Chip 1999 September
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Text File
115 lines
<applet code="TmapCube.class" width=188 height=188> ; Name, Width, Height
<param name=credits value="Applet by Fabio Ciucci (www.anfiteatro.it/java.html)">
<param name=regcode value="NO"> ; Register code (if you have it)
<param name=regnewframe value="YES"> ; Reglink opened in new frame?
<param name=regframename value="_blank"> ; Name of new frame for reglink
<param name=res value="1"> ; Resolution (1 .. 8)
<param name=image1 value="face1.gif"> ; Image 1 to load
<param name=image2 value="face1.jpg"> ; Image 2 to load
<param name=image3 value="face2.gif"> ; Image 3 to load
<param name=image4 value="face2.jpg"> ; Image 4 to load
<param name=image5 value="face3.jpg"> ; Image 5 to load
<param name=image6 value="face3.jpg"> ; Image 6 to load
<param name=link1 value="http://www.yahoo.com"> ; Link for face 1
<param name=link2 value="http://www.yahoo.com"> ; Link for face 2
<param name=link3 value="http://www.eff.org"> ; Link for face 3
<param name=link4 value="http://www.eff.org"> ; Link for face 4
<param name=link5 value="http://www.anfiteatro.it"> ; Link for face 5
<param name=link6 value="http://www.anfiteatro.it"> ; Link for face 6
<param name=statusmsg1 value="site 1"> ; Statusbar message for face 1
<param name=statusmsg2 value="site 1"> ; Statusbar message for face 2
<param name=statusmsg3 value="site 2"> ; Statusbar message for face 3
<param name=statusmsg4 value="site 2"> ; Statusbar message for face 4
<param name=statusmsg5 value="site 3"> ; Statusbar message for face 5
<param name=statusmsg6 value="site 3"> ; Statusbar message for face 6
<param name=rotx value="4"> ; X Rotation speed
<param name=roty value="6"> ; Y Rotation speed
<param name=rotz value="8"> ; Z Rotation speed
<param name=backimage value="NO"> ; Optional background image
<param name=backr value="64"> ; Red in background (0 .. 255)
<param name=backg value="96"> ; Green in background (0 .. 255)
<param name=backb value="160"> ; Blue in background (0 .. 255)
<param name=clearback value="YES"> ; Clear the background ("YES" - "NO")
<param name=textscroll value="tcubescr.txt"> ; File for scrolltext or "NO"
<param name=textoffset value="140"> ; Txtscroll y offset
<param name=textspeed value="1"> ; Txtscroll speed
<param name=textfont value="Arial"> ; Txtscroll font name
<param name=textbold value="NO"> ; Txtscroll bold ("YES" or "NO")
<param name=textsize value="24"> ; Txtscroll font size
<param name=textshadow value="YES"> ; Txtscroll shadow ("YES" or "NO")
<param name=TextColR value="200"> ; Txtscroll color (red component)
<param name=TextColG value="255"> ; Txtscroll color (green component)
<param name=TextColB value="190"> ; Txtscroll color (blue component)
<param name=TextSColR value="20"> ; Txtscroll shadow col. (red c.)
<param name=TextSColG value="20"> ; Txtscroll shadow col. (green c.)
<param name=TextSColB value="50"> ; Txtscroll shadow col. (blue c.)
<param name=TextJumpAmp value="0"> ; Txtscroll jump aplitude
<param name=TextJumpSpd value="0"> ; Txtscroll jump speed
<param name=TextSineAmp value="0"> ; Txtscroll sineshape amplitude
<param name=TextSineSpd value="0"> ; Txtscroll sineshape movement
<param name=TextSineAngle value="0"> ; Txtscroll sineangle / pixel
<param name=memdelay value="1000"> ; Memory deallocation delay
<param name=memdelay value="1000"> ; Memory deallocation delay
<param name=priorityL value="3"> ; Loading task priority (1..10)
<param name=priority value="3"> ; Task priority (1..10)
<param name=MinSYNC value="10"> ; Min. milliseconds/frame for sync
Sorry, your browser doesn't suppor Java. ; Message for no java browsers.
</applet> ; End of applet tag
Here detailed instructions about how to change parameters:
The credits parameter can't be changed otherwise the applet will not work.
To activate the reg parameters read the shareware registration notes.
In the "regcode" parameter you have to place the registration code you
purchase from the author. If it is correct and the applet is run from the
registered domain name, you can use "link" parameters, where you can specify
an URL where bring user when the applet is clicked.
If you set to "YES" regnewframe, you can specify a frame where load the
"_blank" : To load the link in a new blank unnamed browser window.
"_self" : To load the link into the same window the applet occupies.
"_parent" : To load the link into the immediate FRAMESET parent.
"_top" : To load the link into the top body of the window.
Otherwise the frame name, for example "myframe1".
This applet CAN'T WORK AS MENU without a registration code.
You can load up to 6 different images to map on the faces of cube.
If you place same image name on all 6 image parameters, all faces will
display same image, otherwise you can display 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 different
images. The best choices are 3 and 6, because with 3 different images
palced in the same order of the example below, you will see no duplicate
images in same frame, but you have to load 3 only images.
If you want to fill all the faces with a different image, you can do it,
but consider loading time will increase.
The GIF/JPG images MUST be all 256*256 pixels large, otherwise ALL 128*128.
No other sizes are allowed, and notice you can't mix 128*128 images with
256*256 images in same cube applet. Or ALL 128*128 or ALL 256*256.
Using 256*256 images is useful only when applet size is greater than 150.
You can mix GIF and JPG formats in same cube; what you can't mix is image
Res is a sort of zoomer. Res=1 mean normal size, res=2 mean double etc.,
just remember to multiply "width" and "height" tags for "res", if it is
higher than 1. Otherwise maintain same width&height and you will have less
resolution (greater pixels), but remember to change distance too.
With the "rotx", "roty" and "rotz" parameters you can control the rotation
speed of the cube.
With "backr", "backg" and "backb" parameters you can control the RED, GREEN
and BLUE components of the background color.
You can load optionally a background image, placing it's name on the
"backimage" parameter. This image must be same size as the aplet if res=1,
otherwise is res=2, must be half size of the applet, and so on.
You can disable the background clear routine setting "NO" to "clearback"
parameter, if you like.