Chip 2000 January
Text File
96 lines
100 StartDisplay function pointer is not set
101 DisplayActionThread class runtime information is missing
102 Thread creation failed
103 Unable to reset event flag
104 StartDisplay failed
105 Unable to get the controller
106 Unable to get the display action %s
108 Unable to construct %s
109 Controller NOT Created.
110 -U uninstall requires -I <inifile>
111 Unable to create config file
112 Unable to create uninstall config file
113 Unable to find InstallSteps symbol
114 Unable to allocate memory for symbol EXENAME
115 Unable to get module file name
116 Unable to get system directory
117 No SymbolTable
118 Invalid argument %c
119 Bad argument %s
120 Bad argument $(CurrentArg) $(CurrentArgValue)
121 Bad Copyfile line %s
122 Unable to setup copy queue
123 Unable to allocate memory for Copy File
124 Copy File List (%s) is EMPTY.
125 Copy File Queue NOT Created.
126 Copy File Queue NOT opened.
127 Unable to commit copy queue
128 Unable to allocate memory for Delete File
129 Delete File list %s is empty
130 Delete File Queue NOT created.
131 Delete File Queue NOT opened.
132 Cannot create directory %s
133 Bad wait flag $(CurrentLine) for display action $(CurrentName)
134 %s needs an Uninstall copyfiles section
135 Unable to load library %s
136 Unable to resolve Install StartAsThread symbol %s
137 Bad Entry / Value line %s
138 unable to allocate memory
139 No Name entry not valid with Type %s
140 Cannot delete No Name entry
141 Unable to delete %s
142 Unable to store $(CurrentEntry) = $(CurrentValue)
143 Unable to store %s
144 Unable to allocate memory.
145 Unable to convert %s to hex
146 Bad wait flag $(CurrentLine) for execute action $(CurrentName)
147 Bad execute action $(CurrentName) $(CurrentLine)
148 Bad execute step type %s
149 Out of memory
150 Unable to get controller
151 Unable to increment index on section %s
152 Unable to load
153 No section type identifier for %s
154 Unrecognized type $(CurrentName) $(CurrentType)
155 %s Structure NOT Created.
156 Missing type identifier for section %s
157 In section %s expected type identifier of Symbols but found %s
158 Bad SUB-type ($(CurrentTarget)) of modifyenvaction $(CurrentName)
159 Missing keys for modifyenvaction %s
160 Too many keys for modifyenvaction CIS %s
161 The CIS Registry access could not be opened
162 Retrieval of subkeys failed
163 The CIS access could not be opened
164 CoCreateInstance failed
165 QueryInterface failed
166 Save failed %s
167 missing string.
168 Unable to allocate memory for MultiString
169 Bad Symbol line %s
170 Bad Symbol $(CurrentName) Type $(CurrentType)\n
171 $(CurrentBuffer) actual type $(CurrentType) differs from expected $(CurrentExpectedType)
172 Unable to increment index for %s
173 Unable to get symbol table
174 NULL Host in Visit to Symbol %s
175 Symbol $(CurrentName) incoming type $(CurrentExpectedType) mismatch
176 Bad hex conversion.
177 Unable to get function pointer for %s
178 AddPortMonitor failed %s
179 DeletePortMonitor failed %s
180 CISReg Key Acces Failed for HPECP version key
181 INI file Symbol Table Access Failed for HPECP version key
182 Could not Stop HPECP
183 Could not Start HPECP
184 AddPrinterDriver failed %s
185 DeletePrinterDriver failed \n%s
186 AddPrinter failed %s
187 OpenPrinter failed %s
188 DeletePrinter failed %s
190 SetPrinterData failed ($(Result)) for $(CurrentName) = $(CurrentValue) ($(CurrentType))
191 unable to find symbol containing printer name
192 symbol list is empty
193 OpenPrinter failed (%d) for %s
194 Unknown error processing symbol list
195 Cannot remove directory %s
196 CreateEvent failed for CDisplayActionThread::StartAsThread, Windows Last Error -> %s