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- Version Date Comments
- ------- ----------- --------------------------------------------------------
- 1.11 24 Oct 1997 Corrected a bug that caused RTE 216 after closing
- settings dialog.
- Corrected a bug that caused WarpNote notes list changing
- its color.
- Corrected a bug in window order: Notes list appeared on
- double-clicking the Warp-Note icon; now all notes appear
- as designed.
- 1.12 26 Oct 1997 Corrected a bug that caused RTE 216 when not using the
- WarpNote NotesList.
- 1.2 15 Nov 1997 Changed the way WarpNote detects running instances; now
- less complicated.
- Added option to save note text in the application's INI
- file instead of multiple text files.
- Added WNCOMM.EXE utility to allow REXX-style control of
- WarpNote; BIRTHDAY.CMD (included) and QUOTES.CMD (optio-
- nal) as example programs for the scripting capabilities.
- WarpNote is now compatible with Xit and shows the copy &
- paste buttons.
- New INSTALL.CMD now allows upgrading previous
- installations with less keystrokes.
- 1.21 20 Nov 1997 Notes can now be moved by dragging them with mouse
- button 2 pressed, even when there is no titlebar.
- Popup menu appears on a mouse button 2 *click* only.
- 1.22 15 Dec 1997 Changed "Close Note" menu entry to "Close & Delete Note".
- Added "Notes List" menu entry to all menus when WarpNote
- notes list is used.
- Added a setting to prevent WarpNote changing the titlebar
- text. This caused problems when Object Desktop's virtual
- screens were used.
- 1.3 19 Feb 1998 Corrected problem with NPS WPS Enhancer popup menu.
- Fixed a bug that caused titlebar state not being saved
- properly.
- Focus will be restored after WNCOMM CREATE.
- Added DISPLAY command to WNCOMM that shows a note without
- giving it the focus.
- Added EMPTY command to clear the contents of a note.
- Corrected a documentation bug in WNCOMM docs: LOAD only
- appends the given text file.
- Added ability to set border color for notes.
- Added setting to enable/disable dragging of notes with
- mouse button 2 (to enhance compatibility with DragText).
- Added setting to enable dragging of notes with mouse
- button 2 on the window frame (for DragText users).
- Added printing.
- Creation date of each note is displayed when note is
- activated.
- Created an INF file from the documentation text files.
- 1.31 03 Mar 1998 Corrected one date and one spelling error in the history
- file (thanks to Diane).
- Corrected a bug that prevents notes list from being
- populated after last note had been closed.
- Text color will now be saved as default and individual
- note attribute.
- The "Hide all notes" menu entry is now a conditional
- cascaded menu that allows to select if you want to hide
- all notes (default action) or all but the selected note.
- 1.32 30 Mar 1998 Minor change hopefully prevents WarpNote from sometimes
- stopping shutdown.
- 1.33 02 Apr 1998 Version 1.32 didn't exit using ALT-X or the menu; fixed.
- Closing thread more carefully now.
- 1.34 09 Apr 1998 Made all usual keyboard shortcuts work when titlebar is
- not visible.
- Two menu entries re-added to the English popup menu.
- Adjusted priority setting of communication thread.
- 1.4 18 May 1998 Added "Find" function.
- 1.41 01 Jul 1998 Additional setting "First line is headline" makes only
- first line appear in notes list and/or window list in-
- stead of first 50 characters.
- 1.5 16 Jul 1998 Added setting to control confirmation when closing notes.
- Added setting to change behavior when last note is closed.
- Added setting that adds a vertical scrollbar to each note.
- Added hotkey and menu entry to resize a note for best fit.
- Added APPENDTEXT command to WNCOMM for easier scripting.
- 1.6 03 Sep 1998 Added capability to drag notes out of the notes list.
- Added capability to drop textfiles onto the notes list.
- Fixed a bug in the notes list popup menu that caused
- checkmarks not to appear.
- 1.7 06 Feb 1999 Changed "New Note" menu entry to conditional cascaded
- submenu and added capability to create a new note with
- the clipboard's contents.
- 1.71 23 Feb 1999 "Use WarpNote notes list" setting was always on. Fixed.
- Reorganized program exit when last note was closed.
- Deactivated the security functions which happened to
- appear in 1.7.
- 1.72 24 Feb 1999 Fixed version number error in history file.
- Fixed registration problem (RTE 215).
- 1.73 07 Mar 1999 In rare cases, WarpNote stopped OS/2 from shutting down.
- Fixed. This required an update of WNCOMM.EXE, so if you
- upgrade your installation manually, be sure to exchange
- both executables, WARPNOTE.EXE and WNCOMM.EXE.
- "Enter/Change Password" only enabled when encryption
- engine is present (coming soon).
- 1.8 12 May 1999 Blowfish encryption engine fully functional.
- Added find and print dialog to OS/2 window list.
- Added -D command line switch to specify data directory.
- F2 and Alt+F2 now work in notes list when no note is
- selected.
- Enabled Shift+F10 for popup menu in notes list.
- Addes Notes menu entry for quick notes access.
- Notes list window can be closed now (with confirmation).
- 1.81 24 May 1999 Added CLIPBOARD command to WNCOMM.EXE.
- Notes list was messed up by WNCOMM CREATE. Fixed.
- 1.82 25 May 1999 Fixed a little bug in handling of clipboard insertion.
- 1.85 01 Aug 1999 Fixed RTE 216 on Find dialog close when notes list not
- used.
- Created a nice notebook from the settings dialog.
- F12 will now also log on to the encryption engine if
- not already logged on, and log off otherwise.
- Introduced ControlCenter for easier access to creation
- of new notes and notes list.
- New notes can be created with a file's contents.
- Text selection will be saved and restored now.