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- 1 PYi tisku nastala chyba
- 4 Chyba pYi vytvßYenφ bitmapy
- 100 OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version.
- 105 Zapnutφ / vypnutφ zvtaenφ\nZvtaenφ/zmenaenφ
- 128 Prohlφ~e obrßzko\nBach systems\nAimag\n\n\nAimag32\nAimag
- 32771 Zapnutφ / vypnutφ zvtaenφ\nZvtaenφ/zmenaenφ
- 32772 Oznaenφ v²Yezu\nOznaenφ
- 32773 Natenφ povodnφho obrßzku\nPovodnφ obrßzek
- 32774 Povodnφ velikost\nPovodnφ velikost
- 32778 Zapnutφ / vypnutφ lupy\nLupa
- 32781 Test
- 32785 Zobrazenφ dalaφ strßnky\nDalaφ strßnka
- 32786 Zobrazenφ pYedchßzejφcφ strßnky\nPYedchozφ strßnka
- 32788 Tisk obrßzku\nTisk obrßzku
- 32789 Zobrazenφ celΘho obrßzku\nCel² obrßzek
- 32791 Zobrazφ po~adovanou TIFF strßnku\nJdi na strßnku...
- 57344 Prohlφ~e obrßzko
- 57345
- 57600 Create a new document\nNew
- 57601 Natenφ obrßzku ze souboru\nNatenφ obrßzku
- 57602 Close the active document\nClose
- 57603 Ulo~enφ obrßzku do souboru\nUlo~enφ obrßzku
- 57604 Save the active document with a new name\nSave As
- 57605 Change the printing options\nPage Setup
- 57606 Change the printer and printing options\nPrint Setup
- 57607 Print the active document\nPrint
- 57609 Display full pages\nPrint Preview
- 57616 Open this document
- 57617 Open this document
- 57618 Open this document
- 57619 Open this document
- 57620 Open this document
- 57621 Open this document
- 57622 Open this document
- 57623 Open this document
- 57624 Open this document
- 57625 Open this document
- 57626 Open this document
- 57627 Open this document
- 57628 Open this document
- 57629 Open this document
- 57630 Open this document
- 57631 Open this document
- 57632 Erase the selection\nErase
- 57633 Erase everything\nErase All
- 57634 Kopφrovßnφ oznaenΘ oblasti do schrßnky\nKopφrovßnφ
- 57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut
- 57636 Find the specified text\nFind
- 57637 Vlo~enφ obsahu schrßnky\nVlo~enφ
- 57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat
- 57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace
- 57642 Select the entire document\nSelect All
- 57643 Undo the last action\nUndo
- 57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo
- 57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit
- 57664 Zobrazφ zßkladnφ informace o programu ...\nO Programu
- 57665 Ukonenφ programu\nKonec
- 57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane
- 57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane
- 59136 EXT
- 59137 CAP
- 59138 NUM
- 59139 SCRL
- 59140 OVR
- 59141 REC
- 59392 Show or hide the toolbar\nToggle ToolBar
- 59393 Show or hide the status bar\nToggle StatusBar
- 61184 Change the window size
- 61185 Change the window position
- 61186 Reduce the window to an icon
- 61187 Enlarge the window to full size
- 61188 Switch to the next document window
- 61189 Switch to the previous document window
- 61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents
- 61202 Restore the window to normal size
- 61203 Activate Task List
- 61445 Close print preview mode\nCancel Preview
- 65287 This Dib call is not supported in the trial version
- 65288 Unsupported JFIF revision number
- 65291 Application transferred too many scanlines
- 65292 Invalid SOS parameters for sequential JPEG
- 65293 Corrupt JPEG data: found a marker instead of a RST
- 65294 Premature end of JPEG file
- 65296 Corrupt JPEG data: bad Huffman code
- 65297 Corrupt JPEG data: premature end of data segment
- 65298 Corrupt JPEG data: extraneous bytes before marker
- 65300 Unknown Adobe color transform code
- 65340 No LZW Patent! Read manual for Unisys Patent Information
- 65341 The Rotate Image 90 degrees (clockwise) operation failed
- 65342 The Rotate Image 180 degrees operation failed
- 65343 The Flip Image operation failed
- 65344 Invalid 24 bit PCX image
- 65345 Invalid 8 bit PCX image
- 65346 Invalid 4 bit PCX image
- 65347 Invalid DIB given for PCX write function
- 65348 Cannot use a RLE DIB for PCX write function
- 65349 The Palette is missing in PCX image
- 65350 This feature is not currently implemented
- 65351 DLL was not initialized correctly!!
- 65352 Error enabling Source
- 65353 Tranfer failed with pending tranfers
- 65354 Transfer failed
- 65355 Transfer cancelled with pending tranfers
- 65356 Tranfer cancelled by user or source
- 65357 Error at end of tranfer
- 65358 Not in state 5 for transfer
- 65359 Error setting tranfer mechanism
- 65360 Error selecting a Source
- 65361 A Source is already open, cannot select new one
- 65362 Cannot disable Source
- 65363 Cannot enable Source, Source already enabled
- 65364 Cannot enable Source, No Source open
- 65365 Error closing Source
- 65366 Cannot close Source, Source is currently enabled
- 65367 Error closing Source, Source not open
- 65368 Unknown Code returned from Source
- 65369 Cannot open Source/Source Manager not open
- 65370 Error closing Source Manager
- 65371 A Source is Currently Open, Cannot close Source Manager
- 65372 Error Closing Source Manager/Source Manager not Open
- 65373 Error Opening TWAIN.DLL
- 65374 Error Opening Source Manager
- 65375 Unknown compression format not supported
- 65376 CCITT compression is not yet supported
- 65377 Invalid LZW code found in image data
- 65378 Baseline TIFF does not support Tiled image data
- 65379 Baseline TIFF does not support the image's Predicator
- 65380 Baseline TIFF does not support Extra Sampling
- 65381 Baseline TIFF does not support the image's Planar Configuration
- 65382 Baseline TIFF does not support the image Fill Order
- 65383 Baseline TIFF does not support JPEG compression
- 65384 Baseline TIFF does not support Group 4 Fax compression
- 65385 Baseline TIFF does not support Group 3 Fax compression
- 65386 Baseline TIFF does not support image pixel size
- 65387 Baseline TIFF does not support CIE image data
- 65388 Baseline TIFF does not support YCbCr image data
- 65389 Baseline TIFF does not support CMYK image data
- 65390 Transparency Masks are not supported in TIFF image
- 65391 TIFF image is not a Baseline TIFF image
- 65392 Image File Directory of TIFF image not found
- 65393 Invalid TIFF image
- 65394 Invalid BYTE ordering of TIFF data, not Intel or Motorola
- 65395 Invalid Resolution for this image type
- 65396 Error writing to file or stream
- 65397 ZLIB error
- 65398 Invalid Palette information found
- 65399 Invalid Filter value found
- 65400 Invalid Compression value found
- 65401 Invalid Interlaced value found
- 65402 Invalid Color Type and Bit Depth combination
- 65403 Invalid Color Type found
- 65404 Invalid Bit Depth found
- 65405 Invalid width or height found
- 65406 Invalid IHDR information
- 65407 Too many IDAT areas found
- 65408 Invalid information after IDAT
- 65409 Compression error
- 65410 Extra compressed data present
- 65411 Not enough image data
- 65412 Invalid attempt to read row data
- 65413 Bad CRC value
- 65414 Unknown critical information
- 65415 Out of place Text information
- 65416 Out of place Time information
- 65417 Out of place Offset information
- 65418 Out of place PHYS information
- 65419 Out of place History information
- 65420 Out of place Background information
- 65421 Out of place or invalid Tranformation information
- 65422 Out of place cHRM information
- 65423 Out of place sBIT information
- 65424 Out of place or invalid color palette
- 65425 No PNG Image
- 65426 Missing the IHDR
- 65427 Out of place IHDR
- 65428 Not a PNG image
- 65429 Out of Memory
- 65430 Cannot allocate more that 64K
- 65431 Error reading PNG image
- 65432 Error writing PNG image
- 65433 Error Not a 24bit input Dib
- 65434 Error converting 24 bit image to indexed image
- 65435 Invalid PNG image
- 65436 Invalid DIB data
- 65437 Cannot access output buffer
- 65438 Cannot access input buffer
- 65439 No color map found
- 65440 Read Error
- 65441 Invalid GIF image
- 65442 No screen descriptor in GIF image
- 65443 Bad Code Size in image
- 65444 Not a valid graphic image
- 65445 Error allocating buffer
- 65446 Invalid BMP image
- 65447 Invalid PCX pixel size
- 65448 Invalid PCX Image
- 65449 Cannot create output file
- 65450 Error allocation memory for DIB
- 65451 Soubor nelze otevYφt !
- 65460 Write to XMS failed
- 65461 Read from XMS failed
- 65462 Image too wide for this implementation
- 65463 Virtual array controller messed up
- 65464 Unsupported marker type
- 65465 Application transferred too few scanlines
- 65466 Write failed on temporary file --- out of disk space?
- 65467 Seek failed on temporary file
- 65468 Read failed on temporary file
- 65469 Failed to create temporary file
- 65470 Invalid JPEG file structure: SOS before SOF
- 65471 Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers
- 65472 Unsupported JPEG process: A SOF type
- 65473 Invalid JPEG file structure: missing SOS marker
- 65474 Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOF markers
- 65475 Cannot quantize to more than 256 colors
- 65476 Cannot quantize to fewer than 8 colors
- 65477 Cannot quantize more than 3 color components
- 65478 Insufficient memory
- 65479 Invalid JPG image
- 65480 A Quantization table was not defined
- 65481 JPEG datastream contains no image
- 65482 A Huffman table was not defined
- 65483 Backing store not supported
- 65484 Requested feature was omitted at compile time
- 65485 Not implemented yet
- 65489 Premature end of input file
- 65490 Empty input file
- 65491 Maximum supported image dimension is 65500 pixels
- 65492 Missing Huffman code table entry
- 65493 Huffman code size table overflow
- 65494 Fractional sampling not implemented yet
- 65495 Output file write error --- out of disk space?
- 65496 Input file read error
- 65497 Didn't expect more than one scan
- 65498 Write to EMS failed
- 65499 Read from EMS failed
- 65500 Empty JPEG image (DNL not supported)
- 65501 Bogus DQT index value
- 65502 Bogus DHT index value
- 65503 Bogus DHT counts value
- 65504 Bogus DAC value
- 65505 Bogus DAC index value
- 65506 Unsupported color conversion request
- 65507 Too many color components
- 65508 CCIR601 sampling not implemented yet
- 65509 Suspension not allowed here
- 65510 Buffer passed to JPEG library is too small
- 65511 Bogus virtual array access
- 65513 Improper call to JPEG library in wrong state
- 65515 Bogus sampling factors
- 65519 Invalid memory pool code
- 65520 Sampling factors too large for interleaved scan
- 65522 Bogus marker length
- 65523 Bogus JPEG colorspace
- 65524 Bogus input colorspace
- 65525 IDCT output block size not supported
- 65526 Invalid component ID in SOS
- 65527 Bogus buffer control mode
- 65528 MAX_ALLOC_CHUNK is wrong, please fix
- 65529 ALIGN_TYPE is wrong, please fix
- 65530 Sorry, there are legal restrictions on arithmetic coding
- 65535 PYi prßci s obrßzkem doalo k chyb