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- E X O P L E X (TM) I N T R A N E T P U B L I S H E R
- G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N
- Version 0.31 <ASP>
- Copyright (C) 1997 Exoplex
- All Rights Reserved Worldwide
- Last updated: November, 1997
- Workgroup File Manager & Intranet Publisher.
- Windows 95/NT shareware (US$39.95). Free thirty (30) day trial.
- The Exoplex Intranet Publisher allows the members of a workgroup
- to organise, publish and re-use the information they generate as a
- routine part of their daily activities. By following a set of basic
- tutorials, even relatively novice computer users can install the Exoplex
- Intranet Publisher and begin using it productively in under an hour.
- *** Table of Contents ***
- - Pre-requisites (1)
- - Version 0.31 Enhancements (2)
- - Installation Instructions (3)
- - Upgrade Instructions (3)
- - Uninstall Instructions (4)
- - Documentation (4)
- - Microsoft Windows 95 *.dll's (5)
- - Microsoft Windows NT *.dll's (5)
- - Windows 95/NT Registry Entries and the Start Menu (5)
- - Product History (7)
- - Product Registration (10)
- - Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP) (11)
- - Contacting Exoplex (11)
- *** Pre-requisites ***
- The Exoplex Intranet Publisher (v0.31) requires Windows 95 or
- Windows NT (v4.0+). This product is best suited to small
- groups with access to a local area network (LAN) and a
- traditional web browser that supports long file names. The
- intranet (HTML) documents generated by the Exoplex Intranet
- Publisher are designed to take advantage of frames when
- viewed with a web browser that supports frames.
- General Information Page 1 of 11
- *** Version 0.31 Enhancements ***
- For up-to-date information please check the Exoplex www site
- for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) and product updates:
- http://www.exoplex.com
- Version 0.31 - Current Release (Windows 95/NT (v4.0+))
- - The Delete command (Edit menu) was modified to send all
- deleted files/folders to the recycle bin.
- - The Insert Folder, Delete, and Rename commands were
- modified to prevent accidental damage to Topics. In prior
- version it was possible to delete and rename the "Public"
- folder, and to insert new folders in the Topic's root folder.
- - The Copy File/Folder command was modified to be more
- consistent with other Windows applications with respect to
- overlaying existing folders. Version 0.31 also allows empty
- folders to be copied and moved.
- - The print routines were enhanced to allow the end user to
- select a font, and to include/exclude individual file
- specifications. Also, file specifications are now printed in
- a column along the right hand margin. A defect in file size
- calculations (from v0.30) was corrected. See the
- Header/Footer/Options command on the Library menu.
- - A defect (from v0.30) with respect to the display of certain
- message-boxes was fixed.
- - Added the Options command to the View menu. The initial
- implementation of this command allows end-users to include or
- exclude hidden/system items and files from all of the active
- views for a library.
- - The File View was modified so that files and folders are
- always shown in alphabetical order.
- - Added the Export Files command to the Edit menu.
- General Information Page 2 of 11
- *** Installation Instructions ***
- If you received this version of the Exoplex Intranet Publisher
- on a floppy disk please follow the instructions on the disk
- label to install the Exoplex Intranet Publisher.
- If you received this version of the Exoplex Intranet Publisher
- in a ZIP file (for example, exoip031.zip), you can install it
- as follows:
- * Place the ZIP file in an empty folder (e.g., C:\INSTALL) and
- unpack it using a ZIP utility such as PKUNZIP or WinZip.
- * Select Run from the Taskbar Start menu, type
- the full name of the file (e.g., C:\INSTALL\Setup.exe),
- press the Enter key, and follow the prompts.
- The folder in which the ZIP file was unpacked may be deleted once
- the installation process is complete.
- *** Upgrade Instructions ***
- Follow the installation instructions above. You can install
- this version of the Exoplex Intranet Publisher to the same
- location as a previously installed copy of the Exoplex Intranet
- Publisher. The upgrade will automatically be distributed to
- any other Exoplex Libraries you have created as you publish
- Topics to these libraries. The Exoplex Browser (v0.31) supports
- all previous versions of the Exoplex Library (v0.2x).
- If version 0.31 is installed over version 0.2, the file
- association for the "Exoplex Library" ("*.exo" files) will be
- removed. Version 0.31 of the Exoplex Browser does not support
- activation through the "*.exo" file association. Open the
- Start/Programs menu and select the item titled "Exoplex
- Intranet Publisher" to activate the Exoplex Browser.
- General Information Page 3 of 11
- Note that the "Styles" and the "Template" associated with the
- Exoplex Library and the Exoplex Browser may be updated when
- you upgrade to a new version of the Exoplex Intranet Publisher.
- If you have modified the "Styles" or the "Templates" for these
- Topics, you should de-select the "Templates and Styles" for
- these Topics during the installation process.
- While the "Styles" and the "Template" associated with other
- Topics are not updated when you upgrade, you may propagate the
- updated "Styles" and "Templates" to other Topics by using the
- "UpdateTemplate" command followed by the "UpdateStyles" command.
- *** Uninstall Instructions ***
- 1. Close all active copies of the Exoplex Browser. From the
- control panel, select the "Add/Remove Programs" feature.
- Double click on the entry titled "Exoplex Intranet Publisher",
- and follow the prompts. DO NOT REMOVE any of the shared
- files unless you are CERTAIN that they are not required by any
- other programs. You may be required to reinstall Windows 95
- if you remove the shared files "ctl3d32.dll" or "Comctl32.dll".
- 2. Once the "Add/Remove" uninstall process is complete, it is
- safe to delete the remaining portions of the Exoplex Libraries
- using Microsoft's Windows Explorer. If you wish to keep any
- of the files that were contained within Exoplex Topics, make
- sure that you copy the files to an alternate directory before
- you delete the remaining portions of the Exoplex Libraries.
- * If you delete the Exoplex Libraries before running the
- "Add/Remove" uninstall process, you should re-install the
- Exoplex Intranet Publisher and execute the above uninstall
- procedure.
- *** Documentation ***
- For full documentation, including context sensitive help,
- press the F1 key at any time while running the Exoplex Intranet
- Publisher.
- General Information Page 4 of 11
- *** Microsoft Windows 95 *.dll's ***
- During the installation process for Windows 95 the following
- Microsoft/Windows *.dll's will be updated (if required):
- ctl3d32.dll * 3D controls support DLL.
- Comctl32.dll * Windows 95 common controls.
- mfc42.dll * Microsoft Foundation Classes (version 4.2b).
- Msvcrt.dll * Microsoft Visual C++ runtime library.
- These *.dll's are found in the System directory (e.g.
- c:/Windows/System). The *.dll's "ctl3d32.dll" and "Comctl32.dll"
- are updated due to compatibility problems between some older
- versions of these *.dll's and the Visual C++ libraries.
- *** Microsoft Windows NT *.dll's ***
- During the installation process for Windows NT the following
- Microsoft/Windows *.dll's will be updated (if required):
- mfc42.dll * Microsoft Foundation Classes (version 4.2b).
- Msvcrt.dll * Microsoft Visual C++ runtime library.
- These *.dll's are found in the System directory (e.g.
- c:/Windows/System).
- *** Windows 95/NT Registry Entries and the Start Menu ***
- This shareware version (0.31) of the Exoplex Intranet Publisher
- has been modified to make a minimum number of modifications to
- the Windows 95/NT registries. During the installation and
- execution of the Exoplex Intranet Publisher, the following
- modifications will be made to the Windows 95/NT registries and
- to the Start menu:
- * A link is added to the "Start/Programs" menu for the Exoplex
- Intranet Publisher. The link may be moved to a sub-menu since
- the uninstall process will search for the link. Please note,
- however, that even though the link has been removed, it may
- still show up on the sub-menu until the system is shut down
- and restarted.
- General Information Page 5 of 11
- * An entry is made in the registry so that the "Add/Remove
- Programs" feature may be used to uninstall the Exoplex
- Intranet Publisher. This registry entry is made under the
- following registry key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE
- /Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Uninstall
- /Exoplex Intranet Publisher"
- * An entry is made for the Exoplex Intranet Publisher under
- the registry key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Exoplex".
- This entry is made by "InstallShield 5 Professional".
- * Several entries are made under the registry key:
- "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/Exoplex.Library". These entries record
- the location and the unique identifier for the Exoplex
- Library that contains the last installed version of the
- Exoplex Browser.
- The above entries will all be removed during the uninstall
- process as initiated through the Windows 95/NT "Add/Remove
- Programs" feature. The following entries will persist (unless
- manually removed) after the Exoplex Intranet Publisher is
- uninstalled.
- * Several entries are made in the registry to hold the most
- recent file list, and to hold author details (author,
- company, address, and email). These entries are made under
- the registry key: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Exoplex
- /Exoplex Browser". These entries would be difficult to
- remove since there may be multiple user configurations
- defined on any single machine.
- If you are upgrading from version 0.2, the registry entries
- created during the installation of version 0.2 will remain
- valid. All of the registry entries created for prior versions
- and for version 0.31 (except as noted above) will be removed
- when version 0.31 is uninstalled.
- General Information Page 6 of 11
- *** Product History ***
- For up-to-date information please check the Exoplex www site
- for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) and product updates:
- http://www.exoplex.com
- Version 0.30 - Released 6 October 1997 (Windows 95/NT (v4.0+))
- - A series of basic tutorials were added to the
- help files. These tutorials were designed to make the
- product more accessible to first time users.
- - The "Cut/Copy and Paste" commands were changed to "Mark
- and Move/Copy". In previous versions, the Cut and Copy
- commands were used both to mark items and to initiate
- Move, Copy, Find and Name operations. The dual use of
- these commands was difficult to document clearly.
- - Files and folders may now be inserted into Topics by
- dragging them from Windows Explorer and dropping them
- on items (Topics and folders) within the Exoplex Browser.
- - The print routines for the File View were modified to
- include basic file specifications (file size, date and
- time of the last modification, and common attributes).
- - Context menus are now displayed after a single right
- click instead of the double right click as required in
- prior versions.
- Version 0.23 - Released 12 September 1997 (Windows 95/NT (v4.0+))
- - The requested registration fee for the Exoplex Intranet
- Publisher was reduced from US$58 to US$39.95.
- - The Properties command was modified to display the standard
- Windows 95/NT property sheets for folders and files.
- - The process for copying folders/files was modified to make
- it easier to copy multiple folders/files.
- General Information Page 7 of 11
- - The Refresh command was modified so that all views of the
- active library are refreshed. In prior versions, the refresh
- command for File Views acted like the Refresh Files command
- and updated File Views to show the contents of the last
- selected Topic.
- - The uninstall process was modified to eliminate the deletion
- of the descendants of the Exoplex Browser.
- - When Version 0.23 is installed over Version 0.2, the file
- association for "*.exo" files is automatically removed.
- - The Configuration Property sheet has been modified so that
- the _Last_Update tag is updated only when a change is made.
- - External Named Files are updated by the PublishTopic method
- even if no changes have been made to the Tags, Named Files,
- or Named Dependents defined for the Topic.
- - The print routines were modified to eliminate an advisory
- message that appeared on start-up for systems with no
- default printer configured.
- - A memory management defect in the routine that builds drag
- images was fixed. The routine was further modified to limit
- the drag image to those items that appear within a reasonable
- radius of the cursor (to improve performance).
- - The RouteTopic method was modified so that it will clean up
- properly after itself when an error is encountered within
- the InitAfterRouteTopic method.
- Version 0.22 - Released 18 August 1997 (Windows 95/NT (v4.0+))
- Version 0.22 was identical to version 0.21 except that the
- documentation ("Readme.txt", and on-line help files) were
- modified to support the distribution of the product through
- CompuServe and to meet the membership requirements of the
- Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP).
- General Information Page 8 of 11
- Version 0.21 - Released 8 August 1997 (Windows 95/NT (v4.0+))
- - The Styles and Templates distributed with version 0.21
- were corrected so that they may be distributed over
- a case sensitive intranet.
- - The CopyTopic, PublishTopic and RouteTopic methods for
- the Exoplex Browser were disabled.
- - The RouteTopic method was modified so that it would
- clean-up after itself properly when cancelled.
- - The view of the "System Files" for the Exoplex Library
- was modified to exclude the files contained in other
- Topics. This modification was made to avoid potential
- performance problems with very large libraries (libraries
- with over 1,000 Topics).
- - The Exoplex Pre-processor was modified so that files
- with standard intranet extensions ("*.htm", ...) may be
- included in Exoplex Styles.
- - The "Insert File" command was changed to the "Insert Files"
- command so that more then one file at a time could be copied
- to a folder.
- - Version 0.21 was modified to minimise the number registry
- entries made during the installation and operation of the
- Exoplex Intranet Publisher. As a result of this change, a
- few minor features of the Exoplex Intranet Publisher were
- disabled including the ability to start the Exoplex Browser
- by double-clicking on file with the extension "exo".
- Version 0.2 - Released 4 July 1997 (Windows 95 only)
- This was the very first release of the Exoplex Intranet
- Publisher, and our first shareware product. Although this
- initial version had been tested extensively prior to
- release, a few significant defects were found after its
- release.
- General Information Page 9 of 11
- *** Product Registration ***
- The current release of the Exoplex Intranet Publisher (version
- 0.31) is distributed by Exoplex as shareware. The End User
- License Agreement ("EULA") associated with the Exoplex Intranet
- Publisher allows an individual to use the product on a single
- computer for a thirty (30) day evaluation period to evaluate
- the product for subsequent purchase. Registered users may
- continue to use the Exoplex Intranet Publisher beyond the
- thirty (30) day evaluation period. You will be considered a
- registered user of version 0.31 if you have registered any prior
- version or if you register version 0.31 by sending a US$39.95
- registration fee (Check drawn on a US or Australian bank, or
- credit card details for a Visa, Mastercard, Bankcard, or AMEX
- card -- do not send cash) to the following address:
- Exoplex
- P.O. Box 847
- Artarmon, NSW 2064 (Australia)
- Please include your name, company, postal address and email
- address with your payment. Site-License arrangements may be
- made by contacting Exoplex at the above address.
- You may also register on-line by filling out the secure (SSL)
- registration form that is now available on our www site
- ( http://www.exoplex.com ). CompuServe members may register
- the Exoplex Intranet Publisher on-line ("GO Shareware") by
- referencing the following CompuServe Registration ID: 15933.
- Receipt of registration payments will be confirmed by email.
- Comments and questions about the product may be sent to the
- following email addresses:
- support@exoplex.com ** or ** exoplex@compuserve.com
- Product support will be provided on a first-come-first-serve
- basis within the constraints of available resources and with
- priority given to registered users. Before contacting Exoplex
- please check the Exoplex www site for Frequently Asked Questions
- (FAQ's) and product updates ( http://www.exoplex.com ).
- General Information Page 10 of 11
- While support will initially be provided for all versions
- (registered or not) of the Exoplex Intranet Publisher, Exoplex
- will at a minimum answer questions and fix serious bugs for
- all registered users during the three months following
- registration and during the three months following the release
- of a new version. If Exoplex is unable to fix a problem
- reported within three months of registration, any applicable
- registration fees will be refunded.
- Exoplex is a small privately held company that depends on
- registered users to fund and set priorities for the continued
- development of its products. If you find the Exoplex Intranet
- Publisher useful, please support our efforts by registering the
- product.
- *** Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP) ***
- This program is produced by a member of the Association of
- Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that
- the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to
- resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by
- contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The
- ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with
- an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for
- members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545
- Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442-9427 USA, FAX 616-788-2765
- or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail to
- ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.
- *** Contacting Exoplex ***
- If you encounter any problems during the installation of the
- Exoplex Intranet Publisher please contact Exoplex via electronic
- mail to support@exoplex.com -or- exoplex@compuserve.com, or
- by postal mail to P.O. Box 847, Artarmon, NSW 2064 (Australia).
- ###
- General Information Page 11 of 11