OCR: Acknowledgments ZipIt has UMOB enormously cince its inception T 1993 and would be impossible to list here all the people who have generously contributed their time it the product today. Nonetheles few people must be by aweu ZipIt owes existence -. Kem Tekinay, without whom PInOM I never have released the product tc the public. Without SoftLock Services ZipIt never have become succe: Ss. Special thank Martin Eisler pue to ArtSource pue Martina D. alton for signing the icon pue logo. Thanks all of ZipIt's bet 5ters pue in particular to Michael French fot DU!OD wel bevond the call of duty, pue for aking ZipIt solid is Finally, thanks all of ZipIt's registered users for your generous support Portions c 1990 -1992 by Richard B Hales Jearr lOuD Gaill KaiUwe Romme? ard Igor Mandr-ichenko Portions ...