/// <--- These symbols indicate the end of the ini file. Include any commands above this line.
Turn word wrap on in your text editor to read these instructions.
By altering this file "dcfile.ini" you are able to customise aspects of Drug Calculations for Nurses so that a logfile is maintained of users performance. This is a particularly useful feature for teaching and evaluation purposes. Individual users may want to use this facility to track their performance over time.
Each line of this ini file is evaluated separately. Commands are enclosed in <brackets> and are only evaluated if they occur first in a line. Optional arguments are included immediately after the command.
Here is a summary of the commands with an explanation:
You may or may not want to maintain a log file of users progress. If this command is ommitted no file will be maintained and all other commands will be ignored. If you wish to maintain a log file you must include a valid path and name to a log file.
If the path name is illegal or has not been created, or the file name is illegal a warning will be displayed and a log file will not be kept.
Ensure that the path exists and the name is legal. If a path is ommitted the log file will be stored in the Drug Calculations for Nurses Directory.
<KEEP LOG ID> (Path)
This is a variation on the <KEEP LOG> command which keeps a log file for each separate user. The name of the log file will be the first eight letters of the ID number which the user enters and will have ".LOG" as the file extension. An optional path may be included. This is the path to where the log files will be stored. If the ID number is invalid or an error occurs while trying to write to the log file logging facilities will be disabled. This is a handy command. It means that you are able to keep a separate log file for different classes e.g. In combination with the <ID CHECK> command you can keep a separate log file for specific students or individual classes.
The following commands will only be active if the <keep log> command has been activated:
Include this command if you would like the user to be prompted before updating the log file. A message box will be displayed with the text provided immediately after the <PROMPT> command and with two buttons 'Yes' or 'No'. If the <PROMPT> command is not included the log file will automatically be updated.
Example: <PROMPT> If you are a student in pharmacology your results can be recorded to form part of your evidence of competency in drug calculations. Would you like to save your results?
Include this command if you would like to include a message at the login prompt. This message will only be displayed if either the <NAME> or <ID> commands are executed
Include this command if you would like to ask users for an ID number before beginning the program. The ID number will be recorded in the log file with the users session record. This option will also add a new button to the Drug Calculations Menu - "New User". The log file will be updated when a new user logs on or the program is quit.
Use this with the <ID> tag if you wish to check the ID number the user enters against a list of IDs. The name argument is the path and name to a plain text file with a list of ID numbers. Each ID number in the text file should be on a new line. If the ID number provided by the user cannot be found in the file a warning box will be displayed. If the file argument is invalid a warning box will be displayed and people may continue with all logging functions disabled.
Include this command if you would like the user to enter their name at the beginning of the program. You may include this command instead of or as well as the <ID> command. It has the same effect as the <ID> tag.
Records the date of a session in the log file
Records the time of the session in the log file
This command provides an option for the user to not log on with an ID or NAME (if these commands are included in the ini file). They may choose a practice mode in which a log file is not kept. This option might be provided where students are required to undertake a challenge test when they feel they are ready. When the practice mode is chosen by the user all logging facilities are effectively disabled.
The following commands disable aspects of Drug Calculations for Nurses if logging is enabled.
Turns the calculator off.
Turns the 'SHOWME' button off.
Users cannot 'pass over a difficult question. A prompt reminds users if the try.
Prevents the user from seeing the correct answer if a question is incorrect.
Disables the otherwise automatically displayed 'Progress Button' if logging facilities are enabled.
Examples of scripts
Copy and paste these scripts at the beginning of this file to enable them to work. Do experiment by adding / deleting or ammmending commands :
The simplist script is a one liner which just stores the results in a file called 'Record.log':
<KEEP LOG>Record.log
This script stores all results in one file called 'Record.log'. It prompts the user for an ID number and name at the beginning and prompts the user with a statement. It offers the option of a practice mode. It also prompts the user before saving the users name, ID, Date, Time and session details to the file.
<KEEP LOG>Record.log
<PROMPT LOGIN> If you are a student in Pharmacology for Nurses then you are required to enter your ID Number in the field below so your results can be recorded. If you would just like to practice please click the 'Practice' button. Good luck...
<PROMPT> If you are a student in pharmacology for Nurses your results can be recorded to form part of your evidence of competency in drug calculations. Would you like to save your results?
This script has all the bells and whistles. Before running Drug Calculations for Nurses you will need to have created a directory called "c:\drugcalc\logs\". This is where the log files will be kept. You will need to create a directory called "c:\drugcalc\idlists\" which is where your lists of ID numbers will be kept. Create a text file with your list of ID numbers and save it in this directory as "idlist.txt". Of course you can call your directories and files anything that you want.
<KEEP LOG ID> c:\drugcalc\logs\
<ID CHECK> c:\drugcalc\idlists\idlist.txt
<PROMPT LOGIN> If you would like your progress records saved as part of your staff development record please enter your ID number and name. Otherwise choose practice.
<PROMPT> These results may be saved to form part of your staff development record. Would you like to save them?
* Drug Calculations for Nurses will warn the user if the log file exceeds 60 kb. If you plan to use a log file (particularly a shared log file with a large volume of users then you ought to move or delete it regularly e.g. weekly or monthly. The file may become large and some systems may not like that.
* To use a log file the computer or workstation must have both read and write access to the file (this may create security problems on some networks but requires a solution at the network administration level.
* If you decide to change the specifications in this ini file then it pays to start with a fresh log file. Move or delete the old file before running Drug Calculations for Nurses again.