home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 500 \n[%s:%d.%s.%d]
- 501 Warning 1: Target file '%s' already exists.
- 502 Warning 2: CopyFiles(%s, %s) failed.
- 503 Section = '%s'
- 504 Target = '%s'
- 505 Source = '%s'
- 506 Deleted file '%s'
- 507 Value = '%s'
- 508 ValueName = '%s'
- 509 Warning 9: RegCreateKeyEx() failed.
- 510 Warning 10: RegOpenKey failed.
- 511 Warning 11: RootKey is NULL.
- 512 RootKey = '%s'
- 513 Directory = '%s'
- 514 Driver = '%s'
- 515 Name = '%s'
- 516 Name = '%s'\nDriver = '%s'\nPort = '%s'\nDataType = '%s'
- 517 Name = '%s'\nDLL = '%s'
- 518 Exe = '%s'\nMode = '%s'
- 519 Warning 19: Using Win16 DLL under Win32.Some functionality is unavailable.
- 520 Warning 20: Unable to delete file. File in use.
- 521 \n[%d.%s]\nCopied %d files of %d total.\nTotal of %d K.
- 522 Operation completed successfully.
- 523 Warning 23: Unable to read version information block in file '%s'.
- 524 Create status window.
- 525 Destroy status window.
- 526 Warning 26: Unable to remove directory '%s'. Directory not empty.
- 527 Force mode. Removing files in directory '%s'.
- 528 Enumerated window '%s'.
- 529 Destroying window '%s'.
- 530 Warning 30: Could not destory window '%s'.
- 531 Loading file array...
- 532 Loaded %d files. Sorting...
- 533 Mode = CD-Rom
- 534 Mode = Diskette
- 535 Moving to next disk ( Disk %d -> Disk %d).
- 536 Copying...
- 537 File = %d%K\nTotal = %dK
- 538 Source version '%s' >= Target version '%s'.
- 539 Source version '%s' < Target version '%s'.
- 540 Mode = '%s'
- 541 Warning 41: File not copied.
- 542 Source date/time '%s' >= Target date/time '%s'.
- 543 Source date/time '%s' < Target date/time '%s'.
- 544 Restart needed.
- 545 Warning 45: Unable to remove directory '%s'.
- 546 Adding reboot processing: copy '%s' to '%s'
- 547 Warning 47: No files deleted.
- 548 Warning 48: Target directory '%s' does not exist. Creating...
- 549 Warning 49: Unable to create directory '%s'.
- 550 Version check copied file from media to '%s'. Using this file as new source.
- 551 Removed temporary file '%s'.
- 552 Diskette name template set to '%s'.
- 553 Warning 53: Unable to create status window.
- 554 Sending '%s' DDE command to Program Manager.
- 555 Warning 55: Undefined Program Manager DDE verb '%s'.
- 556 Warning 56: Operation failed.
- 557 Child process has exited.
- 558 Warning 58: LZOpenFile(%s) returned error %d.
- 559 Flag %d is %d.
- 560 Restart not needed.
- 561 UpdateIni append mode.
- 562 Existing string = '%s'
- 563 New string = '%s'
- 564 Warning 64: Ini target directory '%s' does not exist. Creating...
- 565 UpdateIni edit mode.
- 566 String '%s' found in existing string at position %d.
- 567 File version %lu.%lu found in file.
- 568 Warning 68: CopyFiles() has failed with result code %d.
- 569 Creating .fot font resource file '%s'.
- 570 UpdateIni remove mode.
- 571 Warning 71: Target file '%s' not found. Program Manager icon not created.
- 572 String check = '%s'.
- 573 Warning 73: SendMessage(WM_CLOSE) failed.
- 574 WindowClass = '%s'\nWindowTitle='%s'
- 575 Warning 75: FindWindow() returned NULL.
- 576 Timer delay is %lu milliseconds.
- 577 Warning 77: SetTimer() failed.
- 578 Waiting for timer to expire...
- 579 Warning 79: CreateScalableFontResource() failed.
- 580 Warning 80: AddFontResource() failed.
- 581 Font added successfully.
- 582 Copying '%s' to '%s'...
- 583 Source file is compressed.
- 584 Source file is uncompressed.
- 585 Warning 85: First chance file copy failed.
- 586 Warning 86: Second chance file copy failed.
- 587 Executing ExitWindowsExec(%s, %s).
- 588 Reboot execution file is '%s'.
- 589 No matches.
- 590 Warning 90: Reboot batch file error.
- 591 Warning 91: Process '%s' failed to start.
- 592 \n[Contents of %s]
- 593 \n[Finalizing reboot batch]
- 594 %u -> %s
- 595 Warning 95: Changed attributes of file '%s' (was read only).
- 596 Key = '%s'
- 597 Attribute '%s' = '%d'
- 598 SubKey = '%s'
- 599 NewKey = '%s'
- 600 Source version %lu.%lu >= Target version %lu.%lu
- 601 Source version %lu.%lu < Target version %lu.%lu
- 602 Warning 102: OpenPrinter() failed in SetPrinterAttributes()
- 603 Warning 103: API failure in SetPrinterAttributes(). (%d)
- 604 GetLastError(0x%lx) = %s\n
- 605 Warning 105: Language monitor already installed.
- 606 Monitor = '%s'
- 607 Data Type = '%s'
- 608 Environment = '%s'
- 609 Data File = '%s'
- 610 Config File = '%s'
- 611 Calling DevInstall() in '%s' for '%s', '%s'
- 612 Calling MoveFileEx() to move '%s' to '%s'.
- 613 %s (privilege enabled).
- 614 Adding reboot processing: remove '%s'
- 615 Warning 115: Delayed file removal.
- 616 Dependent files = '%s'
- 617 Version = %u
- 618 Warning 118: Unimplemented feature.
- 619 CRC-32 from HPI file is%08lX.
- 620 CRC-32 of installed file is %08lX.
- 621 Associate '%s' with '%s'