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- ;
- ; "MrShannon's RightClick-MP3 v1.51"
- ;
- ; Much thanks Microsoft, Michael Mutschler, T.E.D. and Jason Van Leuven
- ;
- ; What does this do?
- ; -Lets say you have a WAV file that you want to encode into an MP3 file.
- ; With this installed, just RightClick on the file, and choose "[- Encode
- ; this WAV into an MP3 -]"
- ; -Or if you have an MP3 file that you want to DECODE into a WAV file, you
- ; can right click on that and choose "[- Decode this MP3 into a WAV -]"
- ; Pretty neato hey?
- ;
- ; How does it do it?
- ; -It basically calls a batch file to do the work. Go to the end of this
- ; file to read the details and how to modify it somewhat.
- ;
- ; What do I have to do to make it work?
- ; - Right click on this file and choose "Install"
- ;
- ; Any Problems?
- ; Nope. The only "bug" in Rc-MP3 is that it won't delete the directory
- ; it was installed to. Oh an I probably have a lot of spelling errors.
- ; If you find anything, let me know. I would really appreciate it.
- [version]
- signature="$CHICAGO$"
- [Rc-MP3Install]
- CopyFiles=Rc-MP3.Files.Inf
- AddReg= Rc-MP3.Reg,AddMP3.reg
- UpdateInis=Rc-MP3.Links, Rc-MP3.Links.9x
- [DefaultInstall]
- CopyFiles=Rc-MP3.Files.Inf
- AddReg=Rc-MP3.Reg
- UpdateInis=Rc-MP3.Links, Rc-MP3.Links.9x
- [DefaultInstall.ntx86]
- CopyFiles=Rc-MP3.Files.NT
- AddReg=Rc-MP3.Reg.NT,AddMP3.reg
- UpdateInis=Rc-MP3.Links, Rc-MP3.Links.NT
- [DefaultUnInstall]
- DelFiles=Rc-MP3.Files.Inf
- DelReg=Rc-MP3.Reg
- UpdateInis=Rc-MP3.Links.Remove
- [DefaultUnInstall.ntx86]
- DelFiles=Rc-MP3.Files.NT
- DelReg=Rc-MP3.Reg.NT
- UpdateInis=Rc-MP3.Links.Remove
- [SourceDisksNames]
- 55="RightClick-MP3","Rc-MP3.box",1
- [SourceDisksFiles]
- Rc-MP3.INF=55
- Rc-MP3.bat=55
- Rc-MP3.txt=55
- RcMP3nts.txt=55
- RcMP3dev.com=55
- RcMP3dec.exe=55
- Go32.exe=55
- RegL3dec.txt=55
- RcMP3enc.exe=55
- uninstal.txt=55
- RcMP3ans.sys=55
- settings.bat=55
- bitrate.bat=55
- priority.bat=55
- getchar.com=55
- [DestinationDirs]
- Rc-MP3.Files.Inf=24,%SubDir%
- Rc-MP3.files.NT=24,%SubDir%
- [Rc-MP3.Files.Inf]
- Rc-MP3.INF
- Rc-MP3.bat
- Rc-MP3.txt
- RcMP3nts.txt
- RcMP3dev.com
- RcMP3dec.exe
- Go32.exe
- RegL3dec.txt
- RcMP3enc.exe
- uninstal.txt
- RcMP3ans.sys
- settings.bat
- bitrate.bat
- priority.bat
- getchar.com
- [Rc-MP3.Files.NT]
- Rc-MP3.INF
- Rc-MP3.bat
- Rc-MP3.txt
- RcMP3nts.txt
- RcMP3dev.com
- RcMP3dec.exe
- Go32.exe
- RegL3dec.txt
- RcMP3enc.exe
- uninstal.txt
- settings.bat
- bitrate.bat
- priority.bat
- getchar.com
- [Rc-MP3.Links]
- setup.ini, progman.groups,,"group77=RightClick-MP3"
- setup.ini, group77,,"""RightClick-MP3"", ""%24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rc-MP3.txt"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group77,,"""Misc Notes"", ""%24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\RcMP3nts.txt"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group77,,"""Uninstall Notes"", ""%24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\uninstal.txt"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group77,,"""Reg L3Decode"", ""%24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\RegL3dec.txt"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, progman.groups,,"group78=RightClick-MP3\Set Bitrate"
- setup.ini, progman.groups,,"group79=RightClick-MP3\Set Priority"
- [Rc-MP3.Links.NT]
- setup.ini, group77,,"""Uninstall Rc-MP3 NOW"", ""rundll32.exe syssetup.dll,SetupInfObjectInstallAction DefaultUnInstall 132 %24%\%SubDir%\Rc-MP3.inf"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group78,,"""00) Current"", ""%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat what"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group78,,"""01) 32kbps"", ""%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat b 32"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group78,,"""02) 40kbps"", ""%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat b 40"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group78,,"""03) 48kbps"", ""%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat b 48"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group78,,"""04) 56kbps"", ""%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat b 56"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group78,,"""05) 64kbps"", ""%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat b 64"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group78,,"""06) 80kbps"", ""%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat b 80"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group78,,"""07) 96kbps"", ""%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat b 96"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group78,,"""08) 112kbps"", ""%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat b 112"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group78,,"""09) 128kbps"", ""%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat b 128"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group78,,"""10) 160kbps"", ""%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat b 160"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group78,,"""11) 192kbps"", ""%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat b 192"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group78,,"""12) 224kbps"", ""%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat b 224"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group78,,"""13) 256kbps"", ""%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat b 256"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group78,,"""14) 320kbps"", ""%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat b 320"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group79,,"""0) Current"", ""%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat p what"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group79,,"""1) Highest"", ""%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat p HIGHEST"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group79,,"""2) Higher"", ""%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat p HIGHER"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group79,,"""3) Normal"", ""%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat p NORMAL"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group79,,"""4) Lower"", ""%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat p LOWER"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group79,,"""5) Lowest"", ""%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat p LOWEST"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group79,,"""6) Idle"", ""%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat p IDLE"",,, Rc-MP3"
- [Rc-MP3.Links.9x]
- setup.ini, group77,,"""Uninstall Rc-MP3 NOW"", ""rundll.exe setupx.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultUninstall 132 %24%\%SubDir%\Rc-MP3.inf"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group78,,"""00) Current"", ""%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat b what"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group78,,"""01) 32kbps"", ""%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat b 32"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group78,,"""02) 40kbps"", ""%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat b 40"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group78,,"""03) 48kbps"", ""%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat b 48"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group78,,"""04) 56kbps"", ""%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat b 56"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group78,,"""05) 64kbps"", ""%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat b 64"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group78,,"""06) 80kbps"", ""%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat b 80"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group78,,"""07) 96kbps"", ""%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat b 96"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group78,,"""08) 112kbps"", ""%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat b 112"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group78,,"""09) 128kbps"", ""%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat b 128"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group78,,"""10) 160kbps"", ""%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat b 160"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group78,,"""11) 192kbps"", ""%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat b 192"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group78,,"""12) 224kbps"", ""%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat b 224"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group78,,"""13) 256kbps"", ""%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat b 256"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group78,,"""14) 320kbps"", ""%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat b 320"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group79,,"""0) Current"", ""%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat p what"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group79,,"""1) Highest"", ""%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat p HIGHEST"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group79,,"""2) Higher"", ""%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat p HIGHER"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group79,,"""3) Normal"", ""%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat p NORMAL"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group79,,"""4) Lower"", ""%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat p LOWER"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group79,,"""5) Lowest"", ""%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat p LOWEST"",,, Rc-MP3"
- setup.ini, group79,,"""6) Idle"", ""%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k %24%\Progra~1\Rc-MP3\settings.bat p IDLE"",,, Rc-MP3"
- [Rc-MP3.Links.Remove]
- setup.ini, group79,,"""0) Current""
- setup.ini, group79,,"""1) Highest""
- setup.ini, group79,,"""2) Higher""
- setup.ini, group79,,"""3) Normal""
- setup.ini, group79,,"""4) Lower""
- setup.ini, group79,,"""5) Lowest""
- setup.ini, group79,,"""6) Idle""
- setup.ini, progman.groups,,"group79=RightClick-MP3\Set Priority"
- setup.ini, group78,,"""00) Current""
- setup.ini, group78,,"""01) 32kbps""
- setup.ini, group78,,"""02) 40kbps""
- setup.ini, group78,,"""03) 48kbps""
- setup.ini, group78,,"""04) 56kbps""
- setup.ini, group78,,"""05) 64kbps""
- setup.ini, group78,,"""06) 80kbps""
- setup.ini, group78,,"""07) 96kbps""
- setup.ini, group78,,"""08) 112kbps""
- setup.ini, group78,,"""09) 128kbps""
- setup.ini, group78,,"""10) 160kbps""
- setup.ini, group78,,"""11) 192kbps""
- setup.ini, group78,,"""12) 224kbps""
- setup.ini, group78,,"""13) 256kbps""
- setup.ini, group78,,"""14) 320kbps""
- setup.ini, progman.groups,,"group78=RightClick-MP3\Set Bitrate"
- setup.ini, group77,,"""RightClick-MP3""
- setup.ini, group77,,"""Misc Notes""
- setup.ini, group77,,"""Uninstall Notes""
- setup.ini, group77,,"""Reg L3Decode""
- setup.ini, group77,,"""Uninstall Rc-MP3 NOW""
- setup.ini, progman.groups,,"group77=RightClick-MP3"
- [AddMP3.reg]
- ; This sets a link to the first player, if none exist previously
- HKCR,.MP3,,2,%MP3Player1%
- [Rc-MP3.Reg]
- HKLM,%UDHERE%,DisplayName,,"%Rc-MP3Name%"
- HKLM,%UDHERE%,UninstallString,,"rundll.exe setupx.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultUninstall 132 %24%\%SubDir%\Rc-MP3.inf"
- ; Below are the references to all players or other possible MP3-links that I know of
- ; This is to DECODE an MP3 into a WAV
- HKCR,%MP3Player1%\Shell\Rc-MP3,,,"%Rc-MP3dAccel%"
- HKCR,%MP3Player1%\Shell\Rc-MP3\command,,,"%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rc-MP3.bat decode ""%1"" nul"
- HKCR,%MP3Player2%\Shell\Rc-MP3,,,"%Rc-MP3dAccel%"
- HKCR,%MP3Player2%\Shell\Rc-MP3\command,,,"%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rc-MP3.bat decode ""%1"" nul"
- HKCR,%MP3Player3%\Shell\Rc-MP3,,,"%Rc-MP3dAccel%"
- HKCR,%MP3Player3%\Shell\Rc-MP3\command,,,"%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rc-MP3.bat decode ""%1"" nul"
- HKCR,%MP3Player4%\Shell\Rc-MP3,,,"%Rc-MP3dAccel%"
- HKCR,%MP3Player4%\Shell\Rc-MP3\command,,,"%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rc-MP3.bat decode ""%1"" nul"
- HKCR,%MP3Player5%\Shell\Rc-MP3,,,"%Rc-MP3dAccel%"
- HKCR,%MP3Player5%\Shell\Rc-MP3\command,,,"%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rc-MP3.bat decode ""%1"" nul"
- HKCR,%MP3Player6%\Shell\Rc-MP3,,,"%Rc-MP3dAccel%"
- HKCR,%MP3Player6%\Shell\Rc-MP3\command,,,"%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rc-MP3.bat decode ""%1"" nul"
- ;HKCR,%MP3Player7%\Shell\Rc-MP3,,,"%Rc-MP3dAccel%"
- ;HKCR,%MP3Player7%\Shell\Rc-MP3\command,,,"%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rc-MP3.bat decode ""%1"" nul"
- ; This is to Encode a WAV into an MP3
- HKCR,Directory\Shell\Rc-MP3,,,"%Rc-MP3eAccel_dir%"
- HKCR,Directory\Shell\Rc-MP3\command,,,"%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rc-MP3.bat encode ""%1\*.wav"" crc"
- HKCR,Directory\Shell\Rc-MP3_2,,,"%Rc-MP3eAccel_dir2%"
- HKCR,Directory\Shell\Rc-MP3_2\command,,,"%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rc-MP3.bat encode ""%1\*.wav"" delcrc"
- HKCR,Drive\Shell\Rc-MP3,,,"%Rc-MP3eAccel_dir%"
- HKCR,Drive\Shell\Rc-MP3\command,,,"%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rc-MP3.bat encode ""%1\*.wav"" crc"
- HKCR,Drive\Shell\Rc-MP3_2,,,"%Rc-MP3eAccel_dir2%"
- HKCR,Drive\Shell\Rc-MP3_2\command,,,"%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rc-MP3.bat encode ""%1\*.wav"" delcrc"
- HKCR,%WAVPlayer1%\Shell\Rc-MP3,,,"%Rc-MP3eAccel%"
- HKCR,%WAVPlayer1%\Shell\Rc-MP3\command,,,"%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rc-MP3.bat encode ""%1"" crc"
- HKCR,%WAVPlayer1%\Shell\Rc-MP3_2,,,"%Rc-MP3eAccel2%"
- HKCR,%WAVPlayer1%\Shell\Rc-MP3_2\command,,,"%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rc-MP3.bat encode ""%1"" delcrc"
- ;HKCR,%WAVPlayer2%\Shell\Rc-MP3,,,"%Rc-MP3eAccel%"
- ;HKCR,%WAVPlayer2%\Shell\Rc-MP3\command,,,"%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rc-MP3.bat encode ""%1"" crc"
- ;HKCR,%WAVPlayer2%\Shell\Rc-MP3_2,,,"%Rc-MP3eAccel2%"
- ;HKCR,%WAVPlayer2%\Shell\Rc-MP3_2\command,,,"%10%\command.com /e:2048 /k c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rc-MP3.bat encode ""%1"" delcrc"
- [Rc-MP3.Reg.NT]
- HKLM,%UDHERE%,DisplayName,,"%Rc-MP3Name%"
- HKLM,%UDHERE%,UninstallString,,"rundll32.exe syssetup.dll,SetupInfObjectInstallAction DefaultUnInstall 132 %24%\%SubDir%\Rc-MP3.inf"
- ; Below are the references to all players or other possible MP3-links that I know of
- ; This is to DECODE an MP3 into a WAV
- HKCR,%MP3Player1%\Shell\Rc-MP3,,,"%Rc-MP3dAccel%"
- HKCR,%MP3Player1%\Shell\Rc-MP3\command,,,"%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rc-MP3.bat decode ""%1"" nul"
- HKCR,%MP3Player2%\Shell\Rc-MP3,,,"%Rc-MP3dAccel%"
- HKCR,%MP3Player2%\Shell\Rc-MP3\command,,,"%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rc-MP3.bat decode ""%1"" nul"
- HKCR,%MP3Player3%\Shell\Rc-MP3,,,"%Rc-MP3dAccel%"
- HKCR,%MP3Player3%\Shell\Rc-MP3\command,,,"%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rc-MP3.bat decode ""%1"" nul"
- HKCR,%MP3Player4%\Shell\Rc-MP3,,,"%Rc-MP3dAccel%"
- HKCR,%MP3Player4%\Shell\Rc-MP3\command,,,"%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rc-MP3.bat decode ""%1"" nul"
- HKCR,%MP3Player5%\Shell\Rc-MP3,,,"%Rc-MP3dAccel%"
- HKCR,%MP3Player5%\Shell\Rc-MP3\command,,,"%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rc-MP3.bat decode ""%1"" nul"
- HKCR,%MP3Player6%\Shell\Rc-MP3,,,"%Rc-MP3dAccel%"
- HKCR,%MP3Player6%\Shell\Rc-MP3\command,,,"%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rc-MP3.bat decode ""%1"" nul"
- ;HKCR,%MP3Player7%\Shell\Rc-MP3,,,"%Rc-MP3dAccel%"
- ;HKCR,%MP3Player7%\Shell\Rc-MP3\command,,,"%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rc-MP3.bat decode ""%1"" nul"
- ; This is to Encode a WAV into an MP3
- HKCR,Directory\Shell\Rc-MP3,,,"%Rc-MP3eAccel_dir%"
- HKCR,Directory\Shell\Rc-MP3\command,,,"%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /k c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rc-MP3.bat encode ""%1\*.wav"" crc"
- HKCR,Directory\Shell\Rc-MP3_2,,,"%Rc-MP3eAccel_dir2%"
- HKCR,Directory\Shell\Rc-MP3_2\command,,,"%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /k c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rc-MP3.bat encode ""%1\*.wav"" delcrc"
- HKCR,Drive\Shell\Rc-MP3,,,"%Rc-MP3eAccel_dir%"
- HKCR,Drive\Shell\Rc-MP3\command,,,"%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /k c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rc-MP3.bat encode ""%1\*.wav"" crc"
- HKCR,Drive\Shell\Rc-MP3_2,,,"%Rc-MP3eAccel_dir2%"
- HKCR,Drive\Shell\Rc-MP3_2\command,,,"%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /k c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rc-MP3.bat encode ""%1\*.wav"" delcrc"
- HKCR,%WAVPlayer1%\Shell\Rc-MP3,,,"%Rc-MP3eAccel%"
- HKCR,%WAVPlayer1%\Shell\Rc-MP3\command,,,"%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rc-MP3.bat encode ""%1"" crc"
- HKCR,%WAVPlayer1%\Shell\Rc-MP3_2,,,"%Rc-MP3eAccel2%"
- HKCR,%WAVPlayer1%\Shell\Rc-MP3_2\command,,,"%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rc-MP3.bat encode ""%1"" delcrc"
- ;HKCR,%WAVPlayer2%\Shell\Rc-MP3,,,"%Rc-MP3eAccel%"
- ;HKCR,%WAVPlayer2%\Shell\Rc-MP3\command,,,"%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rc-MP3.bat encode ""%1"" crc"
- ;HKCR,%WAVPlayer2%\Shell\Rc-MP3_2,,,"%Rc-MP3eAccel2%"
- ;HKCR,%WAVPlayer2%\Shell\Rc-MP3_2\command,,,"%11%\cmd.exe /e:2048 /c c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rc-MP3.bat encode ""%1"" delcrc"
- [Strings]
- Rc-MP3Name="RightClick-MP3 (Remove Only)"
- Rc-MP3dAccel="[- &Decode this MP3 into a WAV -]"
- Rc-MP3eAccel="[- &Encode this WAV to an MP3 -]"
- Rc-MP3eAccel2="[- &Encode to MP3 and Delete the WAV-]"
- Rc-MP3eAccel_dir="[- &Encode any WAV's to MP3's -]"
- Rc-MP3eAccel_dir2="[- &Encode any WAV's to MP3's then delete WAV's -]"
- UDHERE="Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Rc-MP3"
- SubDir = "progra~1\Rc-MP3"
- ; Below are the keys for the players
- MP3Player1 = "mp3file"
- MP3Player2 = "MP3_auto_file"
- MP3Player3 = "Winamp.file"
- MP3Player4 = "XAudio.MPEGAudioFile"
- MP3Player5 = "winamp file"
- MP3Player6 = "Winamp.MPx"
- ;MP3Player7 = "NameHere"
- WAVPlayer1 = "SoundRec"
- ;WAVPlayer2 = "NameHere"
- ; Details on this file
- ; -For this project (RightClick-MP3), I had to tie something to the extensions ".mp3" and
- ; ".wav" The windows Registry is silly. Instead of having all the programs refer to the simple
- ; extension ".mp3" or ".wav" it refers to a name that represents that extension.
- ;
- ; -What the hell does that mean? Well, take the extension .txt for example. According to the
- ; registry, a .txt file is a "Text Document" so if I were going to make any changes to a .txt
- ; file, i would have to look at the "Text Document" strings.
- ;
- ; Who cares? Well, just hold on a second. These names like "text Document" are controlled or
- ; created by the programs that use them. Kind of like ".rar" is called an "RAR Archive" when you
- ; have WinRAR installed. This is where it gets messy...
- ;
- ; .MP3 files can be used with a lot of different programs. Like WinAMP, WinPLAY, and others. And
- ; it's even possible that the .MP3 file isn't used by anything at all... perhaps the computer
- ; doesn't have a sound card and it just stores those mp3's (like some ftp sites out there). So
- ; this .inf file has to take all that stuff into consideration to do a nice neat install. That's
- ; where all that "MP3Player#" and "WAVPlayer#" stuff comes in.
- ;
- ; Honestly, I stole the "___Player# = " code from Michael Mutschler. He made the MP3 Property
- ; Extension, and gave it away as freeware so I am sure he wouldn't be upset. I had to add
- ; MP3Player6 = "Winamp.MPx" because version 1.6 of WinAMP refers to MP3 files as Winamp.MPx. See
- ; the connection yet?
- ;
- ; Anyways, once you make some kind of sense of this, you can make your own extensions for other
- ; file types. Just open Regedit, search for the extension (i.e. ".ext") and see what the "(Default)"
- ; String is set at. Then go to that key. That is where you want to make your changes.
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ; A few notes about RightClick-MP3:
- ; -I have the following pieces of Audio Software installed:
- ; * CeQuadrat's ToGo!
- ; * SAWPlus32
- ; * Sound Forge 4
- ; * WAVLab
- ; -NONE of these programs make any special associations with WAV files, so the only WAV Player to
- ; take in consideration was the standard Windows95 Sound Recorder.
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ; 1. Start RegEdit
- ; 2. Look for the Key "HKEY_CLASS_ROOT\.WAV". This key has a name. Remember it.
- ; i.e.: it could be "MyWAVFile"
- ; 3. Edit the [Strings] section in this .inf file
- ; 4. Un-comment the last line "WAVPlayer2" by deleting the ";"
- ; 5. Change "NameHere" with the name found in step 2
- ; i.e.: WAVPlayer2 = "MyWAVFile"
- ; 6. got to the sections [Rc-MP3.Reg] and [Rc-MP3.Reg.NT].
- ; 7. Now just Un-comment the last two lines
- ; 8. Save the inf-file, and just do a new installation. finished
- ;
- ;
- ; 1. Start RegEdit
- ; 2. Look for the Key "HKEY_CLASS_ROOT\.MP3". This key has a name. Remember it.
- ; i.e.: it could be "MP3File"
- ; 3. Edit the [Strings] section in this .inf file
- ; 4. Un-comment the last line "MP3Player7" by deleting the ";"
- ; 5. Change "NameHere" with the name you found in step 2
- ; i.e.: MP3Player7 = "MP3File"
- ; 6. got to the sections [Rc-MP3.Reg] and [Rc-MP3.Reg.NT].
- ; 7. Now just Un-comment the two lines with MP3Player7 in them
- ; 8. Save the inf-file, and just do a new installation. finished
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ; I still am trying to figure out how to add an icon when you right click (like when you select
- ; some files, right click and "add to Zip" has the icon by it for WinZip. I can't figure
- ; that one out yet), so if you know how, please let me know!