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- Voodoo3 Windows(r) 9x Driver Kit
- --------------------------------------
- Voodoo3(tm) Driver kit: 1.00.00
- Voodoo3 DirectX(r) Driver Version: 2.18
- Voodoo3 Win9x 2D/3D Display Drivers:
- Voodoo3 Glide(tm) 2.X Driver:
- Voodoo3 Glide 3.X Driver:
- Copyright ( 1998-1999 3dfx Interactive, Inc. )
- All Rights Reserved
- NOTE: Use of this software is subject to the terms in the 3dfx license
- agreement.
- 3dfx Interactive, Inc.
- Website: http://www.3dfx.com
- This product may be covered by one or more of the following
- US patents: 5,724,561 5,740,343 5,808,621 5,822,452 5,831,624
- =======================================================================
- What's in the distribution?
- =======================================================================
- This distribution contains Voodoo3 drivers.
- The DirectDraw portion of the drivers supports Direct3D
- when using DirectX 6.0
- NOTE: DirectX 6.0 redistributable files should be used with these
- drivers!
- =======================================================================
- Installation
- =======================================================================
- Requirements
- ------------
- - Windows 95/98
- - PC with a Pentium, Pentium II,Pentium Pro or AMD K6 Processor and
- a free AGP slot
- - 16MB of RAM
- Fresh Installation
- ------------------
- NOTE: Complete Steps 1 and 2 before removing your existing 2D card.
- 1) Extract the files for the Voodoo3 driver to a directory.
- 2) Before removing your existing 2D card switch the video driver to
- Standard VGA. Click Start, Control Panel. Double-click on Display.
- Select 640X480 and 16 colors. Accept the changes.
- 3) Power off the system and remove your existing 2D card.
- 4) Install the Voodoo Banshee Card in a free AGP/PCI Slot
- 5) Power on the system and verify that video appears during post.
- 6) Start Windows in Normal mode
- (Once Windows starts you may be notified that no video device
- exists, click Cancel if this message appears)
- 7) Windows will detect a new VGA Compatible Display. You need to:
- Windows 95 Standard Release users: Select "Use Driver from Mfr"
- and click OK. Point to the Win95
- directory in the driver
- location then click OK again.
- Windows 95 OEM SR2/98 users: Click the Next Button on the
- Detection Dialog Box. When notified
- that the drivers are not found click
- "Other Locations" then enter the path
- to the Win95 directory in the driver
- location.
- 8) You may then be prompted to insert the Windows 95/98 Voodoo3 Driver Disk.
- Again, enter the path you specified in Step 1 and press OK.
- 9) Windows will copy the drivers. Reboot the system when prompted
- 10) Install DirectX 6.0.
- Upgrade Existing Voodoo3 Drivers
- --------------------------------
- 1) Start Windows 95/98
- 2) Extract the files for the Voodoo3 driver to a directory.
- 3) Click Start, Control Panel. Double-click on Display.
- 4) Click the Settings tab then click:
- Windows 95 Standard Release users: Click "Change Display Type"
- Windows 95 OEM SR2/98 users: Click "Advanced Properties"
- 5) Then under "Change Display Type/Advanced Display" click "Change"
- 6) Click "Have Disk" and enter the path specified in Step 2 plus:
- Windows 95 Standard Release users: the Win95 directory.
- Windows 95 OEM SR2 users/98: the Win95 directory.
- 7) When asked to choose a device, select "3Dfx Voodoo3"
- 8) You may then be prompted to insert the Windows 95/98 Voodoo3 Driver Disk.
- Enter the path you specified in Step 2 again.
- 9) Windows will copy the drivers. Reboot the system when prompted.
- 10) Install DirectX 6.0
- Limitations
- -----------
- Running 640x480 16 Color will run SUPERVGA.DRV or VGA.DRV. No Voodoo3
- features will be used. Switch to a different resolution or color depth.
- Full windowed hardware acceleration with this version of the drivers is
- only possible when running at 16bpp modes.
- Troubleshooting
- ---------------
- ####
- Problem: After installing the card, the system still detects my old
- card even though it is no longer in the system.
- Resolution: See Step 2 of the "Fresh Installation" instructions.