4004 %s (%s) references the template %s (%s) containing additional items to audit. Please locate this file, copy it to %s and restart Triage Client.\nTriage Client can continue auditing your computer however audit report will be incomplete.\nDo you want to continue the audit?
4100 Version
4101 %#c
4102 %A, %B %d, %Y
4103 Header
4105 Type
4106 Version Number
4107 Date
4108 Product Name
4111 L
4112 Triage Profile
4113 Triage Template
4114 Triage Audit
4115 Triage Diagnostic
4116 DummyProperty
4117 Not Found
4118 ENV_VAR_
4120 Selected
4200 Searching for
4201 Copying the contents of
4202 Auditing your Hardware...
4203 Auditing your Operating System...
4204 Auditing your Environment Variables...
4205 Found Additional Item
4206 Extracting shortcut information for
4207 Checking registration of ActiveX Control
4208 Auditing your System Resources...
10000 7-bit ASCII
10932 Windows, Japan (Shift - JIS X-0208)
10949 Windows, Korea (Shift - KSC 5601)
10950 Windows, Taiwan (GB5)
11200 Unicode
11250 Windows, Latin-2 (Eastern Europe)
11251 Windows, Cyrillic
11252 Windows, Multilingual
11253 Windows, Greek
11254 Windows, Turkish
11255 Windows, Hebrew
11256 Windows, Arabic
11257 Keyboard
11258 Ports
11261 Monitor
11262 System
11263 Net
11264 NetClient
11265 NetTrans
11266 NetService
11267 fdc
11268 Floppy Disk Controller
11269 hdc
11270 Hard Disk Controller
11271 MEDIA
11272 MultiMedia
11273 Mouse
11274 DiskDrive
11275 Display
11276 usb
11277 USB Host Controller
11278 ModemVoice
11279 Modem
11280 CDROM
11281 Company Name
11282 Phone Number
11283 Email Address
11284 Registry
11285 Auditing your registry...
11286 RegistryKey
11287 Your license key is invalid. Please enter a valid license key.
11288 Your license has expired. To purchase Triage, please contact Raleigh Group International at triage@ralgi.com or call 1-800-364-5467 or (919) 878-3717.\n
11289 OEM ID
11290 Number Of Processors
11291 Page Size
11292 Processor Type
11293 Minimum app address
11294 Max app address
11295 Active Processor Mask
11296 Enter a valid license key:
11297 Preparing for global file search, this may take a few minutes...
11332 Thank you for evaluating Triage!\nThis is a fully functional version of Triage for evaluation use only.\nIf you have any questions or problems, contact support@metaquest.com.\nThis evaluation version expires in %1 days.
11333 CheckSum
11334 Invalid evaluation expiry date.
11336 Shortcuts
11337 Arguments
11338 Description
11339 HotKey
11340 Icon Location
11341 Path
11342 Show Command
11343 Working Directory
11344 OCX_FILE_
11345 ActiveX Controls
11346 Other
11347 ObjectAuditStatus
11348 The file you selected has an unknown extension. The only supported file extensions are: tra, trp and trt.
11349 Smtp Server
11350 CLSID
11351 InProcServer32
11352 ProgID
11353 Loading Reference Report
11354 Initializing Reference Report
11355 Loading Audit Report
11356 Initializing Audit Report
11357 Analyzing Reports
11358 Displaying Differences
11359 <
11360 CdRomPeripheral
11361 SerialController
11362 PointerController
11363 ParallelController
11364 KeyboardController
11365 DiskController
11366 FloppyDiskPeripheral
11367 DiskPeripheral
11368 Default
11369 service
11370 transport
11371 Error opening file %1.
11372 You selected too many files. Please select a smaller set of files.
11373 Error in selecting files.
11374 The file %1 is not a valid Triage profile.
11375 .trp
11376 .trt
11377 .tra
11378 .trd
11379 Memory
11380 Percent Memory In Use
11381 Total Memory
11382 Free Memory
11383 Total Page File
11384 Free Page File
11385 Total Address Space
11386 Free Address Space
11387 %
11388 Your license has expired. To purchase Triage, please consult the MetaQuest Software website at http://www.metaquest.com
11389 Drive Information
11390 Running Applications
11391 Loaded Modules
11392 Running Threads
11393 Non-Active OS WinDir
11394 AccessFlag
11395 Triage Audit Reports (*.tra)|*.tra||
11396 Triage Diagnostic Reports (*.trd)|*.trt||
11397 *.TRA
11398 License
11399 Include Network Drives
11400 Include CDROMs
11401 Adding %1 to CAB file...
11402 TriageClient.exe
11403 Extracting %1 from CAB file...
11404 StartMenuDir
11405 An older version of the file %1 was found on your system.\nTriage also found valid versions of this file on your system.\n Would you like to replace the older version with the more recent one?
11406 The file %1 is just fine.
11407 An older version of the file %1 was found on your system.\nAdditionally, Triage did not find any valid versions of this file on your system.\nWould you like to try to locate this file yourself?
11408 Triage Diagnostic
11409 Error in copying file %1 to %2.
11410 The file %1 is currently in memory and hence cannot be overwrriten.\nPlease exit all applications and then click on the OK button.
11411 The file %1 is still loaded in memory and hence cannot be overwrriten.\n\nYou will need to reboot your computer.\n\n Select Yes to reboot now.\n Select No to try copying the file again.\n Select Cancel to skip this file.
11412 Triage Self Help
11413 Filename
11414 Version
11415 All Files (*.*)|*.*||
11416 Your #
11417 Expected #
11418 Yours
11419 Expected
11420 Registry Key
11421 Shortcuts
11422 ActiveX Controls
11423 Env Var
11424 Your Value
11425 Expected Value
11426 Your autoexec.bat system file was modified. A backup was created in %1.\nIn order for these changes to take effect, your system must be rebooted.\nWould you like to reboot the system now?
11427 Error creating temporary file.
11428 Name
11429 Value
11430 (Default)
11432 Name
11433 Data
11434 MMX Instruction Set
11435 Key
11436 Available
11437 Not Available
11438 CPU Family
11439 Processor Type
11440 CPU Speed
11441 CPU Model
11442 Stepping #
11443 Problem Description
11444 EnvVar Expected Value
11445 EnvVar Exact Match
11446 System resources
11447 GDI resources
11448 User resources
11449 % free
11450 NT Services
11457 An audit is currently in progress. Are you sure you want to exit?
11458 Executable Name
11483 Custom DLL
11484 Dynamic Link Libraries (*.dll)|*.dll|All Files (*.*)|*.*||