ocr: Summary of iesults for y Page : 1 iE i j D= From To Shipmentle cost Opp.Ct. From To Shipmentle cost Opp.Ct. S1 D1 +80.000 +15.000 U S2 D3 +200.00 +8.0000 S1 D2 +150.00 +25.000 S2 D4 U +11.000 U S1 D3 U +40.000 +13.000 S3 D1 +3.000D S1 D4 +2U.UUD +30.000 S3 D2 +40.UDD +21.UDD S2 D1 U +30.000 +34.000 S3 D3 +23.000 +8.UDUD S2 D2 U +7.0000 +1.0000 S3 D4 +100.00 +18.000 U Minimum value of OBJ = 8950 (multiple sols.) terations = 0 Press any key to continue.