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- Welcome to the P.B. Safety Remember Program !
- This application is an easy, fast and safe way to store, elaborate and review
- your data. It is a simple, fixed structured database application with the basic
- data elaborating functions. The principal properties of this program are these :
- - the data is stored in economy ASCII files,
- - the program looks and works like a typical database application,
- - the program provides exclusive functions, such as printing the data,
- recording the data path or password protection.
- What's new in P.B. Safety Remember Program - Version 2.0.1 ?
- - more data units (10 + 1 units, Version 1.0.1 had only 6 + 1)
- - advanced searching features
- - alphabetic data sorting function
- - clipboard work with full database sheet
- - faster work.
- Before you start work, you should get to know your program and prepare
- it for your use. Start the program clicking its shortcut in the start menu.
- You can also copy this shortcut (P.B. Safety Remember Program.lnk)
- to your desktop using Windows Explorer. After the first start you will see two
- windows. First click the Default Captions button and then the OK button in
- the Database Select window. You have created a new database, but it is not
- important now. The main window of this program is now enabled. If you need
- to use the password protection, click the Password command in the Settings
- menu and set it. How to do this, can be read in the Setting and troubleshooting
- help topic. After setting the password you should set the data path. Create one
- subdirectory on your hard disk for saving your database files. Then click the
- Data Path command in the Settings menu and set its path. You can also read
- more information about it in the Setting and troubleshooting help topic.
- The program is now ready for use.
- It is recommended to register the type of P.B. Safety Remember Program
- data files. How to proceed : Start Windows Explorer. Choose the Options
- command from the View menu. On the File type card click the New type button.
- Type "P.B. Safety Remember Program Database" in the Type description
- text box, then type "pdb" in the File extension text box. Then click the Change
- icon button, on the Change icon window click the Browse button, then list the
- icon file (Sfrpdata.ico - which is placed in the directory of this application
- and click the OK button and in the Options window click OK button again.
- The P.B. Safety Remember program data files are registered.
- This application provides another interesting function. On all of its windows you
- can see a small picture or icon. Click it for reading a fast help with the most
- important information about the current situation and the instruction, just
- "what to do" message.
- After this introduction close and restart the program for testing its new settings
- and starting work.
- ╢
- Using P.B. Safety Remember Program
- Read this topic, which is going to help you to know, how to use this program
- optimally. After having started the program, you will see the Database Select
- window. There you can create a new database. Fill the database name and all
- unit captions in the text boxes. The unit captions mustn't be equal and you must
- fill in all of them. The Default Captions button fills the universal correct database
- name and unit captions in the text boxes, the Clear All Captions button clears
- all text boxes. You can also go to open an existing database, if you choose
- the Open an existing database option button. After having selected the next
- task, click the OK button. If the database name and all unit captions are filled
- in the text boxes, the main program window enable. You can start entering the
- data. If you chose the Open an existing database option button, you will see
- the Open window. Select the drive, path and name of the database file that you
- want to open, then click the OK button. You can start editing the database.
- During the work with a text the program provides the typical clipboard functions.
- If you want to add one data sheet, click the Insert Sheet button. If you want to
- remove the current data sheet, click the Delete Sheet button and confirm your
- command in the Confirm window. You can also clear the current data sheet
- choosing the Clear Sheet command from the Edit menu. The full sheet can be
- copied into the clipboard and pasted using the Copy Sheet and Paste Sheet
- commands. The Undo button cancels the last Insert Sheet, Delete Sheet,
- Clear Sheet, Paste Sheet or Sort operation. You can list among the data
- sheets using the Next and Back buttons. If you want to do jump in the database,
- click the Go To button. You will see the Go To window. You can choose, if you
- want to jump to the start of database (the first sheet) or to the end of database
- (the last sheet) or the custom sheet. If you want to jump to the custom sheet,
- you must put the sheet number in the text box. After having specified the jump,
- click the OK button. The program goes to the selected data sheet.
- This application provides also the Find function. You can search a data item
- or its part in the database. If you open the Find menu, you will see that the
- commands of this menu have the same descriptions as the unit captions.
- Choose the command that has the same description as the caption of the unit
- that you want to search. You will see the Find window. Type the string that you
- want to find in the text box. If you want this string to be considered as a part of
- the selected data item, check the Wild Search check box. Then, if you want to
- find all the items those begin with the search string, select the "Begin" option
- in the combo box. If you want to find all the items those contain the search string,
- select the "Contain" option in the combo box. If the Wild Search check box
- is not checked, the program will find only these items those are equal with the
- search string. If you want the program to match the case of the letters during the
- search, check the Match Case check box. Finally click the Find button. If the
- search string is found, the program goes to its sheet and selects the string.
- You can continue searching the previous string in the rest of the database
- using the Find Next command. The messages will inform you, if the searching
- is finished or if the search string was not found.
- Another P.B. Safety Remember Program's feature is the alphabetic data sort
- function. Click the Edit menu and from the Sort By menu choose the command
- that has the some caption as the unit that you want to sort by. You will see the
- Sort window. Choose, if you want the database to be sorted from A down to Z
- or from Z up to A. Then click the sort button. The database will be sorted by the
- selected unit and the program will go to the first sheet.
- If you want to print the data, choose the Print command from the File menu.
- You will see the Print window. There you can choose, if you want to print the
- current sheet or the all database or the selection, if you have selected some
- text before. After the choice click the OK button.
- If you want to save the database file, click the Save button. If the database
- was not saved before, you will see the Save as window. The database name
- is selected as the name of the new file. You can change it, like the drive and
- path. Click the OK button to save the file. If you click the Save button next time,
- the changes are saved in the existing file automatically. If you want to save
- the database in a file with a different name, choose the Save as command
- from the File menu and you will see the Save as window. If you want to open
- another database, choose the Open command from the File menu and you will
- see the Open window. If you want to create a new database, choose the New
- command from the File menu and you will see the Database Select window.
- If the previous database is not saved, the Confirm window will inform you
- about the situation and it will let you save it.
- The maximum length of one data unit is 102 characters (2048 for the Main Unit)
- so the data volume of 1 sheet is approximately 3 kB and the maximum length
- of one database is 9999 sheets.
- This application is completely independent of any use of the mouse. It can be
- controlled by keyboard, pressing ALT with the underlined character of the
- command caption. In the menus there are many key shortcuts. In the main
- window the cursor can be moved among the data units by the ENTER key
- (F2 key between the Main Unit and other units) or the cursor arrow keys.
- In other windows you can list among the controls using the TAB key.
- Close the program choosing the End command from the File menu.
- ╢
- For the best work of P.B. Safety Remember Program
- This application can be set up according to the user's requirements. It provides
- password protection. If you want to set up password protection, choose the
- Password command from the Settings menu. You will see the Set Password
- window. Type the string that you want to be the password in the two enabled
- text boxes, named Enter new password and Retype new password. The strings
- in both text boxes must be the same. Then click the Set password button. The
- program is now protected. If you want to start it next time, you must enter the
- password. If you want to change the password, type the old password in the
- text box named Enter old password and enter the new one. Then click the
- Set password button. If you want to remove the password protection, type the
- old password in the text box named Enter old password and click the
- Do not use password button. The protection is now disabled.
- This program provides also the path-record function. If you have created a
- subdirectory for your database files, choose the Data path command from the
- Settings menu. You will see the Set Data Path window. Type the correct path
- of the subdirectory for your database files, then click the OK button. The
- program tests the selected path. If it is invalid, the message will inform you and
- the program will let you repair it. If it is alright, the program will record it. This
- path will be implicitly selected in the Open window and in the Save as window.
- The program tests the recorded data path during every start. If it finds it invalid,
- but before it was alright (for example, if you have deleted the subdirectory
- whose path was recorded by this program) the message will inform you about
- the situation and the program will replace it by the program path.
- If you have some data files of P.B. Safety Remember Program - Version 1.0.1,
- you have to convert them into the data format of Version 2.0.1 by the Safety
- Remember Program Database Convert. In the Compatibility menu there is just
- one command for running it. After having run this utility, you will see a window,
- reminding the Database Select window. Type the remaining 4 unit captions in
- the text boxes and click the File Browse card header. Then select the drive,
- path and name of the database that you want to convert and click the Convert
- button. The database will be converted and it will be usable by this version.
- If the Help Contents or Read Me of this program do not work, make sure if the
- files "Sfrp.help" and "Readme.txt" are placed in the directory of this program.
- If they are placed there, but the Help Contents or Read Me of this program still
- don't work, make sure if the program path is selected in the shortcut of this
- program. If not, click the shortcut by the right mouse button, choose the Shortcut
- card and select the program path in the Start path text box.
- Never try to delete or edit the initiation file. If the initiation file does not
- exist or if there is an error in it, the program will not start ! If you have deleted or
- edited the initiation file and the program does not start, you have to reinstall
- the application. Never try to edit the P.B. Safety Remember Program data files
- using another program. If the message informs you about an error in the
- database file during the use, make sure if you have tried to modify the file by
- some other program. If you haven't done it, the file is not the database of this
- program and there is an extension coincidence. Stop trying to open the file by
- this program. But if you have modified this program's data file incorrectly,
- call the author of this program to repair it.
- ╢