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- KeyText v1.24, for Windows 95, 98, NT4 or later
- (c) MJMSoft Design Limited, 1998-1999
- Program Description
- ===================
- KeyText - the keyboard macro program with a difference!
- KeyText's basic function is the storing of pieces of text,
- ready to be typed or pasted into whatever application you are
- working on. Autotext in your system tray! You can set up
- hotkeys to all your favorite text items - one keypress and the
- text is in. Your Word Processor probably has a function like
- this already, but what about your database program, your
- desktop publisher, your e-mail program? The beauty of KeyText
- is that it's always there waiting in your tray, and works for
- most applications.
- Added to this keyboard macro ability are a number of features
- which transform it into a multi-purpose utility.
- Include in "text" commands to fill in the date (including
- dates plus or minus n days / working days / months etc. from
- the current date), run programs, click buttons, change
- windows, select menu items, play a sound, display a message,
- start an e-mail message, and more. Easy wizard-based dialogs
- help you set it up. You can even specify an Internet address,
- and KeyText will take you there (assuming you have modem,
- etc.); hotkey it and you can launch your browser and go to the
- site on one keypress.
- Schedule items to start at specified times. Because the text
- can include commands (fields), you can run programs at
- specified times, display reminders or alarms with your choice
- of sound, even have an hourly chime.
- Windows automation. Tell KeyText to look out for a certain
- window or dialog, and then run an item. Completely automate
- password entries, repetitive dialogs, etc. KeyText itself
- includes 5 password levels to protect any passwords, credit
- card numbers, etc. you might store. Unlike many other
- automation programs, KeyText's "window watcher" facility has
- features which help it to distinguish between different
- password request dialogs which have the same window title.
- KeyText can operate as a multiple clipboard, and makes
- collecting text easy. You can set up KeyText to monitor your
- clipboard, and whenever text is copied to it, automatically
- add the same text to a specified text item. This makes it easy
- to gather text from various sources to put into one
- destination. You don't even need to open a text file to get at
- its text; select it in Windows Explorer and a couple of mouse
- clicks puts a copy of it in KeyText ready for reuse.
- KeyText can either paste or type your text. Pasting is faster,
- but "typing", character by character, has advantages. It can
- include commands, it doesn't require the clipboard, and you
- can choose the speed. For the benefit of online-chat users it
- includes "simulate manual typing" settings; add some pauses,
- mistakes and backspaces and the person at the other end will
- never know it's being typed automatically!
- KeyText has a random link function. Set up your e-mail
- signature in KeyText, along with a random link to a range of
- quotations held in other items. Hotkey the signature if you
- like. Then, every time you press the hotkey, your e-mail
- signature will be typed in, followed by a quotation drawn at
- random.
- KeyText can display a miniature "keyboard" on your screen,
- which lets you "type" with your mouse or pointing device.
- This was added for the benefit of those who don't always have
- a keyboard attached, and asked for the facility to key text
- with KeyText. The Keypad also has a symbols tab; all those
- tricky symbols like ╝, ⌐, etc. are only a click away - as are
- all the accented characters.
- It's very unobtrusive... It hides itself away in the tray,
- near your system clock. A left-click on the icon reveals a
- menu showing all your text items ready to be typed. A
- right-click shows all the options available.
- Installation
- ============
- IMPORTANT NOTICE: This KeyText program and all associated
- documentation are the copyright of MJMSoft Design Ltd. The
- use of the KeyText program is governed by the License
- accompanying this program.
- KeyText requires Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT4 or
- later, and needs 500kb of space on your hard drive.
- Extract the files from the KeyText zip file to a (temporary)
- folder, and run SetupKT.exe. Or, if you have the self-
- extracting .exe version, simply run ktext###.exe (where ###
- is the version number. During the install process you can
- choose to have KeyText added to your list of programs which
- start every time Windows starts; note that you can change
- this later in KeyText.
- To uninstall, select KeyText from Add-Remove Programs in
- Windows control panel.
- Note that the KeyText setup program SetupKT.exe and self-
- extracting .exe ktext###.exe are digitally "signed" by
- MJMSoft Design Ltd., using public key cryptography. This can
- be confirmed with the SafenSigned Verifier - available from
- http://www.securisys.com/ - and ensures that the file is
- authentic and has not been modified or tampered with in the
- distribution channel. Our signature ID is:
- 568M-XZU7-2PS42--JTXR-64J8-F5A02.
- Upgrading
- =========
- If you already have a previous version of KeyText installed,
- you can safely install this version to the same folder as
- before, making sure you exit KeyText first if it is running.
- Your texts, settings, and registration information (if
- applicable) will all be preserved.
- Distribution
- ============
- KeyText is distributed as a "shareware program", which
- indicates that it is provided at no charge to you for
- evaluation purposes only, and that you may distribute it
- freely, on the terms and conditions stated in the
- accompanying file "license.txt".
- Registration
- ============
- When first run KeyText displays: "Evaluation Version" and has
- 5 text items available for you to use; you can store more text
- items by making new KeyText data files (.ktt) and using the
- right-click menu to switch from one to another. After 30 days
- of use it automatically becomes the "Unregistered Version" and
- has the same 5 text items available, but other features are
- reduced. If you wish to continue using KeyText after 30 days,
- you should register.
- The Registered Version gives 21 new text items, making 26 in
- total; and you can have several "KeyTexts" running at the same
- time, giving the possibility of over 200 text items just a
- click away.
- You can purchase online using a credit card - and get your
- registration code to unlock KeyText e-mailed to you instantly.
- Go to http://www.mjmsoft.com/ktreg.htm for details.
- A single user license is 25 US dollars or 15 GB pounds
- (these prices guaranteed to end of December 1999). Site
- licences and multi-user discounts are available. Once you have
- installed KeyText, see the file "order.txt" or the KeyText
- help file for details of how to register (online, by
- 'phone/fax or by mail).
- For an additional 8 US dollars or 5 GB pounds, we will send
- a disk and manual (printed help file); price includes postage
- and packing.
- License - Terms and Conditions
- ==============================
- See the files "license.txt" and "Vendinfo.diz" for details.
- Technical Support and Contact Information
- =========================================
- For sales information, send e-mail to sales@mjmsoft.com, or
- for technical support, e-mail support@mjmsoft.com.
- Technical support is available to unregistered users for a
- period of 30 days and to registered users for a period of 90
- days, both periods starting on the date on which the first
- request is made to the Company for support. Note that the
- support we offer relates to the operation of KeyText itself,
- but we cannot guarantee to give advice on "scripts" to perform
- specific tasks in other applications; however, we will
- endeavor to give registered users as much help as we can in
- this regard.
- You can also contact us by mail at:
- MJMSoft Design Ltd.
- 3 Johnsburn Road
- Balerno
- Edinburgh
- EH14 7DN
- United Kingdom
- Telephone (UK number): +44 131 449 6768
- Fax (UK number): +44 8700 558 496
- Recent Version History
- ======================
- See help file for full version history.
- 1.24 *Fixed problem caused by new behavior in Windows 98 and
- 2000, which meant that sometimes KeyText's "Activate"
- field would cause the desired window's taskbar button
- to flash, rather than the window come to the front.
- *Changed the way KeyText reacts to the end of a Windows
- session, to allow it to be used as a Windows NT service
- (using the Windows NT Resource Kit application
- 1.23 *Added option in the Settings / Customize dialog to
- have a left double-click on the KeyText icon open the
- Keypad.
- *Added the Windows logo key and the Application key to
- the Keypad.
- *Added ability to suspend scheduled items directly from
- the right-click menu; previously this could only be
- done from the Scheduler dialog. Note that the extra
- menu item only appears if scheduled items are set. If
- you exit from KeyText when in suspended mode, when
- re-started it will now continue in suspended mode.
- *If an item has an "On window" schedule, and that
- schedule is removed, if you now add a schedule to the
- same item the window title and other settings given
- previously will be displayed. This is useful if you
- want to remove a schedule temporarily - it can be
- restored without retyping all the information.
- *The "Welcome box", can now be turned off, until 3 days
- before the end of the evaluation period. Thereafter it
- will appear daily or at startup (but can be turned off
- again on registering).
- 1.22 *Fixed bug whereby the "Show graphics" menu setting in
- Settings / Customize was not remembered when restarting
- KeyText.
- *Extended browser support so that running (launching) a
- URL would work if the default browser is "Opera", or
- another non-Microsoft/Netscape browser, not previously
- recognized.
- 1.21 *Fixed problems in 1.2: occasional run-on of a text item
- if it finished with a carriage return, and occasional
- failure to unset a hotkey.
- 1.2 *Extended hotkey support to include use of the Windows
- logo key found on some keyboards.
- *Added "LinkSelect" feature to "Link / random link to
- another text item" section of the Insert field wizard
- allowing you to choose which item to link to next.
- *Added feature to "Date or time" section of the Insert
- field wizard to allow dates other than the current date
- to be included. Possibilities include n days or months
- before or after the current date, or specifying the
- first or last day of a month. In calculating days, the
- option is given to count Mondays to Fridays only,
- ignoring weekends.
- *Added a new option to the "Insert custom date or time"
- section of the Insert field wizard to automatically give
- ordinals in dates if required: for example, 1st, 2nd,
- 3rd, etc.
- *Added option to Global settings to change the field
- delimiters. These are normally braces {...}, but if
- these are characters you use frequently, you can change
- the delimiters to [...] or <...>.
- *Added new "Speed" field to allow the default typing
- speed to be changed for all or part of a text item. It
- can be set using the "Insert A pause, or vary typing
- speed" field wizard.
- *Added feature to "A combination of keys" section of the
- Insert field wizard to allow repeated typing of the same
- key or combination of keys; for example, {Tab 10} will
- press the [Tab] key 10 times.
- *Extended use of included text files to allow any valid
- KeyText fields in the text file to be processed as if
- they were part of a KeyText item.
- *Added new help file section Field syntax reference
- giving the syntax for all the fields which can be
- generated using the Insert field wizard.
- 1.17 *Added option to Customize dialog to always display the
- left-click menu in one column; default splits it into
- two columns when sufficient items are displayed.
- *Added option to Global dialog to ignore a [Return]
- character after certain fields. This was asked for by
- many users who wanted a better layout for a series of
- fields - which previously had to follow each other with
- no [Return].
- *Added a new wizard option to have a KeyText item start
- a new e-mail message to a given recipient. (For this to
- work, a default e-mail program must be registered on
- the user's computer.)
- *Added an "Exit" field, which may be useful if you want
- to run KeyText in order to perform one function -
- possibly started with the Auto-start option - and then
- exit automatically.
- *Allowed certain hotkeys to be set in the Edit text
- items window, which could not be set before, including
- Ctrl/Shift f1 and Alt C - which previously opened the
- help file or pressed Cancel.
- ASP Ombudsman statement
- =======================
- MJMSoft Design is a member of the Association of Shareware
- Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware
- principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a
- shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the
- member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman
- can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member,
- but does not provide technical support for members' products.
- Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 157-F Love Ave.,
- Greenwood, IN 46142 USA, FAX 317-888-2195, or send email to
- omb@asp-shareware.org.