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- /**************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* BIRTHDAY.CMD Example program to demonstrate the use of WarpNote in */
- /* connection with WarpNote Command. This program scans */
- /* the file BIRTHDAY.TXT for coming anniversaries and if */
- /* there are such events, the program creates a note to */
- /* inform the user. This program could be run in your */
- /* Startup folder. You may and you should customize this */
- /* program for your own needs. */
- /* */
- /* Created on November 8th, 1997, Uwe Schlenther, 70193 Stuttgart,Germany */
- /**************************************************************************/
- NoteNumber=100 /* This is the number of the note we will create. Make */
- /* sure that you don't use this number for your own */
- /* needs and change it if necessary. */
- Days=14 /* This is the number of days we will watch for coming */
- /* events, counting from today. */
- InFile="BIRTHDAY.TXT" /* This is the file containing the birthday data. */
- OutFile="NEWNOTE"
- "del "OutFile
- "wncomm wait" /* Wait for WarpNote startup. */
- "wncomm delete "NoteNumber /* Delete a previous instance of the note. */
- call LINEOUT OutFile,"Coming Anniversaries",1
- call LINEOUT OutFile,"===================="
- call LINEOUT OutFile,""
- call SetMonthDays
- NumAnniversaries=0
- Today=DATE("S")
- parse var Today Year 5 Month 7 Day
- do i=0 to Days
- call ScanBirthdayFile Day,Month,Year
- NumAnniversaries=NumAnniversaries+result
- Day=Day+1
- if Day>MonthDays.Month then do
- Day=1
- Month=Month+1
- end
- if (Month=2) & (Day=29) & (Year//4<>0) then do /* Simple algorithm for */
- Day=1 /* leap year. Should */
- Month=Month+1 /* suffice for this */
- end /* purpose. */
- if Month>12 then do
- Month=1
- Year=Year+1
- end
- end
- LINEIN(OutFile,1,0) /* Reset file pointer on anniversary data file. */
- /* If anniversaries have been written to the OutFile, create a note. */
- if (NumAnniversaries>0) then do
- "wncomm getdesktopx" /* Get horizontal desktop size. */
- DesktopX=rc
- "wncomm getdesktopy" /* Get vertical desktop size. */
- DesktopY=rc
- "wncomm create "NoteNumber /* Create the note. */
- "wncomm setsizexy "NoteNumber DesktopX%2 DesktopY%4
- "wncomm center "NoteNumber
- "wncomm load "NoteNumber" newnote"
- "wncomm show "NoteNumber
- end
- exit
- ScanBirthdayFile:
- arg Day,Month,Year
- Count=0
- LINEIN(InFile,1,0) /* Reset file pointer on anniversary data file. */
- do while LINES(InFile) /* Look through all lines of data. */
- Line=LINEIN(InFile)
- if (SUBSTR(Line,1,1)<>":") & (Line<>"") then do
- parse var Line ADay "," AMonth "," AYear "," AName /* Parse line. */
- if (ADay=Day) & (AMonth=Month) then
- do
- Count=Count+1 /* Increase number of found anniversaries. */
- MName=MonthName(AMonth)
- Line=ADay MName": "AName
- if (AYear<>"") then do /* Add age if yearappears in data file. */
- Age=Year-AYear
- Line=Line "("Age")"
- end
- call LINEOUT OutFile,Line
- end
- end
- end
- return Count
- MonthName:
- arg MonthNumber
- select
- when MonthNumber=1 then return "January"
- when MonthNumber=2 then return "February"
- when MonthNumber=3 then return "March"
- when MonthNumber=4 then return "April"
- when MonthNumber=5 then return "May"
- when MonthNumber=6 then return "June"
- when MonthNumber=7 then return "July"
- when MonthNumber=8 then return "August"
- when MonthNumber=9 then return "September"
- when MonthNumber=10 then return "October"
- when MonthNumber=11 then return "November"
- when MonthNumber=12 then return "December"
- end
- return 0
- SetMonthDays:
- MonthDays.1=31
- MonthDays.2=29
- MonthDays.3=31
- MonthDays.4=30
- MonthDays.5=31
- MonthDays.6=30
- MonthDays.7=31
- MonthDays.8=31
- MonthDays.9=30
- MonthDays.10=31
- MonthDays.11=30
- MonthDays.12=31
- return 0