128 Chyba 28: Nelze vytvoYit zßstupce. Spoj cφlovΘho souboru '$error1$' nenalezen.
129 Chyba 29: Nelze pYidat monitor ovladae '$error1$'.
130 Chyba 30: Nelze odstranit monitor ovladae '$error1$'.
131 Chyba 31: Nelze vymazat soubor '$error1$'.
132 Chyba 32: Nelze odstranit tiskßrnu '$error1$'.
133 Chyba 33: Neplatnß operace pro 16ti bitovΘ Windows.
134 Chyba 34: Nelze vymazat soubor '$error1$' (SystΘmov² soubor).
135 Chyba 35: Nelze vymazat soubor '$error1$' (Soubor pouze pro tenφ).
136 Chyba 36: Nelze vymazat soubor '$error1$' (Soubor je pou~φvßn).
137 Chyba 37: Nelze vymazat soubor '$error1$' (Soubor je adresßY).
138 Chyba 38: Nelze aktualizovat soubor .ini '$error1$' .
139 Chyba 39: Nelze spustit/zastavit servis '$error1$'.
140 Chyba 40: Nelze inicializovat ovlada tiskßrny. ($error1$)
141 Chyba 41: Nelze zmnit atributy cφlovΘho souboru '$error1$'. (Soubor je pouze pro tenφ).
142 Chyba 42: Kontrolnφ souet zkopφrovanΘho souboru '$error1$' neodpovφdß zdrojovΘmu souboru.\nNejpravdpodobnjaφ pYφinou tΘto chyby je vadnΘ instalanφ mΘdium.
61204 Zvolte instalanφ adresßY
61205 Na instalanφ diskovΘ jednotce %s nenφ dostatek mφsta.\n Zvolte prosφm jinΘ mφsto pro instalaci nebo\nzruate nastavenφ, uvolnte dalaφ mφsto a znovu spusete nastavenφ.
61206 Jedno nebo vφce instalanφch mφst nemß dostatek volnΘho mφsta.\n Zvolte prosφm jinΘ mφsto pro instalaci nebo\nzruate nastavenφ, uvolnte dalaφ mφsto a znovu spusete nastavenφ.
61207 Zvolte mφsto instalace
61208 CHYBA: Nebyl nalezen soubor licence.
61209 Vaae tiskßrna sΘrie HP DeskJet $product$ byla nalezena na portu %s.
61210 Byla nalezena tiskßrna sΘrie HP DeskJet $product$
61211 Vaae tiskßrna sΘrie HP DeskJet $product$ nebyla nalezena na portech LPT1: - LPT3:. \nZkontrolujte prosφm zapojenφ k sΘrii HP DeskJet $product$ a zkuste to znovu.
61212 Tiskßrna sΘrie HP DeskJet $product$ nebyla nalezena
61213 %s [%s] (%lu MB volnΘho mφsta)
61214 %lu MB / %lu MB
61215 Diskovß jednotka Windows (%s)
61216 Instalanφ diskovß jednotka (%s)
61217 Na disku nenφ dostatek mφsta
61218 Pro instalaci sΘrie HP DeskJet $product$
61219 Chyba vyvolßvßnφ instalanφho programu
61220 (AdresßY nenalezen. K vytvoYenφ nov²ch adresßYo pou~ijte tlaφtko "Newdir").
61222 Zkopφrovßno %lu z %lu KB.
61231 (ZßdnΘ porty nenalezeny)
61440 Open
61441 Save As
61442 All Files (*.*)
61443 Untitled
61446 an unnamed file
61457 &Hide
61472 No error message is available.
61473 An unsupported operation was attempted.
61474 A required resource was unavailable.
61475 Out of memory.
61476 An unknown error has occurred.
61696 Invalid filename.
61697 Failed to open document.
61698 Failed to save document.
61699 Save changes to %1?
61700 Failed to create empty document.
61701 The file is too large to open.
61702 Could not start print job.
61703 Failed to launch help.
61704 Internal application error.
61705 Command failed.
61706 Insufficient memory to perform operation.
61707 System registry entries have been removed and the INI file (if any) was deleted.
61708 Not all of the system registry entries (or INI file) were removed.
61709 This program requires the file %s, which was not found on this system.
61710 This program is linked to the missing export %s in the file %s. This machine may have an incompatible version of %s.
61712 Please enter an integer.
61713 Please enter a number.
61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2.
61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2.
61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters.
61717 Please select a button.
61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255.
61719 Please enter a positive integer.
61720 Please enter a date and/or time.
61721 Please enter a currency.
61728 Unexpected file format.
61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given.
61730 Destination disk drive is full.
61731 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else.
61732 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else.
61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1.
61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1.
61836 Unable to read write-only property.
61837 Unable to write read-only property.
61840 Unable to load mail system support.
61841 Mail system DLL is invalid.
61842 Send Mail failed to send message.
61856 No error occurred.
61857 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1.
61858 %1 was not found.
61859 %1 contains an invalid path.
61860 %1 could not be opened because there are too many open files.
61861 Access to %1 was denied.
61862 An invalid file handle was associated with %1.
61863 %1 could not be removed because it is the current directory.
61864 %1 could not be created because the directory is full.
61865 Seek failed on %1
61866 A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1.
61867 A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1.
61868 A locking violation occurred while accessing %1.
61869 Disk full while accessing %1.
61870 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end.
61872 No error occurred.
61873 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1.
61874 An attempt was made to write to the reading %1.
61875 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end.
61876 An attempt was made to read from the writing %1.