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| Composite Document File V2 Document, Little Endian, Os: Windows, Version 4.0, Code page: 1200, Locale ID: 1031, Title: Example: A, Subject: ### Sample I, Author: Manfred D, Comments: AddressesThis InfoBase demonstrates the initialization of the InfoText of new InfoRecords from a template and the usage of TextFields, and is just one example of a kind of info that needs some preformatting for efficient organization.The template is contained as InfoText of an InfoRecord with the special (reserved) title '***': When a new InfoRecord is created, after entering the title and then pressing page down, you jump to the first field of the InfoText - fill it out and go along.This "addresses InfoBase" contains only two records, the template '***' and our address. As a test, add a few of your addresses: command 'New Info', enter title, with <page down> to the first field and so on.Adjust the te
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