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- Thank you for evaluating QuickEStore! by John Kim Hoarty.
- This versatile and easy to use Cold Fusion(TM) code will have you doing business on the Internet
- within minutes. Simply copy the enclosed Cold Fusion templates into a directory on your web
- server and set up the enclosed Microsoft Access database as a datasource called QuickEStore
- in Cold Fusion Administrator (or get your ISP to do so). Then copy your logo or graphic file
- to a directory called "images" under your store's directory. Finally, create a directory called
- "orders" and password-protect it. Copy "manage.cfm" to that directory.
- Then, open the file setup.cfm in your browser and answer a few simple questions using the
- interactive web-based form. Refer to this document for help answering the quesitons.
- Note: You are responsible for securing an orders directory which will contain credit card
- information! An online store is only as secure as you make it. QuickEStore was designed to
- run on a secure server which is capable of invoking SSL upon checkout. It will then write the
- order to a directory which should have the "Everyone" permissions removed (i.e., should be
- password-protected).
- QuickEStore is fully compatible with the CFX_CyberCash tag for full integration with the
- CyberCash(TM) internet transaction processing service.
- ***************************************************************************
- Step 1: Enter store name.
- Action: Type a name for your store!
- Step 2: Charge shipping according to <option 1>Price Threshhold <option 2>Weight
- Action: QuickEStore supports either method for calculating shipping costs. Whichever
- method you choose, you will be prompted to enter the various 'threshholds' at
- which shipping charges will increase toward the end of the setup routine. If
- you won't be charging shipping, just choose either one and click "Next". This
- is also where you indicate how you want orders saved--they can be written to
- an html file for viewing in a vrowser, or they can be e-mailed to you. However,
- the e-mail option is disabled in this version.
- Step 3: Enter the state(s) for which sales tax must be charged and the applicable tax
- rate.
- Action: Here you have the opportunity to enter a state for which purchases will be
- charged a sales tax. You may enter as many states as you want. Upon entering
- the last state and tax rate, you may either click "Add Another State" or
- "Continue". Enter tax rate percentages as whole numbers (i.e., 5.5, 6, etc.)
- Step 4: Enter E-Mail address for order notification.
- Action: This is the e-mail address where notifications of orders placed will be sent
- and where orders are sent if that option was chosen (disabled in eval version).
- Step 5: Enter path to order directory.
- Action: This should be a directory with read and write permissions. Orders will be
- written to this directory. Enter logical path (i.e., C:\InetPub\wwwroot\orders).
- Please note that this should be a password protected directory and not available
- to the browsing public!! Security is your responsibility. Credit card information
- will be kept here.
- Step 6: Enter URL to order directory.
- Action: Enter the fully qualfied domain address of the order directory. This is so the
- application can create links to this directory.
- Step 7: Enter path to store.
- Action: Enter the directory path to the store. I.e., "C:\InetPub\wwwroot\store".
- Step 8: Enter URL to store.
- Action: Enter the URL of the store. I.e., "http://www.mystore.com/store". Do not include
- a "/" at the end.
- Step 9: Enter secure URL for checkout.cfm
- Action: This will cause the application to invoke SSL for the checkout action.
- Step 10: Put your logo file in a directory called "images" under your store
- directory and enter the filename here.
- Then, click on "Set Up Shipping Charges". If you do not wish to charge any
- shipping, just click "Set Up Shipping Charges" and then click "Finish" without entering any
- shipping information. If you do set up shipping, the first rate corresponds to the amount of
- shipping charged to an order that is equal to or less than the first thresshold, and etc. Your
- last entry should simply be an arbitrarily large number, like 10000, and your maximum shipping
- charge.
- Congratulations! You should now see a message that reads, "Congratulations! You have
- successfully setup your QuickEStore! Simply go to Store Manager to add products and categories.
- Note: This setup procedure writes an "application.cfm" file to the store directory. It will
- overwrite any application.cfm file already there! Also, you may get an error upon subsequent
- setups if there is already an application.cfm file in that directory. Simply delete that file
- to begin setting up your store with different parameters (like new shipping rates).
- This will prevent malicious hackers from reconfiguring your store!
- There will be a link to "Store Manager" (manage.cfm) on this results page. Click here to begin
- to add categories and products. Remeber, this file should be in a directory called "orders".
- This is also the page where you will go to "View Orders". Again, this file should be in a
- password-protected directory so that others cannot add, edit and delete products from your
- store or read your order information. Ask your ISP or Webmaster to help you with this.
- Add categories first. Then add products to categories. Optionally upload pictures--it is
- recommended that you keep these files relatively small for asthetic reasons and so pages load
- quickly. Optionally insert descriptions. In the "live" store, your Item Names will link to
- these descriptions and pictures. All that remains is for you to provide a link from your
- homepage to the file, "prodpage.cfm" and you are in business ... e-business!
- Order notifications will be sent to the E-Mail address you provided. These are sent in HTML
- format and include a link to "Store Manager".
- This evaluation version is unsupported. Visit http://www.quickestore.com to
- purchase the full featured registered version for just $99!