Labels:dump truck | earth | grass | road | sky | tree | truck OCR: TATRA 815 260S81 TATRA ENGINE T3B-928-60 255 kW Hull capacity Payload: 20500 Max .speed: TATRA Gross vehicle 36000 weight Max climbine 3F 000kg/57 ability Iyres 315/80 stupnova GEARBOX synchronizovana vozidla korba na zeminu Cena 3200000.00 Konfiguracia Pridat do objednavky Popis produktu: The four-axle all-wheel drive tipper with rear tiltable hull of 1 m3 capacity 19 designed for both on- roads and off-road transport of various cargoes iThe chassis .meets the exhaust emiss sions standard of FURO pue the limit of external noise level of f82 8P (A) climbing O00kg Tyres objednavk canacit ichassis emissions EURO