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Text File  |  1999-05-20  |  299KB  |  9,729 lines

  1. object Form1: TForm1
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  465.               'To register PowerSettings, please click the hyperlink below. Onc' +
  466.               'e at the site, press PowerSettings, then register and follow the' +
  467.               ' instructions on the screen.'
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  493.               'When registered, you can download the latest version of PowerSet' +
  494.               'tings, without any further expenses.'
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  566.               'George Fury, Don Bush, Jan Rassing, Michael (Cyborg) M∩┐╜ller, Ron' +
  567.               ', Thomas Holm && Michael (Sidewinder) Jonassen.'
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  598.               'Michael (Cyborg) M∩┐╜ller, Michael (Sidewinder) Jonassen, Sandy Mo' +
  599.               'rris, Rasmus Johnsen && George Lightning.'
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  694.               'The enclosed Licensor software program ("Software") and the acco' +
  695.               'mpanying documentation are owned by Licensor or its suppliers an' +
  696.               'd are protected by Danish copyright (c) laws, by laws of other n' +
  697.               'ations, and by the international treaties.'
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  761.               'Windows is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation. ' +
  762.               'All other products mentioned herein are trademarks of their resp' +
  763.               'ective owners and are hereby recognized as such. All (Registered' +
  764.               ' (R)) trademarks belong to their respective owners.'
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  983.               'If you should discover any bugs, or have any comments on this pi' +
  984.               'ece of Software, write to one of the addresses below. Explaining' +
  985.               ' what the error(s) was, and how it occured. Be sure to mention y' +
  986.               'our operating system.'
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  1303.               'and the documentation as you wish, as long as the program is dis' +
  1304.               'tributed in it'#39's original form, and not modified in any way.'
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  1361.               'The Licensor hereby gives you the right to distribute this Softw' +
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  1389.               'l damages to your Soft/Hardware, or dataloss, caused  by this pi' +
  1390.               'ece of Software.'
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  1447.               'This Software and it'#39's accompanying documentation are provided b' +
  1448.               'y Licensor "AS IS" and any expressed or implied warranties are h' +
  1449.               'ereby disclaimed.'
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  1473.             Caption = 
  1474.               'This program was produced in Denmark, and the license terms are ' +
  1475.               'in accordance with Danish law.'
  1476.             Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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  1532.               'By using this program you acknowledge that you have read the lic' +
  1533.               'ense terms, understand it and agree to be bound by the terms sta' +
  1534.               'ted. These terms override any prior oral or written agreement.'
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  1551.               'If these license terms conflict with your local (national) law, ' +
  1552.               'you MUST refrain from using this program, UNLESS you agree thatA' +
  1553.               'NY legal dispute must be settled in Denmark (courthouse in the c' +
  1554.               'ity of Viborg) according to Danish law and precedent.'
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  1579.               'You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble this Sof' +
  1580.               'tware or any if it'#39's parts.'
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  1637.               'You may distribute this Software and accompanying documentation ' +
  1638.               'to others as long as:'
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  1655.               '- all the files comprising the Software and accompanying documen' +
  1656.               'tation are passed to the user without modification.'
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  1673.               '- a clear statement is made to the reciever of the distribution,' +
  1674.               ' that you in no way are transfering or assigning rights to the S' +
  1675.               'oftware.'
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  1692.               'You may make printed copies of the documentation accompanying th' +
  1693.               'is Software provided that they are used only by users bound by t' +
  1694.               'his license.'
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  1902.             Caption = 'PowerSettings:'
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  1914.             Width = 111
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  1917.             Caption = 'License information'
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  1956.             Caption = 'How to register'
  1957.             Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  1958.             Font.Color = clBlue
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  1960.             Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
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  1966.           object Label131: TLabel
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  1970.             Height = 13
  1971.             Cursor = crHandPoint
  1972.             Caption = 'Before using PowerSettings'
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  1986.             Height = 17
  1987.             HelpContext = 4
  1988.             Caption = 'Show "Did you know" at startup'
  1989.             Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  1990.             Font.Color = clWindowText
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  1993.             Font.Style = []
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  1999.       end
  2000.     end
  2001.     object TabSheet2: TTabSheet
  2002.       Caption = 'Startup'
  2003.       object Bevel4: TBevel
  2004.         Left = 0
  2005.         Top = 0
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  2007.         Height = 396
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  2010.       end
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  2108.               HelpContext = 10
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  2110.               Caption = 'Boot Into Windows GUI automaticly'
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  2125.               HelpContext = 15
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  2127.               Caption = 'Enable multiboot'
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  2145.               Caption = 'Set Windows as default operating system.'
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  2160.               HelpContext = 35
  2161.               Caption = 'Execute PowerSettings commands at startup'
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  2193.               HelpContext = 45
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  2209.               Height = 17
  2210.               HelpContext = 50
  2211.               AllowGrayed = True
  2212.               Caption = 'Enable safemode during startup'
  2213.               Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  2214.               Font.Color = clWindowText
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  2227.               HelpContext = 55
  2228.               AllowGrayed = True
  2229.               Caption = 'Enable safemode with Network support'
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  2244.               HelpContext = 60
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  2246.               Caption = 'Enable safemode startup warning'
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  2269.                 'Default item.'
  2270.                 'Normal.'
  2271.                 'Logged (\BOOTLOG.TXT).'
  2272.                 'Safemode.'
  2273.                 'Safemode with network support.'
  2274.                 'Step-by-step confirmation.'
  2275.                 'Commandprompt only.'
  2276.                 'Previous version of MS-Dos.')
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  2324.               Caption = 'Autoscan disks after systemcrash.'
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  2835.               Font.Style = []
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  2838.             end
  2839.             object Bevel22: TBevel
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  2841.               Top = 72
  2842.               Width = 81
  2843.               Height = 9
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  2845.             end
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  2847.               Left = 409
  2848.               Top = 41
  2849.               Width = 81
  2850.               Height = 25
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  2860.             end
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  2863.               Top = 16
  2864.               Width = 81
  2865.               Height = 25
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  2867.               Flat = True
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  2873.               ParentFont = False
  2874.               OnClick = SpeedButton21Click
  2875.             end
  2876.             object Loadlist: TListBox
  2877.               Left = 8
  2878.               Top = 16
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  2880.               Height = 89
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  2882.               ItemHeight = 13
  2883.               Sorted = True
  2884.               TabOrder = 0
  2885.               OnDblClick = LoadlistDblClick
  2886.               OnKeyDown = LoadlistKeyDown
  2887.               OnMouseMove = LoadlistMouseMove
  2888.             end
  2889.           end
  2890.         end
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  2893.           object GroupBox8: TGroupBox
  2894.             Left = 5
  2895.             Top = 0
  2896.             Width = 500
  2897.             Height = 113
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  2907.             object Bevel73: TBevel
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  2909.               Top = 15
  2910.               Width = 83
  2911.               Height = 92
  2912.             end
  2913.             object SpeedButton22: TSpeedButton
  2914.               Left = 409
  2915.               Top = 16
  2916.               Width = 81
  2917.               Height = 25
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  2927.             end
  2928.             object SpeedButton23: TSpeedButton
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  2930.               Top = 41
  2931.               Width = 81
  2932.               Height = 25
  2933.               Caption = 'Edit'
  2934.               Flat = True
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  2940.               ParentFont = False
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  2942.             end
  2943.             object Bevel18: TBevel
  2944.               Left = 409
  2945.               Top = 72
  2946.               Width = 81
  2947.               Height = 9
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  2949.             end
  2950.             object SpeedButton24: TSpeedButton
  2951.               Left = 409
  2952.               Top = 81
  2953.               Width = 81
  2954.               Height = 25
  2955.               Caption = 'Remove'
  2956.               Flat = True
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  2962.               ParentFont = False
  2963.               OnClick = SpeedButton24Click
  2964.             end
  2965.             object RunPrograms: TListView
  2966.               Left = 8
  2967.               Top = 16
  2968.               Width = 393
  2969.               Height = 89
  2970.               HelpContext = 200
  2971.               ColumnClick = False
  2972.               OnDblClick = RunProgramsDblClick
  2973.               Columns = <
  2974.                 item
  2975.                   Caption = 'Name:'
  2976.                 end
  2977.                 item
  2978.                   Caption = 'Value:'
  2979.                 end>
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  2985.               Font.Style = []
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  2987.               OnMouseMove = RunProgramsMouseMove
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  2990.               ViewStyle = vsReport
  2991.               OnKeyDown = RunProgramsKeyDown
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  2993.           end
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  2995.             Left = 5
  2996.             Top = 119
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  2998.             Height = 113
  2999.             Caption = ' Run services '
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  3008.             object Bevel74: TBevel
  3009.               Left = 408
  3010.               Top = 15
  3011.               Width = 83
  3012.               Height = 92
  3013.             end
  3014.             object SpeedButton25: TSpeedButton
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  3016.               Top = 16
  3017.               Width = 81
  3018.               Height = 25
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  3028.             end
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  3031.               Top = 41
  3032.               Width = 81
  3033.               Height = 25
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  3035.               Flat = True
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  3041.               ParentFont = False
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  3043.             end
  3044.             object Bevel19: TBevel
  3045.               Left = 409
  3046.               Top = 72
  3047.               Width = 81
  3048.               Height = 9
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  3050.             end
  3051.             object SpeedButton27: TSpeedButton
  3052.               Left = 409
  3053.               Top = 81
  3054.               Width = 81
  3055.               Height = 25
  3056.               Caption = 'Remove'
  3057.               Flat = True
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  3063.               ParentFont = False
  3064.               OnClick = SpeedButton27Click
  3065.             end
  3066.             object RunServices: TListView
  3067.               Left = 8
  3068.               Top = 16
  3069.               Width = 393
  3070.               Height = 89
  3071.               HelpContext = 205
  3072.               ColumnClick = False
  3073.               OnDblClick = RunServicesDblClick
  3074.               Columns = <
  3075.                 item
  3076.                   Caption = 'Name:'
  3077.                 end
  3078.                 item
  3079.                   Caption = 'Value:'
  3080.                 end>
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  3086.               Font.Style = []
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  3088.               OnMouseMove = RunServicesMouseMove
  3089.               ParentFont = False
  3090.               TabOrder = 0
  3091.               ViewStyle = vsReport
  3092.               OnKeyDown = RunServicesKeyDown
  3093.             end
  3094.           end
  3095.           object GroupBox10: TGroupBox
  3096.             Left = 5
  3097.             Top = 236
  3098.             Width = 500
  3099.             Height = 113
  3100.             Caption = ' Run once '
  3101.             Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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  3103.             Font.Height = -11
  3104.             Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
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  3109.             object Bevel75: TBevel
  3110.               Left = 408
  3111.               Top = 15
  3112.               Width = 83
  3113.               Height = 92
  3114.             end
  3115.             object SpeedButton28: TSpeedButton
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  3117.               Top = 16
  3118.               Width = 81
  3119.               Height = 25
  3120.               Caption = 'Add'
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  3129.             end
  3130.             object SpeedButton29: TSpeedButton
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  3132.               Top = 41
  3133.               Width = 81
  3134.               Height = 25
  3135.               Caption = 'Edit'
  3136.               Flat = True
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  3142.               ParentFont = False
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  3144.             end
  3145.             object Bevel23: TBevel
  3146.               Left = 409
  3147.               Top = 72
  3148.               Width = 81
  3149.               Height = 9
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  3151.             end
  3152.             object SpeedButton30: TSpeedButton
  3153.               Left = 409
  3154.               Top = 81
  3155.               Width = 81
  3156.               Height = 25
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  3164.               ParentFont = False
  3165.               OnClick = SpeedButton30Click
  3166.             end
  3167.             object RunOnce: TListView
  3168.               Left = 8
  3169.               Top = 16
  3170.               Width = 393
  3171.               Height = 89
  3172.               HelpContext = 210
  3173.               ColumnClick = False
  3174.               OnDblClick = RunOnceDblClick
  3175.               Columns = <
  3176.                 item
  3177.                   Caption = 'Name:'
  3178.                 end
  3179.                 item
  3180.                   Caption = 'Value:'
  3181.                 end>
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  3187.               Font.Style = []
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  3191.               TabOrder = 0
  3192.               ViewStyle = vsReport
  3193.               OnKeyDown = RunOnceKeyDown
  3194.             end
  3195.           end
  3196.         end
  3197.       end
  3198.     end
  3199.     object TabSheet3: TTabSheet
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  3203.         Top = 0
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  3205.         Height = 396
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  3208.       end
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  3211.         Top = 85
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  3213.         Height = 52
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  3227.           Height = 17
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  3230.           Caption = 'Autoload "DRIVESPACE.BIN"'
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  3244.           Height = 17
  3245.           HelpContext = 330
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  3247.           Caption = 'Autoload "DBLSPACE.BIN"'
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  3256.         end
  3257.         object CheckBox13: TCheckBox
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  3261.           Height = 17
  3262.           HelpContext = 325
  3263.           AllowGrayed = True
  3264.           Caption = 'Enable loading of a doublebuffer driver for SCSI'
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  3278.           Height = 17
  3279.           HelpContext = 335
  3280.           AllowGrayed = True
  3281.           Caption = 'Use top 640K for Command.com && Drivespace.Bin'
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  3291.       end
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  3797.                 'Windows uses the above information to identify you on the networ' +
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  4930.               Height = 17
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  5031.               Height = 17
  5032.               HelpContext = 510
  5033.               Caption = 'Activation follows mouse (X-Mouse)'
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  5062.               Height = 17
  5063.               HelpContext = 590
  5064.               Caption = 'Disable password caching.'
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  5096.               HelpContext = 650
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  5112.               HelpContext = 655
  5113.               Caption = 'Show Documents Menu.'
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  5126.               Width = 217
  5127.               Height = 17
  5128.               HelpContext = 660
  5129.               Caption = 'Show Find Menu.'
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  5143.               Height = 17
  5144.               HelpContext = 665
  5145.               Caption = 'Show Run Menu.'
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  5160.               HelpContext = 670
  5161.               Caption = 'Show Log Off Menu.'
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  5175.               Height = 17
  5176.               HelpContext = 675
  5177.               Caption = 'Show Shut Down Menu.'
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  5191.               Height = 17
  5192.               HelpContext = 680
  5193.               Caption = 'Show Control Panel && Printers.'
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  5221.               Height = 17
  5222.               HelpContext = 685
  5223.               Caption = 'Disable Recent Docs history.'
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  5239.             Caption = ' Menu show delay '
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  5252.               Height = 13
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  5266.               HelpContext = 355
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  5278.               Value = 0
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  5309.               Caption = '&Create as file'
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  5325.               Caption = '&Add to Start menu'
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  5339.               Width = 235
  5340.               Height = 9
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  5346.               Width = 201
  5347.               Height = 17
  5348.               HelpContext = 500
  5349.               Caption = 'Recycle Bin on Desktop.'
  5350.               Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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  5362.               Left = 8
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  5364.               Width = 177
  5365.               Height = 17
  5366.               HelpContext = 500
  5367.               Caption = 'The Internet on Desktop.'
  5368.               Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  5369.               Font.Color = clWindowText
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  5380.               Left = 8
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  5382.               Width = 225
  5383.               Height = 17
  5384.               HelpContext = 500
  5385.               Caption = 'Dial-Up Networking on Desktop.'
  5386.               Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  5387.               Font.Color = clWindowText
  5388.               Font.Height = -11
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  5401.               Height = 17
  5402.               HelpContext = 500
  5403.               Caption = 'Inbox on Desktop.'
  5404.               Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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  5406.               Font.Height = -11
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  5418.               Width = 217
  5419.               Height = 17
  5420.               HelpContext = 500
  5421.               Caption = 'MSIE Cache Folder on Desktop.'
  5422.               Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  5423.               Font.Color = clWindowText
  5424.               Font.Height = -11
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  5436.               Width = 201
  5437.               Height = 17
  5438.               HelpContext = 500
  5439.               Caption = 'MS-Internet Mail on Desktop.'
  5440.               Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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  5455.               Height = 17
  5456.               HelpContext = 500
  5457.               Caption = 'MS-Internet News on Desktop.'
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  5472.               Width = 201
  5473.               Height = 17
  5474.               HelpContext = 500
  5475.               Caption = 'Network Neighborhood on Desktop'
  5476.               Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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  5490.               Height = 17
  5491.               HelpContext = 500
  5492.               Caption = 'MSIE Url History Folder on Desktop.'
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  5494.               Font.Color = clWindowText
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  5507.               Width = 201
  5508.               Height = 17
  5509.               HelpContext = 500
  5510.               Caption = 'Microsoft Network on Desktop.'
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  5526.               Height = 17
  5527.               HelpContext = 500
  5528.               Caption = 'Shell Favorite Folder on Desktop'
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  5545.               HelpContext = 500
  5546.               Caption = 'Internet Explorer on Desktop'
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  5562.               Height = 17
  5563.               HelpContext = 500
  5564.               Caption = 'ActiveX Cache Folder on Desktop'
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  6104.                     item
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  6107.                     item
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  7035.           'Detection log'
  7036.           'Setup log'
  7037.           'Scandisk log'
  7038.           'Net log'
  7039.           'IOS log'
  7040.           'PowerSettings log')
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  8426.               Height = 13
  8427.               AutoSize = False
  8428.               Caption = 'Calendar days above are written Mon-Sun.'
  8429.             end
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  8432.               Top = 8
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  8457.             end
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  8544.               Caption = 'Monday to sunday.'
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  8604.               Caption = 'Sets are kept before erasing.'
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