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- The Video Store 4.1
- This document is a brief operational manual in setting up and using The Video Store 4.1. A
- complete and detailed printed manual is included with the registered version that explains every
- feature in complete detail.
- The Video Store 4.1 has a built in help system. It can be activated by pressing Alt-h from any
- screen. A popup window will be displayed describing all of the features on the current screen.
- The Video Store 4.1 requires any IBM PC compatible computer with a hard disk drive. Prior to
- installation, verify that the CONFIG.SYS file meets the following requirements:
- FILES=60
- To run The Video Store 4.1, enter VID at the DOS prompt.
- The following environment variable commands are supported:
- Forces the program to operate in color mode.
- Forces the program to operate in monochrome mode.
- Prior to using the software, you should first configure everything found in System Configuration.
- System Configuration is used to configure your business, taxes and equipment that is connected
- to your computer. You can enter System Configuration by from the Main Menu.
- The following options should be configured in System Configuration:
- Setup Company Information
- This option allows you to define the name of your company, address, telephone & fax
- numbers and country information.
- Setup Tax System
- This option allows you to define your tax system. You can configure 0/1/2 taxes, name of
- each tax and the rate for each tax. The tax rates are entered in as percentages. For
- example, a tax rate of seven percent is entered in as 7.0.
- Setup System Defaults
- This option allows you to define all of the defaults while using the software. These
- defaults are:
- Print Invoice
- Options available are Ask When To Print or Automatically Print.
- Spacing On Reports
- Options available are Single Spaced or Double Spaced.
- Menu System
- Options available are Novice or Advanced. The novice menu system uses function
- keys while the advanced menu system uses keyboard controls. Both menu systems
- can be used with the mouse.
- Num Of Decimal Places
- Options available are 2, 3 or 4.
- Check Printer
- Options available are Yes or No.
- Enable Security System
- Options available are Yes or No.
- Rental Return Time
- The time to return rental. This time is a 24 hou clock. Leave blank for return time
- to be same as rental time.
- Print Rental Agreement
- Options available are Yes or No.
- Issue Customer Credit
- Options available are Yes or No.
- Auto Advance Inventory
- Auto advance inventory is used to automatically advance to the next line when an
- inventory item has been entered on the sale screen. This option is the default
- setting for new items. Options available are Yes or No.
- Def Rental Income Code
- Select the default Rental Income Code for new rental items. This code will be
- displayed on the income report.
- Def Sales Income Code
- Select the default Sales Income Code for new sales items. This code will be
- displayed on the income report.
- Edit Holiday Dates
- These are holiday dates when your store is closed. No rentals will ever be due on these dates.
- Edit Rental Agreement
- If Print Rental Agreement is set in System Defaults, you can edit the rental agreement. The rental
- agreement is printed after the invoice.
- Edit Payment Tenders
- Defines the type of payment tender and what actions can take place for this payment tender.
- Edit Income Codes
- Defines all of the Income Codes. These Income Codes are used in the Rental & Sales
- maintenance screens.
- Setup Special Promotions
- This option allows you to define special promotions such as Rent 10 Get 1 Free.
- Setup Printer Configuration
- This option allows you to define printers to specific types of forms. 40-column receipt printers
- and regular 80 column printers are supported. This section is also used to customize any of the
- forms.
- Setup Hardware Configuration
- This option allows you to define hardware connected to your computer. The following hardware
- is supported:
- Modem
- The modem can be configured to dial a telephone number from Customer or Vendor
- database. The com port, type of service and baud rate can be configured.
- Cash Drawer
- The cash drawer can be configured to open at the time of sale. Cash drawers can be
- configured to work from the serial or parallel port. The baud rate (serial device only) and
- string/ascii code to open drawer can be configured. Please note: If you use the ascii code
- to open the drawer, then it is required to blank out the string field.
- Pole Display
- The pole display can be configured to display transactions to the customer. The default
- settings are set for the Logic Controls PD-3000 pole display, but other pole displays can
- also be configured.
- Card Reader
- The card reader is used to read a credit card at the time of payment. Only card readers
- connected to the serial port may be used. The com port, baud rate, data bits, parity and
- stop bits can be configured.
- IC Verify Credit Card Authorization
- The Video Store 4.1 can be configured to interface with IC Verify Credit Card software. In order
- for this to work, IC Verify Merchant Information must have the Evaluate Response field to set
- æYÆ. The following settings will interface with IC Verify:
- Use IC Verify
- If you wish to use IC Verify enter Y, otherwise enter N.
- Request Directory
- The name of the directory that contains the IC Verify responses.
- Request File
- The name of the file that contains the IC Verify responses.
- Use Address Verification
- If you wish to use address verification enter Y, otherwise enter N.
- Timeout
- The number of seconds for IC Verify to return a response.
- Maintenance System
- The Maintenance System contains all information on your customers, sales personnel, vendors,
- and products that you sell and rent. These items should be completed prior to generating your
- sales. The following databases should be setup:
- Customers
- This database contains information on your customers. Each customer is assigned a unique
- customer code. The software will automatically assign a default code for each new customer.
- You can edit this code to any unique code. The customer database has the following fields:
- Cust Code
- A unique customer code.
- First/Last Name
- The first and last name of the customer.
- Name #2-4
- Three additional first names.
- Birth Date
- The date of birth for each name.
- Phone
- The telephone number of the customer.
- Address
- The complete mailing address of the Ship To and Bill To.
- Work Phone
- The telephone number of the customerÆs place of employment.
- Drivers Lic
- The customerÆs drivers license number.
- Credit Card/Expir Date
- The customerÆs credit card account number and expiration date.
- Soc Sec #
- The customerÆs social security number or tax number.
- Lock Out
- Selecting a Y will lock this customer out of the system.
- Alert
- Selecting a Y will place this customer on alert. If a customer is on alert, an alert message
- will be displayed on the sales system.
- Credit
- The available credit for this customer. This is used if a customer is issued credit for
- returned items or makes payments in advance.
- # Rentals
- Number of rentals this customer has accumulated.
- Since
- The date that the customer has been added to the system.
- Rental Price Codes
- This database contains information on your rental price codes. These categories define the rental
- prices for each day of the week. Each price code is assigned a unique price code. You must
- enter in this code. The rental price code database has the following fields:
- Price Code
- A unique price code. This code is used in the Rental Items maintenance system.
- Description
- Description for this price code.
- Late Fee
- The late fee charge per day.
- Min Age To Rent
- The minimum age to rent anything under this price code.
- Default Rental Period
- The sales screen will default to this number of days.
- Rental Period
- Up to three rental periods can be defined. This defines the number of days for the rental
- period.
- Price
- The rental price for each day of the week.
- Tax
- Y is this rental is taxable.
- Rental Items
- This database contains information on your rental items. Each item is assigned a unique product
- code. The software will automatically assign a default code for each new item. You can edit this
- code to any unique code. The inventory database has the following fields:
- Prod Code
- A unique product code.
- Title
- The product description for this item.
- Sell Price
- The selling price for this item.
- Cost
- The unit cost of this item.
- Price Code
- The price code for this item. Price codes are defined in Rental Price Codes.
- Num Rented
- Number of times that this item has been rented.
- Income
- The total income that this item has produced.
- Date Added
- The date this item has been added.
- Status
- Rental status. The rental is either IN or OUT.
- Auto CR
- Determines if this item automatically advances to the next line in the sales system.
- Cust Prev Rented
- The customer code that previously rented this item.
- Location
- You can use this field to describe where this rental is located.
- Rating
- The rental rating.
- Cust Now Rented
- The customer code that is currently renting this rental. This field is blank if the rental has
- been returned.
- Actors
- Three lines of actor information.
- Vendor
- The vendor code that you purchase this item from.
- Income Code
- The Income Code for this item. This code will be displayed on the income report.
- Sales Items
- This database contains information on your inventory. Each item is assigned a unique product
- code. The software will automatically assign a default code for each new item. You can edit this
- code to any unique code. The inventory database has the following fields:
- Prod Code
- A unique product code.
- Desc
- The product description for this item.
- Price
- The selling price for this item.
- Cost
- The unit cost of this item.
- Stock
- The number of units currently in stock.
- Low Stock
- When reordering, the stock must fall below this value.
- Average
- When reordering, this is the number of units that you wish to have in stock.
- Tax
- Y if this item is taxable, N if this item is non-taxable.
- Num Sold
- Number of times that this item has been sold.
- Inventory
- Y if this is an inventory item, N is this is a non-inventory item. Non-inventory items
- always has its stock set to zero.
- Vendor
- The vendor code that you purchase this item from.
- Auto CR
- Determines if this item automatically advances to the next line in the sales system.
- Salesman Maintenance
- This database contains information on your sales personnel. Each salesman is assigned a unique
- salesman code. You must enter in this code. The salesman database has the following fields:
- Sales Code
- A unique salesman code.
- Name
- The name of the salesman.
- Address
- The mailing address for the salesman.
- Phone
- The telephone number for the salesman.
- Soc Sec Num
- Social security number or tax number for the salesman.
- Password
- A password that is assigned to the salesman. For details on passwords, see the section
- titled Security.
- Vendor Maintenance
- This database contains information on your vendors. Each vendor is assigned a unique vendor
- code. You must enter in this code. The vendor database has the following fields:
- Vendor Code
- A unique vendor code.
- Vendor Name
- The company name for the vendor.
- Contact
- The name of the contact.
- Address
- The mailing address for the vendor.
- Phone/Fax
- The telephone number and fax number for the vendor.
- The Video Store 4.1 supports multiple levels of security. You can assign a password to each
- sales person and restrict specific areas of the software. Passwords are assigned in the salesmans
- database.
- Under the salesman database is a command labeled Security. Select this command to restrict
- specific areas for the salesman. There are three pages which contain security restrictions. A Y
- represents that the salesman has access to this area, while a N represents that a salesman does not
- have access to this area.
- To activate the security system, it can be enabled under System Configuration, System Default
- settings.
- Important: The system administrator should have access to everything. Do not put any NÆs in
- any field for the system administrator. Prior to enabling the security feature, the system
- administrator should be assigned a password in the salesman database.
- It is advisable that the clerks do not have access to System Configuration, Database Operations
- and Salesman Database. These areas should only be used by the system administrator.
- The Sales System is where sales and payments are entered. The following are part of the Sales
- System:
- New Sale
- Sales are created here. The first time that you enter into this area, you are automatically put into
- the creating new invoice mode. If you have created invoices into this system already, then you
- must select the New Sale command to create a new invoice.
- When prompted for the customer code, you can either enter in the customer code that you wish to
- invoice or press the <F10> key to add a new customer. If this customer is a walk-in customer,
- and you do not wish to keep track of this customer, you can use CASH as the customer code.
- Editing of the items is the body of the invoice screen. Initially you are asked to enter in the
- product code. Product codes have been previously from the maintenance system. You can enter
- in the product code of the item that you wish to rent/sell or press the <F8> key to add a new
- inventory item. The item will be displayed on the screen. You can edit any of the desired fields
- for this line item. When the line is correct, you can press the down arrow key to advance to the
- next line. Please Note: It is not necessary for you to press the ENTER key after each field. Once
- the line contains the correct information, just press the down arrow key to advance to the next
- line.
- Once the body of the invoice is correct, you have two options: Save and Edit Mode. Save will
- automatically save the entire invoice and prompt you for payment. Edit Mode will place the
- program in its edit mode and you can edit any part of the invoice.
- After the invoice has been saved, it will prompt you for the payment (only if a payment is due). If
- you do not wish to apply any payment, then press the <ESC> key. If you wish to apply a
- payment, you will be prompted for the payment tendor, payment amount and any other payment
- information. At any time you can press the <ESC> key and it will bring you back to the previous
- level.
- After the payment has been applied, you will be presented with the following print options:
- Invoice Prn
- Print the current invoice.
- File Inv
- Print the invoice to a disk file. This is useful for editing the invoice in a wordprocessor or
- e-mailing/faxing the invoice.
- The following reports are available:
- Income Report
- Report to show the total amount of money and taxes collected for any period. This report is
- useful for preparing sales tax collected.
- Invoice Report
- Report to show all invoices generated and amounts paid for any period.
- Open Balance Report
- Report to show all customers that have an open balance.
- Late Charge Report
- Report to show all rentals that are currently late.
- Top Rental Report
- Report to show the top rentals for any period.
- Salesman Sales
- Report to show all sales generated for each salesman for any period. This report is useful for
- calculating salesmen commissions.
- Product List For Customer
- Report to show all products purchased by a specific customer for any period.
- Customer List For Product
- Report to show all customers that purchased a specific product for any period.
- Inventory List For Vendor
- Report to show all products that are purchased from a specific vendor.
- Outstanding Rentals
- Report to show all rentals that have not been returned.
- Rentals Return History
- Report to show a customer history of all returned rentals.
- Payment History
- Report to show all payments received for a specific customer for any period.
- Profit Report
- Report to show all profit based on sales.
- Customized Labels/Reports
- The user can create custom reports, custom mailing labels, custom lists and configure barcodes.
- Listing Reports
- The following reports are found under Listing Reports:
- Reorder Inventory Stock Listings
- Report to show all items that should be reordered and the amount to reorder. All of this
- information is configured in the Inventory Database.
- Customer Listing
- A list of all customers.
- Inventory Listing
- A listing of all inventory items.
- Salesman Listing
- A listing of all salesmen.
- Vendor Listing
- A listing of all vendors.
- Price List
- A price list is generated for any price level.
- The Rentals Return System is used to return your rentals. Once a rental has been returned, the
- Rentals Maintenance System is automatically updated and this rental may then be rented again.
- The following return options are available:
- Regular returns
- Rentals are returned by Product Code. If you do not know the Product Code of the
- rental, you can press the <ENTER> key when asked for the Product Code. A complete
- list of all unreturned rentals will then be displayed. You can then select the desired
- Product Code.
- If a rental is returned late, a late fee may occur. You then have the option to edit this late
- fee or charge the customer this late fee. If the customer is not present or does not wish to
- pay this late fee at the current time, this late fee will automatically be charged to the
- customerÆs account. The next time that this customer rents/purchases an item, this late fee
- will be automatically added on to the invoice.
- Batch Returns
- Batch returns are only available from the Main Menu. This allows the user to enter a
- batch of rentals to be returned at the same time. Any late charges will be automatically
- added to the customerÆs account. This should only be used when the customer is not
- present.
- An Appointment Scheduler and To-Do List Manager.
- The database functions allow the user to backup data, fix problems or change the data in files.
- The following options are available:
- Backup/Restore Databases
- Data should be backed up to floppies on a regular basis. The backup feature will backup all of the
- databases to a set of floppy diskettes. If there is a problem and need to go back to your previous
- work, you can select the restore option.
- Rebuild All Databases
- This feature should only be used if you are experiencing corruption in your databases or if you
- had a recent power failure. The software will attempt to repair the index files and recalculate all
- balances.
- Frequency Analysis
- This feature is useful if you wish to see the frequency of a piece of data.
- Form Letters
- The user can design a form letter template using any fields in a database. These letters can then
- be printed.
- Import Data
- Data can be imported from another program. In order to import the data, the data must be in a
- standard dBase III file format.
- Important Note: If you are importing data and not using the import feature, or if you
- have another program writing to The Video Store databases, the databases must fixed
- after importing or updating the databases. To fix the databases, start up the program by
- using the fix switch:
- The databases will then be fixed. This only needs to be done if you are not using the
- import feature.
- Please Note: On importing, some fields need specific values. You can set these values by
- selecting <F2> Type in Import Value.
- For importing rentals select the Inventory Database. The following two fields must be set:
- Field RENTAL must be set to a value of Y
- Field CAT_CODE must be set to the price code that you defined in the price code
- database.
- Field STOCK must be set to a value of 1
- For importing products select the Inventory Database. The following two fields must be set:
- Field RENTAL must be set to a value of N
- Field PRODUCT must be set to a value of Y
- For importing customers select the Customer Database. The following two fields must be set:
- Field LOCK_OUT must be set to a value of N
- Field ALERT must be set to a value of N
- Export Data
- Data can be exported into a standard dBase III or ascii file format.
- Converting Ascii To DBF
- The conversion of an ascii file to a DBF file requires that the ascii file have all of its fields and
- strings delimited with some unique character. It is recommended that the double quotes (") be
- used for the string delimiter and the comma (,) to be used for the field delimiter.
- The following three steps must be performed to convert the ascii file:
- SELECT - Selects the ascii delimited file. Scroll through a list of files are select the desired ascii
- file.
- DEFINE - Defines the delimited fields. The delimiter characters and the field types can be
- defined. If the DBF structure is unknown to the user, then use the SCAN option to automatically
- scan the fields.
- WRITE - Creates the DBF file.
- Global Replacement
- This feature is useful if you need to globally change a field in a database to the same value.
- Purge Data
- If you have invoices and payments that you no longer need, and wish to remove them from the
- software, then use this feature. Only invoices that have been paid in full will be removed. Please
- Note: Once items have been purged, you can never recover them.
- The barcode batch is used to print barcodes. All barcodes in this batch can be printed on regular
- mailing labels.
- The barcode batch gets its barcodes from the Inventory Maintenance and Rentals Maintenance
- systems. To submit a barcode to the Barcode Batch, use the BARCODE command. This
- command will submit the current barcode to the Barcode Batch.
- The reservation system is used to reserve rentals. When new items are added, the are put on
- hold. When these items are returned, they are put on available.
- Enter Reservations
- Enter new reservations into the reservation system. The following information can be
- added:
- Item Title
- The title of the rental to reserve. When a rental is returned that matches this title,
- this item will become available to this customer.
- Cust Code
- The customer code that is reserving this item.
- Last Name
- The last name of the customer reserving this item.
- First Name
- The first name of the customer reserving this item.
- Phone
- The telephone number of this customer reserving this item.
- Date
- The date of this reservation.
- Available (Display Only)
- Displays if this item is available.
- Prod Code (Display Only)
- The product code of the rental item if this item is available.
- Print All Reserved Items
- A report that will print all reserved items. After the report is printed, the user will be
- asked if all available items should be removed from the report.
- Print Reserved Available Items
- A report that will print all available items. After the report is printed, the user will be
- asked if all available items should be removed from the report.
- There is no charge for technical support. Tech support can be contacted at the following:
- Telephone: 1-352-237-0616
- Internet: support@softstore.net
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