ocr: - restaurant - Netsoape EOX Ele Edt Yen Go Communicalor Help 4 : 1 0 - - Back Fases Reloed Hame Seach Gude Print Secunty Strg Bookmaks 4 - Location IRJEVhONESYNIUhahamdrm Alice's Restaurant Alice Cooper ived: in the Rockies m the middle of the ast century and was oce ofthe ploccerng women ofthe regon Sbe was respected, and sometmes teared,by those who knew ber. Abce was hard working and determnedt to makce somethung ofher barsh suroundings She didnt: suffer fools gady. The country at that time aas just pening up and lawlessness was commonplace Alce made her. home m a: small town where two tral ...