ocr: About bow tachaSebestova came bya a disconmected telephone handset - e lackatat cinbovni dim Mach and Sebestova were pupils lares E à F in Class 3B, They lived in CUNER sanseli - eden the same block of flats pepib a Han - - schel and walked to school together. -n deplene adset. sluchalo, Among their neighbours were : mbar pars 1 aear Mrs Kadraticova and her dog Jonatan E a s caloul a Noatseal kudstryeabl * and Mrs Cibulkova and her cat Micinka le parry sr iaval E are nan 0oT eething BEVDR semen HC a lers ap -a N : realise a let warch ke hkdat : * pestat. l - - A wings. ia nly s allihe wval - i ...