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Text File | 1998-03-20 | 69.3 KB | 1,682 lines |
- MotelMAX
- the Hotel, Motel and Resort Manager
- Series 400 - February 1998
- MKM Software
- PO Box 590932
- Houston, Texas 77259-0932 USA
- Phone: 281-488-2436
- Email: mkmware@ix.netcom.com
- Website: http://www.mkmware.com
- Copyright (c) MKM Software 1989-98
- All rights reserved.
- _______
- ____|__ | (R)
- --| | |-------------------
- | ____|__ | Association of
- | | |_| Shareware
- |__| o | Professionals
- -----| | |---------------------
- |___|___| MEMBER
- This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware
- Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware
- principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a
- shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member
- directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you
- resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide
- technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP
- Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442-9427 USA, FAX
- 616-788-2765 or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail to
- ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.
- Table of Contents
- Introduction 3
- MotelMAX PRO 3
- Billeting Manager PRO 4
- Definition of Shareware 4
- Registration 4
- Distribution 5
- How to Register 5
- MotelMAX - Version List 6
- MotelMax Pre-Setup 6
- Generally Speaking 6
- Backup Your Data! 7
- Disclaimer of Warranty 8
- Installing MTLMAX.ZIP 8
- Operations 9
- Opening a Shift 9
- Closing a Shift 9
- User name and Password 9
- Entering Reservations 9
- <Ctrl-Ins> Quick Reservation 10
- <Ins> New Reservation 10
- <Alt-Ins> Clone 10
- Reservation Browse Table 12
- Reservations by Arrival 12
- Update Reservations 12
- Advance Deposits 12
- MasterBills 13
- Frmnt Desk - Folios 14
- Front Desk Menu 14
- Folios 14
- DirectBill 14
- WhoIsOn 14
- Payments 14
- Night Menu 14
- Updating Folios 15
- Transactions 16
- Direct Bill Folios 16
- Guest File 16
- Reports 17
- Re-Index 17
- Re-build Availability Tables 18
- MotelMAX Set-up 19
- Site Setup 19
- Room Types 20
- Room Setups 20
- AutoUpdate 21
- Rate Tables 21
- Rooms/Types 21
- General Ledger 22
- Folio Setup 22
- MotelMAX User Guide Page: 1
- Folio Headers 25
- Taxes 25
- Miscellaneous 26
- Printer Set-up 28
- User Names 28
- Zip Codes 28
- Reservation Codes 29
- Travel Agents 29
- MotelMAX User Guide Page: 2
- Introduction
- MotelMAX is a complete Hotel, Motel, Bed & Breakfast and
- Resort Manager, providing modules for reservations, advance
- deposits, front desk, accounting, room inventory and many
- reports. This program is remarkably easy to use. It will
- help organize your work site like never before. It
- introduces uniformity in the way room rates are applied,
- guests are checked-in and checked out and it saves
- everything. You can always go back and reconstruct a period
- of activity to verify account totals or track business
- activity. In addition, powerful wordprocessing and mailing
- features let you create any kind of letter, confirmation or
- marketing, to facilitate communication with your customer
- base.
- The registered version of MotelMAX comes with a 150 page
- illustrated user guide. This file is an abbreviated version
- of the user guide. Please refer to the online help screens
- for the latest program information. Also, whenever the
- program requires input from the operator, there is always
- context sensitive help at the bottom of the screen.
- MotelMAX PRO
- MotelMAX has been updated to included extended features
- requested by MotelMAX users. You can update from MotelMAX
- to MotelMAX PRO. The PRO version installs over the standard
- version and automatically carries forward your data from the
- standard version into the PRO version. Following are some
- of the additional features you will find in MotelMAX PRO.
- o Enhanced Rate Tables. You can create new rate tables
- for special groups like: seniors, state employees, military
- and corporate rates. This lets PRO automatically rate a
- greater variety of reservations.
- o Additional Charges. You can add any kind of charge to a
- reservation at the reservation stage and print the folio.
- You can front load tours, meal packages, whatever at the
- reservation stage.
- o Events Calendar. You can setup one or more events on
- your events calendar. If any reservation arrival date or
- length of stay touches an event date, a message appears on
- the screen at the time of reservation advising the operator
- of special concerns, such as, `two night minimum' or
- `Saturday closed to arrival', etc. You create the message.
- o Call Tracking. Optional call tracking and call costing.
- MotelMAX User Guide Page: 3
- Phone charges can be sent directly from your phone system to
- the guest folios. PRO will cost the phone charges as well
- based on phone rate tables you can design.
- o Additional Reports. More accounting reports have been
- added room revenue, average daily rate and revenue per
- available room.
- o Verify Room Status at Check-in. If you turn room
- status checking on, the system verifies whether the room is
- ready and available for check-in.
- For more information about MotelMAX PRO, visit our website
- or contact MKM Software for a demonstration version.
- Billeting Manager PRO
- For work sites and large scale billeting operations, ask us
- about Billeting Manager PRO. This program has separate
- features designed for these operations. We can likewise
- create custom versions of the program with reports and input
- screens designed to your specifications.
- Definition of Shareware
- MotelMAX (Standard Version) is a "shareware program" and is
- provided at no charge to the user for evaluation. Feel free
- to share it with others, but please do not give it away
- altered or as part of another system. The essence of "user-
- supported" software is to provide personal computer users
- with quality software without high prices, and yet to
- provide incentive for programmers to continue to develop new
- products.
- Registration
- If you find this program useful and find that you are using
- MotelMAX and continue to use MotelMAX after a reasonable
- trial period, you must make a registration payment of
- $135.00 to MKM Software. The $135.00 registration fee will
- license one copy for use on any one computer at any one
- time. You must treat this software just like a book. An
- example is that this software may be used by any number of
- people and may be freely moved from one computer location to
- another, so long as there is no possibility of it being used
- at one location while it's being used at another. Just as a
- book cannot be read by two different persons at the same
- time.
- Users of MotelMAX must register and pay for their copies of
- MotelMAX within 45 days of first use or their license is
- withdrawn. Site-License arrangements may be made by
- MotelMAX User Guide Page: 4
- contacting MKM Software.
- Distribution
- Anyone distributing the Standard Version of MotelMAX for any
- kind of remuneration must first contact MKM Software for
- authorization. This authorization is automatically granted
- to distributors recognized by the Association of Shareware
- Professionals (ASP) as adhering to its guidelines for
- shareware distributors, and such distributors may begin
- offering MotelMAX immediately (However MKM Software must
- still be advised so that the distributor can be kept up-to-
- date with the latest version of MotelMAX.).
- You are encouraged to pass a copy of the Standard Version of
- MotelMAX along to others for evaluation. Please encourage
- them to register their copy if they find that they can use
- it. All registered users receive a personalized copy of the
- latest version of the program without any shareware notices,
- a printed, illustrated user manual and 90 days of free
- technical support. Registered users are kept apprised of
- program updates and additional programs that can be used to
- generate reports and analyze and graph current and past
- business data.
- How to Register
- You can register or purchase any version of MotelMAX
- directly through MKM Software if you pay by MasterCard, Visa
- or Check. For a credit card purchase (MasterCard, Visa,
- American Express, or Discover) contact Public (software)
- Library at the numbers listed below. These numbers are for
- registering any version of MotelMAX or for ordering the
- latest shareware version.
- Public (software) Library cannot provide program information
- or product support for MotelMAX. Contact MKM Software for
- information about dealer pricing, volume discounts, site
- licensing, the status of shipment of the product, the latest
- version number or for technical information.
- To Register by Check or for Technical Support, contact:
- MKM Software
- P.O. Box 590932
- Houston TX 77259-0932
- Phone: 281-488-2436
- Email: mkmware@ix.netcom.com
- Website: http://www.mkmware.com
- You can register by credit card using either American
- MotelMAX User Guide Page: 5
- Express, Discover, Mastercard or Visa. Contact:
- Public (software) Library
- Toll free USA only - 800-242-4775
- Fax: 713-524-6398
- Voice: 713-524-6394
- CompuServe: 71355,470
- Be sure to provide your site name (max 35 characters) with
- your order so that your copy of MotelMAX can be stamped with
- your property name.
- MotelMAX - Version List
- MotelMAX comes in several versions depending on the number
- of rooms at your site. The Standard Version supports up to
- fifty rooms and is distributed as shareware. MotelMAX PRO
- which contains extended features is available only through
- MKM Software. Each version includes the modules for
- reservations and advance deposits. All amounts are in US
- currency. Include an additional charge for shipping and
- handling.
- MotelMAX Version List
- 50 rooms. $135
- 100 rooms. $175
- 101+ rooms. $250
- Shipping US and Canada. $4
- Shipping International. $11
- For MotelMAX PRM or multiuser versions, contact MKM
- Software.
- MotelMax Pre-Setup
- The MotelMAX program can be ordered preset with your room
- types, rooms, rate tables, tax tables and optionally, your
- guest file. The setup fee is $75.00. You have to provide a
- list of room types, rooms, rate tables and tax rates. If
- you can provide a guest file in ascii file format, we can
- preload the guests into the MotelMAX prmgram for you. This
- can save a lot of typing.
- Generally Speaking
- When using MotelMAX, there are some simple constants that
- apply throughout the program. Pressing <Enter> takes you
- one step forward. Pressing the <Esc> key takes you one step
- back to where you were. Pressing <Esc> several times always
- takes you back to the Main Menu and the option to exit.
- MotelMAX User Guide Page: 6
- Always, look to the bottom of the screen for help. This
- screen area displays the available commands, options,
- hotkeys and context sensitive help.
- When MotelMAX needs to get information from you, it displays
- a pop-up box or window, hereafter, referred to as an edit
- window. When you enter data in an edit window, always exit
- the window by pressing <Enter> or <PgDn>. This guarantees
- the information just entered is properly saved. If you exit
- an edit window by pressing <Esc>, your entries are not
- saved.
- Exit the MotelMAX program by pressing the <Esc> key enough
- times to take you back to the Main Menu. There you can
- press <Esc> again or you can select the option Quit. This
- is the correct way to exit the program. All your data is
- saved. Please do not turn off your computer or reboot the
- computer while you are in the MotelMAX program. This may
- cause loss of data and other problems, but not necessarily.
- If this should happen or, for example, there is a power
- failure while you are using the program, next time you run
- MotelMAX, start the program with the command:
- MotelMAX NEW <Enter>
- The NEW start switch causes MotelMAX to check all data files
- to ensure they are in good condition, however, it does not
- recover any lost data. Next, move to the Utility Menu and
- select the option to Optimize. This is a double check of
- all files. Your best guard against lost data is to back up
- your data often. The above remarks apply to using any
- computer program.
- Backup Your Data!
- The registered version of MotelMAX includes built in
- functions to backup and restore MotelMAX data files.
- Whenever you close a shift, a prompt appears asking whether
- you want to backup your data files. If you answer yes, the
- program prompts you to enter a diskette in drive A or B and
- the backup procedure begins. We strongly recommend backing
- up your data on a regular basis, that is, at the close of
- every shift.
- MotelMAX compresses data files during the backup. If the
- total size of the backup file is too large to fit on one
- diskette, the program prompts you for a second diskette.
- This is a high speed backup procedure. Because it is simple
- and automatic it invites the operator to take advantage of
- this feature at the close of each shift, making it part of a
- daily routine.
- MotelMAX User Guide Page: 7
- Disclaimer of Warranty
- Users of MotelMAX must accept this disclaimer of warranty:
- "MotelMAX is supplied as is. The author disclaims all
- warranties, expressed or implied, including, without
- limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness
- for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for
- damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the
- use of MotelMAX."
- Installing MTLMAX.ZIP
- The entire MotelMAX program and documentation are zipped up
- into a single file called MTLMAX.ZIP. To install the
- program, you will have to unzip this file, using the popular
- file compression program PkZip v2.04g. You will need the
- file PKUNZIP.EXE from the PkZip program. This program is
- available from most bulletin boards and online services.
- For this sample installation, we will install MotelMAX in a
- directory called \MOTEL. You can choose any directory name
- that you prefer. The entire MotelMAX program and all files
- are stored in a single directory. There are no
- subdirectories and as stated above the directory name does
- not matter.
- Place the installation diskette in drive A: and at the C:
- prompt, enter these DOS commands. We assume PKUNZIP.EXE is
- in your DOS path.
- C:\=>MD \MOTEL <Enter>
- C:\=>CD \MOTEL <Enter>
- MotelMAX User Guide Page: 8
- Operations
- Opening a Shift
- MotelMAX breaks all usage of the program into segments or
- shifts. When you sign-on to the program, if a shift is not
- opened, MotelMAX will prompt you for a username and password
- to open a new shift. Once a shift is opened, all accounting
- activity is tracked and logged on to the shift report.
- Shift reports provide a way of tracking accounting data and
- transactions independent of the transaction date. You
- cannot access the program unless you either open a shift or
- sign-on after a shift has been opened by you or by someone
- else.
- Closing a Shift
- When an operator exits the program he has the option to
- close the current shift. Normally, the answer is Yes. At
- this point the program indicates what the closing cash
- drawer amount should be based on payments received or
- refunds given. It is the responsibility of the operator to
- balance the cash receipts and cash drawer with the shift
- report and turn in the amount and shift report summary of
- shift activity.
- User name and Password
- Whenever you sign on to MotelMAX and open a shift you have
- to enter a valid user name and password. For the shareware
- version of the program enter:
- Username: MOTELMAX <Ent>
- Password: MOTELMAX <Ent>
- Entering Reservations
- Every guest that checks-in to your site must first have a
- reservation. This applies to guests that walk-in and need a
- room right away and to guests that book days, weeks or
- months in advance. The reservation process ensures that a
- room of the appropriate type is available and that
- sufficient information is recorded about the room and the
- guest to correctly book the room. Once a reservation is
- booked, it is stored in a table called the Reservation
- Browse Table.
- There are three ways to enter a reservation from the
- Reservation Browse Table. Each method is designed to
- efficiently manage the booking process for different
- MotelMAX User Guide Page: 9
- situations that can arise. Typically, when a guest suddenly
- appears at the front desk for a room late at night, the
- booking process is different than in cases where someone is
- booking a room by telephone for an arrival date in the
- distant future. Here are the three reservation booking
- methods, each designed to accommodate a different situation:
- <Ctrl-Ins> Quick Reservation
- This reservation method is designed for first time guests
- and for walk-ins. One simple form appears on the screen.
- Fill in the appropriate information for each entry on the
- form and this new reservation is added to the Reservation
- Browse Table. This is the easiest and fastest way to enter
- a new reservation. You can enter a new reservation in less
- than 10 seconds. Once the reservation is booked, you can
- choose to print a check-in form by pressing <F7><C> and have
- the guest complete their address information, or press <F4>
- to check-in the guest, or press <Shift-F4> to check-in the
- guest, post a payment and print the guest folio at the same
- time. While this reservation method is designed for walk-
- ins, you can enter any valid arrival date. If the guest is
- a repeat guest, do not use this method because then the
- guest is entered twice in the guest file. MotelMAX is
- designed so that a guest is entered just once and on each
- return visit, the guest information is re-used. This makes
- it possible to accumulate guest histories and statistics.
- <Ins> New Reservation
- This reservation method is designed for repeat guests. The
- important difference is this guest has already stayed at
- your site. The name and address information for this guest
- is already on file. Do not re-enter this guest, rather re-
- use the information you have to book this guest again. The
- reservation form prompts you to enter a portion of the
- guest's last name. Next, search the guest file and select
- this guest. Information from the guest's last stay such as
- room type, room number and rate type are automatically
- inserted in the reservation form to assist in the
- reservation process. This method guards against entering
- the same guest twice into your guest file. If you are
- mistaken and the guest is not in the guest file, you can add
- them and then select them.
- <Alt-Ins> Clone
- Sometimes a guest may want to book several rooms under his
- name. Use one of the first two methods above to enter the
- first reservation. Now place the cursor on that reservation
- and press <Alt-Ins>. MotelMAX copies or clones this
- MotelMAX User Guide Page: 10
- reservation. You only have to add the new room number for
- the second new reservation. We assume the arrival date,
- number of nights and guest name are the same, although you
- can changes these if you like. Using this method, you can
- very quickly book several rooms for the same guest. Later
- you can edit and alter these reservations as needed but for
- the initial booking, this is a fast and easy way to get the
- rooms reserved.
- Once a reservation is booked, it is added to the Reservation
- Browse Table. The remainder of this chapter describes how
- to use this browse table.
- Reservation Browse Table
- MotelMAX lets you enter reservations up to two years in
- advance and to accept one or more advance deposits for a
- reservation. All reservations are listed in a browse table.
- The browse table can be sorted several different ways. The
- default sort order is by arrival date.
- The browse table is one of the most important tools in
- MotelMAX. In practically all portions of the program,
- information is first presented or displayed in a browse
- table format, so once you learn to navigate the browse table
- you are well on your way to understanding how to use
- MotelMAX.
- There are two ways to view the Reservation Browse Table.
- The method you choose depends on the circumstances. When
- you select the option Reservations from the Main Menu, the
- drop down menu displays these two choices for viewing
- reservations.
- Reservations by Arrival
- This version of the Reservation Browse Table includes
- reservations for any given arrival date. The default
- display includes reservations arriving today and the browse
- table title includes the percentage of occupancy the arrival
- date on display.
- The reservations are sorted by the guest's last name and as
- you check-in a guest, their entry is removed from the table.
- This offers a useful display of how many more check-in's are
- due for the given date and with the percentage of occupancy
- available you have some indication of whether more rooms are
- available.
- It is easy to change the date filter for this table. Simply
- press <Tab> and select a new date from the calendar. The
- MotelMAX User Guide Page: 11
- browse table display is refreshed to include the
- reservations for the new date and the percentage of
- occupancy is updated in the browse table title.
- This browse table is ideally suited to checking-in the daily
- arrivals, but you can likewise add new reservations to the
- table. If you add a new reservation, the arrival date of
- the new reservation becomes the new browse table filter
- date. The table is refreshed with a new display and the
- browse table title is updated with the percentage of
- occupancy.
- Update Reservations
- This brmwse table is comprised of all pending reservations.
- It contains all the hotkeys of the previous browse table and
- more. The remainder of this chapter is a detailed
- explanation the browse table content and the various options
- you can use to process reservations.
- Advance Deposits
- An important feature of MotelMAX is the ability to track
- advance deposits for a reservation. When you press <F5> on
- the reservation browse table, a separate browse table is
- displayed for advance deposits. One or more deposits can be
- added to a reservation. Once you add a deposit, post it
- using the <Tab> key or the <Gray+> key.
- You can delete a deposit, if it is not posted by pressing
- the <Delete> key. You can add another deposit by pressing
- <Insert>. These are familiar commands from other browse
- tables as you will see. Once a deposit is posted, you
- cannot delete it. Instead, you have to refund it using the
- <F6> key. All deposit browse table commands are displayed
- at the bottom of the screen.
- When you refund a deposit, MotelMAX prompts you for a
- forfeit amount. This is a penalty fee you might assess
- against the guest for cancelling the reservation. This is
- an option. Once you establish a forfeit amount and a refund
- amount, MotelMAX creates a folio with these transactions
- automatically added and posted. You have to access the
- FrontDesk option on the Main Menu to print and close the
- Deposit Refund Folio.
- If a reservation has just one remaining posted deposit, and
- this deposit is refunded, MotelMAX automatically cancels and
- deletes the original reservation. Availability tables are
- updated accordingly.
- MotelMAX User Guide Page: 12
- MasterBills
- This feature exists primarily for group bookings. But it
- has other uses as well. A typical use is as follows. A
- business group checks-in. The company pays all room
- charges, but each guest must pay all other charges. Create
- a MasterBill which will be paid by the company. Transfer
- all room charges for the group to the MasterBill folio and
- leave the remaining charges on each guest's individual
- folio.
- Unlike other folios, a MasterBill is not attached to a
- particular room so you cannot add new room charges to it.
- If you have to modify the amount of room charges on a
- MasterBill, add a room adjustment transaction. While you
- cannot add a room charges to the MasterBill, you can
- transfer any kind of transaction to the MasterBill from
- another guest folio, making it very flexible.
- MotelMAX User Guide Page: 13
- Front Desk - Folios
- Guest Folios can be accessed through the Main Menu option;
- FrontDesk. After a guest has been checked-in from the
- reservation browse table, this is the area of the program
- where you perform all changes to the folio right up to check-
- out time.
- Front Desk Menu
- The Front Desk Menu includes these options:
- Folios
- Access current folios for current checked-in guest. This
- option is the main topic of this chapter and the next. Use
- this option to browse through the current checked-in guest.
- You can select any folio and perform a variety of actions,
- including adding, editing, deleting or posting transactions.
- Also, it is here that you access folios in order to check-
- out a guest.
- DirectBill
- Access folios for guests who have checked-out but whose
- folio is not paid. A separate chapter is devoted to Direct
- Bill folios. This option accesses a separate browse table
- comprised only of DirectBill folios. These folios can be
- edited or checked-out just like folios for current guests.
- WhoIsOn
- Display information about the current shift and MotelMAX
- version information. This is useful information to quickly
- determine the status of the current shift.
- Payments
- Display a list of all payments received during the current
- shift. This report should be run prior to the close of a
- shift. It can be used by the front desk operator to confirm
- that credit card receipts and cash totals match those in the
- computer before the operator actually closes the shift.
- Night Menu
- This is a special option containing features that help
- prepare folios for the next business day. These features
- include:
- o Batch Input of Charges. Queue up a batch or group of
- MotelMAX User Guide Page: 14
- like charges. Then press one key and have MotelMAX update
- the appropriate folios automatically. This is an excellent
- device for adding phone charges from your call accounting
- system, for example. It is much faster and more convenient
- than updating each folio individually.
- o AutoPost. Automatically, post all pending unposted
- charges through today's date. Prior to 3:00 pm this feature
- does not post today's room charges as the screen message
- will indicate. This is a precaution in case a current guest
- should decide to check-out early. After 3:00 pm all pending
- charges, including room charges are posted. Payments are
- not posted. These should be posted manually by the operator
- at the time they are added to the folio. You can run this
- option as often as is necessary. It will count the number
- of folios checked and the number of charges posted and
- display the results.
- o Daily Posts. Display a list of all folios and the
- posted charges and payments for each folio through a given
- date. Depending on the number of current guests, you may
- want to run this report prior to an AutoPost. You
- definitely want to run it after an AutoPost. This report
- should be turned in by the night front desk operator to
- affirm all folios have been prepared for the next business
- day. It permits you to verify folios are properly updated
- without having to access and view each folio individually.
- o Daily Activity Report. This report contains a snapshot
- of the daily activity at your site. For each room, it lists
- the folio number and name of the person arriving, staying
- over or departing each room. It also records the number of
- persons staying in each room and on the entire property.
- For each guest, it indicates how many nights they have
- stayed and how many more nights they intend to stay. If
- printed everyday, this report is an excellent record of
- activity at your site on a day by day basis.
- o Daily Room Revenue. This report is designed to give a
- precise record of room charges and room adjustments posted
- for any given date, shift or month number range. The report
- prints an itemized list of all room charges and adjustments
- for the given range. It includes a total number of room
- nights and the total revenue posted. Finally, it calculates
- the average daily rate for the given range. Rooms
- designated as room type <0> are not included in the report
- since these rooms are considered inactive. You will
- probably want to run this report at the end of each day to
- review all room charges and room adjustments posted.
- Updating Folios
- MotelMAX User Guide Page: 15
- All current open folios for checked-in guests are listed in
- a browse table. The browse table of current folios can be
- sorted in several ways. The default sort order is by room
- number. This is the central point for working with folios
- of checked-in guests. From here you can update the
- individual folios and it is from here that you print, check-
- out or close all folios. Press the <F1> help key to access
- a full screen of online help. Also, press the <F7> View
- Menu to display all reports relating to folios.
- Transactions
- The transaction browse table contains an itemized listing of
- all folio transactions for a given guest and whether they
- have been posted. The transactions are sorted by
- transaction date with payments preceding charges within each
- date. Press the <F1> help key for a complete description of
- all available hotkeys and options.
- Direct Bill Folios
- Direct Bill Folios are folios that have been checked out but
- were not closed because the balance due was not equal to
- zero. We have extended this definition to include any
- unresolved folio. You can now send any checked-out folio to
- direct bill without regard to the balance due. This gives
- you many more possibilities. Also, you can now send a
- MasterBill folio to direct bill. This gives you the ability
- to combine one or more direct bill folios into one folio,
- again increasing the possibilities you have for organizing
- your records. When you send a <current> folio to direct
- bill, the folio is removed from the browse table of current
- guests so as not to clutter the screen. When you are
- looking at current guest folios that is all you want to see.
- In most cases, you need to post a final payment after which
- you can close and clear out the direct bill folio. You can
- add new charges, or print additional copies of the folio as
- needed, again, using the same keys you are familiar with
- from the browse table of current folios. However, you
- cannot add a new room charge to a direct bill folio. If it
- is necessary to add a room charge, use the charge option
- room adjustment instead.
- Guest File
- Your first introduction to the guest file occurs when you
- are booking reservations. You can attach a guest record to a
- reservation either at the beginning or end of the
- reservation process. Sometimes, however, you may want to
- access the guest file directly to lookup specific
- MotelMAX User Guide Page: 16
- information about a current or previous guest or to prepare
- a promotional mailing. You can accomplish all this by
- selecting the option GuestFile from the Main Menu. A
- submenu appears with several including the option to Browse
- the guest file. Select this option to access a browse table
- of guests.
- You can create up to 3 user defined letters to send to any
- and all guests. Refer to the <F1> help key for more
- information. Also, press <F7> and view the sample guest
- letters. The sample letters provide instructions on how you
- can create your own letters.
- Postal Codes. When you are editing a guest entry and you
- enter a US zip code or Canadian postal code, MotelMAX checks
- if that code is in the zip/postal code file. If it is, you
- can choose to let the program stuff the city, state and
- optionally the country name for you. This feature can over
- time save you many keystrokes and likewise ensure uniformity
- of spelling and style in the adding of city, state, province
- or country names. Also, you can generate revenue reports by
- zip code.
- Reports
- MotelMAX contains powerful reporting capabilities. You can
- display reports to the screen and subsequently print them or
- save them to a file to load into your favorite word
- processing program. Press the <F1> key for help in viewing
- and printing reports.
- Report contents can be selected by date, shift number or
- month number. It is best to open and close several shifts
- before you begin to run all the reports, especially
- accounting reports. It helps to have more data in the
- program to run the reports.
- On the other hand, after you enter several reservations,
- move to the REPORTS; RESERVATIONS Menu and begin printing
- arrival reports and room racks. These are the first reports
- you will want to see. Again, wait until you close a few
- shifts before you run the accounting reports.
- Re-Index
- Index files are used by MotelMAX to quickly locate specific
- information. If the computer is switched off while the
- program is running; or, if there is a loss of power, these
- index files can be damaged. In such cases, you should
- rebuild all index files using this option. Under normal
- circumstances this is not necessary. MotelMAX will always
- MotelMAX User Guide Page: 17
- update index files as needed. This option is made available
- as a precaution. Once a week, run the option to <Optimize>
- your files. This can improve program performance.
- Re-build Availability Tables
- Use this option to re-build the room type and room number
- availability tables. Whenever you change your room set-ups,
- especially when you edit or delete room numbers, or room
- types, you may have changed a room number that is currently
- in use by a pending reservations. This can cause
- discrepancies in the room type and room number availability
- tables. However, this is very simple to correct. Simply
- run this option. All room type and room number availability
- tables are rebuilt starting from today and working through
- to the end of the tables. Please note, this option only
- affects reservations from today forward. It does change any
- past reservations.
- MotelMAX User Guide Page: 18
- MotelMAX Set-up
- This menu contains all the options you need to set-up
- MotelMAX for use at your site. Work your way through these
- menu options to customize MotelMAX for your particular
- needs.
- Site Setup
- Select the option <S>ite to enter or edit your site address
- information. For each entry, refer to the bottom of the
- screen for context sensitive help. Here are some of the
- entries:
- o Site Name and Address. The site name is used on some
- reports and the address is used on the reservation
- confirmation letter.
- o DateFormat. Select a date format familiar to you.
- MotelMAX uses the date format set for your computer by your
- DOS country setting.
- o Printer Type. Select the kind of printer you have from
- a picklist. Press <Tab> to access the list. If your
- printer is not on the list, add it using the `Printer Set-
- up' option.
- o Printer Port. You printer port is probably 1.
- o Print Override. Normally, you want to answer No.
- However, some printers report a printer status of <Not
- Ready> when, in fact, that is not the case. This option
- tells MotelMAX to ignore the Printer Status and print the
- report.
- o Event Alert. Enter <Y>es to make the Events Calendar
- active. If the events calendar is active, each time a
- reservationist books a reservation that touches a defined
- event day on the Events Calendar, the event message is
- displayed. Enter <N>o to make the Events Calendar alert
- inactive. This is a feature of the Pro version.
- o Reservation Lag Days. You can choose to allow
- reservations to be booked with an arrival date <X> number of
- days ago. This is useful if you want to key in older
- reservations. Enter a number from 1 to 45. If you enter
- 45, this means you can book a reservation today that has an
- arrival date as far back as 45 days ago.
- o Screen Timer. MotelMAX lets you put a screen timer on
- all browse tables and edit windows. It is not a good idea
- MotelMAX User Guide Page: 19
- to start editing a guest or reservation and then walk away.
- Possibly on a network this record is inaccessible to another
- user. Set the screen timeout interval from 0 to 20 minutes.
- MotelMAX will automatically exit the current browse table or
- edit window after <X> minutes of inactivity. Enter <0> to
- turn the timer off, although we do not recommend this. We
- suggest the default setting of 3 minutes.
- o Backup Drive. Indicate which diskette drive you want
- to use for backing up your data. As stated earlier. The
- backup process is fully automated. Once the operator starts
- a backup, the program assumes you are backing-up to this
- diskette drive. Enter A or B.
- Room Types
- Select the option Room <T>ypes to describe the different
- room types in use at your site. Room Type 0 is reserved for
- House Account - these are rooms that are not in service.
- All rooms described as room type 0 will not be included in
- the calculation of percentage of occupancy. You do not have
- to enter the number of rooms per room type since the program
- does this for you. To complete this option you need to
- enter:
- o # Room Type in Use. Enter the number of room types you
- are using not including room type 0.
- o Brief Code. For each room type, enter a short, four
- character description. This code is used on browse tables
- and reports to describe the room type when space is limited.
- Some examples might be: STND, DLX, STE.
- o Description. For each room type, enter a long
- description. This description is used on reports where
- space is not a concern. Some examples might be: Standard,
- Deluxe, Suite, Suite with Kitchen.
- Room Setups
- Select option <R>ooms to set-up the individual rooms for
- your site. MotelMAX comes preset with 35 rooms so you can
- get started right away. However, you will want to begin
- adding your own rooms as you go along; or, you might want to
- simply edit the preset rooms and change the room numbers to
- match your own.
- A browse table of all rooms is presented on the screen. It
- works like all browse tables. Highlight the room you want
- to change and press <Enter>. Or press <Delete> to delete
- the currently highlighted room. If you want to add a new
- MotelMAX User Guide Page: 20
- room, press <Insert> or preferably use <Alt-Insert> to Clone
- a room.
- AutoUpdate
- Select the option Auto<U>pdate after you have defined your
- Room Types and after you have entered the individual room
- setups. MotelMAX verifies everything is correct. Also, the
- number of rooms in use are counted and the number of rooms
- per room type. You can see the number of rooms on the site
- setup display. Return to the Room Type setup screen to
- verify the total number of room per room type.
- Rate Tables
- Select this option to setup your Rate Tables. MotelMAX
- automatically assigns room rates based on rate tables you
- create. These rates are calculated at the time of
- reservation. Room rates are re-calculated if you edit a
- reservation and again when a guest checks-in.
- If your rate tables have been updated since the time of
- reservation and before the time of check-in, the new room
- rates are applied to the folio at check-in time. You can
- access the MotelMAX rate tables by selecting the following
- options from the Main Menu: Utilities | Set-Up | Site Set-Up
- | A. The familiar browse table is displayed.
- This browse table is comprised of the Rate Table Headers.
- There are two entries in the browse table that are fixed and
- cannot be changed. These entries are the Assigned Daily
- Rate and Flat Rate. Each of these rates are user defined at
- the time of reservation.
- A third entry in the Rate Table Headers is a sample rate
- table called Normal Rates. This table is provided as an
- example to illustrate how to construct rate table on your
- own. Place the cursor on the entry called Normal Rates and
- press the <F4> key. This allows access to the individual
- Rates on the Normal Room Rate Table. Press <Escape> to
- return to the Rate Table Header Browse Table.
- It is very easy now to begin building your own rate tables.
- From the Rate Table Header Browse Table, press <Insert> to
- create a new Rate Table Header. Once you create the table
- header, you can highlight that table and press <F4> to begin
- adding the individual rates for the new rate table.
- Rooms/Types
- Use this option to access the room type availability table.
- This table records room use by room type and calculates the
- MotelMAX User Guide Page: 21
- percentage of occupancy on a daily basis. If you want to
- have these numbers reflected accurately, you must enter the
- correct number of rooms per room type for your site.
- MotelMAX does this for you. After you enter all your room
- types and individual rooms. Select the AutoUpdate option.
- MotelMAX counts the number of rooms per room type and
- inserts the correct values on this table. This ensures a
- correct daily occupancy percentage.
- General Ledger
- View the general ledger and current amounts for each ledger
- account. MotelMAX lets you define the exact payment and
- charge accounts that you want. You can make an account
- active by entering a Menu Key code, and by deleting a menu
- key code, the account will become inactive and will not
- appear as a selection on menus. Accounts are never deleted,
- you simply switch them off or on as needed. The account
- labels and account numbers are fixed, but most of the
- account descriptions can be customized.
- All accounts are presented in the familiar browse table.
- Refer to the bottom of the screen for help messages, or
- press <F1> for a full screen of online help.
- Folio Setup
- This option lets you control the folio printout. You can
- customize the folio to appear the way you want by changing
- the page length or changing the location and font size of
- your site name. The default page length format for folios
- is 8.5 by 11 inch paper. However, you can change this. If
- you are using preprinted forms on 8.5 by 5.5 inch paper, you
- can easily adjust the program to handle these forms, using
- the options described below:
- o Currency Symbol. Enter the currency sign or symbol
- used in your country. The currency symbol can be up to four
- characters in length. You can use upper or lower case
- characters.
- o Place Symbol <B>efore or <A>fter Amounts. Indicate
- whether the currency symbol should be printed <B>efore or
- <A>fter the amount.
- o Group Daily Room Charges as one Entry. The default is
- <N>o. A guest staying for five nights has five separate
- room charges printed on the folio. However, if you choose
- <Y>es, room charges are bundled within the same month. A
- guest staying for five nights has one room charge for five
- nights printed on the folio. This can substantially change
- MotelMAX User Guide Page: 22
- the appearance of the folio for long term guests. However,
- if a guest arrives on March 28, staying for 5 nights, the
- program makes two entries, one for 3 days in March and one
- for 2 days in April. Charges are bundled within the same
- calendar month.
- o Folio Length in Lines. Set the length in lines for
- your folio printout. The default is 48 for 8.5 by 11 inch
- forms. If you are using special forms, increase or decrease
- this number until you get the results you want. If you are
- using 8.5 by 5.5 inch forms, 24 lines should work correctly.
- o Set Site Name Font On. Enter the printer Escape
- Sequence that turns emphasized printing <ON>. For example,
- on an Epson printer, you can turn emphasized printing on by
- entering this printer code: \027E. On a laser printer, you
- may want to switch to a different font or larger point size
- to enhance the appearance of the site name on the folio
- printout. Leave this entry blank if you prefer to print the
- site name in the normal print style or font.
- o Set Site Name Font Off. Enter the printer Escape
- Sequence that turns emphasized printing <OFF>. For example,
- on an Epson impact printer, you can turn emphasized printing
- off by entering this printer code: \027F. If you are using
- a laser printer and you switched on a different font to
- print the site name, you now have to switch back to the
- original font to print the rest of the folio. Leave this
- entry blank if the previous entry on this form is blank. In
- short, if you turned a special printer font on in the
- previous entry, you must at this point turn that font off or
- set the font back to the original font. The entries you
- make here depend upon the kind of printer you are using and
- can be found in the user guide for your printer. If you are
- in doubt, leave this entry and the prior entry blank.
- o Set Folio Form Length On. If you are printing folios
- on specialized forms, enter the printer Escape Sequence that
- sets your printer to the correct page length. For example,
- on an Epson impact printer if you are using 8.5 by 5.5 inch
- forms, you have to set the printer page length to 33 lines.
- The correct printer Escape Sequence to accomplish this is:
- \027C\033. If you are using 8.5 by 11 inch forms, simply
- leave this entry blank.
- o Set Folio Form Length Off. If you set a special form
- length in the prior entry, you have to reset the form length
- to the normal size after printing the folio. On an Epson
- impact printer, if you set the form length to 33 lines per
- page for the folio in the previous entry, here you have to
- reset the lines per page to 66 (the normal lines per page
- MotelMAX User Guide Page: 23
- for 8.5 by 11 inch paper) after printing the folio. The
- correct printer Escape Sequence for an Epson impact printer
- is: \027C\066. You have to refer to the user guide for your
- printer to find the correct printer code. If the previous
- entry is blank, leave this entry blank as well.
- o Site Name Row, Column, Skip. These entries let you
- change the location of the site name at the top of the
- folio:
- o Row. Enter the row or line number where you want the
- site name printed. Your entry must be more than 0 and
- should be less than 15. If you are using forms that are
- only 5.5 inches in length, take care not to use too many
- lines at the top of the form. You may want to experiment
- with different locations.
- o Column. Enter the column number where you want the
- site name printed. Your entry should be more than zero and
- less than 70; otherwise, the site name may not fit on the
- page. Use this option to move the site name to the left or
- right margin or to center the site name on the folio
- printout.
- o Skip. After printing the site name, MotelMAX skips to
- the next line. If you want to skip an additional line
- before printing the text of the folio, enter <Y>es. Enter
- <N>o if you do not want to skip an additional line. This is
- a matter of preference. Skipping an additional line tends
- to enhance the site name.
- o Upper Case. Enter <Y>es if you want to force printing
- the site name in upper case. If you answer <N>o, the
- program prints the site name exactly as it appears on the
- screen and reports.
- o End of Folio Message. Enter a message line to print on
- the last line of the folio. This message appears on folio
- pre-bills and on the final folio printed at check-out time.
- The message can be up to 70 characters in length. You can
- enter three different messages. The default is print
- message 1, but you can assign any message to a particular
- folio.
- When you make these adjustments to the folio set-up, you
- need a method to check your entries. After you complete the
- form, press <PgDn> to save your entries. From the Main
- Menu, select FrontDesk | Folios. Place the cursor on any of
- the current guests, and press <F7> to view the folio. The
- view shows you the location of the site name and general
- appearance of the folio. However, to test the fonts, and
- MotelMAX User Guide Page: 24
- page length, you have to print the folio. Select <P> to
- print the folio to experiment with the lines per page and
- font sizes you have selected. Try printing folios that have
- more than one page of transactions to fully test the folio
- page length.
- Use the folio view and print option to test your settings.
- Return to the Folio Set-up form to make any changes that are
- necessary.
- Folio Headers
- For MotelMAX users outside the US you can use this option to
- change the prompts that appear on the folio invoice. This
- lets you use the program for most any language. While the
- main program is in English, the letters or invoices that are
- seen by guests can appear in whatever language you need.
- Taxes
- Select this option to build your user defined tax tables.
- Each table has a one letter tax id code. For each table you
- have to enter the following information. In this
- description, we use the words <Tax name> because the actual
- prompt that appears is determined by the account name you
- enter for this account in your Ledger Setup. By creating
- multiple tax tables, there are few tax circumstance that you
- cannot properly manage.
- o Tax Table. Enter a unique one character code for this
- table. Use letters or numbers.
- o Description. Enter a brief name or description for
- this table.
- o 1-Tax name-Account 32100. Use this account for your
- sales tax. Enter the percentage tax amount.
- o 2-Tax name-Account 32200. Enter a percentage amount.
- This works just like the sales tax. It is used primarily
- for Canadian GST or European VAT. Please refer to the
- general ledger set-up screen. There, you can modify the
- description of this tax to something more meaningful than
- `other tax'. You might want to change the description to
- GST or VAT as needed.
- o 3-Tax name-Account 32400. Enter a percentage amount.
- This tax is calculated as a percentage of the base charge
- plus the sales tax amount. This tax is a tax on a tax and
- is used in some localities.
- MotelMAX User Guide Page: 25
- o 4-Room tax-Account 32200. Use this account for room or
- occupancy taxes. Enter the percentage amount.
- o 5-Room Tax Level. In some areas the room tax is not
- applied unless the room amount is above a certain amount or
- level. Enter that level here. You may want to enter 0.01
- so that this tax is applied to all room charges.
- o 6-R-Tax surcharge-Account 32600. Enter a fixed sur
- charge to apply to each room charge. This is not a
- percentage.
- o 7-G-Tax surcharge-Account 32600. Enter a fixed sur
- charge to apply to each guest for each night stayed. This
- is not a percentage.
- Miscellaneous
- Select this option to adjust certain system wide settings.
- These options include:
- o Default Tax Table. Enter the tax id of the default tax
- table. Each time a new reservation is made, the reservation
- is assigned this default tax id.
- o Prompt for Tax Table. The default is <Y>es. Each time
- you book a reservation, the program prompts you for the tax
- table or tax id. However, if everyone is taxed at the same
- rate, you do not have to see this prompt every time. Enter
- <N>o and this entry field is not visible on the Reservation
- Input Form.
- o Occupancy Tax for Extra Guests. This option let's you
- apply the occupancy tax to extra guest charges in addition
- to room charges. Answer <Y>es to add tax 2 to extra guests.
- o Deposit Due Factor. Enter a number here to use in
- calculating the deposit due. MotelMAX takes the total
- amount of the reservation room charges, adds extra guest
- charges and taxes and multiplies that amount by this factor
- to calculate a deposit due amount. If you charge 50% of the
- reservation amount as a deposit, you would enter .5 here.
- If you enter 0, this signals the program that you do not
- require an advance deposit and this line does not appear in
- the confirmation letter.
- o Include Tax in Deposit Due. Answer <Y> es if you want
- MotelMAX to include taxes when calculating the deposit due
- amount.
- o Extra Guest Charge <adults>. Enter your standard extra
- MotelMAX User Guide Page: 26
- guest charge for adults. In some cases, room nights are
- billed for a maximum of two guests. Additional guests are
- charged the amount you enter here per night. This is the
- default rate. When you assign an extra guest charge, you
- can also change the rate.
- o Extra Guest Charge <children>. Same as above, only
- this is the default rate for children.
- o Print <R>eservation Form or <L> etter after RSV. Enter
- <L> if you want MotelMAX to tag each new or edited
- reservation with the number <1> in the reservation browse
- table print queue. Enter <R> and each new or edited
- reservation is tagged with the letter <F> in the print
- queue. You can select <F8> on the reservation browse table
- and print all the tagged reservations at once. The custom
- reservation letter can be designed on the Utilities |
- Manager menu. The reservation form is really a back-up
- paper copy of the reservation. It has more information than
- you are likely to want to send to guests. You may want to
- keep it in a chronological file ordered by arrival date.
- o Days in Month 28-35. Set the number of days you want
- the program to use in determining a one month stay. Your
- entry can range from 28 to 35. The program adjusts
- accordingly.
- o Site Identification Code. Enter a one-letter site id
- code (A-Z). This code is useful if you are using MotelMAX
- at different sites. At some point, you may want to pool all
- transactions from both sites into one file. This site id
- code will help you to determine the origin of all
- transactions. You must enter a letter code here.
- o Set Bell On. Enter <Y>es to leave the bell on or <N>o
- to turn off the sound so that MotelMAX does not beep when it
- displays errmr messages.
- o Track Travel Agents. Answer <Y>es if you want to track
- travel agent information for a reservation. If you enter
- <Y>es, an additional entry appears in the reservation input
- form for travel agent information. Answer <N>o and this
- entry is omitted from the reservation input form.
- o Track RSV Codes. Answer <Y>es if you want to track
- reservation codes for a reservation. If you enter <Y>es, an
- additional entry appears in the reservation input form for
- entering user defined reservation codes. Answer <N>o and
- this entry is omitted from the reservation input form
- o Include Sunday in Weekend Rates. You can choose to
- MotelMAX User Guide Page: 27
- make Sunday a weekend rate along with Friday and Saturday.
- The default is <N>o. Answer <Y>es to make the change.
- Existing reservations are not changed unless you press <F9>
- to re-calculate the reservation or until the reservation is
- checked-in.
- Printer Set-up
- MotelMAX comes with about ten printer setups from which you
- can choose. A setup includes the printer Escape Sequences
- and the page length and page width definitions. The
- printers included are: Epson, Panasonic and several HP
- LaserJet printers. If you have another kind of printer, you
- need to add it to the list. Adding a printer to the printer
- browse table is done as always by pressing the <Insert> key.
- Printer set-up requires that you enter the following
- information for your printer:
- o Printer ID. Enter a unique identification code to
- distinguish this printer from other printers on the list.
- o Description. Enter a free text description of your
- printer type.
- The next three entries are printer codes or Escape Sequences
- that you can find in your printer manual. If you do not
- have these codes, please call our technical support number
- and we can probably find them for you.
- User Names
- This option lets you define user names and passwords and
- control who has access to what parts of the program.
- MotelMAX comes preset with at least two usernames: MANAGER
- and MOTELMAX. Notice that these two user names are
- described as system users. This means they cannot be
- deleted. Having two system user names ensures that there
- are always two user names and that you do not have the
- problem of someone deleting all the user names.
- You can add as many user names as you like. However, each
- name you add will not be a system user name and therefore
- can be deleted. When you add you own user name you may want
- to edit the system user name MANAGER or MOTELMAX to your
- name so that your user name is a system user name.
- Zip Codes
- Use this option to edit the zip code or postal code file.
- You can add and edit postal codes as you enter reservations
- or as you edit guest records. However, at some point you
- may want to access this file directly to make changes or to
- MotelMAX User Guide Page: 28
- delete some entries. Use this option for direct access to
- the zip code or postal code file. If you add a US zip code,
- only add the first five digits. Do not add the entire nine
- digit zip code to any entry in the file. If you are adding
- a Canadian postal code, add only the first three characters.
- Do not add the entire six character postal code. It is too
- specific.
- Reservation Codes
- Use this option to add, edit or delete reservations codes.
- You can add and edit reservation codes as you enter
- reservations or as you edit reservations. However, at some
- point you may want to access this file directly to make some
- changes or to delete some entries. Use this option for
- direct access to the reservation code file.
- Travel Agents
- When you select this item, a list of all travel agents
- currently defined are presented in a browse table. You can
- add, edit or delete travel agents to the browse table as
- needed. Also, when you are booking reservations, if you
- need to book a reservation from a travel agent you can add
- agents to the agent list while you are booking the
- reservation. However, at some point you will want to come
- to the main travel agent browse table and be sure that all
- information is correctly added for each agents.
- MotelMAX User Guide Page: 29