ERROR_MOVEDATA=An error occurred during the move data process : %d
INIT_BROWSER_FAILED=An error occured while attempting to add the required registry entries for the Exoplex Browser.
UNINST_KEY=Exoplex Intranet Publisher
TITLE_CAPTIONBAR=Exoplex Intranet Publisher Setup
BROWSER_NAME=!Exoplex Browser
MAKE_LIBRARYID_FAILED=An error occured while trying to define a Library ID for the new Exoplex Library.
FOLDER_NAME=Exoplex Intranet Publisher
ERROR_VGARESOLUTION=This program requires VGA or better resolution.
INIT_BROWSER=Adding the required registry entries for the Exoplex Browser (0.31).
FINISH_MSG1=The installation process for the "Exoplex Intranet Publisher"\nis complete. After activating the "Exoplex Browser", select\nHelp for additional operating instructions.
FINISH_MSG2=To activate the "Exoplex Browser", select the "Start" menu\nand then the "Programs" menu and left-click the item titled \n"Exoplex Intranet Publisher".
UNINST_DISPLAY_NAME=Exoplex Intranet Publisher
ERROR_UNINSTSETUP=unInstaller setup failed to initialize. You may not be able to uninstall this product.