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Microsoft Windows Help File Content  |  1999-07-21  |  15.1 KB  |  257 lines

  1. :BASE AddWeb.hlp
  2. :TITLE AddWeb 3 by Cyberspace HQ
  3. 1 Overview of AddWeb
  4. 2 Introduction=Introduction>Main
  5. 2 What do I need to use AddWeb?=WhatdoIneedtouseAddWeb?>Main
  6. 2 The Benefits of AddWeb=ThebenefitsofAddWeb>Main
  7. 2 AddWeb Anti-Spam Measures=AddWebAnti-SpamMeasures>Main
  8. 2 Standard, Gold and Pro versions=Standard,GoldandProversions>Main
  9. 2 Limited features in demo mode=Limitedfeaturesindemomode>Main
  10. 2 Getting Listed in Search Engines=GettingListedinSearchEngines>Main
  11. 2 Definition of a successful AddWeb Submission=DefinitionofasuccessfulAddWebSubmission>Main
  12. 2 Definition of a Failed AddWeb Submission=DefinitionofaFailedAddWebSubmission>Main
  13. 2 Only submit ONE PAGE=OnlysubmitONEPAGE>Main
  14. 1 AddWeb Tutorials
  15. 2 Introduction to Tutorials=Introduction-Tutorial>Main
  16. 2 Options Tutorial
  17. 3 Options Tutorial - Page 1=OptionsTutorial-Page1>Tutorial
  18. 3 Options Tutotial - Proxy and Mail Settings=OptionsTutotial-ProxyandMailSettings>Tutorial
  19. 3 Options Tutorial - HTTP Thresholds and Settings=OptionsTutorial-HTTPThresholdsandSettings>Tutorial
  20. 3 Options Tutorial - Themes and Wavs=OptionsTutorial-ThemesandWavs>Tutorial
  21. 3 Options Tutorial - Other Options=OptionsTutorial-UserAgentandOtherOptions>Tutorial
  22. 3 Options Tutorial - Conclusion=OptionsTutorial-Conclusion>Tutorial
  23. 2 Page Builder Tutorial
  24. 3 Page Builder Tutorial - First Step=PageBuilderTutorial-Page1>Tutorial
  25. 3 Page Builder Tutorial - About Page Builder=PageBuilderTutorial-AboutPageBuilder>Tutorial
  26. 3 Page Builder Tutorial - Entering Data=PageBuilderTutorial-EnteringData>Tutorial
  27. 3 Page Builder Tutorial - Saving your work=PageBuilderTutorial-Savingyourwork>Tutorial
  28. 3 Page Builder Tutorial - Conclusion=PageBuilderTutorial-Conclusion>Tutorial
  29. 2 Profile Setup Tutorial
  30. 3 Profile Tutorial - First Step=ProfileTutorial-Page1>Tutorial
  31. 3 Profile Tutorial - Entering Website Data=ProfileTutorial-Step2>Tutorial
  32. 3 Profile Tutorial - Selecting Categories=ProfileTutorial-Step3>Tutorial
  33. 3 Profile Tutorial - Entering Keywords and Owner Information=ProfileTutorial-EnteringKeywordsandOwnerInformation>Tutorial
  34. 3 Profile Tutorial - Custom Reports=ProfileTutorial-CustomReports>Tutorial
  35. 3 Profile Tutorial - Saving your Profile=ProfileTutorial-SavingyourProfile>Tutorial
  36. 3 Profile Tutorial - Conclusion=ProfileTutorial-Conclusion>Tutorial
  37. 2 Submission Tutorial
  38. 3 Submission Tutorial - First Step=SubmissionTutorial-Page1>Tutorial
  39. 3 Submission Tutorial - Sumitting your web site=SubmissionTutorial-Sumittingyourwebsite>Tutorial
  40. 3 Submission Tutorial - The Submission Process=SubmissionTutorial-TheSubmissionProcess>Tutorial
  41. 3 Submission Tutorial - Submission Completion=SubmissionTutorial-SubmissionCompletion>Tutorial
  42. 3 Submission Tutorial - Waiting to be added=SubmissionTutorial-Waitingtobeadded>Tutorial
  43. 3 Submission Tutorial - Conclusion=SubmissionTutorial-Conclusion>Tutorial
  44. 2 Ranking Tutorial
  45. 3 Ranking Tutorial - First Step=RankingTutorial,Page1>Tutorial
  46. 3 Ranking Tutorial - Ranking a Site=RankingTutorial-RankingaSite>Tutorial
  47. 3 Ranking Tutorial - Conclusion=RankingTutorial-Conclusion>Tutorial
  48. 2 Search Tutorial
  49. 3 Search Tutorial=SearchTutorial-Page1>Tutorial
  50. 2 Reporting Tutorial
  51. 3 Reporting Tutorial=ReportingTutorial-Page1>Tutorial
  52. 2 Auto Reporting Tutorial
  53. 3 Custom and Auto Reporting Tutorial - Introduction=CustomReportingTutorial-Page1>Tutorial
  54. 3 Custom and Auto Reporting Tutorial - Auto-Reporting=CustomandAutoReportingTutorial-Auto-Reporting>Tutorial
  55. 2 Import and Autorun Tutorial
  56. 3 Import and Autorun Tutorial=ImportandAutorunTutorial-Page1>Tutorial
  57. 1 Complete Documentation
  58. 2 Web Profiles Screen
  59. 3 Overview of the Web Profiles Screen=OverviewoftheWebProfilesScreen>Main
  60. 3 Populate Form Button on Profiles Screen=PopulateFormButton>Main
  61. 3 History Button on Profiles Screen=HistoryButton>Main
  62. 3 Clear All Fields Button on Profiles Screen=ClearAllFieldsButton>Main
  63. 3 Load Saved Profile Button on Profiles Screen=LoadSavedProfileButton>Main
  64. 3 Save Current Profile Button on Profiles Screen=SaveCurrentProfileButton>Main
  65. 3 Site Info Tab
  66. 4 Profile Statistics Section=ProfileStatistics>Main
  67. 4 Web Site Section=WebSite>Main
  68. 4 Website Content Section=WebsiteContentSection>Main
  69. 3 Category Tab
  70. 4 Selecting Main Categories=SelectingMainCategories>Main
  71. 4 Selecting Custom Categories=SelectingCustomCategories>Main
  72. 3 Keywords and Site Owner Tab
  73. 4 Keywords Section=KeywordsSection>Main
  74. 4 Site Owner Section=SiteOwnerSection>Main
  75. 4 Notes on this web Section=Notesonthiswebsection>Main
  76. 3 Automated Reporting Tab
  77. 4 Overview of Auto Reporting=OverviewofAutoReporting>Main
  78. 4 Report Types to Automate=ReportTypestoAutomate>Main
  79. 4 Report Style to Automate=ReportStyletoAutomate>Main
  80. 4 Custom Message for E-Mail Reports=CustomMessageforE-MailReports>Main
  81. 4 Available Reports in Selected Style=AvailableReportsinSelectedStyle>Main
  82. 4 Automated Report Options=AutomatedReportOptions>Main
  83. 3 How to...
  84. 4 How to automatically fill in the fields from an existing web page=Howtoautomaticallyfillinthefieldsfromanexistingwebpage>Main
  85. 4 How to get the best placement in Yahoo=HowtogetthebestplacementinYahoo>Main
  86. 4 How to get listed higher in the search engines=Howtogetlistedhigherinthesearchengines>Main
  87. 4 How to make sure you get less spam due to your submissions.=Howtomakesureyougetlessspamduetoyoursubmissions.>Main
  88. 2 Engines Screen
  89. 3 Overview of the Engines Screen=OverviewoftheEnginesScreen>Main
  90. 3 Available Engine Categories List=AvailableEngineCategoriesList>Main
  91. 3 Available Engines in Selected Categories=AvailableEnginesinSelectedCategories>Main
  92. 3 Engines Selected for Submission Section=EnginesSelectedforSubmissionSection>Main
  93. 3 Current Highlighted Engine Statistics Section=CurrentHighlightedEngineStatisticsSection>Main
  94. 3 All Sites Button On Engines Screen=AllSitesButton>Main
  95. 3 Major Sites Only Button On Engines Screen=MajorSitesOnlyButton>Main
  96. 3 General Sites Button On Engines Screen=GeneralSitesButton>Main
  97. 3 New Sites Only Button On Engines Screen=NewSitesOnlyButton>Main
  98. 3 History Filter Button on Engines Screen=HistoryFilterButton>Main
  99. 3 Deselect all  Button On Engines Screen=DeselectallButton>Main
  100. 3 Clear All Button On Engines Screen=ClearAllButton-Engines>Main
  101. 3 Generate Report On Engines Screen=GenerateReport-Engines>Main
  102. 3 Save Selected List Button On Engines Screen=SaveSelectedListButton-Engines>Main
  103. 3 Load List Button On Engines Screen=LoadListButton-Engines>Main
  104. 3 How To...
  105. 4 How to select search engines for submission.=Howtoselectsearchenginesforsubmission.>Main
  106. 4 How to save a list of engines you frequently submit to=Howtosavealistofenginesyoufrequentlysubmitto>Main
  107. 4 How to make sure you only submit to engines you have never submitted to before.=Howtomakesureyouonlysubmittoenginesyouhaveneversubmittedtobefore.>Main
  108. 4 How to make sure you don't oversubmit to the search engines=Howtomakesureyoudon'toversubmittothesearchengines>Main
  109. 2 Submit Screen
  110. 3 Overview of the Submit Screen=OverviewoftheSubmitTab>Main
  111. 3 Submission Lists=SubmissionLists>Main
  112. 3 Submission Activity Section=SubmissionActivitySection>Main
  113. 3 Add Button on Submit Tab=AddButton>Main
  114. 3 Remove Button on Submit Screen=RemoveButton>Main
  115. 3 Load List Button on Submit Screen=LoadListButton-Submit>Main
  116. 3 Save List Button on Submit Screen=SaveListButton-Submit>Main
  117. 3 Report Button on Submit Screen=ReportButton-Submit>Main
  118. 3 Cancel Button on Submit Screen=CancelButton-Submit>Main
  119. 3 Pause Button on Submit Screen=PauseButton-Submit>Main
  120. 3 Reset Button on Submit Screen=ResetButton-Submit>Main
  121. 3 Submit Button on Submit Screen=SubmitButton-Submit>Main
  122. 3 How To...
  123. 4 How to submit more than one website at the same time.=Howtosubmitmorethanonewebsiteatthesametime.>Main
  124. 4 How to know which engines are represented by the submission LED graphics=HowtoknowwhichenginesarerepresentedbythesubmissionLEDgraphics>Main
  125. 4 How to resubmit failed engines=Howtoresubmitfailedengines>Main
  126. 4 How to save a list of frequently submitted profiles=Howtosavealistoffrequentlysubmittedprofiles>Main
  127. 2 Ranking Screen
  128. 3 Overview of the Ranking Screen=OverviewoftheRankingScreen>Main
  129. 3 What to Expect with Ranking=WhattoExpectwithRanking>Main
  130. 3 Search Depth=SearchDepth>Main
  131. 3 Website to Rank=WebsitetoRank>Main
  132. 3 Phrase and/or Keywords=Phraseand/orKeywords>Main
  133. 3 Ranking Engines=RankingEngines>Main
  134. 3 Tutorial Button on Ranking Screen=TutorialButton>Main
  135. 3 Reporting Button on Ranking Screen=ReportingButton-Ranking>Main
  136. 3 Select/Deselect Button on Ranking Screen=Select/DeselectButton>Main
  137. 3 Cancel Ranking Button on Ranking Screen=CancelRanking>Main
  138. 3 Pause Ranking Button on Ranking Screen=PauseRanking>Main
  139. 3 Start Ranking Button on Ranking Screen=StartRanking>Main
  140. 3 How To...
  141. 4 How to effectively use the ranking feature=Howtoeffectivelyusetherankingfeature>Main
  142. 4 How to get better ranking results=Howtogetbetterrankingresults>Main
  143. 2 Page Builder Screen
  144. 3 Overview of the Page Builder Screen=OverviewofthePageBuilderScreen>Main
  145. 3 Field Descriptions=FieldDescriptions>Main
  146. 3 Forward to Home Page Option on PageBuilder Screen=ForwardtoHomePageOption>Main
  147. 3 Populate Form button on PageBuilder Screen=PopulatefromWebPagebutton>Main
  148. 3 Write to New Page button on PageBuilder Screen=WritetoNewPagebutton>Main
  149. 3 Write to Existing Page button on PageBuilder Screen=WritetoExistingPagebutton>Main
  150. 3 How To...
  151. 4 How to automatically get information from your web page into Page Builder=HowtoautomaticallygetinformationfromyourwebpageintoPageBuilder>Main
  152. 4 How to use Page Builder to get higher scores on the search engines=HowtousePageBuildertogethigherscoresonthesearchengines>Main
  153. 4 How to make Page Builder change your current home page=HowtomakePageBuilderchangemycurrenthomepage>Main
  154. 4 How to make Page Builder create a new page with meta tags.=HowtomakePageBuildercreateanewpagewithit'sdata.>Main
  155. 4 How to keep from getting a penalty from the search engines=Howtokeepfromgettingapenaltyfromthesearchengines>Main
  156. 2 Search Screen
  157. 3 Overview of the Search Screen=OverviewoftheSearchScreen>Main
  158. 3 Engines Section on Search Screen=EnginesSection>Main
  159. 3 Keywords to Search for Field=KeywordstoSearchforField>Main
  160. 3 Available Selections List=AvailableSelectionsList>Main
  161. 3 Search Options Section=SearchOptionsSection>Main
  162. 3 How To...
  163. 4 How to tell if your site has been listed in the engines=Howtotellifyoursitehasbeenlistedintheengines>Main
  164. 4 How long does it take to get your site listed=Howlongdoesittaketogetyoursitelisted>Main
  165. 4 What to do if you don't find your site listed.=Whattodoifyoudon'tfindyoursitelisted.>Main
  166. 4 How to get a better listing on the search engines=Howtogetabetterlistingonthesearchengines>Main
  167. 2 Options Screen
  168. 3 Overview of the Options Screen=OverviewoftheOptionsScreen>Main
  169. 3 HTTP Firewall and Proxy Section=HTTPFirewallandProxySection>Main
  170. 3 E-Mail Reports and Submissions Section=E-MailReportsSection>Main
  171. 3 HTTP Thresholds and Settings Section=HTTPThresholdsandSettingsSection>Main
  172. 3 Installed Themes Section=InstalledThemesSection>Main
  173. 3 Wav Sounds Section=WavSoundsSection>Main
  174. 3 Other Options Section=OtherOptionsSection>Main
  175. 3 How To...
  176. 4 How many threads should I use for HTTP?=HowmanythreadsshouldIuseforHTTP?>Main
  177. 4 How long should the HTTP timeout be?=HowlongshouldtheHTTPtimeoutbe?>Main
  178. 4 How to find out if you need to enter anything in the Proxy and Firewall section=HowtofindoutifyouneedtoenteranythingintheProxyandFirewallsection>Main
  179. 4 How to get info for the E-Mail reports section=HowtogetinfofortheE-Mailreportssection>Main
  180. 2 AddWeb Reporting
  181. 3 Generating an AddWeb Report
  182. 4 Introduction to AddWeb Reporting=IntroductiontoAddWebReporting>Main
  183. 4 Report Window Fields=ReportWindow ields>Main
  184. 3 Making Custom Reports
  185. 4 Overview of Custom Reports=OverviewofCustomReports>Main
  186. 2 Pulldown Menus
  187. 3 Overview of the Pulldown Menus=OverviewofthePulldownMenus>Main
  188. 3 File Pulldown Menu
  189. 4 Check for Updates Option=CheckforUpdatesOption>Main
  190. 4 View Error Log Option=ViewErrorLogOption>Main
  191. 4 Select Language Option=SelectLanguageOption>Main
  192. 4 Import Form AddWeb 2=ImportFormAddWeb2>Main
  193. 4 Exit Option=ExitOption>Main
  194. 4 Import and AutoRun Option
  195. 5 Overview of Import and Autorun=OverviewofImportandAutorun>Main
  196. 5 Import and Autorun Disclaimer=ImportandAutorunDisclaimer>Main
  197. 5 How to Import a Profile=HowtoImportaProfile>Main
  198. 5 Sample Import File=SampleImportFile>Main
  199. 5 Descriptions of Import File Fields=DescriptionsofImportFileFields>Main
  200. 5 Things to think of when designing your form=Thingstothinkofwhendesigningyourform>Main
  201. 5 Valid Categories=ValidCategories>Main
  202. 5 Selecting the type of submission=Selectingthetypeofsubmission>Main
  203. 5 Submit and Save Button=SaveandSubmitSelectedButton>Main
  204. 5 Submit without Save Button=SubmitwithoutSaveButton>Main
  205. 5 Save Only Button=SaveSelectedButton>Main
  206. 5 Delete Selected Button=DeleteSelectedButton>Main
  207. 5 How To...
  208. 6 How to import and submit multiple websites=Howtoimportandsubmitmultiplewebsites>Main
  209. 6 How to make an engine list for submission=Howtomakeanenginelistforsubmission>Main
  210. 6 How to setup a website form for Import and Autorun=HowtosetupawebsiteformforImportandAutorun>Main
  211. 4 How To...
  212. 5 How to download and install the most current version of AddWeb=HowtodownloadandinstallthemostcurrentversionofAddWeb>Main
  213. 5 How to get the most current engine database=Howtogetthemostcurrentenginedatabase>Main
  214. 5 How to decipher the Error Log=HowtodeciphertheErrorLog>Main
  215. 5 How to get AddWeb in a language that is not listed in the options=HowtogetAddWebinalanguagethatisnotlistedintheoptions>Main
  216. 3 Help Pulldown Menu
  217. 4 Help Option=HelpOption>Main
  218. 4 Enter Registration # Option=EnterRegistrationOption>Main
  219. 4 Order AddWeb Option=OrderAddWebOption>Main
  220. 4 AddWeb Home Page Option=AddWebHomePageOption>Main
  221. 4 Cyberspace HQ Home Page Option=CyberspaceHQHomePageOption>Main
  222. 4 AddWeb Add-On Options Page Option=AddWebAdd-OnOptionsPageOption>Main
  223. 4 About AddWeb Option=AboutAddWebOption>Main
  224. 4 AddWeb Technical Support Options=AddWebTechnicalSupportOptions>Main
  225. 1 How To...
  226. 2 How To...=HowTo...2>Main
  227. 1 Frequently Asked Questions
  228. 2 Sales Related Questions=SalesRelatedQuestions>Main
  229. 2 Support Related Questions=SupportRelatedQuestions>Main
  230. 1 Technical Support
  231. 2 Our Techical Support Philosophy=OurTechicalSupportPhilosophy>Main
  232. 2 Free Technical Support=FreeTechnicalSupport>Main
  233. 2 Fee Based Technical Support=FeeBasedTechnicalSupport>Main
  234. 2 About our Technical Support Request Form=AboutourtechnicalSupportRequestForm>Main
  235. 1 AddWeb Ordering Information
  236. 2 AddWeb Pricing=AddWebPricing>Main
  237. 2 Order via Secure Online Server=OrderviaSecureOnlineServer>Main
  238. 2 Order by Phone=OrderbyPhone>Main
  239. 2 Order by Mail=OrderbyMail>Main
  240. 2 Order By Fax=OrderByFax>Main
  241. 2 Purchase Orders=PurchaseOrders>Main
  242. 2 Site Licensing=SiteLicensing>Main
  243. 2 Private Label Licensing=PrivateLabelLicensing>Main
  244. 1 AddWeb Product License
  245. 2 AddWeb License=AddWebLicense>Main
  246. 2 AddWeb Registration Verification=AddWebRegistrationVerification>Main
  247. 1 Other Products by Cyberspace HQ
  248. 2 DeEnesse(tm)=DeEnesse>Main
  249. 2 AddSoft(tm)=AddSoft>Main
  250. 2 Nic O'Matic(tm)=NicO'Matic>Main
  251. 2 AutoDown(tm)=AutoDown>Main
  252. 2 AccuTagger(tm)=AccuTagger>Main
  253. 2 AccuRank(tm)=AccuRank>Main
  254. 2 Catalyst(tm)=Catalyst>Main
  255. 1 Cyberspace HQ Reseller Program
  256. 2 The Cyberspace HQ Reseller Program=TheCyberspaceHQResellerProgram>Main