFO Files =============================
Each VENDINFO.DIZ file contains extensive information about a product.
This "human-readable" section is followed by a compressed data record
useable by automated tools. The data record allows BBSes and other
distributors to automate package handling, and provides users with a
wealth of product information. VENDINFO tools (free viewer for users,
free or inexpensive processors for distributors, editors for authors)
are available from many sources, including the originators of VENDINFO:
Rams' Island Software Voice: 303-841-2848 CompuServe: 76244,324
7644 E. Lakecliff Way BBS: 303-841-6269 FidoNet: 1:104/333
Parker, CO 80134-5904 USA FAX: 303-841-6269 RIME: 1235
===== Compressed Data Record Follows ===================