ocr: Guard Dog IL X VIRUS ENCYCLOPEDIA ()Brain 3) It then proceeds to 01-07 infect al1 the COM files 104 in the directory. 1241 4) Finally it executes the 163 originally malled Eile. 1720 17690 Damage: None 17-768 1800 Detection Met hod: 203 Infected iles will 205 increase 2136 by 205 2343 Bytes. 2560 2570 Note: 302 1) Doesn't stay resident 330 in memory. 334 2) 205 doesn't hook INT 408 24h when infecting files. 439 Error nessage occurs if 915 there i= an Io srror 492 (such a write 4-A protect) - - Home Update Options - About Help Update Guard Dog over the Internet. Close