home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- Undefined error.
- Out of memory.
- Conventional memory heap corrupted.
- Invalid conventional memory block.
- Out of EMS memory.
- EMS memory heap corrupted.
- Invalid EMS memory block.
- Expanded Memory Manager failure.
- Out of soundcard memory.
- Soundcard memory heap corrupted.
- Invalid soundcard memory block.
- Out of instrument handles.
- Unable to open file.
- Unable to read file.
- Invalid module file.
- Invalid instrument in module.
- Invalid pattern data in module.
- Invalid channel number.
- Invalid instrument handle.
- Sound Device channels not open.
- Sound Device hardware failure.
- Invalid function arguments.
- File does not exist.
- Invalid file handle.
- Access denied.
- File exists.
- Too many open files.
- Disk full.
- Unexpected end of file.
- Invalid path.
- Unable to write file.
- Unable to lock Virtual DMA buffer.
- Unable to use Virtual DMA Services.
- Invalid Virtual DMA Service version.
- DPMI failure.
- Invalid segment descriptor.
- Out of system resources.
- Not enough conventional memory.
- I need DOS version at least
- Invalid disc
- Unable to select fantom disc
- Failed to test fantom disc
- You killed a cat, lives had she
- Unable to create file.
- Unable to close file.
- Too big file.
- Unable to write to disk in ReadOnly mode.
- Event Wait busy.
- Dialog window is bigger than screen, try higher resolution.
- There wasn't found any file
- matching mask
- Not enough memory for shell command
- Unsuccessful shell call
- FileLoad failed.
- FileSave failed.
- Calling shell failed.
- Address
- Unable to set video mode.
- Bad VESA BIOS. Get a better one or use VGA resolution.
- Screen=nil. You should set a video mode first.
- Incorrect font.
- It's not possible to set/convert so big font.
- Error in INI file, line:
- Bad hexadecimal number on following line of INI file:
- INI reader internal error.
- Number out of range $..$ on following line of INI file:
- Variable should be number on following line of INI file:
- ReadOnly mode, skipping job with
- You alloc too many conv.mem.blocks. For author: increase maxDosBlocks.
- conv.mem.blocks not freed.
- Nobody sets ret, internal error.
- Bios sux, service 'load user font' changes doublescanning.
- There is no mouse bitmap for this model.
- Unable to save bitmap.
- last mode forgot to free timer
- no bitmap on input.
- too big bottom map.
- Proceed according to instructions on screen.
- If you are in window, go to fullscreen!
- ...ENTER - continue...
- If text moves, press ENTER.
- Otherwise ESC.
- ENTER if text flicks, otherwise ESC.
- Press ENTER.
- Press ESC.
- If you see only halfcircle, press ESC.
- Press ENTER if you see whole circle.
- If this column is in the middle of screen, press ENTER. If it is aside, press ESC.
- If cursor moves vertically (in one column), press ENTER. Otherwise ESC.
- If text moves smoothly, press ENTER. Otherwise ESC.
- If text moves
- smoothly,
- press ENTER.
- Otherwise ESC.
- Missing file
- File $ already exists.
- Directory $ doesn't exist.
- Unable to open file
- Unable to read file
- Unable to read whole file
- Unable to create file
- Unable to write file
- perhaps low diskspace.
- Unable to close file
- Unable to rename file
- Unable to delete file
- to
- Unable to get size of file
- Unable to get attributes of file
- Unable to set attributes of file
- Unable to create directory
- Unable to enter directory
- Unable to delete directory
- Error occured during action.
- Continue;Ignore all;Stop
- Bad numeral base.
- Bad digit on input.
- Stream access error
- Cannot initialize stream
- Read beyond end of stream
- Cannot expand stream
- Get of unregistered object type
- Put of unregistered object type
- Write protected disc.
- Drive
- Drives
- No files
- Wait,
- please
- Sorting..
- Division by zero
- Range check error
- Stack overflow error
- Out of memory
- Invalid pointer operation
- Floating point overflow
- Floating point underflow
- Invalid floating point operation
- Overlay manager not installed
- Overlay file read error
- Object not initialized
- Call to abstract method
- Stream registration error
- Collection index out of range
- Collection overflow error
- Arithmetic overflow error
- General Protection fault, hehe :)
- Break, you rule.
- Usage: FN [options] [source [destination]]
- -i show informations about source fonts, nothing more
- -f show formats description, nothing more
- -p convert font to proportional
- -r rename font (name in header, not a filename)
- -first-last tells that font contains only chars first..last (eg. -32-255)
- -wnumber sets char width in FNT in pixels, 8 by default
- -snumber shifts all chars up (to create superscript)
- -k some conversion meaningful only for Czechs
- -v work out all fonts from a multifont file (.fon)
- -cword word found in each font header in multifont file, (c) by default
- (I have no .FON description, I detect subfonts by searching this word)
- :lang language selection (:eng or :cz)
- If you enter only source, font is set up on screen.
- If you enter also destination, program tries to convert.
- Both source and destination may contain * and ? (eg. FN *.fnt *.fn).
- Formats (sorted by complexity):
- FNT - unpacked bitmaps, width 8 pixels, height autodetected
- FNP - as FNT but with byte width(1-24) before each bitmap
- RIF - magic "af"; pchar copyright; word height(0-24),lastchar (firstchar=32);
- table[word ofs_from_bitmaps_start,width(0-16)]; bitmaps heap
- FN - magic "δm╒onτ "; pchar name; char firstchar,lastchar; short sizeover,
- sizeunder; short addspace; byte future; table[short relx,rely;
- byte width,height,shift; word ofs_from_file_start]; bitmaps heap
- FON - copyright, copyright, copyright, chaos, copyright...
- Too many parameters.
- FON chaos 1, I can't code more without format description.
- FON chaos 2, I can't code more without format description.
- Fonts:
- Use font number
- Font
- Height
- Size
- doesn't match parameters - it's not multiple of
- Too big font.
- Internal error, bad size of generated fn.
- Expand failed.
- Shrink failed.
- Write to format .
- is not supported.
- Rename (enter unlimited-length fontname, will be stored in font header):
- Proporc.
- Superscript.
- Show.
- Save
- There is no loader for such format.
- There is no writer for such format.
- Unsupported monochromatic image!
- Unsupported compression type!
- Unsupported bitdepth!
- Palette was not found!
- Unexpected palette!
- Error in data!
- Too many Huffman tables!
- Too many quantisation tables!
- Too many color components!
- Noninterlaced images are not yet supported!
- Incorrect number of color components
- Bogus DRI size!
- Incorrect file header size!
- DHL not yet supported!
- Unknown mark found in data!
- CMYK color model not yet supported!
- YIQ color model not yet suported!
- Unknown color model!
- Arithmetic compression is not yet supported!
- HSI JPEGs are not yet supported!
- Unexpected end-of-file marker found!
- No Huffman decompression table was defined!
- Unsupported type of interlacing!
- Unexpected marker found in data!
- Interlaced images are not yer supported!
- Image too wide!
- Only 256color images are supported!
- Bad CRC of the file header
- Unexpected end of the file found!
- Progressive mode images are not yet supported!
- Unknown compression type!
- Too big decompression buffer required, not supported!
- Unknown filter type!
- Incorrect size of uncompressed block!
- Alpha channel is not yet supported!
- Too big animation for indirect player.
- Unable to play module
- Forbidden sample name
- Incorrect sample, only 8bit mono allowed.
- MIDAS Error:
- FATAL MIDAS uninitialization failure:
- Some error in background description:
- Syntax error in background description:
- Unknown color:
- Bad project name, *?[|] have special meaning.
- Compile first - use parameter 1.
- is listed more than once.
- $. DM filename.
- Name of $. DM file contents.
- If it isn't Root, it's AddOn for
- (you can use *,?,[variant1|variant2|..] in expression)
- 2-3 letter long acronyme.
- linked from
- Move poorly compressed (too big!) JPGs to directory
- (Yes/No)
- YyNn
- has
- should have
- poorly compressed
- No link to page
- Page
- is not fit! (I accept only versions 200..
- Picture
- used on page
- doesn't exist.
- Page
- contains link to some
- Excluding
- Ignoring size of
- Chcecking dependencies inside project...
- I didn't found any pages to compile into .DM file.
- Project size
- Not enough memory for Parlan script.
- Too many columns on page.
- Shortening text.
- Too small buffer for dmtext.
- Unknown file format.
- Missing page template.
- Page has incomplete header, maybe you changed template.
- Loop in templates.
- Too many DM files.
- Too many projects.
- Too many DM files in one project.
- Not compiled
- must be root
- rulez
- sux
- none
- Looking for DMs in
- version
- Missing
- but you can select other language.
- Sorry, too many pages in history.
- Unable to refresh old page (low memory or internal error).
- Palette editor (controls: mouse, space, z,x)
- ESC=abort
- ENTER=confirm
- set
- Setup
- ndx
- Index
- rip
- Ripper
- shell
- W/ music
- shell
- W/o music
- bye
- Exit
- trying size
- Ministack overflow.
- Ministack underflow.
- Export to:
- screenshot
- picture of whole page
- plain text
- Vyhen: plain page
- HTML: plain page
- HTML: page and pictures
- HTML: whole site with subpages
- Machina: plain page
- Machina: fully equipped page
- Machina: whole site with subpages
- Page doesn't contain any text data.
- Select module to play.
- Module
- doesn't exist.
- has no modules.
- Where to go for modules
- Browse disc...
- This menu.
- Project selector.
- Resolution selector.
- Language selector.
- Page export.
- Select module.
- Reinitialize Midas.
- Mute.
- Stop samples currently playing.
- Sudden death.
- Main menu.
- Palette editor.
- Space
- Link points to
- This format is not supported.
- points to
- which wasn't found.
- Unable to create button (bad parameters or low memory).
- Directory for exported files.
- Ripping unfinished.
- Trying
- Installing
- to
- Entering readonly mode.
- Note: SET DM=path tells me where my config files should be.
- INI file
- is created by higher version of Machina.
- If you really want to use this older version, you must delete INI file.
- Installing Machina to
- Updating Machina in
- Parameters:
- ?,H - help
- R - readonly mode (doesn't write to disk)
- S - safe mode (no timer, no hw scrolling, no mousehandler)
- :lang - select language (:eng or :cz)
- O - oldies but goldies (read also 0.xx version .DM files, no warranty)
- D,DP,DM,DW,DC,DA,DS - different debug modes
- (debug general,pal,mem,writer,cache,atoms,scripts)
- I - automatic installation/update (to $ or %DM%)
- E - editor (create your diskmag..)
- 1 - compile project (generate filelist $)
- 2 - link project (merge files from $ to .DM)
- VGA,VESA,NOVGA,NOVESA - forces or disables VGA or VESA modes
- AxisRelationLimit - limits resolutions in axis x or y by given # of pixels
- (examples: y=480, xlt800, "x<800", x!=360, "y<100"...)
- +bits - use only modes with this number of bits per pixel (4,8,15,16,24,32)
- -bits - ignore modes with this number of bits per pixel (4=textmode)
- directory- search .DM files also there
- file - open this .DM file
- Unknown parameter
- Program is already running, run another copy? [Yes/No/you Lie]
- YyNnLl
- Linked ini file version doesn't match program version.
- Linked ini file language doesn't match its name.
- Yes;Cancel
- Internal error, bad estimation of? page size.
- column
- bytes
- Page
- can't be saved. Rename it.
- Select page or type new name.
- Layer has no space for text, make it in source or go to a different one.
- Select picture...
- Select script...
- Select font...
- You mix 4 fonts on one page and want more?
- Your link points to...
- Merge this column with previous one (ENTER=yes, ESC=no) ?
- You are going to erase background textures. Continue? (ENTER=yes,ESC=no)
- Define textures on background. F1=help.
- Page size (WIDTHxHEIGHT) (width≥
- Recommended resolution (WIDTHxHEIGHT).
- Page name.
- Page author.
- Flags
- Old password is:
- PASSWORD1,output1,PASSWORD2,output2...
- ;Is checkbox supposed to rip some file?
- Killing bad demons...
- Note: You don't have a VESA BIOS.
- Note: You don't have a mouse.
- Check Event Wait...
- Your operating system currently doesn't support standard Event Wait service.
- I can continue, but anything could happen then.
- Check OS...
- Note: Scrolling is smoother without Windows.
- Check memory...
- Note: More memory won't be amiss.
- You don't have enough memory. I can continue, but expect troubles.
- Select one set of script parameters.
- Setting has effect from next session.
- Script
- parameter
- is of unknown type
- has not documented parameters.
- doesn't support parameters
- parameter of type script/link/... must be last.
- Text cathegory
- Normal text
- Different text (cowriter, cite, code...)
- Emphasized text, links
- Strongly emphasized text
- Select theme
- The most important in one minute
- !1stmin.eng
- Keyboard, mouse
- !keys.eng
- Main help
- !editor.eng
- Pictures and animations
- !picture.eng
- Editor menu
- !edmenu.eng
- Backgrounds and textures
- !texture.eng
- Sound and music
- !sound.eng
- Projects
- !project.eng
- Atoms, scripts, ParLan
- !parlan.cz
- Bugs and collapses
- !bugz.eng
- Format description
- !format.eng
- Other functions
- Page size
- Template page
- Page name
- Page author
- Recommended resolution
- Background picture
- Background description
- List of fonts
- Sample ■ (welcome)
- Sample ■ (wel.again)
- Sample ■ (yessir)
- Sample ■ (goback)
- Sample ■ (boom)
- List of modules
- Flags
- Center column
- Resolution in editor
- Zoom in editor