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Text File  |  1999-05-10  |  11KB  |  424 lines

  1. object AboutBox: TAboutBox
  2.   Left = 508
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  4.   ActiveControl = spdClose
  5.   BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
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  8.   ClientHeight = 298
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  11.   Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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  31.     Caption = '&Close'
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  34.     OnClick = spdCloseClick
  35.   end
  36.   object pnlAboutPanel2: TPanel
  37.     Left = 72
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  43.     object lblName: TLabel
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  51.     object lblEmail: TLabel
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  56.       Caption = '&E-mail Address'
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  58.     end
  59.     object lblNameStatus: TLabel
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  66.     object lblEmailStatus: TLabel
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  73.     object Bevel2: TBevel
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  79.     end
  80.     object pnlRegisterInfo: TPanel
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  103.           'Please do *not* share these informations with others.')
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  109.     object pnlFullName: TPanel
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  123.         Hint = 
  124.           'Type in your Full Name from the'#13#10'Registration Mail in this field' +
  125.           #39'.'
  126.         BorderStyle = bsNone
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  128.         Text = 'Your Name'
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  133.     object pnlEMail: TPanel
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  147.         Hint = 
  148.           'Type in your Email address from'#13#10'the Registration Mail in this f' +
  149.           'ield.'
  150.         BorderStyle = bsNone
  151.         TabOrder = 0
  152.         Text = 'name@domain.com'
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  154.         OnDragOver = ediNameDragOver
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  156.     end
  157.     object pnlRegistration: TPanel
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  175.   object pnlAboutInformation: TPanel
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  188.       Caption = 'FontLister 3.x for Windows 95/98/NT4'
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  190.     object lblAuthor: TLabel
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  196.       Caption = 'Author: Peter Theill, '
  197.     end
  198.     object lblDate: TLabel
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  200.       Top = 44
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  205.     object Bevel1: TBevel
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  212.     object lblRegName: TLabel
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  217.       Caption = '<Registration Name>'
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  219.     object lblRegEmail: TLabel
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  231.       Caption = 'This product is licensed to:'
  232.     end
  233.     object urlHomepage: TURLLabel
  234.       Left = 18
  235.       Top = 229
  236.       Width = 119
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  238.       Hint = 'Visits the FontLister homepage on the .net'
  239.       Caption = 'http://www.theill.com/fl/'
  240.       ParentShowHint = False
  241.       ShowHint = True
  242.       URL = 'http://www.theill.com/fl/'
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  249.     object lblHomepage: TLabel
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  254.       Caption = 'FontLister homepage'
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  256.     object urlMail: TURLLabel
  257.       Left = 107
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  261.       Hint = 'Sends an email to Peter Theill'
  262.       Caption = 'fontlister@theill.com'
  263.       ParentShowHint = False
  264.       ShowHint = True
  265.       URL = 'mailto:fontlister@theill.com'
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  272.     object lblInstalledDate: TLabel
  273.       Left = 215
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  279.     end
  280.     object Bevel3: TBevel
  281.       Left = 8
  282.       Top = 140
  283.       Width = 309
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  286.       Visible = False
  287.     end
  288.     object pnlInformation: TPanel
  289.       Left = 8
  290.       Top = 62
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  296.       TabOrder = 0
  297.       object memInformation: TMemo
  298.         Left = 0
  299.         Top = 0
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  305.         Color = clBtnFace
  306.         Ctl3D = False
  307.         Lines.Strings = (
  309.             'You'#39're obligated to register this program, if you'#39're using it fo' +
  310.             'r more than 30 days after installation (cf. "Install Date"). If ' +
  311.             'you'#39're using it after this period you'#39're breaking the law. Pleas' +
  312.             'e register your copy of FontLister today, it'#39's only $5. A regist' +
  313.             'ration gives you the right to use all future 3.x updates of Font' +
  314.             'Lister. Check the FontLister homepage (URL shown below) for more' +
  315.             ' information on how to register.'
  317.             'If you'#39've bought FontLister through ideaMarket you are entitled ' +
  318.             'to a free registration, though. Just send me your purchase data ' +
  319.             '(ID, date, name and email) and I'#39'll send you a new registration.'
  321.             'If you don'#39't want to use your credit-card on the Internet, you c' +
  322.             'an send me a $-bill (please don'#39't send any cheques) at this addr' +
  323.             'ess:'
  324.           ''
  325.           '  ConquerWare'
  326.           '  Attn: Peter Theill'
  327.           '  Kalundborgvej 173'
  328.           '  4300 Holbaek'
  329.           '  Denmark'
  330.           ''
  332.             'Please remember to include your email-address and name you want ' +
  333.             'to register.')
  334.         ParentCtl3D = False
  335.         ReadOnly = True
  336.         ScrollBars = ssVertical
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  364.   object pnlNetButtons: TPanel
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  369.     BevelInner = bvLowered
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  378.       Hint = 'Sends an email to Peter Theill'
  379.       Caption = 'mailto:fontlister@theill.com'
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  394.     object tbbHome: TSpeedButton
  395.       Left = 1
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  398.       Height = 23
  399.       Hint = 'Visits the FontLister homepage on the .net'
  400.       Caption = 'http://www.theill.com/fl/'
  401.       Flat = True
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  414.     end
  415.   end
  416.   object timRegister: TTimer
  417.     Enabled = False
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  420.     Left = 360
  421.     Top = 16
  422.   end
  423. end