Chip 1999 June
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Text File
865 lines
( VERSION 4.5 )
Programmed By:
Brian DeJong
244 N. 160TH
Holland, Mi. 49423
Documentation & Beta Test By:
Micheal DeJong
Table of Contents
Introduction Page 2
Shareware Page 2
Disclaimer Page 2
Features Page 3
System Requirements Page 4
Printer Configuration Page 4
Quick Start Page 4
Updating From An Earlier Version Page 5
File List Page 6
Operation Page 7
Menu Page 7
Your Personal Information Page 7
Adding A Child Page 7
Medical Information For Child Page 8
Edit A Child Page 8
Deleting A Child Page 8
Print A List Of All Children On File Page 9
Invoices Page 9
Invoices continued Page 10
Edit An Invoice ...(REGISTERED) Page 10
Edit An Invoice Cont'd Page 11
Personal Notes Inserted On Invoices Page 11
Payment History For A Child Page 11
Print A Childs' Information File Page 11
Print A Childs' Information File Cont'd Page 12
Year To Date Income Statement(REGISTERED) Page 12
Year End Payment Clearing (REGISTERED) Page 12
Program Updates And Support Page 13
Registration Benefits Page 14
Registration Form Page 15
- Page 2 -
Welcome to CHILD V4.5. A Day Care Management Program to help
the growing number of Day Care providers with the task of
keeping accurate records of the children in their care. This
helpful program will enable the user to hold records of a
child's medical history, personal information, invoices, payment
history, and much more. CHILD also has a context sensitive
help feature to guide you through the use of the program. Best
of all "CHILD" is very user friendly and easy to use, it is
menu-driven so choices are made from a list of options, in
addition, the bottom of each display window lists the
commands and their descriptions for you.
CHILD is a shareware program, so we encourage you to try it
out and make copies for friends. If you like the program and
continue to use it, we ask that you become a registered user.
The trial period for CHILD is at a maximum of 30 days before
we must insist that you register. Registration costs
$30.00 plus shipping. Which will give you permission to
continue using CHILD and receive all the benefits of the
registered version which are listed later in this
documentation. Permission is hereby granted to make exact
copies of the program and documentation for the purpose
of shareware distribution. Cost of such not to exceed
$5.00 and is only to cover the cost of duplication, and does
not constitute registration of said program.
Warranty Disclaimer
The writers and programmers of "CHILD" make no warranty
concerning the function or fitness of this documentation
or the corresponding program, and shall have no liability or
responsibility to any recipient with respect to any liability,
loss, or damage, directly or indirectly arising out of the
use of the documentation and program, including but not
limited to any loss of business or other incidental or
consequential damages.
- Page 3 -
- Children's Database Including:
1. Childs Name, Address, Phone Number, Birth Date,
Start Date,End Date, Room Number and More!!.
2. Parent's Name, Address, Phone Number, Place of
3. Person(s) To Call In Case Of An Emergencies.
4. List Of Persons Allowed To Pick Up The Children.
5. Ability To Print Out A List Of The Children With
Emergency Phone Numbers To Call.
6. Your Child's Database Can Be Printed In A Easy
- Child's Medical Database Including:
1. Child's Physician With Phone Numbers.
2. Child's Insurance Carrier With Policy Number.
3. Allergy Information.
4. Shot Records.
- Invoicing And Payment History:
1. Print & Record Payments Made To The Day Care With One
Easy To Read Screen.
2. Automatically Keeps Track Of All Outstanding Balances
3. Invoices Show The Payment, Payment History, Year To
Date Total, And Outstanding Balance.
4. Ability To Include Personal Notes At The Bottom Of
The Invoice.
5. Ability To Print A Child's Payment History At Any
1. Edit A Past Invoice Just In Case A Incorrect Entry
Was Made.
2. Ability To Print A Income Summary Report For All The
Income Earned For The Year To Date.
3. Clear All The Payment History At The End Of The Year
Without Deleting All The Child's Information File.
4. Delete A Childs Information from the file.
- Page 4 -
System Requirements
- MS-DOS compatible computer ( IBM-PC, AT, PS/2, or a compatible.)
- MS-DOS Version 3.3 or greater
- At least 512k of free memory
- Will run on either a floppy drive or hard drive. The hard
drive is highly recommended.
- A printer
- A mouse is also recommended for use with this program.
Printer Configuration Choose The MAINT Option from the top line
menu. Select the CHOOSE PRINTER option and press ENTER. This
will bring up a list of the currently supported printers. Use
the arrow keys to high-light the printer that you have or one
that is closest. If your printer is not shown select one that
your printer will emulate. Once you have done this press the
ENTER key to save the selected driver the current one.
Quick Start: Insert the supplied floppy in the A: drive. If your
A: drive is a different format (5.25") you will need to make a
copy of this disk onto one of them. you can do this by putting
the CHILD 4.5 disk in the b: drive and a blank formatted floppy
in the B: drive and type at the DOS prompt: COPY A:*.* B:*.* and
press the ENTER key. Once this is done, log to the A: drive and
type INSTALL.(REGISTERED VERSION ONLY) This will copy all the files
to your hard drive in the directory that you choose. Log to this
directory and type CHILD45 and press ENTER. that's it!!!! you can
start using the program. For SHAREWARE version just unzip the files
and run the file CHILD45S.EXE.
- Page 5 -
Updating From A Earlier Version: REGISTERED VERSION ONLY!!!
If you are a user of CHILD V3.* it is very important to run the
CONVERT4.EXE program included with this updated version of CHILD.
This quick conversion will change your V3.* CHILDINF.300 file to
let the new V4.5 accept and use the data you have already established.
The CHILDINF.300 file is the file where all the data you type in
and save for each child is stored. The very first thing that needs
to be done is to make sure you have a current backup made of your CHILD
directory ( Assuming this is what you have called the directory
your CHILD program is in.) containing all the files that is in
it, which should have been done before you installed CHILDV4.5,
see page 4. The new version of CHILD comes with a very small
CHILDINF.405 file which only has an example child in it for new
users to see.
1.Assuming you are already at the current directory your CHILD
program is installed to, we will call it C:\CHILD for this
2.At the DOS prompt ( C:\CHILD ) type CONVERT4.EXE
3.You then will be prompted to press the ENTER key to continue
the conversion program.
4.It only takes a moment for the program to be completed and you
will then be prompted to press ENTER again to return you to
the DOS prompt.
5.For safety reasons your old CHILDINF.300 file was saved by the
conversion program and renamed as CHILDINF.OLD . If for any
reason something may go wrong you can restore your old data file
by renaming it.
Assuming everything went as expected you now can delete this
file as it will no longer be needed...Also be sure to delete the
CONVERT4.EXE file, running this for a second time by mistake
could loose all the data on your new CHILDINF.405 file.
The new name for your CHILDINF file will be CHILDINF.405 and
will also double in size from the old version.
- Page 6 -
File List What you should have received with CHILDV4.5
CHILDINF.405 The CHILD information file. Which comes with an
example child for a new user to view. People updating from
earlier versions should not use this file...they should convert
their old CHILDINF.300 file to the new format for V4.5 which is
explained in Page 4 & 5.
CONVERT4.EXE The conversion file used to convert the
CHILDINF.300 file used in earlier versions to the new format
that CHILD V4.5 uses. *** Anyone not updating from an earlier
version please delete this file now for you are not to use
it.*** *** All people that have updated their CHILDINF.300 file
from the older versions must also delete the CONVERT4.EXE file
as soon as it was finished. Any questions please read page 5.
CHILDMNU.405 Menu information file. DO NOT DELETE
CHILDNOT.405 Invoicing notes data file. DO NOT DELETE
CURRPRT.405 Current Printer Driver. DO NOT DELETE
CHILD4.TXT The manual you are now reading.
MYINFO.405 Your personal Information file. DO NOT DELETE
NEWPRNT.405 Printer drivers DO NOT DELETE
PRINTLST.405 Printer information file. DO NOT DELETE
REG.DAT Registration Information. DO NOT DELETE
FILE_ID.DIZ Description of CHILD V4.5 for BBS and Venders.
REGISTER.FRM Registration form.
- Page 7 -
MENU: Child has a easy to use pull down menu system. All the
user needs to do is use the arrow keys to highlight the menu
desired and press the ENTER key to pull down the batch of option
available within that menu. Then arrow down to highlight the
option requested and press the ENTER key to select that option.
Your personal information: By using the arrow keys to highlight
the EDIT menu press ENTER, then highlighting the PERSONAL option
and press ENTER. This will open the personal information window
where you will be able to enter your: Day Care Name, Providers
Name, Address, City, State, Zip, State License Number, Phone
Number, Providers Social Security Number. All of this
information is stored and then used in making the invoice by
including it on the invoice. By popular demand the social
security number and the license number have not been included on
the invoice because this is personal information not normally
given out unless asked for.
Adding a child:
By using your arrow keys highlight the EDIT menu and press ENTER
to open that menu option. Then highlight the ADD A CHILD option
and again press ENTER. This will open the Add a Child
information window. Adding the child's information into the
program is as easy as filling in the blanks. All you need to do
is type in the appropriate information and use the TAB key to
move yourself to the next field. Or press SHIFT + TAB keys to
move yourself backwards through the field. You will find that
some fields like the date and phone number fields will
automatically move to the next field as they are filled in.
This feature was placed into CHILD to try to speed up the time
required to enter all of the important information needed to be
stored. When you have reached the amount line in the child's
information screen you then have the option to type in a hourly
rate ( $3.00 per hour ) or a weekly rate ( $100.00 per week ).
After you have typed in the amount you will TAB to the next
field where you will either type HOURLY or WEEKLY to tell the
program how to calculate the amount of money owed for each
payment, this will be described later in the invoice option.
After the Hourly-Weekly line you will them TAB to the NOTES line
where you may type in any special notes about the child, ("Needs
teddy for nap time") ect.
- Page 8 -
Medical information: You now will use the TAB button to
highlight the MEDICAL option at the bottom of the screen and
then press the ENTER button. This will open the MEDICAL window
where you will have the option to enter the child's: Physicians
Name, Phone Number, Insurance Carrier, Policy Number, Allergies,
and the Child's Shot Record. Once again it is important to
remember the TAB key is used to move yourself from line to
line. And the SHIFT + TAB keys are used to move the cursor
backwards through the fields. After all the medical information
has been entered you now will use the TAB key to highlight the
SAVE button on the screen. When you press ENTER you will have
saved all the child's information in the program. One hint for
a quick way to save the information is to press the ALT + S keys
at any field on the screen. When all the information is saved
you will automatically be returned to the main menu.
Edit a child: Whenever there is a need to edit or add any
information in the child's record, all you have to do is:
Highlight the EDIT menu and press the ENTER key to open that
menu option and use the arrow keys to highlight the CHILD FILE
option and press the ENTER key again. This will open the same
child information window you used to enter all the child's
records. At this point you can now use the TAB key to advance
yourself through the fields or use the SHIFT + TAB keys to move
backwards through the fields. After you type in the new
information at the field to be changed you the will use the TAB
key again to advance your cursor to the SAVE button at the
bottom of the screen, then press the ENTER key to save your
changes. A quicker way to save the changes you have made is to
press the ALT + S keys to save all the changes from any field
line. You then will automatically be returned to the main menu.
Delete a child: Use your arrow keys to highlight the EDIT menu
and then press the ENTER key to open that menu option. Use the
arrow keys again to highlight the DELETE A CHILD option and
press the ENTER key to open the delete option. You now will be
shown a list of the children in your program. To delete a child
from this list all that has to be done is use the arrow keys to
highlight the child you wish to delete then press the ENTER key
and you will be prompted to acknowledge that you are certain
that you want to delete this child. Press ENTER to accept the
command and within seconds all the information for that child
will be delete from the program. It is very important to
remember that all the information for the child being delete
will permanently be lost from the program..!
- Page 9 -
Print a list of all children on file: To print a complete list
of all the children in your CHILD program including: Child's
Name, Address, Phone Number, Parents Name, Parents Work Phone
Number. You will first need to make sure that your printer is
turned on and has paper in it. Then use your arrow keys to
highlight the PRINT menu and press the ENTER key to open the
print menu option then use the arrow keys again to highlight the
LIST OF CHILDREN option in the PRINT menu and press the ENTER
key. This will automatically start the printing of the child
list. When the list has finished printing you then will be
returned to the main menu screen.
Invoices: The best feature of CHILD is the ability to give all
of your customers a weekly invoice with a payment history and
yearly balance. This function is very easy to perform all you
need to do is use your arrow keys to highlight the PRINT menu
and press the ENTER key to open the PRINT menu option. Then use
the arrow keys again to highlight the INVOICE option and press
the ENTER key to open it. This will bring you to the children
list of all the children in the DayCare. You now will use your
arrow keys to highlight the child you wish to create an invoice
for and press the ENTER key. If the child is an HOURLY pay
child a window will come up where you can choose to enter the
daily amount of hours that the child was watched. All you do is
enter the amount of hours and press the TAB key to change
fields, continue to do this until all days have been entered and
the CONTINUE button is highlighted. Press the ENTER button to
save this information in the Childs pay record. Or if you
choose to do so you can press the ESC button any time before
pressing the CONTINUE button and the information will not be
saved, but you will not be able to pull this information up
later. At this point you will now be at the invoice window
with your cursor at the child's name. You now will verify that
this is the child you want to make an invoice for. If it is not
you must then press the ESCAPE key to exit the invoice window
and choose the name again. If the child's name is correct then
press the TAB key to move your cursor to the Date Covered field.
You now will enter the dates that the invoice is going to cover,
this is once again a easy fill in the blank field, ( 01/01/1994
). Now again press the TAB key to advance your cursor. If the
child's account is paid on a set weekly amount you will be
advanced to the Amount Due line. If the child's account is paid
at a hourly rate the computer will automatically calculate the
hours watched based on the information inputted in the previous
screen. Now press the TAB key to advance your cursor to the
Amount Due field, you will notice that it already has an amount
entered into this field, this is automatically entered by your
data of the child in his/her amount paid per hour field when
you entered the child into the program.
- Page 10 -
Invoices continued: At the Amount Due field, if the child's pay
is per hour then just press the TAB key and the program will
automatically total the amount due for you and advance you to
the next field. Or just type in the amount in if you wish. If
there is any changes that need to be made you may type in any
amount you wish at the amount due field. If the child pays a
weekly set rate you will also press the TAB key to advance to
the next field and the program will have automatically set the
amount due. Your cursor should now be at the Amount Past Due
field. This field will be discussed further later, for now just
press the TAB key to advance your cursor to the Total Due field.
Here the program has totaled the amount due and the amount past
due for you to give you the total amount due. You now can make
any changes to this amount field or just press the TAB key to
advance your cursor to the Amount Paid field. At the Amount
Paid field you will now enter the actual amount the child's
parents have paid you. Then press the TAB key, this will tell
the program to record all the information entered into the
invoice. If the actual amount paid to you by the parent is
different than the amount due, the program will automatically
leave an amount past due at the Balanced Owed field. This
amount will later be placed into the Amount Past Due field on
the next invoice made for this child. If the amount past due is
owed to you it will add it to the Total Amount field or if the
amount is a credit due to the parent because they overpaid
there amount due then it will automatically be subtracted from
their amount due on the next invoice. Press the TAB key now and
you will advance the cursor to the notes field where you will
be able to edit or add your personal notes to the invoice. To
advance through each line of the notes use the TAB key or SHIFT
+ TAB keys. Press the TAB key one more time, your cursor
should now be at the child's name at the top of the screen. Now
all that needs to be done is to print the invoice. Please make
sure that the printer is turned on and has plenty of paper in
it, and you have pressed the TAB key past the Balance owed field
to put your cursor at the child's name at the to of the screen.
To print the invoice all you need to do is press the F10 key and
it will display a box that will allow you to do ine of three things :
PRINT the invoice, SAVE save the information only and NOT print it,
and CANCEL to just forget it all.
Edit An Invoice: To edit an invoice all you have to do is select
the EDIT menu option and highlight the option of EDIT INVOICE
and press ENTER. You will be presented with a list of the
children in your file, use the arrow keys to highlight the child
file that you wish to edit the invoice for and press the ENTER
key. Next you will be presented with a list of the invoice
dates and amounts for that child, simply highlight the invoice
date that you wish to edit and press the ENTER key. You will
now be at the same invoice screen you use for printing a regular
- Page 11 -
Edit An Invoice Cont'd: Just tab through the fields and change
whatever needs to be changed and then press F10 to save the
information and print the invoice out. If you need to abort
this operation you MUST do so before pressing F10, and can do
this by pressing the ESC key.
Personal notes inserted on invoices: New for CHILDV4.5 is the
ability to insert your own personal notes onto each invoice.
You have two ways to complete this, one way is at the time you
are entering all the payment information on the invoice screen
you can edit or add any notes at the four notes line at the
bottom of the screen. The second way to add notes to the
invoices is to enter them from the main menu. To do this follow
the steps below.
Select the EDIT menu option and arrow down to the NOTES menu option
and press the ENTER key. This will bring up a window that will
have four line fields that represent the four note lines at the
bottom of the invoice screen. Now just enter the information
that you want to display at the bottom of your invoices. This
information will be stored inn a file and will print on ALL invoices.
You still have the option to change this for the individual invoice by
editing it at the time the invoice is printed.
Payment history for a child: This option will enable you to
print a payment history for any given child. This is especially
useful whenever you may have any questions concerning a payment
made to you by the parent. Use the arrow keys to highlight the
PRINT menu option and press the ENTER key to open that menu.
Use the arrow keys again to highlight the PAYMENT HISTORY option
and press the ENTER key again to open the payment history
option. You now will be shown a list of all the children within
your database. Use the arrow keys to highlight the child you
wish to print a payment history on and press the ENTER key.
Automatically the program will print the complete payment
history of the child chosen. The report will include a date
history of all payments made and the date that the payment was
made. It will print a year to date total for all the payments
made at the time of the report. The report will also include a
past due amount owed to the DayCare if any will exist. This
option will be quite useful when the end of the year is here and
the parent needs to know how much they will be able to declare
as a deductible for child care expense.
Printing a child's information file: This is an option put into
the program to allow the user to be able to keep a printed
record of the child's information file that is stored into the
program. Use the arrow keys to highlight the PRINT menu option
and press the ENTER key to open it.
- Page 12 -
Printing a Child's iformation file: Again use the arrow keys to
highlight the the CHILD'S FILE option and press the ENTER key to
open it. You now will be shown a list of all the children
within the program. Use the arrow keys to highlight the child
you would like to make the information report on and press the
ENTER key to chose that child. The program will automatically
print the report which will include all the information that
you have entered when you added this child to the program
including the medical data. This is a very important report
to keep up to date, we all know how miserable it is to have a
computer go down or have a hard drive failure. This report
will give you all the information you need to enter it back in.
( of course you all will make daily backups of the
CHILDINF.DBF file when any changes are made.)
Year To Date Income Statement: Printing a year to date income
statement for you DayCare is as simple as selecting the menu
option of PRINT and highlighting the option of Year End
Statement and pressing ENTER. This report will list all of the
children on file and their total payments as well as any
outstanding balance. These will be totaled at the bottom of the
page. Simple Huh??
Year End Payment Clearing: When you have used the program all
year and have printed the final payment records for all children
on file and now wish to start another profitable year with you
DayCare you will have to clear all payment history information
for last year in order to start the new year. (for memory
purposes CHILD only stores 52 payment cycles for each child = 1
Year). All you have to do is Select the option of MAINT in the
menu and highlight CLEAR PAYMENTS and press the ENTER key. you
will be prompted ARE YOU SURE?? since this is a permanent
operation and cannon be UN-done. Just press the ENTER key and
Viola All payment information is cleared, but the Childs file is
intact and ready for another year..
- Page 13 -
Program Updates and Support
Because I strive to provide the best possible program, I must
periodically enhance and revise CHILD. I will notify all
Registered users by mail when CHILD updates are available, and
how they can be obtained. In closing we would like to thank
you for trying CHILDV4.5. This program has been a great
experience for us to provide the shareware users a very useful
program to manage their income in running a DayCare. Also to
remind you, registering CHILD will gain you many more
helpful and productive features. Enhancements are being added
all the time to make CHILD the only program you will need to
manage your income and receipts to run a quality DayCare. You
comments are appreciated. If you can think of anything that may
enhance CHILD please let me know.
Program Updates And Support Cont: The more input I receive and
the more registered users I get will encourage me to incorporate
my own ideas and yours into CHILD ( Like Expenses ). For
unregistered users, support is limited. But if you have any
problems while evaluating CHILD I am willing to help. I can be
reached several ways. Always registered users will have
priority as to receiving help and support.
Brian DeJong 1-(616)-786-0630
244 N 160th AVE
Holland, Mi. 49423
Please have your registration number handy when calling.
- Page 14 -
Registration Benefits
When you register CHILD, you will receive the following
1. The latest registered version of CHILD.
2. Free unlimited technical support, you will be able to
contact the programmer of CHILD directly. Non-registered users
of CHILD will only receive limited support through MAIL or
collect call.
3. A registration number which will allow you to continue to
LEGALLY use CHILD past the 30 day trial period. This number
will also be required when calling for technical advice or
4. All << UNREGISTERED VERSION >> messages will be removed, and
full access to all areas of CHILD will be restored. Including
the very useful Expense Reporting.
5. All registered users will be the first to receive
information on how to obtain new versions of CHILD.
6. Remember your registration fee for CHILD is an expense to
your day care that is TAX DEDUCTIBLE.
NAME OF DAYCARE ____________________________________ YOUR NAME
____________________________________ ADDRESS
____________________________________ CITY, STATE ZIP
WHERE YOU RECEIVED DEMO_____________________________
________ CHILD V4.5 @ $30.00ea = __________
INCLUDE 6% Michigan Sales Tax = __________
Shipping ($5.00 US & Canada, $12.00 International)
= __________
TOTAL = __________
DISK FORMAT ___ 3.5" FLOPPY ___ 5.25" FLOPPY
Please mail this form to:
Brian DeJong
244 N. 160th AVE
Holland, Mi. 49423
Telephone: 1-(616)-786-0630