# | Tanaka, T.; Miwa, K.; Kanda, S. | Application of fuzzy reasoning in an expert system for ultrasonography | Dentomaxillofacial Radiology | 1997 | 26 | 2 | 125-131 | English Article | Tanaka T/Kyushu Univ/Fac Dent/Dept Oral & Maxillofacial Radiol/Higashi Ku/3-1-1 Maidashi/Fukuoka 81282/JAPAN | WM280 | Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Imaging | ultrasonic diagnosis; expert systems; diagnosis, computer-assisted; diagnostic imaging; COMPUTER-AIDED DIAGNOSIS; ACUTE ABDOMINAL-PAIN; MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS; LOGIC; CLASSIFICATION; DISEASE | Objectives: To apply fuzzy reasoning in a computer-assisted diagnostic system for ultrasonography and to evaluate its clinical utility as a diagnostic aid for the unskilled clinician. Methods: A computer-assisted diagnostic system for ultrasonography was constructed to differentiate metastatic from inflammatory lymph nodes. The pattern of a skilled clinician's considerations was simulated with the fuzzy expert system. Three fuzzy production rules were set up according to the diagnostic criteria for lymphadenopathy. Each rule was transformed into a membership function. The max-min composition method was used for inference and the centroid method for defuzzification. The system was tested with 20 clinicians who were one to three years after graduation and inexperienced in ultrasonography. Accuracy, sensitivity and specificity were evaluated. Results: The average increase in accuracy was 8.5%, and the sensitivity and specificity 10.7% and 6.4% respectively. These scores were significant for accuracy (P=0.005), sensitivity (P=0.02) and specificity (P=0.036). Conclusions: Application of fuzzy reasoning in an expert system for ultrasonography improves the diagnostic performance of inexperienced clinicians. | | 0250-832X | Elsevier Sci Ltd/The Boulevard/Langford Lane/Kidlington/Oxford, Oxon/England OX5 1GB
1 | Metnitz, P.G.H.; Steltzer, H.; Popow, C.; Valentin, A.; Neumark, J.; Sagmuller, G.; Schwameis, F.; Urschitz, M.; Muhlbacher, F.; Hiesmayr, M.; Lenz, K. | Standardization and evaluation of a documentation system for intensive care - The ASDI project | Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift | 1997 | 109 | 4 | 132-138 | German Article | Metnitz PGH/Univ Vienna/Klin Anasthesie & Allgemeine Intens Med/Waehringer Guertel 18-20/A-1090 Vienna/AUSTRIA | WL858 | General & Internal Medicine | minimal data set; documentation; quality control; quality control; audit; information systems; database; intensive care; standards; CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS; QUALITY ASSURANCE; UNIT PATIENTS; APACHE-II; MODELS | Objectives: A comparison of data from different intensive care units (ICUs) needs standardized documentation. In this study the ASDI documentation standard for intensive care was tested in clinical practice. Goal of the study was to evaluate parameters and functionality required for a national, interdisciplinary documentation system for intensive care. Desgin: 13 ICUs participated in a 4-week trial using the provided program for documentation of all admitted patients during the observation period. In addition, a questionnaire was distributed to the unit coordinators. Results. 376 patients were documented in 1591 patient days. Valid SAPS II scores were found in only 29% of the discharged patients (39.1 +/- 15.5 points). Time needed for data entry exceed ed preset limits (ten minutes per patient and day) in 38% of the cases. All participants affirmed the necessity of a documentation standard for intensive care, giving quality control and cost analysis as the most important reasons. Conclusion: The ASDI data set fitted existing needs very closely. Only 7 out of 122 parameters (5.7%) were found to be superfluous and thus removed. Measures to reduce documentation effort to the default limits were a) a new, date orientated concept for manual recording, b) redesign of the user interface with new, user friendly data entry possibilites, and c) the integration of statistical analysis and reports in the documentation system. The revised data set represents a broad-based consensus, which seems to be well-suited as foundation for the national quality assurance program. | | 0043-5325 | Springer-Verlag Wien/Sachsenplatz 4-6/PO Box 89/A-1201 Vienna/Austria |
2 | Edwards, F.H.; Grover, F.L.; Shroyer, L.W.; Schwartz, M.; Bero, J. | The Society of Thoracic Surgeons National Cardiac Surgery Database: Current risk assessment | Annals of Thoracic Surgery | 1997 | 63 | 3 | 903-908 | English Article | Edwards FH/Univ Florida/Hlth Sci Ctr/Div Cardiothorac Surg/653-2 W 8TH St/Jacksonville,FL 32209 USA | WM326 | Medical Research, Diagnosis & Treatment | | Background. The Society of Thoracic Surgeons National Cardiac Surgery Database has recently completed gathering patient data from 1990 through 1994. Using information from more than 300,000 patients undergoing isolated coronary artery bypass grafting in this period, new risk models of operative mortality were developed. Methods. Logistic regression analysis was used to develop a risk model for each calendar year. A standard ''training set/test set'' approach was used for each model. Results. Five validation techniques were used to evaluate the reliability of the risk models. All models were found to predict operative mortality with good accuracy in this population. Conclusions. The new risk models for isolated coronary artery bypass operations serve as reliable predictors of operative mortality for the most recent harvest of patient data from The Society of Thoracic Surgeons National Cardiac Surgery Database. (C) 1997 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons. | | 0003-4975 | Elsevier Science Inc/655 Avenue of the Americas/New York/NY 10010 |
3 | Wood, W.S. | Liability issues with the Papanicolaou smear: The expert witness database | Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine | 1997 | 121 | 3 | 335-340 | English Article | Wood WS/Robinson & Wood Inc/227 N 1ST St/San Jose,CA 95113 USA | WM335 | Medical Research, Diagnosis & Treatment | | | | 0003-9985 | College Amer Pathologists/C/O Kimberly Gacki/325 Waukegan Rd/Northfield/IL 60093-2750 |
4 | Lommerse, J.P.M.; Taylor, R. | Characterising non-covalent interactions with the Cambridge Structural Database | Journal of Enzyme Inhibition | 1997 | 11 | 4 | 223 | English Article | Taylor R/Cambridge Crystallog Data Ctr/12 Union Rd/Cambridge CB2 1EZ/ENGLAND | WM252 | Biochemistry & Biophysics | Cambridge Structural Database; Brookhaven Protein Data Bank; non-covalent interactions; rational drug design; intermolecular geometry; IMPORTANT AROMATIC-COMPOUNDS; CRYSTAL-FIELD ENVIRONMENTS; GLUTATHIONE-S-TRANSFERASE; RING STACKING INTERACTION; INDOLE-DERIVATIVES; HYDROGEN-BOND; 3-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE; HUMAN TRANSTHYRETIN; ACTIVE-SITE; INHIBITORS | | | 8755-5093 | Harwood Acad Publ GmbH/C/O Stbs Ltd/PO Box 90/Reading, Berks/England RG1 8JL |
5 | Silver, N.C.; Barker, G.J.; MacManus, D.G.; Tofts, P.S.; Miller, D.H. | Magnetisation transfer ratio of normal brain white matter: A normative database spanning four decades of life | Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry | 1997 | 62 | 3 | 223-228 | English Article | Miller DH/Inst Neurol/NMR Res Unit/Queen Sq/London WC1N 3BG/ENGLAND | WM650 | Neurosciences & Behavior | magnetisation transfer ratio; normal brain white matter; aging; TRANSFER CONTRAST MTC; MAGNETIZATION-TRANSFER; MULTIPLE-SCLEROSIS; MR; ASYMMETRIES; INVIVO; LESIONS; ADULT | Objectives-To establish a normative dat:abase for magnetisation transfer ratio (MTR) measurements in the white matter of healthy adult brains. Such MTR values were evaluated for regional variation and evidence of differences associated with aging, sex, and handedness. Methods-Forty one healthy volunteers, ranging in age from 16 to 55 years, underwent axial brain magnetisation transfer (MT) imaging on a 1.5 Tesla magnetic resonance scanner. Calculated MT images allowed evaluation of MTR from specific regions within the corpus callosum,, cerebral hemispheres, and pens. Results-Highest values were noted in the corpus callosum. No significant sex differences were seen for any region studied. Small but significant age related reductions in MTR were noted in the corpus callosum and other cerebral white matter regions studied. Comparing MTR values between young (16-35 years) and older (36-55 years) age groups, this was most apparent in the corpus callosum (40.82% units in the young group v 40.28% units in the older group, P<0.05) and frontal white matter (39.65% units in the young group v 39.18% units in the older group, P <0.005). In addition, values for MTR were analysed for evidence of hemispheric asymmetry. MTR values were higher in the left hemisphere for all regions studied, reaching significance in the centrum semiovale (37.75% units v 37.57% units, P<0.05) and parietooccipital white matter (37.67% units v 37.43% units, P<0.05). No relation between such interhemispheric MTR differences and handedness was noted. Conclusions-Magnetisation transfer imaging shows significant age related changes in normal brain white matter. In addition to regional variations in MTR in the normal brain, there seem to be small but significant variations in MTR between the cerebral hemispheres. It is important to consider such normal variations when evaluating MTR in pathological states. | | 0022-3050 | British Med Journal Publ Group/British Med Assoc House/Tavistock Square/London/England WC1H 9JR |
6 | Frech, K.; Quandt, K.; Werner, T. | Finding protein-binding sites in DNA sequences: The next generation | Trends in Biochemical Sciences | 1997 | 22 | 3 | 103-104 | English Editorial | Frech K/GSF Munich/Natl Res Ctr Environm & Hlth/Inst Mammalian Genet/Ingolstadter Landstr 1/D-85764 Munich/GERMANY | WM129 | Biochemistry & Biophysics | TRANSCRIPTION FACTORS; DATABASE | | | 0968-0004 | Elsevier Sci Ltd/The Boulevard/Langford Lane/Kidlington/Oxford, Oxon/England OX5 1GB |
7 | Krawczak, M.; Cooper, D.N. | The Human Gene Mutation Database | Trends in Genetics | 1997 | 13 | 3 | 121-122 | English Article | Krawczak M/Univ Wales Coll Med/Inst Med Genet/Cardiff CF4 4XN/S Glam/WALES | WM039 | Molecular Biology & Genetics | | | | 0168-9525 | Elsevier Sci Ltd/The Boulevard/Langford Lane/Kidlington/Oxford, Oxon/England OX5 1GB |
8 | Dionisio, J.D.N.; Cardenas, A.F.; Lufkin, R.B.; DeSalles, A.; Black, K.L.; Taira, R.K.; Chu, W.W. | A multimedia database system for thermal ablation therapy of brain tumors | Journal of Digital Imaging | 1997 | 10 | 1 | 21-26 | English Article | Cardenas AF/Univ Calif Los Angeles/Dept Comp Sci/3731 Boelter Hall/Los Angeles,CA 90024 USA | WL602 | Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Imaging | medical databases; multimedia databases; thermal ablation therapy; MR | A prototype multimedia medical database is described for supporting thermal ablation therapy of brain tumors. Its design is motivated by the major need to manage and access multimedia information on the progress and reaction of tumors to various therapy protocols. The database links images to patient data in a way that permits the user to view and query medical information using alphanumeric, temporal, and feature-based predicates, Visualization programs permit the user to view or annotate the query results in various ways. These results support the wide variety of data types and presentation methods required by neuroradiologists to manage thermal ablation therapy data. The database satisfactorily meets the requirements defined by thermal ablation therapy. A similar approach is being undertaken for supporting different therapies of other types of tumors, thus showing the generality of our approach. Copyright (C) 1997 by W.B. Saunders Company. | | 0897-1889 | W B Saunders Co/Independence Square West/Curtis Center, Ste 300/Philadelphia/PA 19106-3399 |
9 | Dawid, A.P.; Evett, I.W. | Using a graphical method to assist the evaluation of complicated patterns of evidence | Journal of Forensic Sciences | 1997 | 42 | 2 | 226-231 | English Article | Evett IW/Forens Sci Serv Inc/Priory House/Birmingham B5 6QQ/W Midlands/ENGLAND | WL772 | Research / Laboratory Medicine & Medical Technology | forensic science; interpretation; expert systems; probability; Bayesian; fibers; trace evidence | The forensic scientist often faces the task of interpreting patterns of evidence which involve many variables. Combining different items of evidence within a complex framework of circumstances requires logical powers of reasoning and this can be assisted by formal methods. We discuss one such method which, as has already been pointed out by Aitken and Gammerman (1), offers considerable potential for creating probabilistic expert systems to assist in evidence interpretation. In particular, we show how the method, which is based on a directed acyclic graph, enables dependencies between different aspects of the evidence to be considered. The discussion is based on an imaginary case example. | | 0022-1198 | Amer Soc Testing Materials/100 Barr Harbor Dr/W Conshohocken/PA 19428-2959 |
10 | Reisman, Y. | Computer-based clinical decision aids. A review of methods and assessment of systems | Medical Informatics | 1996 | 21 | 3 | 179-197 | English Review | Reisman Y/Univ Groningen/Fac Med/Int Sch Hepatol Gish/Oostersingel 69/NL-9713 Ez Groningen/NETHERLANDS | WL548 | General & Internal Medicine | clinical decision; expert system assessment; application in clinical setting; EXPERT SYSTEMS; DIFFERENTIAL-DIAGNOSIS; ASSISTED DIAGNOSIS; MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS; SUPPORT SYSTEMS; ABDOMINAL-PAIN; JAUNDICE; PERFORMANCE; MODEL; APPENDICITIS | During the last three decades a great deal of research has been devoted to the development of integrated clinical decision support systems. This report aims to give a basic understanding of what is required for such a system. By means of a large literature study a survey is given of the major components of computer-based clinical aid systems. The main approaches and several aspects of evaluation of such programs are described. The computer has several inherent capabilities which are suitable for medical problem solving and can help in the formalization of medical knowledge. The components of such systems include the computer database, the reasoning engine and the user interface. The different approaches on which the reasoning engine is built are based on manipulation of information and advocate the use of knowledge to construct a solution io a problem. The information in the mode vary from data-intensive to knowledge-intensive. Assessment of decision support systems is a very important phase in the development of such systems. Evaluation should be made on the accuracy of the program, the nature of the system, the use of the data and the acceptance by the target users. Whatever the model is, its effectiveness will depend on the data with which the program has to work. Acceptance by physicians depends among other things on ease of use of thr user interface. Profound changes in the delivery of health care will be induced through the rapid growth of on-line computer communication together with the development of integrated clinical decision support systems and electronic medical records. Notwithstanding the rapid growth of computer technology, computer-aided decision making is in its infancy and real support in daily practice is not yet achieved. | | 0307-7640 | Taylor & Francis Ltd/One Gundpowder Square/London/England EC4A 3DE |
11 | Carlsson, M.; Ahlfeldt, H.; Thurin, A.; Wigertz, O. | Terminology support for development of sharable knowledge modules | Medical Informatics | 1996 | 21 | 3 | 207-214 | English Article | Carlsson M/Linkoping Univ/S-58183 Linkoping/SWEDEN | WL548 | General & Internal Medicine | terminology services; knowledge authoring; knowledge sharing; Arden syntax; MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE; DECISION-SUPPORT; SYSTEMS; LANGUAGE | Lack of an agreed infrastructure for terminology is identified as one of the major barriers to interchange of knowledge modules and integration of knowledge bases with other clinical information systems. The goal or the GALEN project is to bridge this gap between different terminology systems through the construction of a terminology server, which is based on a rich conceptual model with mapping facilities to natural language expressions and coding schemas. The long term goal is to support communication between medical information systems. Arden Syntax is a standard format for the creation of knowledge modules, with sharability as one of the main objectives. Since Arden Syntax is based on a data-driven approach, the data items used need to be adapted to locally available terminology. The GALEN approach appears to be complementary to Arden Syntax and to the development of sharable knowledge modules. The major theme of this paper is utilization of the GALEN terminology server for knowledge module authoring. Two systems are presented, a knowledge base manager and a client to the terminology server, allowing the user to navigate in the semantic network and to import concept definitions and terms into the knowledge modules. The benefit of the terminology services is discussed. | | 0307-7640 | Taylor & Francis Ltd/One Gundpowder Square/London/England EC4A 3DE |
12 | Price, D.A.; Jonsson, P. | Effect of growth hormone treatment in children with craniopharyngioma with reference to the KIGS (Kabi International Growth Study) database | Acta Paediatrica | 1996 | 85 | | 83-85 | English Article | Price DA/Univ Manchester/Dept Child Hlth/Royal Manchester Childrens Hosp/Hosp Rd/Pendlebury/Manchester M27 4HA/Lancs/ENGLAND | WL077 | Medical Research, General Topics | | In children with craniopharyngioma, poor growth commonly precedes diagnosis, but is observed less frequently than neurological or visual symptoms. A deficiency of growth hormone (GH) is common before. And almost universal after, treatment of the tumour, and is usually treated with OH. However, a minority of these children with OH deficiency (GHD) grow well without SH replacement therapy but exhibit other metabolic effects of GHD that are correctable by GH treatment. This article provides a review of studies in 422 children with craniopharyngioma whose details have been entered into the database of KIGS, the Kabi International Growth Study. The response to GH during the first year of therapy was similar to that seen in children with idiopathic GHD (IGHD). Leg length was relatively greater than sitting height and this disproportion was maintained during treatment. Adiposity increased in some children receiving GH treatment. At the end of OH treatment in 82 patients, there was a median gain in height SD score of 1.51, with evidence of residual growth potential still remaining in the majority. Tumour recurrence occurred in 13.5% of the total group of patients with craniopharyngioma within KIGS, at a median of 3.9 years from diagnosis and 2.3 years from the start of BH therapy. Tumour recurrence was not associated with an impairment in height achieved, but there was a tendency towards greater adiposity in patients in whom recurrence occurred. Adverse events during GH treatment were more frequent in children with craniopharyngioma than in these with IGHD, and headache was commonly reported. The results of these studies suggest that GH treatment is recommended for the treatment of children with craniopharyngioma on the grounds of improved growth velocity, adult height and other OH-dependent metabolic functions, and of the good safety profile of OH in these patients. | | 0803-5253 | Scandinavian University Press/PO Box 2959 Toyen/Journal Division/Customer Service/N-0608 Oslo/Norway |
13 | Rock, C.L.; Jahnke, M.G.; Gorenflo, D.W.; Swartz, R.D.; Messana, J.M. | Racial group differences in plasma concentrations of antioxidant vitamins and carotenoids in hemodialysis patients | American Journal of Clinical Nutrition | 1997 | 65 | 3 | 844-850 | English Article | Rock CL/Univ Calif San Diego/Dept Family & Prevent Med/9500 Gilman Dr/La Jolla,CA 92093 USA | WK840 | Endocrinology, Nutrition & Metabolism | antioxidants; vitamins; carotenoids; hemodialysis; African Americans; whites; LOW-DENSITY-LIPOPROTEIN; CHRONIC-RENAL-FAILURE; PERFORMANCE LIQUID-CHROMATOGRAPHY; FOOD-COMPOSITION DATABASE; VEGETABLE INTAKE; UREMIC PATIENTS; BREAST-CANCER; DIETARY-FAT; WOMEN; FRUIT | Approximately 50% of the mortality in hemodialysis patients is due to cardiovascular disease. Antioxidant vitamins and carotenoids may be protective because oxidation of low-density lipoproteins appears to be a necessary prerequisite for the development of atherogenesis, and hemodialysis itself may stimulate the generation oi oxygen reactive species. African Americans comprise a substantial proportion of dialysis patients because they have higher rates of hypertension, glomerulonephritis, and diabetic end-stage renal disease than do whites. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to determine the plasma concentrations of antioxidant vitamins and carotenoids in hemodialysis patients and to investigate whether differences in these concentrations in the major racial or ethnic groups exist. Plasma concentrations of alpha- and gamma-tocopherol, carotenoids, and retinol were measured with HPLC and plasma vitamin C was measured with a spectrophotometric method in 109 white and African American hemodialysis patients. Dietary intakes of selected micronutrients were also compared by using data from a food-frequency questionnaire. Overall, plasma vitamin C and alpha-tocopherol concentrations were comparable but plasma carotenoid concentrations were lower than those reported for other populations. African American patients had significantly higher mean plasma concentrations of retinol (P < 0.04), lutein (P < 0.02), and total carotenoids minus lycopene (P < 0.04); whites had significantly higher mean plasma concen trations of alpha-tocopherol (P < 0.02), independent of age and plasma lipid concentrations. Diabetes comorbidity had an independent negative association with plasma beta-carotene concentration but was not associated with other measures. | | 0002-9165 | Amer Soc Clinical Nutrition/9650 Rockville Pike/Subscriptions, RM L-2310/Bethesda/MD 20814-3998 |
14 | Dunn, M.J. | Quantitative two-dimensional gel electrophoresis: From proteins to proteomes | Biochemical Society Transactions | 1997 | 25 | 1 | 248-254 | English Article | Dunn MJ/Harefield Hosp/Sch Med/Imperial Coll/Heart Sci Ctr/Div Cardiothorac Surg/Natl Heart & Lung Inst/Harefield UB9 6JH/Middx/ENGLAND | WK473 | Biochemistry & Biophysics | IMMOBILIZED PH GRADIENTS; LASER-DESORPTION IONIZATION; 2-DIMENSIONAL ELECTROPHORESIS; IDENTIFICATION; SEQUENCE; REPRODUCIBILITY; SEPARATION; DATABASE; SYSTEMS; STATE | | | 0300-5127 | Portland Press/59 Portland Place/London/England W1N 3AJ |
15 | Patterson, S.D. | Identification of low to subpicomolar quantities of electrophoretically separated proteins: Towards protein chemistry in the post-genome era | Biochemical Society Transactions | 1997 | 25 | 1 | 255-262 | English Article | Patterson SD/Amgen Inc/Amgen Ctr/Mail Stop 14-2-E/1840 Dehavilland Dr/Thousand Oaks,CA 91320 USA | WK473 | Biochemistry & Biophysics | LASER-DESORPTION IONIZATION; AMINO-ACID-COMPOSITION; MASS-SPECTROMETRY; GEL-ELECTROPHORESIS; ELECTROBLOTTED PROTEINS; SEQUENCE; PEPTIDES; DATABASE; PROTEOLYSIS | | | 0300-5127 | Portland Press/59 Portland Place/London/England W1N 3AJ |
16 | Stephanopoulos, G.; Locher, G.; Duff, M.J.; Kamimura, R.; Stephanopoulos, G. | Fermentation database mining by pattern recognition | Biotechnology and Bioengineering | 1997 | 53 | 5 | 443-452 | English Article | Stephanopoulos G/MIT/Dept Chem Engn/Room 66-552/Cambridge,MA 02139 USA | WL035 | Microbiology | fermentation; database mining; pattern recognition; dbminer(c); decision trees; wavelets; PROCESS TRENDS; REPRESENTATION | A large volume of data is routinely collected during the course of typical fermentation and other processes. Such data provide the required basis for process documentation and occasionally are also used for process analysis and improvement. The information density of these data is often low, and automatic condensing, analysis, and interpretation (''database mining'') are highly desirable. In this article we present a methodology whereby process variables are processed to create a database of derivative process quantities representative of the global patterns, intermediate trends, and local characteristics of the process. A powerful search algorithm subsequently attempts to extract the specific process variables and their particular attributes that uniquely characterize a class of process outcomes such as high- or low-yield fermentations. The basic components of our pattern recognition methodology are described along with applications to the analysis of two sets of data from industrial fermentations. Results indicate that truly discriminating variables do exist in typical fermentation data and they can be useful in identifying the causes or symptoms of different process outcomes. The methodology has been implemented in a user-friendly software, named db-miner, which facilitates the application of the methodology for efficient and speedy analysis of fermentation process data. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | | 0006-3592 | John Wiley & Sons Inc/605 Third Ave/New York/NY 10158-0012 |
17 | Culpan, D.; Standen, G.; Wood, N.; Mazurier, C.; Gaucher, C.; Bidwell, J. | Rapid mutation screening in type 2A von Willebrand's disease using universal heteroduplex generators | British Journal of Haematology | 1997 | 96 | 3 | 464-469 | English Article | Standen G/Bristol Royal Infirm & Gen Hosp/Dept Haematol/Mol Haematol Unit/Bristol BS2 8HW/Avon/ENGLAND | WL118 | Cardiovascular & Hematology Research | von Willebrand's disease type 2A; mutation; heteroduplex; genotype; VONWILLEBRAND-FACTOR GENE; DNA; CLASSIFICATION; PSEUDOGENE; DIAGNOSIS; PHENOTYPE; DATABASE; GENOTYPE; PATIENT | Patients with type 2A von Willebrand's disease (VWD) commonly have missense mutations in the A2 domain of the von Willebrand factor (VWF) protein. This domain is encoded by the 3' region of VWF gene exon 28 and the large majority of patients have heterozygous mutations clustered in the sequence between codons 742 and 909. We describe a DNA-based diagnostic technique which enables at least 10 previously described mutations to be rapidly identified. The method involves polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of two exon 28 gene segments between codons 717-788 and 803-893, respectively. Each fragment is then hybridized with a synthetic complementary DNA molecule of similar size, termed a Universal Heteroduplex Generator (UHG). The UHG contains base deletions contiguous to the sites of known mutations and, following hybridization, allele-specific heteroduplexes are generated which can be detected by simple polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and ethidium bromide staining. A small panel of UHG molecules covering the 3' region of exon 28 should enable the large majority of type 2A VWD patients to be rapidly diagnosed by genotype. | | 0007-1048 | Blackwell Science Ltd/Osney Mead/Oxford, Oxon/England OX2 0EL |
18 | Marchevsky, A.M.; Truong, H.; Tolmachoff, T. | A rule-based expert system for the automatic classification of DNA ''ploidy'' histograms measured by the CAS 200 image analysis system | Cytometry | 1997 | 30 | 1 | 39-46 | English Article | Marchevsky AM/Cedars Sinai Med Ctr/Dept Pathol & Lab Med/8700 Beverly Blvd/Los Angeles,CA 90048 USA | WL716 | Medical Research, Diagnosis & Treatment | image cytometry; rule-based expert system; automatic classification; DNA ''ploidy''; FLOW-CYTOMETRY | DNA ''ploidy'' histogram interpretation is one of the most important sources of variation in DNA image cytometry and is influenced by multiple technical factors such as scaling, selection of peaks, and variable classification criteria. A rule-based expert system was developed to automate and eliminate subjectivity from this interpretative process. Ninety-eight Feulgen stained histologic sections from patients with breast, colon, and lung cancer were measured with the CAS 200 image analysis system (Becton Dickinson, Santa Clara, CA); they included diploid (n = 42), aneuploid (n = 46), tetraploid (n = 7), and multiploid (n = 3) examples. The data was converted from listmode format into ASCII with the aid of CELLSHEET software (JVC Imaging, Elmhurst, IL). Individual microphotometric nuclear measurements were sorted to one of 64 bins based on DNA index. The 64 bins were then divided into 5 semi-arbitrarily defined ranges: hypodiploid, diploid, aneuploid, tetraploid, and hypertetraploid. The nuclear percentages in each range were calculated with EXCEL 4.0 (Microsoft, Redmond, WA). The histograms were divided into 2 equal sets: training and testing. The data from the training set were used to develop 16 IF-THEN rules to classify the histograms into diploid, aneuploid, or tetraploid. A macro was programmed in EXCEL to automate all these operations. The rule-based expert system classified correctly 45/50 histograms of the training set. Two tetraploid histograms were classified as aneuploid. Three multiploid histograms were classified as tetraploid. All histograms in the testing set were correctly classified by the expert system. The potential role of rule-based expert system technology for the objective classification of DNA ''ploidy'' histograms measured by image cytometry is discussed. (C) 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc. | | 0196-4763 | Wiley-Liss/Div John Wiley & Sons Inc/605 Third Ave/New York/NY 10158-0012 |
19 | Okubo, K.; Matsubara, K. | Complementary DNA sequence (EST) collections and the expression information of the human genome | FEBS Letters | 1997 | 403 | 3 | 225-229 | English Review | Okubo K/Osaka Univ/Inst Mol & Cellular Biol/1-3 Yamada Oka/Suita/Osaka 565/JAPAN | WL744 | Biochemistry & Biophysics | Expressed Sequence Tag; gene expression; genome analysis; expression profile; gene signature; GENE-EXPRESSION; ELEGANS; PROJECT; CONSTRUCTION; PATTERNS; DATABASE; TAGS | | | 0014-5793 | Elsevier Science BV/PO Box 211/1000 AE Amsterdam/Netherlands |
20 | Poikonen, J. | Arden Syntax: The emerging standard language for representing medical knowledge in computer systems | American Journal of Health - System Pharmacy | 1997 | 54 | 3 | 281-284 | English Article | Poikonen J/Pharmaceut Care Comp Inc/6200 Courtney Campbell Causeway/Suite 1075/Tampa,FL 33607 USA | WJ802 | Pharmacology / Toxicology | computers; decision making; drug information; languages; pharmacy; protocols; standards; CLINICAL EVENT MONITOR; ADVERSE DRUG EVENTS; LOGIC MODULES; DECISION-SUPPORT; ANTIBIOTIC USE; SURVEILLANCE | The Arden Syntax for Medical Logic Modules standard language for knowledge-based computer systems is described. Knowledge systems can use computerized patient data in decision-making. Although they have the potential to reduce adverse drug events and infection rates, improve drug dosing, and decrease the cost of care, knowledge systems have not yet reached the average patient. Arden Syntax for Medical Logic Modules is the standard language for defining clinical decision rules that drive alerts, reminders, clinical guidelines, and data interpretations. Each medical logic module (MLM) in an Arden Syntax knowledge base is designed to make one type of decision. MLMs usually represent either rules that can be encoded, such as generating a warning that the potassium concentration is decreasing in a patient taking digoxin, or complex decision trees for individual patient care plans and clinical protocols. An MLM contains maintenance slots (title, file name, version, originating institution, author, date, specialist, validation information), library slots (stating the MLM's purpose and providing keywords for searching), and knowledge slots (containing the ''essence'' of the MLM). Arden Syntax is receiving growing support from the medical and information systems communities as the standard language for medical knowledge systems, but legal, ethical, regulatory, and ownership issues remain. If pharmacy is to grow and prosper as a knowledge profession, it should adopt an accepted standard language for representing active, applied knowledge in computer systems. | | 1079-2082 | Amer Soc Health-System Pharmacists/7272 Wisconsin Ave/Bethesda/MD 20814 |
21 | Bowyer, K.; Kopans, D.; Kegelmeyer, W.P.; Moore, R.; Sallam, M.; Chang, K.; Woods, K. | The digital database for screening mammography | Digital Mammography '96 | 1996 | 1119 | | 431-434 | English Article | Bowyer K/Univ S Florida/Tampa,FL 33620 USA | BH12T | Current Book Contents | | The Digital Database for Screening Mammography is an infrastructure resource for use by researchers investigating mammogram image analysis, particularly in the context of mass screening. The eventual result of this project will be an electronic database containing approximately 3,000 cases (normal and abnormal), plus software tools to facilitate use of the data. At this point (June of 1996), properties of the digitization process have been documented, procedures have been established for data collection and preparation, and an initial increment of over 100 cases (all normals) is available. | Doi, K.; Giger, M.L.; Nishikawa, R.M.; Schmidt, R.A. | 0-444-82431-6 | Elsevier Science Publ B V/Sara Burgerhartstraat 25/PO Box 211/1000 AE Amsterdam/Netherlands |
22 | Nishikawa, R.M.; Johnston, R.E.; Wolverton, D.E.; Schmidt, R.A.; Pisano, E.D.; Hemminger, B.M.; Moody, J. | A common database of mammograms for research in digital mammography | Digital Mammography '96 | 1996 | 1119 | | 435-438 | English Article | Nishikawa RM/Univ Chicago/Dept Radiol/5841 S Maryland Ave/MC-2026/Chicago,IL 60637 USA | BH12T | Current Book Contents | | | Doi, K.; Giger, M.L.; Nishikawa, R.M.; Schmidt, R.A. | 0-444-82431-6 | Elsevier Science Publ B V/Sara Burgerhartstraat 25/PO Box 211/1000 AE Amsterdam/Netherlands