Opens an existing vocabulary document, and loads it for viewing. (Ctrl+O)
.topic 20002
Saves the currently active vocabulary document. If it has not previously been saved, the Save As... command will be invoked. (Ctrl+S)
.topic 20003
Prints the currently active vocabulary document. First the standard Windows Print dialog is shown where you can select if all or a specified range of pages should be printed. (Ctrl+P)
.topic 20004
Displays a preview of the currently active vocabulary document as it will appear on a printed page.
.topic 20005
Cut will remove the current selection and place it on the Clipboard. (Ctrl+X)
.topic 20006
Copy will place a copy of the current selection on the Clipboard. (Ctrl+C)
.topic 20007
Paste will paste the content of the Clipboard into the current selection. (Ctrl+V)
.topic 20008
Undoes the last command. Check the tooltip or menu caption to see exactly what will be undone. (Ctrl+Z)
.topic 20009
Inserts a new row above the selected row. (Ctrl+I)
.topic 20010
Deletes the selected row(s). (Ctrl+K)
.topic 20011
Finds text in the vocabulary. (Ctrl+F)
.topic 20012
Changes the display font of the vocabulary.
.topic 20013
Sorts the entries in the vocabulary.
.topic 20014
Changes the language headers of the vocabulary. (Ctrl+L)
.topic 20015
Changes the quiz mode (step through or use the dropdown).
.topic 20016
Starts a quiz (use the dropdown if you want another type of quiz).
.topic 20017
Activates What's This Help. Click and the click on the object you want to know more about.
.topic 20018
Will display the previous printed page in the document.
.topic 20019
Will display the next printed page in the document.
.topic 20020
Displays a standard dialog for changing printer settings.
.topic 20021
Prints the currently displayed vocabulary document. First the standard Windows Print dialog is shown where you can select if all or a specified range of pages should be printed. The Ctrl+P shortcut can be used for this command.
.topic 20022
Will close the preview window and return you to the main document window.
.topic 20023
By clicking on this button the mouse pointer will change to an arrow-questionmark and you can click on a window item you want to know more about.
.topic 20024
This is the Language dialog. Click directly on the item you want to know more about.
.topic 20025
Enter language or other identifier you want to appear in the header of the first column.
.topic 20026
Enter language or other identifier you want to appear in the header of the second column.
.topic 20027
Click this button to apply your changes to the two language edit boxes.
.topic 20028
Click this button to discard your changes to the two language edit boxes.
.topic 20029
This is the About dialog. Click on the part that you want to know more about.
.topic 20030
Clicking this link will automatically take you to the WordQuiz web site on the Internet so that you can see if there is an update available.
.topic 20031
This link will start your e-mail program so that you can send support questions or give feedback.
.topic 20331
This link will open the main help file and show more information on how to register WordQuiz.
.topic 20032
Click this button to close the dialog. Pressing Return or Esc on the keyboard will have the same effect.
.topic 20033
Click this button to enter your user name and the registration code you received when registering WordQuiz. Once you have registerd this button will not be shown.
.topic 20034
This is the Register dialog. Click on the part that you want to know more about.
.topic 20035
Enter your name exactly as it appears on your registration confirmation.
.topic 20036
Enter the registration code provided on your registration confirmation. No spaces.
.topic 20037
Click this button to enter your registration information.
.topic 20038
Click this button to cancel changes to the registration information.
.topic 20039
This is the Document window. Click on the part you want to know more about.
.topic 20040
Language 1 header. You can change this header by selecting Languages... either from the Quiz menu or from the popup menu that appears if you right-click on the document window.
.topic 20041
Language 2 header. You can change this header by selecting Languages... either from the Quiz menu or from the popup menu that appears if you right-click on the document window.
.topic 20042
Document grid. Enter words or expressions pair-wise in the cells. Type directly into the active cell or edit a cell entry. Double click a cell to edit its content.
.topic 20043
This is the Find dialog. Place your mouse directly on the item you want to know more about.
.topic 20044
Type the text you want to search for.
.topic 20045
Select if you want to search the whole document or just column 1 or column 2.
.topic 20046
Check if you want the search to be case sensitive (a is different from A).
.topic 20047
Check if you want to find whole words only, not parts of words.
.topic 20048
Click this button to start the search.
.topic 20049
Click this button to expand the dialog to also include the ability to replace text.
.topic 20050
Click this button to close the dialog.
.topic 20051
This is the Replace dialog. Place your mouse directly on the item you want to know more about.
.topic 20052
Type the text you want replacing the old text.
.topic 20053
Click this button to replace the current selection.
.topic 20054
Click this button to replace all instances of the search text with the replace text.
.topic 20055
This is the Font dialog. Place your mouse directly on the item you want to know more about.
.topic 20056
Select the font you want from the dropdown.
.topic 20057
Select the size you want your vocabulary text to have.
.topic 20058
Select the color you want your vocabulary text to have.
.topic 20059
Check if you want your vocabulary text to be bold.
.topic 20060
Check if you want your vocabulary text to be italic.
.topic 20061
Check if you want your font selection to apply to all new vocabularies you create.
.topic 20062
Shows a preview of how text will appear.
.topic 20063
Click this button to apply the selected font to your vocabulary.
.topic 20064
Click this button to close the dialog and ignore changes.
.topic 20065
This is the Sort dialog. Place your mouse directly on the item you want to know more about.
.topic 20066
Select if you want to sort the vocabulary based on the first or second column.
.topic 20067
Select if you want to sort the vocabulary in ascending or descending order.
.topic 20068
Check if you only want to sort selected rows. You must select entire rows for this option to become available.
.topic 20069
Click this button to start the sort.
.topic 20070
Click this button to close the dialog without sorting.
.topic 20071
This is the Row Height/Column Width dialog. Place your mouse directly on the item you want to know more about.
.topic 20072
Enter the row height/column width (in pixels) you want in your vocabulary.
.topic 20073
Click this button to apply the new row height/column width.
.topic 20074
Click this button to close the dialog without changing the row height/column width.
.topic 20075
This is the Question & Answer dialog. Place your mouse directly on the item you want to know more about.
.topic 20076
This is your question, i. e. the word or expression you should give the corresponding entry to. The language of the word is to the left.
.topic 20077
Enter your answer to the question in this box, i. e. the entry in the document that you think corresponds to the word or expression above. Your answer should be in the language to the left.
.topic 20078
This is the word or expression in the previous question.
.topic 20079
This is your answer to the previous question. Correct answers will be indicated by a green check mark and incorrect answers by a red X.
.topic 20080
This is the correct answer to the previous question. It will only be displayed if your answer was incorrect.
.topic 20081
This is the total number of questions in the quiz.
.topic 20082
This is the number of question you have already answered.
.topic 20083
This is the number of correct answers you have given so far.
.topic 20084
This is the number of incorrect answers you have given so far.
.topic 20085
Check if you want to hear a sound if your answer is incorrect. It can be toggled by clicking or by pressing Alt+B.
.topic 20086
Check if you want questions were you use the hint function to be counted as errors. The question will then also be included if you repeat errors. That way you can make sure you learn the answer properly. Click or press Alt+T.
.topic 20087
This button will check if your answer is correct. When you have answered all the questions the name of the button will change to Done and it will then close the dialog. Click or press Return.
.topic 20088
This button will give you the first letter of the answer. If you click it again the next letter will be given. If you have started to type an answer, all correct letters will remain and one additional letter will be given. Click or press Alt+H.
.topic 20089
If some of your answers were incorrect this button will be enabled when you have answered all the questions. You will then be asked these questions again. Click or press Alt+R.
.topic 20090
This button will close the dialog immediately and return you to the document window. Click or press Esc.
.topic 20091
This is the Multiple Choice dialog. Place your mouse directly on the item you want to know more about.
.topic 20092
These are the answer options. Select the one you think is correct.
.topic 20093
Check if you want your answer selection checked immediately. Otherwise you have to click the Check button to see if the answer is correct.
.topic 20094
This is the Study dialog. Place your mouse directly on the item you want to know more about.
.topic 20095
When you click one of the buttons, the answer will be spelled out here.
.topic 20096
Check if you want the answer to be shown automatically after the specified amount of time.
.topic 20097
Check if you want automatically shown answers to be counted as errors.
.topic 20098
Click this button if you want the question to be counted as correct.
.topic 20099
Click this button if you want the question to be counted as incorrect.