Chip 1999 September
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Text File
339 lines
* Copyright (c) 1999, Jiri Tatousek - http://www.tatousek.cz - info@tatousek.cz
* Java Script Library - http://java.tatousek.cz - java@tatousek.cz
import java.awt.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.*;
public class JTTicker extends java.applet.Applet implements Runnable {
/** The offscreen image */
public Image im = null;
/** The offscreen drawing context */
public Graphics gr = null;
/** The message to be displayed. */
public String message;
/** The Font to be displayed. */
public Font messageF;
/** x-position of message. */
public int messageX;
/** y-position of message. */
public int messageY;
/** Length of the message. */
public int messageW = 0;
/** URL to switch to */
public URL url_ = null;
/** How far to skip across the screen. */
int speed;
/** The animating thread. */
public Thread t = null;
/** The Color of the Text. */
public Color txtCo;
/** The textstyle. */
public int txtStyle;
/** The Color of the first textshadow. */
public Color shCo1;
/** The Color of the second textshadow. */
public Color shCo2;
/** The Color of the frame. */
public Color hrefCo;
/** The backgroundcolor. */
public Color bgCo;
/** True, if to be filled with bgCo after expiration */
public boolean ExFill;
* The time-dependant state of the applet.
* True, if not started or expired
public boolean expired = false;
/** Flag for using shadow */
public boolean useShadow;
/** Flag for using frame if url is given */
public boolean useFrame;
/** The Size used to calc the Font. */
public Dimension lastS = new Dimension(1,1);
* Fix a netscape bug: We get 0xffcc, if we should
* get 0x00cc. To make it possible to display non-ascii
* characters, we need a workaround and forget uni-code.
public String fixedgetParameter(String s) {
char ec[] = s.toCharArray();
for (int i=0; i < ec.length; i++)
ec[i] &= 0x00ff ;
return(new String(ec)) ;
* Initialize: Read Attributes
* Resize to (2,2) and do nothing if expired;
public void init () {
Date today = new Date();
Date anyDay;
String at = getParameter("msg");
message = (at == null) ? "ticker for beta" : fixedgetParameter(at);
// use readColor to read the Date; date and color both have 3 components.
bgCo = readColor(getParameter("exp"), Color.white);
if (!bgCo.equals(Color.white)) {
anyDay = new Date(bgCo.getRed(),bgCo.getGreen()-1,bgCo.getBlue());
expired = today.after(anyDay);
if (!expired) {
bgCo = readColor(getParameter("start"), Color.black);
if (!bgCo.equals(Color.black)) {
anyDay = new Date(bgCo.getRed(),bgCo.getGreen()-1,bgCo.getBlue());
expired = anyDay.after(today);
// don't show, if expired
ExFill = (getParameter("exfill") != null);
if (expired && !ExFill) {
speed = ((at = getParameter("speed")) == null) ? 10 : (Integer.valueOf(at).intValue());
if ((at = getParameter("href")) != null) {
try { url_ = new URL(getDocumentBase(), at); }
catch (Exception e) { url_ = null; }
// use default txtco = blue, if url is given; black otherwise
if (url_ == null) { bgCo = Color.black; }
else { bgCo = Color.blue; }
// get the colors
txtCo = readColor(getParameter("txtco"), bgCo);
bgCo = readColor(getParameter("bgco"), getBackground());
shCo2 = readColor(getParameter("shco"), bgCo);
useShadow = !(shCo2.equals(bgCo));
hrefCo = readColor(getParameter("hrefco"), Color.blue);
useFrame = !(hrefCo.equals(bgCo));
txtStyle = useShadow ? Font.PLAIN : Font.BOLD;
if (useShadow) {
int r = (shCo2.getRed()+txtCo.getRed()) >> 1;
int g = (shCo2.getGreen()+txtCo.getGreen()) >> 1;
int b = (shCo2.getBlue()+txtCo.getBlue()) >> 1;
shCo1 = new Color(r,g,b);
/** Parameter Info. */
public String[][] getParameterInfo() {
String[][] info = {
{"msg", "String", "Message to display"},
{"href", "String", "url to switch to"},
{"speed", "int", "animation speed in pixels (10)"},
{"txtco", "int[3]", "RGB-Color of Message (black/blue)"},
{"hrefco", "int[3]", "RGB-Color of Frame (blue)"},
{"bgco", "int[3]", "RGB-Color of background (getBackground)"},
{"shco", "int[3]", "RGB-Color of Message (black/blue)"},
{"start", "int[3]", "Date to start: Y, M, D; if not set, show"},
{"exp", "int[3]", "Date to expire: Y, M, D; if not set, no expiration"},
{"exfill", "", "If exist, fill with bgco, if expired"},
return info;
/** Applet Info. */
public String getAppletInfo() {
return "JTTicker.java, v 1.0, 05.06.1999 by Jiri Tatousek, http://www.tatousek.cz";
* Convert a ","-delimited String with RGB-Values to Color
* Uses aDefault, if no or not enough RGB-Values
public Color readColor(String aColor, Color aDefault) {
if (aColor == null) { return aDefault; }
int r, g, b;
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(aColor, ",");
try {
r = Integer.valueOf(st.nextToken()).intValue();
g = Integer.valueOf(st.nextToken()).intValue();
b = Integer.valueOf(st.nextToken()).intValue();
return new Color(r,g,b);
catch (Exception e) { return aDefault; }
* Create the image Parameters.
* Called, if just created or size has changed
public void createParams() {
// Init some constants
int w = size().width;
int h = size().height;
lastS.width = w;
lastS.height = h;
// Calc the font and positions. Message must fit applets area.
int refH = 14;
Font tf = new Font("TimesRoman", txtStyle, refH);
FontMetrics tfm = getFontMetrics(tf);
int fh = tfm.getHeight();
fh = refH*(h-10)/fh;
messageF = new Font("TimesRoman", txtStyle, fh);
FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(messageF);
fh = fm.getHeight();
messageX = w;
messageY = ((h-fh) >> 1)+fm.getAscent();
messageW = fm.stringWidth(message);
// Use double buffering to avoid flicker.
if (gr != null)
im = createImage(lastS.width, lastS.height);
gr = im.getGraphics();
/** Show the stuff, call update */
public void paint(Graphics g) { update(g); }
/** Show the stuff */
public synchronized void update(Graphics g) {
int w = size().width;
int h = size().height;
// Exit, if expired
if (expired) {
if (ExFill) {
// Recalc params, if something has changed
if ((h != lastS.height) || (w != lastS.width))
// fill area with bgcolor
// if url is given, let it look like a link
if (url_ != null && useFrame) {
gr.draw3DRect(2,2,w-4, h-4, true);
gr.draw3DRect(3,3,w-6, h-6, true);
gr.clipRect(4,4,w-8, h-8);
// draw the text
if (useShadow) {
gr.drawString(message, messageX+2, messageY+1);
gr.drawString(message, messageX+1, messageY);
gr.drawString(message, messageX, messageY);
// finally show all together on the screen
public void calcPos() {
// decrement position
messageX -= speed;
// and stay in the bounds
if ((messageX + messageW) < 0)
messageX = size().width;
/** Run the loop. This method is called by class Thread. */
public void run() {
// do nothing, if expired
if (expired)
// others might be more important
while (t != null) {
// indirectly call update
// pause
try {Thread.sleep(100);}
catch (InterruptedException e){}
/** Start the applet by forking an animation thread. */
public void start() {
if (t == null) {
t = new Thread(this);
/** Stop the applet. The thread will exit because run() exits. */
public void stop() {
if (t != null) {
t = null;
im = null;
if (gr != null) {
gr = null;
lastS = new Dimension(1,1);
/** Switch to url, if url is given. */
public boolean mouseUp(Event evt, int x, int Y) {
if (url_ != null)
getAppletContext().showDocument(url_); // might not work with some early browsers
return true;
/** Status: show URL */
public boolean mouseEnter(Event evt, int x, int y) {
if (url_ != null) { showStatus(url_.toExternalForm()); }
return true;
/** clear status */
public boolean mouseExit(Event evt, int x, int y) {
if (url_ != null) { showStatus(" "); }
return true;